What is the correct answer to this situation?
What is the correct answer to this situation?
Other urls found in this thread:
pee on them
Either take care of the problem now or fight them when they are grown.
There is only one right answer.
The great Bard R. Kelly, it is an honor
Free fucking squires right there.
Raise them to be Goblin Paladins of course. Orphaned children tend to make the best Paladins.
Depends on the setting but more often than not exterminate
Nits make lice
Emergency rations.
I hated how that doujin ended.
but there is only one answer.
I was saying kill them long before that edgy goblin Slayer manga
>Goblin paladins
I'm sorry, try again.
I had no doubt someone would procure an image sooner or later.
Do you get like a tax cut if you adopt all 4? What is the tax policy in this particular situation?
Put them to work doing the household chores. May as well train them now while their shit influence parents are dead.
Raise them to be Goblin Paladins of course. Orphaned children tend to make the best Paladins.
My man
Keep them as sex slaves.
>Doing anything with goblin children other than smiting
It depends on the setting. In Goblin Slayer goblins are inherently evil, being made by an evil god to torment people. In D&D goblins generally aren't inherently evil and can be raised to be decent people, even if you can't make them not stupid.
If they're so evil, why keep the distinction of "children" in there, Gobslayer? Are you saying there's something more that should be done if they're NOT children?
Skin them for a fancy coat.
I wish goblin slayer-fags would stop circulating around the boards to shoehorn their mediocre manga that should spend some time on /wbg/ into them. There is a chance that this thread keeps to the topic and everything will be fine, or this thread starts to be about the manga and shitposting ensues.
Yes. About three days more scouting and prep work.
Train them as assistants of course! Why on earth would I waste the opportunity to acquire pliable servants for free? Also goblins are small enough to do halfling work, and I don't have to pay them in baked goods.
Goblins are always evil. Their brains are designed that way. So killing them isn't evil.
>Raise them to be Goblin zombies of course
Got a name so I can check it out for myself?
>implying there are other answers
what is this from?
Gobslayer makes irrefutable points
Raise them as your own
Teach them love and kindness in the human world, teach them right from wrong
Send those orcs to college
Killing evil babies is an act of good approved by the gods and by the forces that power the universe in general.
At least in D&D.
Like others said, more scouting to ensure they don't have a hidey-hole they tried to escape to. If a group of four adult goblins decided to try and hide to ride out the attack it means others could have done the same. Also do you not make distinctions to at least classify threat levels? An adult goblin will be more capable but even young goblins can be lethal if you let your guard down.
Take them, raise them as your own, and treat them to hate everything about their species so that when they grow up they'll willingly participate in the extermination of their kin. And then once they've killed adult goblins, they'll take the children they find and repeat the process all over again, because they think they'll have to "save" them.
Revenge rape then kill
>this is ridiculous
>complaining about thicc kobold booty
This is now a thicc kobold thread
You know, if the goblin slayer fails and dies. Than goblins take control of an important part of the realm and establish their own empire they will call goblin slayer the most evil person that ever existed and those who followed him were evil homicidal maniacs. If they keep telling that lie long enough and loud enough people will believe it. And the future generations will curse him for his deeds and will feel shame for his deeds collectively as the human race.
Why is Adolf-chan doing the Power Pose?
In traditional D&D lore, most creatures had no say in their alignment, because Good/Evil and Lawful/Chaotic were not relative. They were inherent natural forces. It's how the setting was made. "Usually neutral evil" only started being a thing in later editions.
If you're in a setting where goblins are always neutral evil because they don't get a say in their alignment and they are compelled to be as such by the incomprehensible forces of the universe, no matter what you do, those children are going to grow up to be evil. They are already evil, they are born evil. Not "relatively evil" because it's Evil, not evil. There are certain things an Evil creature will always do, and that's just how it is.
If you're in a setting where it's just "usually neutral evil" there's probably a lot more leeway, but in these kinds of settings alignment is a complete farce, and the creatures should be characterized by more than two vague terms that already don't mean anything because everything is relative, guys!
>Dr. Mengele, I'm SS
This, the only setting you can even consider letting them live is warcraft and elder scrolls
Tolkien specified the Lindoners did not slay even orc captives so my question is: what did they do with them?
What sort of Good aligned Gods might a Goblin follow? The shiniest of them?
>Uhh you dont get to bring any jews
Personally I'd think ones with a more chaotic tilt to them
It begins with R and ends with ape.
>Alignment doesn't mean anything if it's not 100% black and white
How's autism treating ya, buddy?
If it's goblins from that manga, the correct course is fire.
>Meaningless terms really enhance my experience
It's pretty good because I don't have to spend time wondering whether something is A or B when it's labeled as A but it could be B for [reason].
That's just how the alignment system is designed, and it flat out doesn't work if you try to apply it to anything else.
