"The Troll Feeds Us" edition
>Savage Worlds Troves
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Best scifi setting?
"The Troll Feeds Us" edition
>Savage Worlds Troves
>Web Tools
>Previous Thread
Best scifi setting?
So what's everyone working on?
I'm currently running a fantasy game, but it's so fucking boring. Standard "go into the dungeon and kill goblins fantasy" is exactly what we were playing in D&D. I got everyone to switch to Savage Worlds and they really love it, but I was hoping it would mean we would be able to play something different. Wild West Robots. Space Knights. Something. I've been slowly trying to introduce wild west themes into the game, but it's so damn boring.
I may be getting somewhere though. I went camping with a couple of my players and we got drunk and they wanted me to run them something in our main game's setting, but as one shot characters. They decided to play vampires and accidentally added a lot of plot hooks into the game world. The players were also amazed at how fun the vampires were to play as opposed to standard orcs and stuff, as I allowed one of them to sire a young woman into a vampire, and explained the idea of "ghouling" someone. The session ended with them interested in moving the campaign in a different direction. It felt good, even though I was just using my limited knowledge of vampires from the WoD setting, despite not being interested in the system.
Does anyone have any Savage Worlds rules for vampires that fits with the vampires in the WoD setting?
So why are the autofire rules such shit? For some reason you are spraying bullets and get -2 to each hit. This doesn't make any sense. Assuming the penalties to hit are based off of recoil, the first attack made with autofire should not have any penalty at all. The next attack should have a penalty of -1, or -2. The third attack should have a penalty of -2 or -3 or something like that. Also, having the same recoil value for each weapon, is fucking retarded. A heavy-caliber weapon such as an AK-47 has more recoil than an M4 due to firing a more powerful round, thus its recoil penalty should be -0/-2/-4 whereas an m4 might have -0/-1/-2. Also a light weapon such as a mac10 would have greater recoil due to how light it is, and thus less able to absorb the recoil of the shot.
Yet another reason why this game is crap, and will never have as many players as D&D.
You're late man.
Why are shoguns so overpowered?
Because the katana deals better damage than the longsword, with AP 2. Actually, fuck, it's even better than the Greatsword because it requires less Strength to use. It also LITERALLY falls for the "katanas are underpowered in d20" meme. Because that's what Savage Worlds is: a refuge for the butthurt faggots who liked d20 system and all the stupid shit that came from it, so they took all that and made a completely different system still tainted by its bad blood, then shoved it in our faces as "best generic system evarrr" when it fact it's riddled with more issues than a Discover magazine storehouse.
But why?
Is it unbalanced running a game with both Power Points and No Power Points Arcane Backgrounds? I kinda like the idea of having both options for certain types of magic.
Necessary Evil has a vampire subrace
Because the Savage Worlds developers are autistic.
Because the system runs on action movie logic. They aren't really meant to function in a realistic way. It's easy to change, if it bothers you.
Yes. No power points are almost universally significantly more powerful than power points.
Is it b-horror movie vampire, or WoD vampire?
>Because the system runs on action movie logic.
So, it's bullshit.
>They aren't really meant to function in a realistic way.
So, it's bullshit.
>It's easy to change, if it bothers you.
Oh look! More bullshit.
I'm fine with the game not being super gritty lol you fell 6 feet and broke your leg and will take a -1 to speed for the rest of your life, doing physics calculations to see where bullets land, et cetera. But no one wants to play a fucking retard game where katanas cut through armor like butter. That's not in any movie, any more than swords cutting through armor in movies in general. No, it's just a stupid weeb meme that was tacked on to Savage Worlds because the developers know nothing but memes. "AK is super powerful so +1 damage" or "katana is amazing japanese steel folded over 1000 times so it cuts through armor effortlessly" or "kevlar makes you bulletproof XD XD" or "shotguns make you way better at hitting things"
None of it makes any sense. This isn't a matter of "realism," this is a matter of making sense. Half the game's rules are retarded fucking bullshit. They aren't even shortcuts, either, so there is no justification for them. The innocent bystander rule, for example, is kinda unrealistic but its a quick way of handling shooting into melee so we let it go. Shotguns giving a broken-ass bonus to hit, doesn't make the rules more streamlined. Nor does fucktarded Katana having AP. If anything that makes things more complicated. The game is full of shit and has to add dumb shit like rolls for spellcasting because of 3.5 caster meme, even though all it means is spellcasters have fewer points for notice and shooting and fighting, which doesn't matter cause they have powers anyway, and they can just turn invisible, fly, and blast you with bolt or put you to sleep with slumber, for 3 rounds and auto-win against any high-level martial. Caster supremacy is no different in Savage Worlds than in D&D 3.5.
