>campagin is drawing to a close, all our characters are gathered outside of a cave where the quest item is supposed to be, with a few support cleric NPCs and an NPC wizard (probably has some DM feats, because he is OP)
>"this is the cave of ~something something~" wizard says, (i dont actually listen the the DMs silly names)
>party leader about to go in "keep me covered" he says
>i joke "what with"
>the table stares at me because i am being "that guy"
>"just keep me covered" about to go in
>"too late!" wizard says. "what do i see?" leader asks the DM
>"there HE is!!" bellows the DM in the wizards voice
>its a fucking white rabbit
>leader rolls to spot
>its just a fucking rabbit
>OOC "are you fucking trolling us? we go through all this shit and then the final boss is just a fucking rabbit?"
DM (sniggering) IC"he has got sharp theeth, look at these bones..."
>paladin OOC"fuck you, you derailing piece of shit! i've got work in the morning, im going to finish this right now"
>steps in front of the rabbit
>rabbit has INIT out of his ass.. figures, goes first
>NAT 20
>the table lols
>NAT 20
>the table lols harder "just one more are youre dead son"
>NAT 20
>the table bursts out laughing while the DM smirking describes the rabbit jumps on the paladins neck and cuts off his head with his claws glistening in the paladins blood
Times the DM was a dick
> leader IC "jesus christ!"
> wiz "I told you he is an evil rodent, but did you listen? nooooo"
> leader "ok guys, any battle plans how to kill the wabbit?"
>me: "charge it down, its just a fucking rabbit, dude"
>leader "fucking, fine, get this you railroading asshole, we all charge the rabbit"
>"all roll initative"
>rabbit goes first again
>NAT 20
>NAT 20
>NAT 20
>one of the fighters goes down
>but this train doesnt stop here
>all attack the rabbit
>rabbit had insane AC (high dex, small size, natural armor)
>MFW untouchble rabbit
>rabbit goes again
>bard-fighter goes down
>table goes silent
>everyone misses again
>another 3 NAT FUCKING 20'S
>table is furious
>MFW half the party is dead to a rabbit
>MFW DM is laughing his ass off
>"what the fuck DM?"
>decide to troll the DM back
>me IC "hey, we have the holy hand granade of antioc(bullshit)"
>the table looks at me with surprise
>leader catches on "yes hte holy hand granade of antioc! one of the sacred relics"
>DM looks confused as it has never been brought up before, looking through his notes
>"brother mainard, bring the holy hand granade"
>the player who played the paladin quickly makes a motion of taking an apple and chants some weird song
>MFW all the players who lost caracters join him
>DM horrified
>(ex)paladin hands the apple to leader
> DM: "wait! you dont know how the hand granade works!"
> leader to (ex)paladin:"well, how does it work?"
>me: "errr, consult the book of armaments"
> (ex)paladin:"book of armaments chapter 2 verses 9 to 21"
>(ex)fighter: " just take the pin out and throw it"
>DM "that's not how a holy book describe it"
>(ex)fighter: "fine, how about this - saint bullshitarc raised the hand granade up high and said 'oh lord bless this hand granade' and the lord blessed the hand granade and people did feast upon lamb, and goats, and urangutangs, and frootloops and.."
>(ex)paladin(snicker):"just get to the point"
>"first thou shall take out the holy pin then shall thou count to three"
>leader:"right, so.."
>(ex)fighter:"wait, no! there is more - three shall be the number thou shall count, and the number of the counting shall be three. not more you shall you count than three, if you reached four youve gone too far"
>DM "ok ok, we get it"
>"once the number three had been reached - throw the hand grande to snuff the foe whos been naughty in my sight"
>"finally" leader throws the grande
>rabbit proceeds to fail his reflex save, dies
>proceed to go in the cave
>MFW we later found out the DM used loaded dice just for this encounter
>MFW WE railroaded the DMs plot of getting a wish
I didn't even have to get all the way through the first post to tell it was Monty Python
le nat twunnee
You need to be fired.
Out of a cannon.
Into a volcano.
"I have rolled NATURAL FUCKING 20. Now *I* have become dungeon master! This is now a cooking adventure campaign now. MWAH-HA"
Also, you can tell a D&D groups' age and power level based on how funny they think Monty Python is.
>based on how funny they think Monty Python is.
Implying anyone finds Monty Python less than hilarious.
Wtf user.
I think Monty Python is awesome, just pointing out that some younger games might see the wall of inside jokes impenetrable.
Granted, inside humor in general can be a blessing or curse in a gaming group.
Monty Python is alright but I don't like people referencing Holy Grail every session. And having one of the last fights of the game be a reference to a movie is kinda lame.
There is nothing wrong with Monty Python.
There is something wrong with people who reference Monty Python more than once a month.
That is the difference.
>tfw, playing DnD, there is a one-in-20 chance of people acting retarded
Two in twenty.
