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>>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?
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>>Green Stuff Casting
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Work in Progress General /WIP/
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Starting things off right with a bit of Doomrider.
Finally finished, hoping to start painting soon.
First for Da Lawbreakaz!
And from behind
Poxy Spikey Git!
In true ork fashion this was knocked up from spare parts and an old long unused dreadnought.
Friendly reminder to crop and resize your images
Ah. My mistake.Here's a cropped one since it turns out the first one kind of looked like ass anyway.
Tabletop lord of contagion.
Unnecessarily using smaller brushes is one of the worst things you can do. Being neat comes down to a few things.
1) Taking your time. It's not a race.
2) Making sure your paint is the proper consistency. Your paint should be just thinned enough that you only need the barest, most gentle touch for the paint to come off the brush (but it shouldn't run). The more force you need to use to get the paint to come off, the less neat you can be.
3) Making sure you don't have too much paint on the brush. Overloading the brush just makes a mess.
4) Keeping a fine point on the brush. Keeping that nice pointed tip is what lets you be neat, not using a smaller brush. A smaller brush has a much smaller reservoir which means less paint and paint that dries out faster and thus both takes longer and gives you less time to work with the paint in its optimum thinness.
5) Making sure you hold the piece in a way that lets you move your hand holding the brush in the most simple way (i.e. a straight line from top to bottom) rather than needing to contort into a weird angle which will cause you to be less neat.
so is there a place where you can find gw miniatures, like a big catalog, even oop ones?
goddamn, there is a LOT of detail on the new ahriman.
what the FUCK. it was loading fine on my computer, and I just posted it to normiebook right side up, why did Veeky Forums turn it aussie?
It's the power of the warp, user. Let it overtake you.
The details might be easier to paint if you didn't glue him to the ceiling
it is a good pain!
Veeky Forums is weird about that. You have to rotate the picture correctly in your phone THEN crop it to lock the orientation in.
Because you're a dumb phone poster who needs to learn to crop, rotate and resize before posting.
>can't post correctly
>makes le upside is Australia le may-may
>posts on normiebook
smells like reddit
When did we start letting /tv/ tier shitposters in?
started to put some colour onto the arm, it's supper sloppy at the moment but should be fine once it's tidied up.
I'm not sure if I want to add something else to the drills themselves, if they're rotating then being covered in blood/grime probably wouldn't make much sense?
>so is there a place where you can find gw miniatures, like a big catalog, even oop ones?
Stuff of Legends is pretty cool.
Necromancer Warband Update
With these Thieves/Treasure Hunters my Warband is complete.
I may do some OSL off the lantern with my airbrush tomorrow, may not though, I'm pretty happy with him as is.
I also have some stuff I bought just because it looked cool and could be used as monsters or alternates, but they aren't really part of my core force.
Might be time to take a bit of a break from cool Undead and paint some Infinity or Kingdom Death stuff though, we'll see.
Did my first metal model conversion. Is this presentable? Any tips?
Saw this giant dragon skull that's part of a base to a statue I own and thought it'd be cool to put the Warband's leadership around it.
They're trying to figure out how they can replace the skeletal footman with a big dragon.
Just a bit of fun before bed.
Why are these skeletons so smug
They understand the necessity of supply lines.
A Necromancer needs corpses and bones to Raise. They know they're important enough to be protected.
Also they were probably assholes in life.
This is going to see pretty fuckin' stupid, but how do you guys do it?
I've got two reaper bone miniatures (pic related) sitting on my desk, but I can't seem to get paint on 'em. I've never painted before and I have no idea where to even start. There's too many details.
Any advice?
>first off I take pics and use photoshop to see what I want, colorwise, on the model (not really applicable to itty bitty ones like reaper bones though)
>prime it
>base the whole thing so all the colors are locked in and I can see what it looks like
>after that comes shading and layering and w/e else
One step at a time man.
Spend some time cleaning up mold lines, put them on a a real base, get some kind of texture down on it (kitty litter or sand work well).
That can be your first session.
Pic related.
