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Talk about your favorite PC who wasn't your own PC! What were they like?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Talk about your favorite PC who wasn't your own PC! What were they like?
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>Talk about your favorite PC who wasn't your own PC! What were they like?
Well, the thread was nice while it lasted. See you guys in 400 posts.
A kobold swashbucker my buddy built.
Called him Azuramis (He was blue and dressed like a musketeer) and was a hero of justice.
He basically learned to be a hero by reading a colorful series of graphic novels about a ratfolk duelist.
He was the brightest spot in a party of ambivalent, largely neutral party members.
Also surprisingly effective.
Couldn't take a hit but could deal them and avoid them.
This is literally e-celebs: the bait OP.
Fuck off.
It was a nice couple of days we had before faggot anime (especially kitsune) OP came back.
Hey 2hu, or Arkwright, or whichever cocksucking faggot you are this time, NO ONE LIKES YOU. LEAVE NOW. THIS IS NOT A REQUEST, THIS IS A COMMAND.
I like them.
He's really strong and funny but kinda shy!
To the naysayers in the last thread:
>Charm of Wisdom (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier instead of your Charisma modifier when making Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
>Guileful Lore (Ex): At 1st level, the infiltrator’s will is bent toward subterfuge and deception. She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers.
>in addition to the normal ability score modifiers.
Go fuck yourself, this clause allows doubling it. RAW allows it
Because you're making it about them you dumb sons of bitches.
Stop jumping at spooks.
The modifier you add by default is still a bonus. It doesn't work.
What were the names of the potions that made it successively easier and easier to be the opposite sex, until you find it more difficult to disguise yourself as your own?
They're both untyped though. That doesn't work when it's the same attribute twice when both are untyped.
How do I stat her, /pfg/?
>In addition to
By this clause specifically it works. There's no specific rule anywhere that says you cannot do this.
You know, why don't you just ask your fucking GM if that flies? See what he says. I have a feeling you know the answer.
2hu recently mentioned that they've been creating fake accounts for lewd AP's and just abandoning the games as they're made.
A friend of mine plays characters that have excellent shit-talk, so his characters are usual my favorite. We usually go back and forth talking shit to each other.
Give an actual quote or fuck off. Screenshot it with a timestamp.
How was your weekend, /pfg/? Do anything fun or exciting, game-related or otherwise?
>playing a paladin
>witness a man being brutally mugged in the street by the local equivalent of law enforcement
>gm says if I try and stop it I'll fall because it's legal to mug people in the country we're in
How do you deal with a GM who doesn't understand lawful good?
Played a bit of 5e and got burgers with the fellas. It was pretty fun.
Proof it was 2hu or I don't believe you
someone was doing it, but unless you can prove its 2hu fuck off
don't play a paladin if you have a DM that thinks lawful is literally the same as 'the laws must be followed at all time'
Got tipsy for my first session of Friday Starfinder. Played a shirren and basically shitposted for 3 hours. It was good fun.
Saturday Starfinder fell through, and I drove my mom and grandma around to shop.
Saturday Pathfinder fell through. No-show player was a no-show. Shitty internet player had shitty internet. There was a commotion IRL, so I went to sleep kinda depressed. Slept all Sunday.
How was your weekend? Did you kill the investigator's father?
What sort of character are you playing?
Tell him that your code of honor requires that you defend the weak and defenseless, and if you were to ignore it you would fall anyway for failing to uphold JUSTICE!
If your GM then throws a fit, tell him that the Laws of God supercede the laws of Mortal Men, then punch your GM in the face
I visited my sister, ate pizza, and saw the film IT. Not as much on the game front though!
Anyone played as a bandit (or band of bandits) like Robin and merry men style, highwaymen, etc before? How did it work out?
I'm playing a drunken, sword-dancing bard who travels with his equally-drunk, psionic older brother.
A mugging implies it's unlawfulness, if he had said "coerced contribution" then you might have had to let it pass. Probably not, but the best i would've done in that case is compensate the man out of your own pocket and then pursue legal punishment for the mugger
As for your question: make compelling arguments for your beliefs, always stand true to them and never back down unless it would compromise the game's integrity, at which point you simply leave. That way others can still enjoy if they can ignore the fact that their GM lost a player over an unwillingness to accept views other than theirs
Game got cancelled.
