>be not a pussy
>be also confidant of DM
>have problem player in the group
>it is a longstanding rule in our group that we're only sing core races + good races from volo
>problem player misses first session, I miss the second
>come back to realize he's argued with the DM enough to be able to make a fallen angel
>rewrite a few details on my sheet to even further vindicate an IC reason to kill the character on site
>knowing this player, the moment I kill his (level 1) character he's going to throw a shitfit and let me give the DM further reason to kick him
That guy
You sound like a big meanie
This sounds like a great solution to the situation, honestly. If you take an in-character action then you can't really be at fault (unless your character concept is garbage, but then you're at fault for that instead) and if they can't roll with what happens within the game then they don't belong.
Are you a woman or were you just raised by a single mother
you sound a bit like a that guy here, but necessary to kill of snowflakes god speed you ass
Good job OP. Honestly though, even using core races in 5e is too much, now that tieflings, dragonborn, drow, and other "edgelord" races have been included in the core book. I am so sick of these fucking niggers who think DROW are an acceptable race for a player character. No, unless it's an underdark campaign, you cannot play a fucking drow. You would be hunted down and destroyed on the fucking surface world. And at level 1? What the fuck drow is even on the surface at level 1? The average drow warrior is fucking level 3, a level 1 drow character is a novice and wouldn't even have left the city yet. But no, we have to all be progressive and accepting of evil elves, LITERAL DEMONSPAWN (tieflings), and half-dragon snowflake shit (though dragonborn are the least offensive of the nu-D&D races). Honestly, if you are a first-time D&D player and you play any of these races, you need to fucking kill yourself. Full stop. Buy a shotgun and do a Jackson Pollock on your ceiling, you are dragging down the D&D community with this bullshit. The only reason these races are still in is because of skyrim / dark scrolls making autistic snowflake fantasy popular.
You want to play in my campaign? You get to roll a d10. On a 1+ you get access to humans. On a 6+ you get access to halflings, on a 7+ you get access to dwarves, on an 8+ you get access to elves and gnomes, on a 9+ you get access to half-elves, half-orcs, and orcs, on an 10+ you get access to dragonborn, goblins, hobgoblins, and on a 11+ you get access to tiefling or drow. You get +1 for each full years I've known you, and you get a -1 if you play Dark Souls, World of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls games, or any of that shit. That's a -1 per game, by the way. So sick of these fucking cocksuckers. I have a similar thing for playing classes outside the PHB, too, but that's for when I run Pathfinder games, not 5e.
>to kill the character on site
Depends on the setting
You're more autistic than the shit players you're autistically screeching about.
You sound like an utter cunt to play with.
Don't worry about these other guys, dude. I liked your satire. Had a good chuckle.
>Killing other PC's because you dont like their build
You are a massive cunt.
I think I'm in love with you.
Jesus fucking christ calm down
I like this plan and the thought put into it. Be careful to make sure you're justified in initiating PvP combat and that you can actually win the duel, since it can backfire on you and strengthen his position otherwise. If you can make him out to be the agressor in the situation, even better. It's all a matter of manipulating the views of the people around you.
Also, regardless of what happens, do post the greentext story afterwards.
You just want your greentext fix. YOUR manipulating HIM
>That guy is me
forgot that part OP
>If you take an in-character action then you can't really be at fault
Right. You have NO CONTROL over what your CHARACTER does. It wasn't ME that killed your character, it was Telgor the barbarian. Talk to him about it.
What are the good volo races?
>requisite post about talking shit out OOC
Now that the usual responsible faggotry is out of the way, let's talk fun shit. Killing him on sight will make your character look stupid and homicidal, making you the That Guy. If the dude you're talking about is that argumentative and annoying, it'll probably bleed into how his plays his character. That's his weakness; play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The party as a whole absolutely does not have to put up with dumb antics and even if they're playing more long-suffering types, eventually he'll pull something that'll make cold-blooded murder understandable IC. That'll be your opening.
Why not just murder the player? Fuck it, right?
>rolling at chargen
Opinion discarded.
Man, I think even OP would be better to play with than you.