B-movie horror
Why would you ever play a martial in any setting, you troglodyte?
Non-Magic types can be pretty useful in Deadlands, for instance.
>there will never be a Savage Worlds thread without the autistic shitposter
This sucks. Kinda makes me want to start a thread to shit-talk to Mini Six to distract him, but that game is so tiny and incomplete it wouldn't keep him gone for long unless I autistically harped upon a single point for months on end (like he does).
>every setting has spellcasters
Yeah you've never used Savage Worlds for anything but D&D clone shit. Good to know. Your opinion is invalid.
I know. And it seems the mods won't do anything to stop him. It's clearly trolling at this point. There is no real discussion to be had with him.
Reposting this over from the gamefinder thread, since it's relevant and barely anyone's down for Savage Worlds:
>System Preferred
Savage Worlds
We'll be playing Fridays, 8PM GMT
Maps, art and sound effects/music on Roll20, our voicechat and downtime chatter on Discord.
>Contact info
>Additional notes
Fantasy game in a homebrewed setting. The players are junior members of the Ibernian Royal Legion, the personal fighting force and bodyguard of the royal family of Ibern. They've been sent on a secretive assignment, hurried from the capital city in the dead of night to the shady little river town of Crookshead, where they've met with their somewhat unscrupulous contact and are helping him decode a series of encrypted letters. The game's gonna focus on adventuring with some politics, warfare, dungeon crawling and maybe even some realm-building. A whole range of stuff.
We've run one session so far which went pretty well. The party's got a good dynamic and we get some interesting roleplaying around people's hindrances done. The one thing I'm looking for is one more player to pad the party out a bit, specifically someone interested in playing more of a melee fighter. I can explain a bit more on Discord.
I'm sorry. I was just joking with the shogun stuff, things escalated from there.
I thought it was funny, user.
>barely anyone's down for Savage Worlds:
I wonder why.
You got a kek out me mate.
It happens. This guy has some sort of weird ax to grind against the system. He says he used to play it, but I seriously doubt that anyone this much of an abrasive dickhead ever played any game.
I honestly suspect he's Virtual Optim. He has the same dogged insistence and narcissism.
I dunno, he does seem pretty knowledgable about the game. He's a very dedicated troll.
Yeah, I don't think I'd be able to go into the exalted thread, for example, and be able to talk mechanics at all.
It's not a very complicated game, so it doesn't take much to be knowledgable about it. So far as I've seen his knowledge is limited to the core book, and seems to be slowly expanding with time. I think he's just a troll that read enough to stir up shit, and then slowly adds to that over time.
Why so dedicated though? Did Shane Hensley shit in his cereal? I couldn't be this dedicated to anything. Though he does keep the threads bumped I guess. If he really wanted to kill discussion it'd be easier to just let it die on its own.
He learns from the counter-arguments experienced SW players make to his troll-posts. Once upon a time, he had no clue how range worked relative to shotguns and rifles. I pointed the basics of it out to him and the next thread he incorporated that into his posts.
>Why so dedicated though?
I wish I had an answer.
Were you here for Virtual Optim? For months (years maybe) he'd troll into oblivion any Dungeon World thread, with various utterly idiotic criticisms that got more nuanced as he was exposed to counter arguments in the fashion pointed out. For no real apparent reason. Near as I can figure it all boiled down to people not playing games the way he liked, or just being an emotionally stunted narcissistic manchild that thought his opinion was more important than it actually was.
He was theoretically perma-banned, but he came back under other names, and I think he got smart enough to stop calling himself by a name and stop ranting about his edgier bullshit so he could always skirt around on the grounds that criticism is allowed here too, even though he doesn't participate in discussion.
user, I have played this game for four years now. I first played in 2013. Thought the game was pretty solid until I actually played it, ironic that you think I never have. The only way you realize a game's flaws, is to play it.
There was a guy who used to post to a lot of different boards -- and he had a big hard-on against Pinnacle. It had something to do with with getting into an online tangle with some Pinnacle fans. He was such an ass that he's been banned from just about every rpg site I know of. It strikes me as possible that Veeky Forums could have ended up as his last hangout.
