PDF Share Thread #88
Zweihander not welcome here.
PDF Share Thread #88
Zweihander not welcome here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Space 1889 (Ubiquity) Mars and/or Venus sourcebooks. Thanks.
Does anyone have access to 'Ironclaw: Book of Horn and Ivory'? If so, a share would be appreciated.
A preemptive thanks for any leads.
Does anybody have Elminster's guide to magic from the DMs Guild?
This is a bunch of map making resources, brushes, fonts, etc. Might be useful and could be added to the trove.
Is there a trove for Kult's books in english? I've only found the corebook so far in the archives
Looking for Judge Dredd D20 with the art in it. The ones for D20 I can find are missing the art.
Anyone have Numeria: Land of the fallen stars pdf?
Does anyone have the 2D 40k figure flats? All of the links in /po/ have expired or are of the 3D vehicles. I figure some anons have the minis that look like pic related.
Just so everyone knows the chan 3 doors up has officially killed the request thread, and will no longer allow requests,
## ADMIN ##
"I got three new DMCAs regarding the Veeky Forums requests thread in just one day. After some discussion with the mods, it's become exhausting to moderate, with the constant arguments and legal issues, and we have decided to close it.
Bottom line: we no longer accept Veeky Forums requests, please take them elsewhere.
Have a nice day!"
PF thread from 3 doors down got zoinked as well
Seems like our pal Daniel threw another fit.
Or R0ss C0wman of F@ll of M@gic fame, who DMCA'd the thread the last time.
Considering that was the only reason that particular Veeky Forums even exists these days, I wonder if they'll eventually just prune the board.
With the death of the request thread, you guys are my only hope. Humbly requesting Calidar, In Stranger Skies and Calidar, Beyond the Skies.
I'm sorry to say this but the request thread here isn't as good as the other boards. When the groups would see a request long enough somebody would donate it but in this board's request thread, most people just ask for things and don't help others. If you didn't get it back there, it's going to be harder to get it here.
The first one, on the upload mb dot com:
FYI who ever is running the /SOTDL trove... change your key...
Someone just sent a notice to Schwalb via their contact form under my user email about the mega link....
I just got a response email from them.
Letting you know it wasn't me, and Stanford, lol, I am about 25 years out of college.Just posting it here to show how lame people are trying to kill the scene
Does anyone has Through the Breach - Core rules (the second edition rulebook)
Ross and Daniel sure do have a hardon for you Mage. I guess theyre feeling emboldened now after their 'victory'. Btw, thank you and all the cleaners for all the hard work youve been doing.
This one really hurt.
What is funny they both sent me DMCA's and I promptly took down the links I posted months ago. And they both thanked me for doing so. And I have posted since then, not to post those items.
But I guess they need someone to target
That is so childish. Wish I had an interest in their products so I could have downloaded it vs buying.
FYI, I collect a couple D&D (mainly older editions and clones) related vendor's PDFs.
I've bought more than 2 dozen from one company (80% I got first on 7c, bought them as they had good sales when they appeared.)
Others, I have only spot-bought, but hey I've bought easily 5-10 times as many PDFs since joining this community than before due to finding gems.
I don't think I'd ever have bought the SaWo War of the Dead line (at like 50%+ off admittedly) and even maps - if not for here.
Most recently bought The Night Below (as we all know Carse made a BETTER scan of it than the one currently sold) because I was going to run it this month, so since I am actually using it instead of stealing some ideas or maps from it for my own modules - I buy it (again - have the print version).
Other stuff I download "just in case" and ignore.
Thanks AGAIN to Mageuru, Carse and the metric shitte-ton of generous donators and cleaners here.
For example, I'd never have revisited my youth of playing MicroGames games if not for some user's Metagaming trove, etc.
Just a FYI, I'll be posting updates to the Humble Library here as well as 4 chans up.
Mage, that's bullshit...have other authors/publishers done the same or just this one?