>Dark souls making autistic snowflake fantasy popular
>Dark souls only has humans as playable characters and 95% of the cast
Nice try guy
classic post
Giving into murderous impulses at the drop of the bat is for the weak. Puzzling over a convoluted revenge scheme is for those itching to fail. Finding the golden ratio is for heroes.
>Depends on the setting
Yeah. The setting is either "humans elves dwarves orcs" or else it's "you can get the fuck out of my house and go find a new DM." Most players choose the former.
Sorry if I'm not indulging your retarded edgelord character. Name one thing wrong with what I said. Just one.
Ain't satire, but thanks.
Thanks user.
Sorry bro, but 9 years of these screeching fucks wanting to play every race they drag out of every homebrew book, then having them put in the core book, and the little fuckers act like they are entitled to play them now, and strut around acting all proud, has cost me my patience.
>I need pointbuy so I can get exactly the character I want (i.e. the build I downloaded from the charop forums).
Opinion discarded.
God play with him then.
I haven't played it myself, it's more Elder Scrolls that causes the problem with the furry and reptile races that people try to shoehorn into the 5e games I've run.
You sound like the kind of person who insist on only ever playing Forgotten Realms.
>Name one thing wrong with what I said. Just one.
Telling people to kill themselves over a game of pretend is a pretty good place to start.
i gazed upon your post
and i knew you were my nigga
>criticizes dark souls
>never played it
It's like I'm back on v
I respect your opinion but I disagree with it and will probably continue to GM in a way you would disapprove of.
>rolling for race
>Based on how long you know a guy
>Get worse results for playing dark souls
>Tells people to kill themselves
>Is this mad
It's good to know I can never be that autistic
I like that idea. Makes it even more Rawlsian
You are That Guy.
Aside from the minuses for playing video games I don't see anything wrong with this blend of autism/righteous fury. Some races are only good for certain kinds of campaigns and a GM has to put his foot down somewhere. Rolling for race options at char gen sounds fun too.
At first I thought this was copypasta but nothing is coming up in the archive. Some similar rants about tieflings/dragonborn/drow have appeared including ones about rolling for what races you're allowed to play, but they're all written differently. I'm actually a bit dumbfounded, usually people this horrible get shamed into silence after people mock them the first time.
Our party is like 98.5% human.
We have 8 characters (2 per person), one of our fighters is Dorf and the Ranger is a Half-Elf, everyone else is human.
Jesus christ! Well, good job user.
>getting shamed into silence
Sign of a pussy.
I'm not a pussy.
Which guy?
>Telling people to kill themselves over a game of pretend is a pretty good place to start.
Explain what's wrong with that.
I hate Forgotten Realms. The only good part of it is "spine of the world" being a kinda cool mountain range name.
I've watched it being played. Honestly it looks like normalfuck trash.
>Jesus christ! Well, good job user.
>playing boring characters is good
kek, what a faggot
do you insist on fighter only parties too?
>normalfuck trash.
if you mean popular/known then yes- and i have bad news, PnP isnt "le secrit club" anymore either
"Spine of the World" fuck maybe when it was first named that was a fine name but Jesus it's awful at this stage. Eragon et al have ruined names like that for me
I heard Human is the powergamer race because of a feat or something. Hilarious 5e is still new but it's already a meme edition.
good to see you've learned "Dark Scrolls" isn't a thing Craig, now work on your autism when it comes to things you don't like in muh deep fantasy gaems
But that's wrong
>The setting is either "humans elves dwarves orcs" or else it's "you can get the fuck out of my house and go find a new DM."
You sound like a massively boring person.
Yes OP, you are That Guy
>player creates an aasimar, which are in Volo's as per your games ruling
Please grow up.
>guy creates a character who was literally an angel until he betrayed his god
>he made an aasimar
>guy makes character
>time to change my characters backstory to cause inter party conflict because im an autistic faggot
That Guy
>you get a -1 if you play Dark Souls
>That's a -1 per game, by the way
There's no way this post is real.
they are spawned from demons. They have demonic lineage. They are demonspawn.
It's real. I don't make the modifiers public.
shit pasta
It's not pasta.