I'm only helping you because of the triple dubs noob
Use an app like "EverClipper" on yo pics
I love the everlasting biological paint pallet going on in that photo
What do ya'll think of my custom Necron Lord?
How do you like you like your blood realism, Veeky Forums?
I tend to go pretty overboard with chain weapons, because I'd imagine it's fairly messy, but bladed weapons I like to keep the bloody tidy, for the most part.
Also, here's my newly finished Carcharodon Astra Deathwatch marine. Chain hammer is made from forgeworld chain bayonets that come with some of the 30k bolters. Got the inspiration from one of the Black Crusade splatbooks and really wanted to throw it on a model.
>tfw it only really takes 20 hours spread over 5-7 days to paint 5 models
>but for some reason the 20 hours gets spread over 2 months
Send help.
I dont like the way ogryns look so Im thinking of proxying them. I was thinking in lines of exosuited guardsmen. Anyone got any idea where to look from? Also other ideas are welcome aswell.
I opened this image and my nose started to bleed.
Anvil has a couple of different exosuits/mechs. I don't know how they compare size-wise to ogryns though.
Real blood looks like shit, it's bright red or dark brown/black red.
The style of blood you're using looks the best, and is also not "realistic", although if people don't know better, they wouldn't know that it's unrealistic.
Even in death, I grudge.
How to paint Ironjawz is up.
I actually looked their line up but they are closer to space marine look so that wouldn't work.
Not the exo-lords. The ones in the afterlife list.
Thinking about building a kill tank. I think I'll use a sturmtiger as the main body and gun and build up on it but I'm not sure if a sturm is big enough. These things seem to drawf rhinos
Nice Squat pariah.
Are they grave-digging for lower jaws?
Oh right! They are pretty good looking, I wonder what their size are, but they probably come a little short compared to ogryns. Ogryns are something like twice as big as guardsman if I have not mistaken.
I currently have a BaC, BoP, and a Dark Imperium box sitting on my hobby table and I don't know what to do with them. I'm considering the following:
>Hawk Lords
>Emperors Spears
Would an user or multiple anons fill me with ideas?
Use shoylder pads, arm guards, helms and backpacks from BoP Mk3 dudes to convert DI chadmarines into Iron Warriors. Did that myself, they look bombin'.
That was my first thought, but I'd keep them as a loyalist chapter. I want an interesting way to do Ultramarines kinda like the pic I posted and just play up the spavlce roman theme.
Post cool quartered spess marine chapters for Inspiration pls, thinking purple / blue. Thoughts?
I'm about to do a hawk lords chapter, never done marines before but hyped as fuck
Were you going to be fluffy with me and span your life savings on flyers?
Lamenters scheme will drive you to suicide.
I like Carcharodons since they have a lot of options in terms of modeling and rules. Exorcists do as well, in terms of taking Inquisition allies.
I want a challenge though and Lamenters seem to be top tier in that regard
You don't need a complex scheme to challenge yourself. Why waste your time trying to freehand a checkerboard and do smooth plain yellow when you could be spending your time practicing on how to do a blended or NMM color for a normal chapter.
>Did that myself, they look bombin'.
Please post pics.
How much detail and mass is lost from a resin casting?
I Wanna copy a pewter mini in resin, modify it and make tin castings of the modified resin mini.
0 if you do it right. Details might be mushier, but if you're losing entire parts then something is wrong with your mold or your method.
Since you're a beginner you're probably going to lose quite a lot of detail as you're doing a copy of a copy.
I need some help. I need to kitbash together a techpriest enginseer. I've never done any converting before, so I could use some help.
I have a Vanguard body available, a whole bunch of the bits in that kit, a spare Dominus head, and lots of Kataphron Breacher bits like the claws and stuff.
I don't really know where to start, or how to get away with not having a giant axe.
Anyone have knowledge of how tall ogryns are and what base they use?
Australian guy from a couple of threads ago here, took anons advice on the colours and came up with a general idea on what my 'nids will look like, any tips?
Unless you paint that to GW levels of good, they're going to look fucking bland and boring.
You better paint them good...
You the guy looking inspiration from the Aussiws wilderness right?