Requesting "Lots Artifacts of Greyghast" for 5E DnD by Many Sided Dice. Thank you in advance.
Looking for Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2e. The PDF just got released a few days ago.
I might be a dumbass, but does anyone have Bubblegumshoe?
Check the pdfs up top, it should be in the Annex.
-- I think. OP's just some random dude, not the guy who makes the PDFs.
hey Mageguru is their a place your going to post the cleaned PDFs for like pathfinder at like here or 8ch now that 7chans a bust?
Just a note that I'm unlinking for a couple of days...but they will be back...Duet, Cartoon, Phate; I will take the chance to update,,,and hopefully I'll be ready to unveil a new s0l0
I have always mirrored file posts here and on the other chan 4 doors up.
ah thank you i just found out what happened to 7chan and i just wanted to make sure where you and the others would be posting.
Looking for issues of Warpstone Magazine for WHFRP.
There are a number of dead torrents that have issues 4-28.
Fortunately, due to me updating twice yesterday AND then having to remove that false September 13th that someone had put up, my key got changed 3 times yesterday, but I changed it again now, just to be safe.
I have other mirrors, but why use them when I don't have to? :)
On that note, does anyone please have a proper version of the september 13th 2017 update for the SotDL core rulebook?
The core rules are the only thing I have never actually purchased, oddly enough, and I can't afford them right now. TIA
I fucking told people not to fuck around with that guy, but they all knew better. They all said nothing could possibly happen... idiots
>Zweihander not welcome here.
But why?
Because it keeps getting shit dragged down.
That's the one that was linked yesterday, that doesn't have bookmarking and stuff, and that when some people went through it, they said wasn't right...
Guess I'll have to go through it myself, I suppose. If the changes match, I'll put in bookmarks and put it in my trove.
Looking for Fight! Challengers, if anyone has it. I asked on the you know what chan thread right before it got murdered.
Just buy it.
Right. Did a side by side comparison, and all that has changed between the version I have in my trove that is marked (Updated), and this new version is that Bears are now Size 2 instead of Size 3, and the inclusion of the Path changes from the two Paths of Shadow supplements, along with an intro by Mentzer.
To me, given that the new version looks like ass, and given that the two Paths of Shadow supplements are in the trove, and given that who gives a fuck how big a bear is, I'm not gonna go through and bookmark the new edition.
I will add it again to the trove for completeness, but please don't wah about it ... I had it on there for a couple hours yesterday and people were asking me about stuff like bookmarks.
Take that shit up with Schwalb.
My recommendation: Use the (Updated) version, along with the two path books, and remember how big bears really are.
Because people decided to shit talk against Zweihander's creator and thinking there wouldn't be any consequences because internet anonymity makes people stupid.
DCMA is a thing. If you want to avoid it then play nice, keep your mouth shut and your head down. And perhaps this thread will live a long time, allowing people to get their free stuff.
>blaming the victim
The archives that got DMCA'd the other day didn't even have his book in them, he's just a trigger happy cunt.
A quick rule of thumb: bears are half as big as elephants.
Is there anything else that's considered blacklisted then?
Fall of Magic
Ten Candles
Not just Ten Candles and Microscope, but anything by the same creators.
The blacklist isn't even very long, and the games on it aren't great (IMO) and aren't even heavily supported.
To be fair, will they be missed? not really.
People only ask for them cos they hear about the problems with sharing them. It's just a kneejerk bullshit need to have something that people have said you shouldn't ask for.
Childish cunts.
>It's just a kneejerk bullshit need...
>Childish cunts.
Some time ago I stumbled in a Trove that had a massive collection of pre-1987 RPGs, but I can't find it anymore.
Does anyone have a link?
Any chance someone knows were I can find the Animus supplement for Black Seven?
He's admitted that he downloads stuff from here so he's not.
Do you really want this thread gone too because you just have to call him names?