Craig pls
>Dark Souls
>the game where you play as a human triumphing over monstrosities
>the game where you can tell the gods to fuck off and bring in a new age of humanity
Yes I read the reply chain, and yes I think you're an utter imbecile for not knowing the slightest thing about something you're going to condemn and judge people for playing. You sound like the worst type of grognard.
But you get + 1 for any train simulator / farm simulator / Bus simulator games you play
It's still a normalfuck videogame that gives people unrealistic expectations of what D&D will be like. It's like critical roll. Each time something like that is mentioned i give a -1 in my head, because those characters seem to want to play the snowflake races more and more. I don't care if Dark Scrolls is HFY-type world, I still have noted a correlation and acted accordingly. It's no different than keeping a firm hand on your wallet when you're around people in gang clothing.
Not OP. Just curious, what is the thought process behind this question?
>It's still a normalfuck videogame
What does this even mean?
>gives people unrealistic expectations of what D&D will be like
No, no it doesn't. It's a very self-contained action series that doesn't pretend to be an RPG, and the NPCs it does feature tend to have very grey morality and differing levels of motivation in the story rather than the usual video game shtick, which teaches people more about setting realistic characters than most RPGs. You also get punished for murderhoboing.
>It's no different than keeping a firm hand on your wallet when you're around people in gang clothing
Holy fuck, that typecasting, that baby boomer attitude. I have no fucking words.
>dark scrolls
And you were doing so well Craig. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
Yeah but they want to bring in shit from the game into the campaign, constantly make references to it, and other annoying shit. And yes, the stuff you listed are unrealistic expectations for most RPG campaigns. Also most video gamers have ADHD and can't focus on a campaign for shit. This isn't even me as a GM, I have noticed this even as a fellow player.
>didn't actually argue any points properly
>just threw more vague shit in to try dilute and confuse the discussion
>ignored the last retort
Yeah okay, your "troll" act is wearing thin now as you struggle to think of anything more interesting to say, see ya mate.
Nobody enjoys playing in your games user.
Because OP is acting like a passive aggressive woman
Tell that to the seven people in my Pathfinder group and three people in my 5e group.
They might. Sort of like eatting nothing but t.v dinners and store brand food. You don't know how shit it is till you try somthing better.
I used to play with people like this guy. I know better now.
He is an angry at nothing loser and sad to say he will do more damage to roleplaying the CritRoll can ever do.
You'll just dismiss everything I say anyway. I admit I don't know much about the subject matter of Dark Souls in particular, but its the attitude that accompanies heavy video game players that makes them bad roleplayers oftentimes. Not 100% of the time but it's a reason to be wary around them. Especially because they usually try to substitute the videogame material for actual creativity. Hence the retards who try to bring Skyrim races into my 5e game.
Did Skyrim become a bad game because people talk about arrow to the knee all the time.
Did Starwars become a bad movie because people talk about "I am your father" all the time/
Did Mario became a bad mascot because people end up humming the song all the time?
An user who replies to everyone in one giant post to defend how they play probably doesn't have a lot of quality traits to them.
If people had that great of time with him he wouldn't need to defend his house rules. Hell, I love to discuss mine to better them, but I don't think he's in the mood for that. I think he just wants to be known as a hard ass gm who commands respect.
>Did Skyrim become a bad game because people talk about arrow to the knee all the time.
No, but it made me wary of letting skyrim players into my games because I didn't want to hear that shit all the time, and deal with their shitty skyrim assumptions about races and classes, and deal with the autistic murderhoboing that games like Skyrim inspire and support.
Star Wars movies are shitty hamlet clones, though, and Mario is a child's video game.
>what is DA:O/old bioware RPG's
>what is Deus ex/ system shock
>what is kotor
its like you have no idea what you are talking about so you just lump everything into a retarded box of vagueness
That's because he doesn't. Such is virtposting.
>Star Wars movies are shitty hamlet clones, though, and Mario is a child's video game.
And roleplaying games are a childs game of pretend with more math, whats your point here?.