Colors look cool but Id add some color to scales like spots or something. Yellow maybe?
Im actually putting some spots on a canifex rn
It looks fine, even if the gun now looks like something a filthy degenerate Nomad would use.
You need Jesus.
Going primaris, so flyers and repulsors with a dread and all chap/apoth/librarian.
I'm still not 100% sure I want to go hawks though
Yeah I butchered that post a bit
What I meant to say is that I had the same idea to put spots on the carapace, loosely inspired by aboriginal cave art
That is looking much better already!
maybe something like these?
Not my best, but when you're buying board game figures for less than 20p each I think showing them any love is a good thing.
He'll be good for lurking under a bridge in a game of Song of Blades and Heroes or something.
As long as you keep the dots dark and faded so they don't scream at your eyes it should look good.
If you're feeling like a madman you can go full abbo dot art and make something excellent.
No not really. More like crisis suit but not so high techy. Anvil Industry got some good ones, but not sure if they'd be proper sized.
Where do you get cheap minis like that and how do you prep them for painting?
Are there key words you could look for on alibaba or something?
This gets funnier the longer I look at it
I just skulk around places like Bartertown and forums. Ebay too, I just filter to auctions only, UK only, under £15. That removes all the shops and people re-listing "Buy it Now" stuff that will never sell at £3+p&p per single miniature. I only use them if it's something I really need, like one Skeleton to complete my Heroquest.
If I see odd things with no bids I'll put a quid on it. I'm not exactly picky and I have something of a fetish for old plastics, I like the simplicity and these days I only really play SoBaH and Heroquest. I'm just trying to build up a fantasy collection, as a kid I only played 40k so I have loads of spare Tau heads and Frag grenades of limited use, but not much in the way of swords or shields.
As for prep, a bit like Reaper Bones, a wash in soapy water first, and either Vallejo's brush-on primer or a solid coat of acrylic seems to do the job. I don't handle them enough that I've ever had anything rub or chip.
Does anyone know how to make a decent looking wood paint? I want my Vostroyans to use more wooden looking guns but I'm not sure how.
>Brown base
>Lighter stripes of brown
>Tie it together with a brown glaze
Das it mane
not sure what you mean with 'more wooden'
The guys in your pic have woodgrain painted onto the stock an all. Can't really do much more than than that on reasonably time budget for painting an army imo.
Maybe I'm just slow today, so here's the WD painting tut from back in the day in case you were wondering how these were painted.
Paints are different these days of course, but still good enough as a starting point if you use modern equivalents or the Vallejo Game colors.
Don't overdo it with spots.
not that confident in my paint skills just yet mate
Because fixing up an image is not that hard, takes like a minute and even just saving a .png as .jpg (with 100% quality so compression doesn't rape it) decreases filesize a ton.
Seriously, don't overdo it with the spots, it will look strange. Too many spots or too many different colors will look busy.
hey guys, been kinda bored lately and tryna come up with a new project. i kinda started with an IG/Scions squad of firebenders and earthbenders from the avatar series, fuck the movie though. is it worth continuing?
Reaper bone shit is weird rubber/plastic. You really need to like, soak them in detergent, then use decent primer (test?). Only then will paint actually grip the model.
I'm , try Vallejo's brush-on primer.
I say brush-on, but it's actually very thin because they recommend using an airbrush. Remember that you're not trying to black out every hint of white plastic completely though, just making a surface for future paints to apply smoothly to.
I've heard so much about various spray primers/undercoats not really working on Bones or staying tacky (because of accelerants or whatever) that I just steer clear.
I'm using other big alien stuff, like those Rat Ogres from Fantasy.
Here are my firebenders and earthbender dudes. Any c&c is appreciated too
Where's the lunch-bag of dead puppies drowned in LSD?
Actually they look quite awesome!
>finish backlog
>immediately start new army
God damnit
I-is that unprimed plastic, user?
>miniature has bumpy surface because of dust
>not wiping your painting area before every session and using a makeup brush on your miniatures
See too much of this on /wip/
>straight to plastic paints
paint me surprised
That's definitely grey paint boys, get your eyes checked.