So, are humans Always Neutral then, or dwarves Always Lawful Good? Fuck, even Modrons vary in how lawful they are, and they're basically the manifestation of lawfulness. Goblins aren't demons or devils, they're not the literal manifestation of an alignment. What would prevent a goblins from turning out neutral? And if a goblins can turn out neutral, how is exterminating their babies okay?
Worked them to death in elf concentration camps.
Came here to post this
I don't have the original rules handy, but yes, the "Always X alignment" was implied and player characters were an exception in that they could sometimes change their alignment.
>What would prevent a goblins from turning out neutral?
It's Always Neutral Evil. The creature is inherently like this. Its nature prevents it from turning out not-Evil. It cannot, it has no choice.
AD&D also had languages that were tied to alignment. You were literally incapable of comprehending some languages unless you had that alignment. It's like a lawyer trying to speak legalese to someone who only speaks gang slang.
>if a goblins can turn out neutral, how is exterminating their babies okay
Well then I guess your alignment system is full of shit since it fails in doing the one thing it's designed to do. Maybe use some other cues before asking if exterminating babies is OK? Like, are they eating each other? Are they trying to kill other creatures? So, it really depends on both the setting and the exact situation at the moment.
A blanket answer only works in situations where there is no relativism.
I'm pretty sure that's the opposite of what he intended with that moralfaggotry. But very little else makes sense since we have no good or neutral orc settlements so rehabilitation seems out. Did they just release them into the wild? Into Mordor?
Shoot the Leader Goblin was a baby goblin that didn't immediately get SMITTED when his clan or whatever got whipped out.
Isn't it still ongoing? There's one volume of manga but the original novels have like 4 volumes.
shapely quads m8
>Well then I guess your alignment system is full of shit since it fails in doing the one thing it's designed to do.
And another note on that: even in systems with poorly-implemented alignments (like 3.5) there might be some sort of way to "detect alignment." If the babies ping as Evil, and the character has no obligation to not kill children, and the character also has no obligation to save anyone, then you could still justify killing the children.
Yes, he got away more than once and took advantage of that over and over playing on people's emotions.
What's the manga and novels? Also is the hero like that in them, I don't mind me some smite all the evil heros now and then.
Well, what is the sauce you double niggers
Shit, they were right when they said /a/ was leaking in.
What's worse to you, /a/ leaking in or Reddit leaking in?
Do they make good slaves? Are they at least decent?
/a/ has been here for years.
Probably /a/, the only guys who seem to care about reddit are the /pol/ guys who showed up at the election
Yeah, but they weren't so cancerous before.
Here ya go, sorry about the /a/ infestation.
Jokes on you, I only complained about spoonfeeding so someone would post sauce out of spite
Works every time
gr8 post m8 I r8 two fives, two fours, and four 8's.
>actually spoonfeeding
The faggotry is off the charts, but the little retard has learned that you can get your faps on a blue board.
>AD&D also had languages that were tied to alignment. You were literally incapable of comprehending some languages unless you had that alignment. It's like a lawyer trying to speak legalese to someone who only speaks gang slang
Yes, and it was retarded.
>A blanket answer only works in situations where there is no relativism.
Yes, and those situations are retarded.
Outside of literal embodiments of alignments like Modrons or Angels or Demons, the idea of Always Neutral Evil is just straight up retarded. Even Tolkien thought it retarded, even if he used it for Orcs. The idea of a "team good" and "team evil" which is predetermined from birth just kills all suspension of disbelief. These characters aren't characters, they're playing pieces on a chessboard.
>Implying there shouldn't be a lawful good demon paladin
You might not remember, but anonymous delivers.
You don't actually even have to spite me into it, just let me wake up.
Tolkien, as a Catholic, simply couldnt accept evil as an innate quality of any being.
Step 1: Relocate to an enclosure and implement a selective breeding program while selecting for low aggression, high sociability, and need for affection and approval. Think Golden Retriever with thumbs and literacy.
Step 2: Once required levels are met, rebrand as 'house elfs' and sell to wealthy families as servants.
Step 3: Rake in profits until some lawful good wizard considers them sentient and oppressed and teaches them about collective bargaining.
Matthew 19:26, user. He was just doing what his holy book told him.
Hey. Thanks for posting sauce. You're a good dude, my man.
Will the Hero will never get revenge against humanity ;_;7
Yeah, it came from his belief in an all powerful good that always offers redemption, but it doesn't make it any less ridiculous even as a non believer.
It begins with R and ends with tentacles in holes that most people don't even have names for.
>ever not using defeated foes in a productive manner
Why would you ever kill something you could enslave/nerve staple/make whole/cap/harvest?
>search through google :nothing
>search through iqdb: nothing
>ask here get called spoon feeding
Just remember to help search for the next person who needs it.
Google search results are different for each person's computer, after all.
>Just remember to help search for the next person who needs it
They always say that, but they still want to be spoonfed.
For a kobold thread it's not very kobold-y in here
Veeky Forums is already 90% Reddit, so they're more concerned about /a/
Man, you really have no idea how google works.
You can always just log out of your Google account and look it up. Or better yet use Yandex.