I also dont see why you hate other races, sure most settings dont have every race but if it exists in setting and isnt too rare i dont see the problem. Shit im already mostly human sometimes i like playing something a bit more alien in both thought and culture and not just play basically a human be that a short human, angry human or gay human.
>shitty skyrim assumptions about races and classes
because they should know about YOUR shitty homebrew race/class dynamic? or would you rather they have the 3.pf assumptions? because unless you are playing a well know setting/module you will have assumptions
is punished massively in DS, and to the extent to which anything could be punished in skyrim- but skyrim is a shitty game that is only playable via mods
>commands respect.
people command respect when they act in a respectable manner, which he clearly isnt- im kinda shocked he hasnt appeared in a "That GM" thread yet
Did I mention those games? No, I don't think so. I said "any of that shit." If you want a complete list of CRPGs I disapprove of, it'd take me time but I could do it. Mostly it's the mainstream ones.
you mentioned "videogames" - those are videogames moron
your sheer autism is astounding, what next; going through the books players have read for material you dont like?
not the guy you're responding to but
New players don't give a single fuck about what setting you're using, they will try to bring a race from whatever game they like.
Even so I don't know why this guy is throwing a shitfit about it, all you have to say is "No, they don't exist/don't fit" or "No, but here's a close alternative"
even new players would know the general tropes
drow are evil and like spiders and feminism
orcs are dumb and evil
goblins are shit and evil
dwarves are drunk and stupid
elves are long lived assholes
humans are jack of all trades
>going through the books players have read for material you dont like?
Not a bad idea.
>you mentioned "videogames" - those are videogames moron
Yeah and if someone plays a shitton of them, they are probably going to be a bad player.
>Even so I don't know why this guy is throwing a shitfit about it, all you have to say is "No, they don't exist/don't fit"
That's what I tell them. I am just sick to death of them asking for it.
>I don't like this player's character
>instead of talking about it, I'm going to purposefully incite drama
No user, YOU are That Guy™. Maybe his character WAS shit, that's why it would probably be a better idea to talk about it like a fucking big boy rather than being a passive-aggressive bitch about it.
>knowing this player, the moment I kill his (level 1) character he's going to throw a shitfit and let me give the DM further reason to kick him
Wow what an autist right? Who gets upset about their character getting outright murdered by another PC at 1st level for no other reason than they specifically wrote in their backstory how they explicitly wanted to murder you.
Where the fuck do you people even come from.
You're a giant fucking autist too. That's an extremely verbose way of saying "stop liking what I don't like". Even that wouldn't be so bad however, if you didn't act like you were running the spanish inquisition of autism rather than a fucking game designed to have fun. Gaining bonuses at chargen for knowing someone longer? Penalties for having played certain video games before?
You're not some crusader of tabletop gaming, you're just a bitter cunt who is upset that his system of choice has changed along with its audience, and rather than sticking with the old material that you actually like you grab onto the new stuff and then get upset when people want to play the new stuff the way it was designed.
Get help.
Op was /that guy/ in his own post complaining about some other guy.
Post gets taken over by some other shit GM.
He hasn't said anything about himself but I would put money on these things
>Hates all organised religion and tells you about it
>Is on some sort of welfare and complains about it not giving him enough money
>Has a long term illness
>Was bulled like fuck and now has to tell everyone "Im not a pussy" because he still is crying on the inside
>Has a pet snake
>Hasn't hovered his bedroom floor in quite a long time
>Never irons his clothing
>Gos to sleep at around 4am and gets up sometime in the afternoon.
>gos on efuk regularly because its all that works now.
>Yeah and if someone plays a shitton of them, they are probably going to be a bad player.
>if someone plays lots of a medium which evolved from TTRPG and is heavily based on TTRPG- and is as familiar with TTRPG if not more than the average new player they make bad role players
>Not a bad idea.
i would pity your players but if you are the company they keep they did something to deserve such a fate
>im sick to death of them asking
i know right! how inconsiderate of them not to read your amazing novel detailing the exact specifics of a setting and what goes on and assume that the rule-book works or to have an idea that isnt specifically mentioned within your masterpiece!
truly the life of an artiste is a hard one!
fuck, how did i miss that opportunity
Wow I really want to meet this "master of DMing" that's giving everyone all this great advice about what races he includes in his master-class d&d games.