That was literally over a decade ago. If he's trying to stop people from playing SW, he's doing a shit job.
Does calling everyone that plays a certain game autists count as criticism?
No. That's straight-up trolling. But he typically buries it in "criticism" so it's hard to conclusively call it trolling (after all, not every vociferous dickhead is a troll).
>Once upon a time, he had no clue how range worked relative to shotguns and rifles.
Are you an autist? You brought it up. I didn't bring it up. I was pointing out how an inherent +2 to hit was overpowered. You pretended that just because shotgun accuracy decayed with range, it somehow made it okay that at close range (the place where a shotgun's spread would be LEAST effective) a shotgun user only misses a target in the open on a roll of 1. You then compared it to three round burst as an argument to balance it, when I pointed out that three-round burst ALSO was a stupid and nonsensically high bonus.
You think I don't know how Savage Worlds works? I ran Necessary Evil cover-to-fucking-cover for my playgroup. Had to make some adjustments, and I cut out chapter 10 because I thought it was too corny, but I still ran the fucking thing. I've brought a group from Novice to fucking Legendary in a sci-fi firefly-type game. Have you done that, user? No, you've probably just been trolling roll20 looking for someone to actually play with you, instead of taking the system to your group and selling it to them. Then playing it and getting disappointed by flaws that are on-tier with actual fucking typos in terms of how blatantly retarded they are. The game has a fairly strong base, yet is so riddled with bullshit it makes you want to cut out everything peripheral and go back to basics.
>look mom I'm making shit up on the internet!
Good for you, you're a big boy now!
>So far as I've seen his knowledge is limited to the core book
Kek, I have a good number of the supplements, user. The ones I don't have in hard copy I have in PDF. You want me to talk about the child necromancer I ran using the Horror Companion edges? Or giving bullet magnet to a PC i made for a player who didn't bother to make his own character so I gave him the edge then forgot he had it? I've got the fantasy companion, too. Don't get me started on the fucking siege rules.
Why would I insult Exalted when I know fuck-all about the game besides that you play as demigods and it's vaguely based on World of Darkness system and my friend has the core rules for the 2nd edition but I've never given it more than a cursory glance.
Making a Fire Emblem inspired game. How's this sound?
Every PC starts with 2 extras under their command, to make them feel more like leaders of a small army instead of just party members
Most weapons require a weapon proficiency edge to use
Every character starts with a free Weapon Proficiency (axes/lances/swords/bows) or Arcane Background (light/dark/elemental)
Rock paper scissors combat, each specialization gets +1/-1 to hit against the specialization they’re good/bad against (Swords>Axes>Lances, Light>Dark>Elemental)
Swords get +1 to hit, axes get +1 damage, lances get reach
All Arcane Backgrounds function the same as Magic
Light and dark magic are limited to light and dark/necromantic trappings, respectively. Elemental mages can use any of the others
Healing magic is exclusive to light mages, summon ally and zombie are exclusive to dark mages
>quick, I better scramble to look through my pirated books for bits to make it seem like I know what I'm talking about!
>2 extras
>small army
I mean, depends what they can do, but that's not even a squad of men let alone a "small army." One of the few things Savage Worlds does well, is handle combats involving large numbers of troops very smoothly. You using miniatures? Break them out. Hell, lego men or those print out figure flats work great as well.
>Most weapons require a weapon proficiency edge to use
Please don't do this.
>Rock paper scissors combat, each specialization gets +1/-1 to hit against the specialization they’re good/bad against (Swords>Axes>Lances, Light>Dark>Elemental)
Please don't do this, either.
>Swords get +1 to hit, axes get +1 damage, lances get reach
Do you understand how powerful a +1 to hit is? Attacking is a single die roll and the number range is adjusted as such. Damage is two dice added together and the number range for success is adjusted as such. +1 attack and +1 damage are not equivalent.
>All Arcane Backgrounds function the same as Magic
Then what the fuck is the point of them. Limit the setting to magic. That's what I did for my sci-fi setting, it was psionics-only.
>Healing magic is exclusive to light mages, summon ally and zombie are exclusive to dark mages
That's fine.
Believe what you want, user. Feel free to tell me about all the games you ran, to make you such a goddamn expert. Go ahead and tell yourself that the reason why someone would proselytize against a game, surely cannot be the fact that they ran said game for 3 years and got more and more fed up with it until wanting to throw it in the trash. Surely there must be some other explanation. I can't think of one, but you seem pretty smart user, so I'm sure you'll be able to.
