
So tell me user, full platform rollout with incubator support starting in 2018 after 3 years of quiet development. Developed through Disney's open source project with their full support. There is more. What am I missing anons?

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Delete this now

but that dragon's face will be oh so smug looking if I miss this opportunity.

theyre not even going to do half of the shit on the roadmap, because they didnt get enough of your shekels during the ICO

have fun waiting a 9 months for those 5 ICOs too

>with their full support.

Oh yeah, that's right. Disney ditched the project and the current team still hypes up the connection to sucker in normies. Great project.

releasing a project as open source =/= ditching the project

Screencap these pajeets for eoy 2018

Why do you say they won't do what's on the roadmap? It doesn't look too complex for a dedicated team.

Show me proof where Disney has disaffiliated themselves with this project.

they raised $13 mill according to this source:


>The comments, views, and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Walt Disney Company, Disney Connected and Advanced Technologies, or any affiliated companies.


i was actually thinking about buying some of this shit earlier this week

thanks for actually making me do research

I guess I could be wrong but when you go to disney's github disney. github. io/ they are a featured open source project and in this article the founder is quoted in the following passage: And this is not some kind of weird side partnership. In fact, as Joe pointed out the crew at Disney have been extremely supportive of this project, "the open source committee (at Disney) was excited about the project and very supportive." But from the looks of disney's github it would appear they are very much affiliated still.

Let them FUD, great time to accumulate

Imagine when this hits buttrix or binance


I'm gonna go buy some more.

I only had like 5 bucks when it dropped, and got a couple, like 14. I've been holding ever since

before the some of the recent crashes, the price on ED went up to 1.12

Dude, you're going to have to at least put 100 in to make it

Still trying to trade shit coins before I buy in.
I think march is when they transition from the erc20 token to the new independent platform.

I'm really worried that its randomly moon before I can buy in, watching the order books and price its evident its on the radar of some serious players. once this deploys I predict pure FOMO and pumps

I just picked up a few to try out kucoin. I have a strange feeling about this dragon. The FUD was working a little until I went to disney's github.

I'm thinking of copping a few more it's only like a 1k sats above it's lowest price on the kucoin exchange.

how many do recommend to make it senpai?

oh comfy waifu you have eased my burden travel lightly new friend.


what's your target?

Dragon is going to be the foursquare of blockchains. I forsee this as a top 10 coin. BTC has a 200 billion dollar market cap. Crpyto's marketcap is rising at unprecedented speeds. If you were to hold this for 2, 3 years; I expect a 500x increase, conservatively.

That logo is literally the only thing that's good in this coin.
Which makes it a bet on dumb normies buying it for the logo.
I don't know how to feel about that.

If they have one thing they have going for them, it is image. They are selling merch and have an extensive team with deep knowledge of normie customs

literal shitcoin. stay away from faggot ceo. he change company every 6 months. pajeet shilling

>The comments, views, and opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Walt Disney Company, Disney Connected and Advanced Technologies, or any affiliated companies.

Have you never seen this disclaimer before or are you just completely retarded?

thanks for your estimate.

he has not said anything about disney's github featuring it either.

image is everything. I think normies will gobble it up.

proofs pls.

Over using the term shitcoin arent we? Its an entirely new coin built from the ground up.

Its not like anyone is trying to scare you into buying here.
Cute that the negative guy calling out pajeets types like a fob though :^).

>I'm really worried that its randomly moon before I can buy in, watching the order books and price its evident its on the radar of some serious players. once this deploys I predict pure FOMO and pumps

reading this again brings immense smiles to my face. thanks user.


where i can buy this desu?



this article is good.

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