We should all feel privileged to be reading his posts.
I fucking WISH I could be one of his players. With autism this great in his shitposting, there's no telling what kind of beauty he put into his garbage setting.
>I am so sick of these fucking niggers who think DROW are an acceptable race for a player character. No, unless it's an underdark campaign, you cannot play a fucking drow. You would be hunted down and destroyed on the fucking surface world.
^^this 100%
Play a normal race you faggots, unless we're specifically playing a variation of a standard game.
No drow, no half demons, no fucking dragon anything's.
>That's an extremely verbose way of saying "stop liking what I don't like"
Yeah. And they can get the fuck out of the campaign if they don't like it.
>Penalties for having played certain video games before?
Yeah because they tend to be shit roleplayers.
>you're just a bitter cunt who is upset that his system of choice has changed along with its audience,
I mean, yeah. The playerbase of D&D has turned to shit. I don't want to play with the shit, so I don't. This is my way of weeding them out.
>Get help.
LOL....because I don't like what you like? You're just turning your own argument on yourself, dumbass. Make up your mind. I have a right to GM for who i want. When you join a game, you are not ENTITLED to play whatever the fuck you want, you little fucking cunt. The GM is not entitled to deal with your retarded fucking bullshit character, and if you ask the GM to put some homebrew race in his setting (doesn't matter if its carefully crafted or not) then you can fuck right off. That's like being served a home-cooked meal and asking if you can take a fat shit in everyone's bowl. Piss off. No one wants to deal with your fucking shit. Go play in a different group. I've been helping new people get into the hobby for years, I've been introducing people to RPGs for years, yet the horde of entitled millennials that get pissy when they aren't allowed to play what they want, is staggering. Particularly the women, although a lot of that has to do with the fact that they think they are doing you a favor just by playing D&D in the first place.
nice samefag there autiste
>normal race
nigger- the PHB/rulebook is what most people take for normal, and those contain drow/tieflings/dragonborn
if you want your generic dwarf/elf/human setting explain it like a grown adult instead of assuming people will just magically know
Nice pasta, always tasty
Maybe in 4th or 5th.
No one but furries and other freaks play that shit anyway.
Yes.... yes... feel the anger, it lives in you, it feeds you
>LOL....because I don't like what you like?
because of your paranoid & superstitious attempts at rationalization, because of your reaction to suck minor fucking things
>im sick of these shits trying to get skyrim races in my 5E
i guess that guy does count as a freak alright
Just because video games "evolved" from TTRPGs, doesn't mean they are a good training ground for a TTRPG player, not to mention that they encourage some of the worst habits of TTRPG players. Perhaps not Dark Souls, but the other games do. They also want to "respawn" and undo shit they did constantly. They treat it like a video game, instead of real life. I bet you'll come back with "but it's not real life lololol" and miss the entire point of what I am saying there, but that's fine. Judging from your posts, I don't think you see RPGs as anything but a glorified video game, either.
>i would pity your players but if you are the company they keep they did something to deserve such a fate
Yeah we've been friends for years. I only do this for new players, and only 1 in 10 of them are good enough to join. Are you saying you don't screen players for games you run, user? You just let in whoever you want? I've seen countless posts on Veeky Forums advising that a person should hang out with a prospective player first and know what they are into. This is no different, you're just asshurt because half of you play Dark Souls and try to make edgy tiefling warlocks so you're mad at being called out. Well tough shit, no one has patience for your crap characters, no one wants to put literal demonspawn that would be hanged in the average city just for existing, sorry that I didn't make my D&D world a fucking all-inclusive SJW paradise where it's like Star Wars and there are 500 races to choose from just to tailor your character's race to their unique personality. I bet you're a fuckin demisexual bisexual too, and you have a tragic backstory just like everyone else. For fuck's sake, I'll take a generic fighter with no backstory or any of that shit, over one of these hyper-detailed snowflakes that want some homebrew shit related to some shitty anime.