A studio ghibli/miyazaki in general inspired victorian aetheric sky ship setting that takes place on island like planetoids.
>barely anyone's down for Savage Worlds
My fault, snagged them all last month.
>Go ahead and tell yourself that the reason why someone would proselytize against a game
Because you're a narcissistic manchild who hates that other people play elfgames the wrong way? Again, Virtual Optim (probably you) trolled Dungeon World threads for months, maybe even years because he didn't like the game; he likewise created all sorts of claims about his prowess as a gamer to validate his positions.
Hey, what variations on the basic two characters types (Wild Cards and Mooks) have you guys used?
I've used light-Wild Cards (two hit points and two bennies).
I've heard of another Wild Card variant as the above, but they don't have a wild die. I've never used that.
Then there's something I call 'masters' -- they're mooks, but have a wild die in a technical skill. That way your "expert ship captain" can actually steer his ship. I use that all the time.
Also, the extreme mook. He's a mook who goes down if he takes any damage at all.
Any others?
I've given deity-level creatures ten wounds, and I've given some "boss monsters" four wounds but no bennies because they weren't named characters, just extra tough. "Light" wild cards just seem underwhelming, master mooks sound like they need one of the vocational edges (which admittedly are arbitrarily present for some skills and not others, another failure of the system). Extreme mooks just sound like powerwank bullshit.
Yes. I don't like Savage Worlds. Do you wonder why I don't like Savage Worlds in particular? On one hand, I might be a "narcissistic manchild" who hates random games for no reason and so I go on the internet to post how much I hate them for no reason at all. Or perhaps I played Savage Worlds (GM'd it far more than played it) and grew to dislike it over time. Occam's Razor proves the latter true, unless of course you find it so unbelievable that someone would actually play Savage Worlds, that you think the former is more believable.
I use tough extras (an extra with bonus wounds)
Wild extras (an extra but with a wild die)
Pseudo wildcards (1 benny, 2 wounds, d4 wild die)
And variations on the above.
Touch extras are usually for bruiser type mooks, the sort of people you'd expect an animated medium to over exaggerate their upper bodies to an absurd degree.
Wild extras are for pack leaders. That alpha wolf (which yes I know probably isn't a real thing)? Wild extra. They're no more plot protected than any other mook, but they're much more clever.
Pseudo wildcards are for keeping the mook/wildcard dichotomy, while still allowing exceptional individuals to stand out. Aka the bad guy's right hand man. They make great lieutenants.
>I've given deity-level creatures ten wounds
Did they also have a cranked up nerves of steel? Because otherwise they'd get pretty useless pretty quickly. If anything this can be more elegantly represented through benny capacity and edges (real or imagined) that add to soak rolls. I feel that'd be a better representation of divine plot power than just making them chunky meat people.
Oh wait, shit I didn't see the second part of your post. So you are that fucker who sent a divine tpk at your players completely ignoring referential divine beings available in savage worlds resources, and then went neener neener neener I win haha.
Good to know you're the same person. If nothing else that confirms the Virt angle people have been throwing around.
>Yes. I don't like Savage Worlds.
We gathered, and you think that opinion is very important. This is a textbook trait of a narcissist.
>Do you wonder why I don't like Savage Worlds in particular?
Because it's not a game you prefer. There doesn't need to be a greater reason. Anyone who has ever dealt with geeks knows this to be a common trait (see: edition wars).
>On one hand, I might be a "narcissistic manchild" who hates random games for no reason and so I go on the internet to post how much I hate them for no reason at all.
Whether you played it or not, you're still a narcissist manchild. Even someone who had grown tired of a game wouldn't troll endlessly about it (for months, let me remind you of how pathetic that is) unless he were.
>Or perhaps I played Savage Worlds (GM'd it far more than played it) and grew to dislike it over time. Occam's Razor proves the latter true, unless of course you find it so unbelievable that someone would actually play Savage Worlds, that you think the former is more believable.
Occam's razor doesn't prove anything. It's a methodological suggestion to encourage the likelihood of engaging in fruitful research, not a rule of formal logic. But the guess that takes fewer assumptions here is that you're exhibiting an extremely common trait of geekdom, particularly on Veeky Forums, which is taking personal offense to people enjoying things that you don't personally enjoy and that your claims to have played it are just a ruse to put a veneer of credibility over it (proof of this can be found in you getting simple concepts of the game, like range, utterly wrong).