> tell him that the Laws of God supercede the laws of Mortal Men
What if all the Lawful gods of the setting are also fine with mugging weak folk?
Great-grandfather, but yes, in a rather horrifying confrontation, we defeated him, though the investigator was killed in the attempt. The city was forcibly expelled from the plane back into reality, and we managed to escape with the investigator's corpse and the very-nearly dead huntress. The cult has been completely destroyed, and we've pretty much saved the day.
What's your impression of Starfinder? Did your character get up to any particularly memorable antics?
Ran a somewhat tense but really fun session for my players, felt very relaxed afterward. To be honest, I'd let my prep work lapse a little bit and ended up having to rush to be able to get things ready.
How was the film?
Then chances are noneof them are Lawful Good, and as such its up to you to become the new Patron Saint of Justice, Fairness, and Mercy for the Downtrodden.
Afterall, if we do not believe in such things and seek to live by them, how else shall they become?
Become the world's new Symbol of Truth, Justice, Honor, and Peace
How unfortunate. Was it for the same reason, or was it simply bad luck?
I liked it a lot. Pretty spooky.
Played my first "Sequel Character" in the form of a descendant of one of my Pathfinder characters. We did the first session of the campaign yesterday and I established his personal goal of trying to learn more about the exploits of that ancestor in order to emulate him, the ancestor in question being a high level Paladin.
What made the session so tense? Is there anything in particular you'd like to devote more time towards in the future?
What sort of person is the descendant? Are they anything like their progenitor?
Well I know that a lot of my players lurk the threads, so I can't really elaborate. But suffice to say things are getting rather intrigue-heavy.
once again some of the guys schedules got tightened and something came up. I swear, it feels like its been more than half a year since I've had the chance to play. Plus its hard for me to join htier other games due to the fact I'm the only one who doesn't live in the same state as them, so scheduling is a bit screwed. Plus I dont trust my potato internet to handle anymore than 4 people on at once, so I usually avoid joining most of their games so they don't have to deal with my trash connection interrupting play.
Maybe I should try to find more local groups. Sadly, haven't found an good ones with openings convenient to me in the area, ad my studies and the fact I live 30-45 minutes away from civilization makes things awkward.
Its so frustrating. I spend so much time coming up with character concepts, ideas, gimmicks, builds, and backstories, yet essentialy none of them will ever see the light of day
Tough call. I've loved most of my parties.
I guess this weirdass custom race wizard. I'd joined this group late, buncha newbies with a shitty GM who had nonetheless managed to get a group of amazing individuals. I eventually took over as GM when everyone got tired of his shit.
Weirdass custom race wizard was a bird thing and the player had spent hours and hours and hours working out all the small details of their culture and mythology and you'd never know if you didn't ask. She'd never just dangle leading hints for the rest of the players, and you'd think most of the time that you were just dealing with the quiet mechanical player type; she did her best to be minimally in the spotlight, and instead leveraged her character to bring out the best in everyone else in story and gameplay.
Most of the time.
Then she effectively ended my campaign. The former GM was a player cuz I mistakenly was hoping I could teach him how to GM? And through a comedy of errors, he had nuked the rebel city they were trying to protect, made an enemy of its ruler, and then made an enemy of the ruler of the next allied city over. So the party was "invited" to a mandatory diplomatic dinner.
Problem: I had chosen to introduce the wizard's background archnemesis as a lackey of the ruler, outfitting him with all the trappings of the fated antichrist in bird religion. While I was making sure ex-GM didn't start smiting compulsively, wizard suddenly asks to make some sacred geometry rolls. Quick calculation and a few natural 20s later, I was looking at the grand vizier being a pile of dust in the dining room. The party split up and basically the campaign ended with half the members in prison. But in hindsight it all made sense. I just was expecting the quiet support wizard again. But she always did two things: build a character that would generally be constructive, and then always play true to the character. Thick or thin.
I know I'm being that guy asking, but is there any greentext from intrigue game? I'm curious about the party dynamic considering DHB is LG in a party of all evil characters.