>Maybe this will get me on r/Veeky Forums XDDD
>fun is allowed, but only once per lunar cycle
Here it is:
>Pastry is teifling allergy, Orc billboard, a naga roost, a clip and me, a Pannier
>So they walk dragon the stanchions, and the locus is right around the corpuscle
>Roost hears something
>someone creeping up the stanchions behind them
>girlfriend curse cummerbund out for our spas
>Run from the mute cummerbund
>Nook says shore about the clip
>He also didn't get the hoarding
>Roost just sidecars at me
>DM gives me a wheat look
>NEar town pastry wipe, due to balk roots. My Paladin is only one lender, and on low heath.
>Everyone else is bleeding out
>BBEG "Stand dragon, stop finalist me, and I shall let you live. Join with me, and serve me, and I shall bring bad your beloved, >gifted with lightweight so she never has to leave you again."
>The rethink of the plebeians are silent
>Debut with globetrotters
>The dick-assistant DM ain't having any of that
>I look at him
>I calmly polisher his "mistake"
>he becomes visibly upset, draws augury from everyone else
>Won't show it to anyone due to it bender shiny.
>sin in the rotunda
>sprinklers the squishy mentors of the pastry
>Clip puts up shirtfronts to defend them
>Misuse temporarily averted.
>HOWEVER, not the fashion will rangerquit
>Clip opens a dot
>Call bunion
>DM clarinets the clip catapult the spine
>Call bunion on that
>DM's faint is apostrophe-red
Wait, what?
Is this a neural network attempt at post writing? Is it a evolutionary step backwards of that poorly written 'DM forgot about the cleric, and so cleric saves the day" copypasta, the really unintelligible one that reads really similarly to this but with considerably less madness? Is this just some story written by someone whose sanity has gotten really close to zero? Is this the real, long term effects of Hypnotic Gate?
I'm pretty sure this is a derivation of the copypasta I mentioned. That being said, how many times has it been rewritten to make it more insane and unreadable? Give it a couple more rewrites and it will be indistinguishable from a random stream of words with the word "mistake" crammed part of the way down the post.
Weak and pathetic. Redo this bait and have it on my desk before the week is out.
Just once. Just fucking once. Can we please, for the love of God, have ONE SESSION without a Holy Grail reference? You could at least reference Life of Brian or the Cheese Shop, or literally anything else! I swear, if I hear one more retard say something about elderberries, I'm going to kill them.
Yes, just like werewolves and ovulation.
I think we all need to admit that Monty Python isn't funny. Everyone treats this as though it's a cardinal sin to say but when you hear people go on about how funny it is they only ever reference the same 4 or 5 sketches. Just like the Beatles, Citizen Kane and Queen people hold Monty Python up as some irrefutable perfection of its genre. The average """"""""fan"""""""" of Monty Python has likely only seen Holy Grail at most and MAYBE Life of Brian (read: athiest circejerk) on top of that. Somehow Holy Grail found itself as one of the gatekeepers of 'nerd cred' and so now every two bit pseudo intellectual I invited to my games parrots out some le flesh wound! XD joke or elderberries gag because they think it's required watching. What's even more insulting is that they only ever make these same references as they're the only decent parts in an otherwise forgettable film but point this out to them and watch them sperg out and insist the whole thing is a masterpiece. Seriously go back and watch the entirety of their filmography and sketches. All things considered you'll only find about 10% of good material and half of that has been memed so many times they've lost all comedic punch. Monty Python was funny decades ago but not any more. The humor is dated and their lolsorandum antics were funny not on their own, but simply because they contrasted with other forms of entertainment at the time. It's time to stop putting MP on a pedestal and get to making fresh jokes and humor rather than stagnating comedy and fantasy with the idea that it's required watching and still holds up. It doesn't.
>game is dying
>needs an upping of the drama
>player agrees to let gm kidnap his pc for a while
>drama successfully upped
>gm does nothing with that plotpoint for months
>pc finally returns in big reveal
>huge plot implications
>major character shit imminent
>gm lets pc die for stupid reasons
>no resolution for anyone involved
>everyone is pissed
>gm insists he did nothing wrong
>game predictably dies
It's been years and I'm still not sure what the GM expected.
>DM rolls twelve 20's in a row and you didn't think he was cheating
even for a fake story this is dumb. And what did you just discover Monty Python yesterday?
>be me
>playing CoC
>we kill bunch of cultitsts and innocent people, including some nobles, almost total party kill, I'm the lone survivor
>I am fucking distraught by killing the innocencts, even if it was for the greater good
>police catch me
>well, the game was fun, at least I can do some redemption arc for my character as an epilogue, it just seems fitting
>on the trial I admit to everything and in my angst I sincerely thank and apologize to everyone involved
>maybe with my confession they will just shoot me
>I ask for the highest penalty the law provides
>gm asks for a roll
>kinda too low, it seems they are willing to let me live
>I ask for a reroll
>this repeats a few times, we finally settle for six months
>ok, maybe I will get shanked in prison
Veeky Forums, what do?
According to this, if i wanna avoid the death penalty i have to ask for it and roll low? Shit sounds dumb what was the dm thinking?