>So you are that fucker who sent a divine tpk at your players completely ignoring referential divine beings available in savage worlds resources, and then went neener neener neener I win haha.
Dunno what you're talking about? Which "fucker" are you referring to? And I usually didn't give them Wound penalties at all, they were deities and thus didn't obey many of the normal rules. Actually the only time I used the rules, the characters actually won the battle, even though all but two were dead by the end. Which kinda makes sense when you are fighting a demigod. Also if you are referring to the Horror companion elder gods, those are much too underwhelming for something like a Cthulu game. Just get a few tanks pounding on them and they'll die in a few rounds. Elder gods are meant to be quite literally unbeatable. Sorry if you are salty because you can't one-shot Cthulu with your overpowered shotgun.
Your entire post is nothing but name-calling and buzzwords. Like "geekdom". You don't even know what "narcissist" means apparently. Yes, I do think my opinion is important, because it is an opinion shared by loads of other people who have played this game and been disappointed with it. I have never gotten a single rule of this game wrong, pretending I don't know how range works just because I didn't mention it, is flat-out retarded.
>Whether you played it or not, you're still a narcissist manchild.
>no matter what, you are a manchild cause I said so and that word means you are wrong about everything.
You are right about Occam's Razor, though. That's the only correct thing in your entire retarded post.
What happened to the guy doing the Splatoon conversion?
Where are my firm, young squids?
Threadly global rule reminder
(just the pertinent ones)
3)You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases,
6)The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
9)Evading your ban will result in a permanent one. Instead, wait and appeal it!
And of course Veeky Forums rule number 1
>>I'm currently running a fantasy game, but it's so fucking boring. Standard "go into the dungeon and kill goblins fantasy" is exactly what we were playing in D&D. I got everyone to switch to Savage Worlds and they really love it, but I was hoping it would mean we would be able to play something different. Wild West Robots. Space Knights. Something. I've been slowly trying to introduce wild west themes into the game, but it's so damn boring.
Golden horde invades on dinosaurs. Just start fucking tossing in Mongols riding velociraptors by the handful. The chiefs or shahs or whatever the fuck ride t-rexes.
The social order's fucked, diplomacy's fucked, local fiefdoms are conscripting everyone who can hold a sword and the mongols are killing and eating anyone who doesn't immediately surrender and join them.
>I use tough extras (an extra with bonus wounds)
That works.
>Wild extras (an extra but with a wild die)
Literally pointless. Just give them a higher skill. Or a shotgun.
>Pseudo wildcards (1 benny, 2 wounds, d4 wild die)
Could just as easily use your GM bennies. Having a shitton of variations on wildcard and extra just muddles the core game concept. What does a creature with d8 wild die 3 wounds and 2 bennies mean? Savage Worlds gave two very clear-cut distinct classes of character, and balanced the system around them. They did a shitty job, but adding all these retarded in-between aberrations just makes it worse.
However, this is a good highlight of another shortcoming of Savage Worlds, which is engaging encounters that don't involve shitloads of mooks. Because, at its core, Savage Worlds is a wargame. It even has a wargame based off of its rules. Don't believe me? Look up Savage Worlds Showdown. And it's a good wargame, but wargames are a fundamentally different focus than RPGs. As a result, Savage Worlds really only shines when the characters are fighting a zombie horde, or squads of enemy soldiers. Pit a single monster against them, and it will be focus-fired to death extraordinarily quickly, unless it has an insanely high toughness. Count on a character getting a hit on it with a raise by the end of the second round, meaning it needs a 12 to 14 Toughness to even be viable by that point. If you want a monster to stand on its own, you need to make it a Wild Card. But Wild Card is for "named" characters, apparently. You can just break this rule and have wild card "minibosses" without names or anything really special about them, to have a different kind of combat than the standard mook-slamming, but again it goes against RAW and this is something a new GM is going to need experience to figure out. Another way in which the rules are deceptive.
>Your entire post is nothing but name-calling and buzzwords.
I feel vaguely like I'm trying to make Eric Cartman see how he's doing wrong.
>Like "geekdom".
The collective fandom of various "geeky" forms of media. If you don't know what's considered geeky, you need to develop social awareness.
>You don't even know what "narcissist" means apparently.
You have an inflated estimation of your own abilities and importance. These are common traits of a narcissist.