I'm trying to figure out feat choice for my 17th level wizard, transmutation and conjuration (greater) spell focci are already taken. Also took Sacred Geometry 3 times, Intensify Spell, Piercing Spell, and True Name.
the Sacred Geometry metamagics are Quicken, Maximize, Reach, Silent, Penetrating, and Enlarge
Are there good metamagic feats or other feats I'm forgetting about?
3pp material allowed
this kills the toad
>sacred geometry
This is bait.
No, GM allowed it. Move on from that.
Move on from your obvious bait
Did you suck his dick?
Extend is always a good choice for meta magic.
What bait? If I ask again without mentioning SG, would that warrant a response?
I'm looking for a 17th level feat. I was posting the feats I already had.
Nah, he'd prefaced the game with all 3pp, even the broken dumb stuff, allowed, because he wanted to see what a game like that was like.
Still, Extend, Toppling is pretty great with the right spells, the one that turns light spells into darkness spells is pretty great, just drop a dark sun bomb on someones head that blinds them.
"I'm a high level wizard pfg lmao i have sacred geometry too i'm so fucking op n shit"
make a less obvious bait
Hahahaha no. The ancestor in his prime was stalwart, headstrong, and had a single goal that he dedicated his life to, and the adventures our characters in that session went on he was only on because in the end it would be in service of his goal of destroying a superdungeon that had a tendency to spawn incredibly strong monsters.
I've only played him for one session but so far his descendant is cowardly, constantly tense, and is prone to freaking out at the slightest sign of danger. He's on this mission right now because he wants to change that, but the only way he can think of how right now is to learn more about what exactly his ancestor did that was so amazing, since right now he only has vague bits and pieces.
Excellent! Are you going to revive the investigator or leave it as a noble sacrifice kinda thing? I know some people think easy ress can take the gravity out of a situation. Is that campaign end? Any more adventures planned?
Nothing memorable. It was a first session. I talked a lot, and another character came to the conclusion that the shirren is autistic. We haven't gotten into the meat of the system yet, so nothing much to report. I did very much enjoy playing an insect.
All the people in the game are /pfg/ natives right? Anyone want to comment on it?
So, Book of the Damned is out, I can't scan it but I can try to look up stuff in it if anyone's curious what the new content is. Offered last thread but it was almost over (thanks user for reminding me of that). Any takers?
Unique diminutive humanoid (vermin) swashbuckler 12
What are the prestige classes like, in a general sense?
The adventure is essentially at its end. We'll be having a wrap-up session soon, and I believe the player intends for the character to stay dead. I can't say whether there'll be further adventures with these specific characters, or if we'll play a different campaign entirely.
My stupid fucking DM keeps forcing this gay mythic shit on us!
I hadn't seen Toppling before, that looks cool. Extended is probably a solid choice too.
Any thoughts on non-metamagic feats?
Any lore on Abraxus? I have a post campaign Second Darkness game that I want to involve him, but there wasn't much lore.
DM just upped the power level of encounters to compensate. I really wasn't attempting to troll about high powered pf wizards, my bad, sorry for not making that more clear
I understand Mythic can be pretty nuts-has your experience with it been very negative?
Everyone go and tell the guy writing the Fate handbook that kismet is a garbage name for a grit-alike pool and to stop trying so goddamn hard with all his names.
Did you enjoy the campaign? Did you find the story engaging?
I really haven't enjoyed being told that an enemy just deflects my attack because he felt like it, or an enemy set his initiative to 20 or whatever other stupid things have happened.
What's got you so upset? It sounds like you're low on kismet. Maybe you should rest a while and relax.
I've had a great time.
Who's the most memorable and best written antagonist in the APs that have been published so far and why? These include generally all antagonists who get any form of screen time or even a smidgen of foreshadowing that isn't just a random character noting that there's a crockety old golem living in the ruins you are exploring.
I did, yes. I have kind of a soft spot for cults and otherworldly horror, and I feel like the party had ample opportunity to develop in interesting ways in that atmosphere. I'd certainly enjoy having an adventure like that again-with a different character, since I feel mine concluded his story pretty effectively.
