I've been wondering lately what the population of all the various factions are. Not sure if it has been given in fluff anywhere
Population of the Warhammer World
The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay book Sigmar's Heirs gives population numbers for many major cities in the Empire, but they are wildly dissatisfying. They give population numbers like 3,000 for Wurtbad, capital of Stirland. It doesn't make any sense.
Beyond that I don't know of any firm numbers.
There's no China in Warhammer?
There is, there's quite a bit of the world missing from this map.
Say hello to Cathay, Nippon, and Ind
The given size of the Empire is about the size of Europe. We know about half of it is covered in forest. Assuming similar demographics and agriculture to the real life renaissance, Altdorf is probably around 300,000-500,000 based off Constantinople at its height combined with the size of Paris and various large Italian and Flemish cities during the rennaissance. The various other major cities are likely below 100,000 with the exception of Nuln, Marienburg, Middenheim, and possibly Talabheim.
Brettonia is roughly the same size as thw Empire but due to its society its cities are much much smaller, probably 40,000 people at most in Courrone.
Kislev and Erengrad are probably the size of large Imperial cities. No idea about Dwarfs and Elves but Dwarfs don't really live outside their Karaks so there population is quite dense. Orcs and various other gribblies are pointless to count.
Largest pop: probably Skaven or Greenskins, Cathay or Ind having the largest human population.
Smallest pop: Wood Elves most likely or Vampire Counts (the actual vampires and not the generic undead)
>Empire: ~20 million (population of Holy Roman Empire pre-30 Years War)
>Bretonnia: ~10 million (Population of 12th century France)
>Norsca/Chaos Wastes: ~5 million (seems to be a decent amount of them)
>Kislev: ~11 million (population of Russia at the time of Ivan the Terrible)
>Tilea: ~10 million (Renaissance Italy)
>Estalia: ~8 million (Conquistador-era Spain)
>Araby: ~7 million (Crusader-era Arab World)
>Cathay: ~160 million (population of 15th century China)
>Ind: ~100 million (Mughal-era India)
>Nippon: ~18 million (Tokugawa Shogunate circa 17th century)
>Ulthuan: ~2-3 million (doesn't seem to be a lot of Elves but they still have a lot of cities and armies)
>Naggaroth:~1-2 million Dark Elves (how they keep up with the High Elves i have no idea but there seems to be tons of them)
>Dwarfs: ~5-6 million
>Greenskins: ~130 million (worldwide)
>Skaven: ~150 Million (worldwide)
>Beastmen: ~50 million (worldwide)
>Nehekhara: ~3-5 million (undead)
>Lizardmen: ~5-6 million (all types)
>Ogre Kingdoms: ~1 million
>Wood Elves: ~250,000
just my BS estimations
Altdorf's population according to 2E roleplay is 105,000. The Skaven population of Under-Altdorf was larger at 150,000.
The largest city in the world is Skavenblight with 250,000.
Urbanization still not very big despite the New Modern vibe
Empire is way larger than the HRE though. Actually all of Warhammer is bigger than its real life equivalents. Plus they have magic to help crops grow.
Those population numbers are widely rejected as illogical. Some fans headcanon the numbers in Sigmar's Heirs to be family heads, or conscript-able men, or something similar.
Really sad that they never got around to giving any sort of detail on any of those places other then 'eh, they blew up when everything else did'.
This was actually somewhat calculated pretty extensively by an autistic fan trying to figure out what everyone should logically have according to the army sizes a few years back, can't remember where it all came from but I have the numbers he made.
Empire= around 5 million in the cities, and 35 in the countryside.
All the other human faction = 50 million in total
Dwarfs= ca 2 million. Shockingly low.
Wood elves= ca 800 000.
High Elves=ca 10 million.
Dark elves= ca 3 million.
Lizards= Impossible to know for sure but it could be anywhere from 2 million to 15 million.
Greenskins= hundreds of millions.
Skaven= in the billions.
Skaven once again prove that they are the champions of warhammer without a doubt.
That's ignoring Ind and Cathay, which both should have outrageous populations based on historical India and China.
Cathay and Khuresh are in each others places.
As many as the plot dictates.
Actually it's bigger. They sail full blown ships of the line down the riek and stir.
Pop. 0
Setting -10 hp
>pop hundreds of millions
.setting: essentially immortal
Lurk sometimes in the warhammer general, there are some ind and cathay segments from the books posted there. Ind apparently has something with tigers where the locals worship the half human/half tiger people.
It is likely that the people who made it fell into the same trap of using the citizenship rolls of old cities as population figures. Most people in the live inside a cities were not citizens of said city. The population of those cities were 3 to 8 times as large as their number of citizens. When you add in the near by market villages increase that figure by another 50 to 80 percent for the "metropolitan area".
Meaning that Wurtbad has a population of about 22,500 to 43,200. See as that the largest city in Bavaria had population in the range of 24 to 30 k during the 15th &16th centuries that sounds about right.
>billions of skaven
Skavenblight only has a quarter of a million, no way are they that big.
no way. They're 200-300 million max.
you can fit some pretty big warships on the Rhine river IRL too.
Thats not the Rhine, and that's not a river-boat. It's the IJ at Amsterdam, a waterway directly connected to sea and dredged out to be accesible for sea-faring ships.
And that ship is the Amsterdam. A cargo vessel that shipped spices from the East-Indies to the Netherlands.
But too help you a bit, in this picture you see some river vessels used in the 80 years war.