>Yes, I do think my opinion is important, because it is an opinion shared by loads of other people who have played this game and been disappointed with it.
Another common trait of a narcissist is thinking that there's a large bulk of people who agree with them. But as we can see in this thread, not many agree with you.
>I have never gotten a single rule of this game wrong
You completely ignored the section on issuing bennies during play when you were still harping on that.
>pretending I don't know how range works just because I didn't mention it, is flat-out retarded.
The fact you don't seem to grasp its important on the tabletop demonstrates that you don't understand the game well.
>Wild Card is for "named characters,
Here's a rule you got wrong. The animal intelligence drakes are wildcards.
>The collective fandom of various "geeky" forms of media. If you don't know what's considered geeky, you need to develop social awareness.
No, you need to tell me exactly what you define as "geeky." Define your terms, idiot. That's such a loose and subjective word that it's absolutely fucking meaningless. You talk like you're about to start shouting "haha you loser virgin for playing games lmao" or something like that. You're making an idiot out of yourself, stop.
>animals can't have names
>the dragon isn't also a wild card
>implying they'd put a specific name on a generic stat block
>You completely ignored the section on issuing bennies during play when you were still harping on that.
What the fuck are you on about? No, I don't want to issue bennies during play when the characters already are on a cakewalk anyway.
>The fact you don't seem to grasp its important on the tabletop demonstrates that you don't understand the game well.
I never denied its importance on the tabletop. Just because a weapon is only illogical and stupid in certain situations, doesn't mean the solution is "take it out of those situations." Again, a shotgun's to-hit bonus makes the LEAST sense at close range. And the three-round burst bonus mixed with the rifle range is, if anything, more overpowered, and makes just as little sense. Actually, the damage bonus makes sense, but not to the to-hit bonus. Also given that there were people who seemed to think that you could use 3RB on an AK-47 as if it were some sort of fucking combat maneuver available to everyone, I would watch out accusing me of being the only one who got rules wrong. Especially when I didn't. When you move the goal posts and then claim that that means someone else didn't know the rules, it doesn't make you right, it makes you a manipulative dumbass.
Still trying to hammer out a good Deadlands plot for my group. I know it definitely involves the rail system.
heh.. silly word substitution still leads to autistic shit-posters.
It's funny to see this as if they don't like the game why not just NOT post?
Oh wait they can't as it falls into their chemical and neurological "sweet spot." of enforcing some sort of "no fun" ethos.
I wonder how many shit-posters are on the spectrum or are straight up sociopaths?
It might be a good early form of detection.
Anyway, I thought it was funny.
These two look like a couple of tail-chopping Jolly-co-operative bros.
Also, Interested in Savage Worlds but a friend is going to play his first game of *something* at the end of October and me, his wife and a couple of others have promised to (gently) but his GM-ing cherry.
He seems to be Core Focused.
Day after Ragnarök book ( or another I read recently) goes out of it's way to deal with shotguns right away.
I don't know if he had a shitty GM and had to deal with that or he's just a run of the mill emotional cripple ruined not by the game but by the effects of living in the early 21st century.
Someone to be pitted and mostly ignored either way.
New theory.
He's a neural net Ai that has been designed to :
1. scan the board for for Savage Worlds threads.
2. spout out arguments and variations of arguments actually "learning" form responses from others.
3. and mix and repeat.
I'm betting "he" could now fool a Turing test
- but only as a Savage Worlds shitposter.
(Small steps Google, small steps)
>>Where are my firm, young squids?
This part of /tg makes me warm.
>He seems to be Core Focused.
Because that's what most people play, faggot. Also the most common settings (deadlands, solomon kane, rifts, weird wars, etc) don't do shit to change this. Some random adaptation fixes this? Okey dokey, cool. Doesn't change the fact that probably about 90% of Savage Worlds players are shooting their shotguns at +2 to hit.
>run of the mill emotional cripple ruined not by the game but by the effects of living in the early 21st century.
What the hell? You think loading some luddite crap on top of your weak argument will make me take you more seriously?
I know the other user said Occam's Razor isn't a formal rule of logic, and he's right, but man oh man do you make it convincing that it should be.....
I am annoyed at Savage Worlds BECAUSE I like fun.
Has anyone here run a weird war 2 game? I've started GMing a game set in North Africa recently and made the mistake of being pretty generous with explosives during character creation and my players ended up killing a blood mage and his entourage of SS with a car bomb.
What's the setting like?