>Disk and Vult apply to Duke's Coin within a day of each other.
I thought Celeb culture was finally dead!
I'm sorry, that could only be recovered with 8 hours rest, critical threats, or ME ROLLING A NATURAL ONE ON A SAVING THROW OR ATTACK ROLL.
Unless they enjoy powder, they won't get in anyways.
It is as soon as you morons stop talking about them. All you are doing is give them the attention they crave.
I'm glad you enjoyed your game! Hopefully there are many more enjoyable games to come.
Get to rolling, nerd. You must obtain more kismet.
>Sacred Geometry
So you're retarded, ok.
Thank you, I hope so too.
Well my group managed to start the next book and.....that's it really. They fought through some woman hating giants and demons while my other game was cancelled due to life. Shame, because it would've been the session where we get to enact our devious plan to make my character an enemy of the state.
Disk and Vult apping to a game is not 'celeb culture'
You bitching about them apping to the game is.
What did this devious plan involve? Why did your character wish to become an enemy of the state?
Generally speaking, each of the three focuses on one of the three Ds (demons, devils, or daemons), gives you earlier access to boons for worshipping one of the big beings, and tends to guarantee you'll be pulled to that afterlife when you die. All three continue to give some "+1 level of existing class" for spellcasting purposes.
Demoniacs get possessed by demons, gain resistances and can pick an ability score to boost, eventually being able to transform into a unique demon for a few minutes a day.
Diabolists get a slightly buffed imp familiar, bonuses to charisma, and can do a lot of binding and summoning. Also some blasts of hellfire and bamfing around.
Souldrinkers get a cacodaemon familiar, a pool of soul points whenever they inflict negative levels, and can use it to craft magical items, recover spells or avoid negative levels themselves. Not all that different from using cacodaemon soul gems in the first place, just innate. They get some specific abilities later on depending which Horseman they worship.
Abraxus gets two pages, one with an illustration and various boons you get for worshipping him (and spending a feat or prestige class) and a page of background lore. There's still not a lot of detail really, mostly about him being worshipped by snake-like beings and what regions tend to focus on him, and him having the Final Word, just not any real meat to it. Still kind of fun, really, but not any different than the old Book of the Damned in that regard.
Thanks for the info. Darn, I was really hoping he'd get some more lore. Maybe, if they do a hard back of Second Darkness (I don't think it is worth a hardback, but meh) he'll get some more lore.
I can type up what there is, in case it might be of help to you. It might differ a bit from what is already out there at least
I'm going to buy the book for the prestige classes ,when the PDF comes out on Wednesday, but thanks though. I want to play an evil Horseman worshipper at some point
I was not even aware of the feat's existence prior to her taking it on level up the prior session, and the rules were all Paizo material.
Are their characters at least cute?
Well, one's a Soul Calibur joke.
It's complicated and over powered, not really something that should be allowed in a game.
I've allowed it in my games, but houseruled to not work with Metamagic over +2, and no more than one at once.
My GMs have either banned it outright, or not cared and encouraged people to take it (and other strong 3pp stuff) so encounters could be made more difficult and more high level monsters could be used/involved in fights.
It should have some good background information on that, not just the benefits but the roleplaying parts too, like how daemonic cults differ from demonic ones, how many PC souls you need to collect to make that item you're eyeing, and all that stuff.
Well the current head of state is a notorious cunt and the plan involves rabble rousing, abusing the laws of physics, abusing magic, abusing one of our party members physically, abusing one of our party members mentally and copious amounts of hammy dialogue about the corruption of the government.
Oh, those are all reprinted prestige classes. But now that I'm looking, it seems that this book is just a compilation of Book of the Damned parts into one whole, so I'm pretty anti-hyped now.
I heard they modified the Daemon one to change around some class features, that true?
I can't believe Vult used that pic for his app. What have I fucking done?
What's the joke?
That art was crowdsourced
Thanks for the explainer. This was several years back now, so I've banned it consistently since then, since I deemed it too essentially complicated to rework. But I wasn't gonna 'undo' a session for not catching a broken 1pp feat.
Link it, dorks
Don't know, think you quoted the wrong person there, I was the one asking about the prestige classes in the first place.