I would like this request thread to remain. If that means being nice then so be it.
Thanks for being mature about it.
What I can't understand about the Zweihander thing is why people can't just get the free version that the dude put out and play that. The paid version is the only way for him to make any money from his work, so why the hate for him trying to make money from his work? He gave away the text for free guys, do you really need to hate on him because he wants you to pay for the pictures?
Requesting Nova Praxis.
It's like I said already ... tell people they shouldn't ask for something, and they will ask even more
Or just get WFRP. First, second, or third editions are all easy to get, no questions asked.
Looking for 7th Sea: Crescent Empire and a scan of tomb of annihilation TIA
Also wild skies europa tempest would be nice
Echoing some requests from recent threads...
Mort Tanis
The Long Walk: Life on the Grand Stair
Beneath, The Inverted Church
Gathox Vertical Slum
Dungeons & Delvers - Black Book
Recent humble bundle...
snip dot li
(I did it as loose files, not a rar, so people can cherry pick what they want, if they already have some of the things)
That's very nice, but I want Zweihander, waaaaghh!
But seriously, thanks for that.
I second Beneath, The Inverted Church
CityofCarse will post here?
Requesting Star Trek Adventures: These Are the Voyages.
Some more for the wantlist...
Book of Familiars / Mystical Companions (Castles & Crusades or D&D5)
Sig, the City Between / Sig manual of the Primes (Spark)
You beautiful human being.
Thank you.
Requesting The Forbidden Caverns of Archaia.
No reason to think he wouldn't :)
The Guild migrated four doors up, CoC might as well. Ultimately it shouldn't matter where they end up as long as they don't get discouraged and they continue to post somewhere.
Thanks user. I was looking for this
WFRP Trove w/Warpstone
mega dawt enzee
Looking for:
Mindjammer – The City People
Mindjammer – Blue
Mindjammer – Hearts and Minds
Yeah, CoC is 4 doors up.
Pendragon: Book of the Estate
Pendragon: Book of Battle
Pendragon: Book of the Warlord
Seconding and adding Book of Uther
At last, long awaited...
Tomb of Annihilation
Thank goes to CoC for the scan. Cover, bookmarks by me.
Thank you, and thanks to CoC
All things Fight!... sendspace.com
Email me at [email protected] and I'll set you up.
I did not receive your email, please send it to [email protected]...
Any word on where Lib is migrating to?
Archaic cave-systems are off limits... sendspace.com
Awesome.. many thanks :)
May your dog, while small, be vicious!
Anyone know of any resources or map packs that provide gear for Chinese/East Asian settings?
Want to run a Three Kingdoms campaign.
Have a look at "Ten Buried Blades" for Godbound, and at the game "Qin".
As for non-chinese east-asian settings, Yoon-Suin and Qelong are gold.
Do you mean gear and weapon lists? Mad Monks of Kwantoom, Scarlet Heroes, and Red Tide have some.
So if I'm not mistaken the +3 admins ignored our requests for months to hire a dedicated Veeky Forums moderator who would get rid of the de-obfuscating cunt and rather than do that and allow him to remove DMCA'd links, they decided to pull the plug out of laziness?
Glad to see +3 finally toppled, the admin incompetence was getting pretty grating. It was painfully clear no one in charge of the site gave a shit anymore.
Thanks, thinking mainly about maps resources like buildings and props and such.
Will take a look at your suggestions.
Does anyone have the Blade of the Iron Throne rulebook? I searched in the archive but couldn't find it, so I'm sorry if it is there.
Many thanks :)
I think I have this at home, I'll have a look later.
It might be in with the Riddle of Steel?
Don't worry, I already upped it in the post above yours :D
Aye, cheers. Your version looks much better, I think all I had was a scan.
Thanks to both of you. :)
you're welcome :)
All things Mindjammer... sendspace.com
Looking for Tales of Gor: Gorean Roleplaying.