Sounds to me like the SS should be a little more paranoid. Double checkpoints in occupied territory, and make sure they're much more invasive. Maybe get spooked by a civilian motorist in the future and vaporize them.
well take world war two and add the negative emotions stirred up by the fighting causing supernatural creatures to become more common. Though still not widely known about and generally dismissed be the public as fiction. also Hitler's obsession with occult paid off and now there is a secretive core of Nazi blood mages running about trying to fuck shit up for the allies. It's great fun if you have an interest in history and the urban fantasy genre.
Man, that sounds pretty great to me. I'm new to the system and hadn't heard of it.
this was a small group of SS investigating a temple in the middle of nowhere behind allied lines the biggest mistake I made was placing most of the enemy inside the temple forcing them to move threw a choke point to fight the party. the party decided that since the temple was set into the side of a large hill the easy solution was to collapse the entrance. It was at this point I knew i had fucked up. so I had the blood mage summon a wall of bone to provide cover as they ran to their trucks to escape the party. the two of my players stepped away from the group for a minute. (it wasn't their turn so I didn't think much about it) When their turns came back up one player threw a stick of dynamite into the other players moving jeep the driver of the jeep soon to explode jeep dropped his grenades in the floor board of the jeep steered it in the direction of the bone wall and bailed out before it collided with the wall and shortly thereafter detonated destroying almost all of the opposition the survivors where dealt with the next turn. A bunch of this series of events involved good rolls and I couldn't bring myself to deus-ex-machina their plan into a failure.
I first became aware of it paging threw the core rule book in the section showcasing the different supported settings when I saw a picture of a werewolf in an SS uniform pouncing on a G.I. brandishing a pistol and a crucifix. once I saw that I figured the book was a worthwhile investment even if it's just to steal ideas from.
Ehh that doesn't honestly sound like it would have a blast radius capable of accomplishing all of that, but hey you made the right call in the moment if everyone had fun.
Fun fact, I'm pretty sure that werewolf was one of the first savage worlds oneshots I ever attended. I kept shaking it as the designated marksman while the rest of the party struggled to weaponize silver trinkets.
Squids are not for lewd!
I'm here, I just haven't had time to work on the splat.
>Yes. I don't like Savage Worlds.
Then why are you here? Do you enjoy being upset?
>you can't talk about things that make you upset
So I'm not allowed to dislike a game? Explain all the negativity on Veeky Forums, then. You all are allowed to not like D&D, but since Savage Worlds is a pooor wittle indie game fighting the good fight against big mean D&D, we all have to be nice to it and rationalize its flaws out the ass.
What you're doing is on the same level as walking into a restaurant, noticing that the people in the table next to you ordered something you don't like, telling them that they shouldn't eat that because you don't like it, and then getting butthurt when they tell you to fuck off.
Coming from the Pirates of Dark Water thread , is just the core book enough to run me some swashbuckling sci-fantasy adventures, or are there any "must-have" publications to tack on?
Actually it's more like warning them that their food is poison and has shit in it.
Well, I'm not familiar with the setting you're referring to, but the core book + 50 Fathoms should be enough for high seas pirate adventures. The core book has sci fi weapons and stuff, and it would be easy to just fluff the pirate stuff to be outer space. Though if the space faring is more like spaceships than ocean ships, then the sci fi companion will have you covered for everything sci fi, including traditional space ships.
No, user. It's not like that at all. They've already eaten several servings and keep coming back for more. If it was bad they'd know by now.
>necessary evil
Surely you mean the Horror Companion, I know Dr Destruction is creepy but come on now
Well to be fair, WoD vampires might as well be super villains.
Only oWoD. nWoD Kindred are pretty easy to kill since they can't spawn a fucking legion of ghouls or childer to fight their battles for them.
If Savage Worlds were good, I wouldn't have to keep bumping this thread from page 8 to keep it alive. People play Savage Worlds despite its flaws and then embrace and defend its shitty rules. Whereas, if it was d20 Modern that gave shotguns a +6 bonus to hit, you'd say they were ridiculous and overpowered, instead of talking about how it evens out with range. But since Savage Worlds is a Veeky Forums darling, you are willing to defend its every flaw.
And, just because you like the taste of shit, doesn't mean you aren't eating shit.
But I like eating shit. Let me eat my shit.
>bumping from page 8
I think a WoD conversion would be pretty simple. Use PP as your blood pool. Drinking from someone could give you a roll of their vigor die in blood points.
But I've never played WoD, just barely familiar with it.
Actually, that's a good question. If you really want to kill discussion, just let it die.
Converting each dot to a power would be a tedious job. I fear that SW would not be able to capture the aura and atmosphere of V:tM and V:tR
But he wants attention user. Over all the years I've been here, I've never seen a savage worlds thread last very long. The system lacks the sort of controversy he pretends it has, and as a result there really isn't much to argue over, so the threads never last long.
Like what are we going to talk about user?
What really is there to talk about savage worlds?
That's the only reason he's hear.
That's the only reason this thread lasted to its second day.
You get called a fuckhead and told to fuck off if you go and shitpost in a D&D thread.
Honestly I almost posted the same thing earlier. Unless you are doing a setting conversion there isn't much to talk about with Savage Worlds. The system works fine, katanas and shotguns follow movie logic which most people are fine with, but otherwise no real controversy. Even in other places online, the only time I see discussion are rules classifications, setting conversions, and people recommending how much they love the system.
Maybe the game would be more popular with some controversy?
The most active thread for savage worlds I think I have ever seen was a few years ago, and the reason behind it boiled down to
>user introduced a ton of retarded house rules
>Everyone else said they were broken
And I don't even think that thread made it to bump limit.
I don't know. I don't the scifi companion's take on missiles. I feel like they should either be super long range options, or macross levels of missile spam. Yet the book has them deal mediocre damage, with meaningless burst templates, at extremely high prices, which is just disappointing considering they're 1 time use items.
Because of starship combat being built around the nuChase rules, quad linked miniguns are not only a cheaper option than 4 light missiles. They also do more damage, take up the same amount of space, and can fire 4 times per turn instead of 4 times once. With 0 downside.
The threads, maybe. DnD threads stay popular and it's mostly just people arguing about rules or builds. That doesn't really happen much with Savage Worlds. Other than that it's That Guy/DM threads, and those are pretty system neutral anyways.
I wish I could argue with you on missle rules, but I've never used them. Sorry user.
I'll break it down for you then.
Missiles light
4x per mod slot
50k + 50k for launcher
1 time use
5d6 damage AP 6 HW SBT
Average damage 18 AP 6
Rof = 4 per launcher
Range = Entirely irrelevant due to chase rules even though they could have played with the cards = ability to fire mechanic
Quad linked mini guns
2 mods
40k total
2d8+10 AP3 HW
Average damage 19 AP 3
Rof 4, Drum carries 1000 rounds per gun, each gun uses 12 shots a round = 83 rounds of continuous firing
Range still doesn't matter
Shit, those missles do kind of suck. And I know it's a popular opinion, but I hate the current chase rules. They're confusing.
Sir and or madame.
You are a bitter shit-poster and a troll.
If you want to be an annoying little bitch go bother the 40k threads.
Any ideas on improving missiles? I recall noticing them being kinda shit with Savage Rifts, but put it up to me being annoyed I couldn't spam missiles like I could in Rifts proper.
Keep the missile launcher price, drastically scale back missile price. Provide additional option of carrying missiles under the wing. Preferably in a way that did not use mod slots, but was limited by the size of the vehicle. Always sort of bugged me how external payloads took up the same kind of slots as internal systems, but that's a carry over from the old pulp gear toolkit's creation rules.
Reduce damage. If we're going spammy then relying on probability becomes a bit more reasonable. Maybe 4d6 maybe 3d6+2, cut the large amount of AP down to like 2, add in a shape charge variant that lowers the damage, but brings it back plus some. Maybe gut that +2 from the 3d6 and add 4 or 6 ap, remove SBT for these as well, not that it does anything to begin with.
Change rate of fire to number of missiles total. Maybe specify that different types (or at least sizes) would be considered different attacks and as a result incur a multi-action penalty instead. That way you have the option to just blow your load, or use them like a more traditional weapon. I feel like that would give them a good niche that sort of look like they were going for now, but didn't fully commit to.
If they're the spammy sort, there isn't really anything wrong with the range. I forget if it's standard or not, but to help balance out their one time use nature, maybe they don't fire at all if you fail the opposed piloting roll to get a lock.
Change AMCM to something that straight up cancels a number of missile hits per round in exchange for ammo.
>If Savage Worlds were good, I wouldn't have to keep bumping this thread from page 8 to keep it alive.
Ohh I get it now. You really like the system, you're just being tsundere about it.