Are you guys going to play?
Are you guys going to play?
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Hell yes I am. I'm finally getting all of my siblings back in the same country and I've been buttering them up on board games for a couple years now.
I think they are finally ready to get into something heavy
fuck yeah! I've been waiting to get this game as the crown jewel for my collection.
And finally I have the people to play this with
What the hell is it? I could google it but it looks like this thread could use some help.
Years ago Fantasy Flight Games wanted to make Dune: the Boardgame, but lost the license, so they made Dune: But Hey With Catmen Instead: The Boardgame
Explain the lore, spare no detail.
Hell no. Takes too much time. Set-up, Gameplay, Clean-up. I'd hate to be the guy that owns that shit.
when they release the updated version without all the bugs
Man, that's REX, not Twilight imperium. Same universe though.
It's Dune, with cat men.
One of the best strategic board games on the market that's about to get a new edition.
but srs I don't know the lore, never played it
But you can watch a 50 min doco Shut Up & Sit Down just did on it
>too lazy to put effort into his hobby
I think you may be on the wrong board.
we've mastered the science of TI setup and Cleanup. Setup takes 15-20 mins and cleanup takes 10 mins
I can fucking wait. But it will be hard to wrangle people into playing any game that takes more than two hours though.
>I think you may be on the wrong board.
No, but thanks for showing me you're an idiot.
>But it will be hard to wrangle people into playing any game that takes more than two hours though.
No point buying a boardgame if you don't have people to play it.
>Setup takes 15-20 mins and cleanup takes 10 mins
That's great to hear. But that's only possible since you have a group that knows the game and can help. If I owned the game and I wasn't playing at house, I'd still be compelled to double-check if all the components are complete and back in the box
Someone in the group that regularly plays 3rd is surely gonna buy it, so... yes.
Bought 3rd edition 2 years ago so no.
Reprint TI3 expansions reeeeee
>immediately start shit spewing as a defense
Boy you sure did get me. I'M the idiot.
Years ago the Lazax created a huge empire, dominating the galaxy. Rather than crushing other empires they integrated them, letting their client races have their own vassal empires, dividing the power between them, making sure that none would be able to individually challenge their power. Notably among them were the six great races, the Federation of Sol (Humans), Emirates of Hacan (trader Space Lions), the Barony of Letnev (militaristic Space Elves), the Sardak 'Norr (warrior Bugs), the Universities of Jol'Nar (scientist Fish people) and the Kingdom of Xxcha (diplomatic Space Turtles). However, the Lazax grew decadent and complacent and tensions started rising between the great races. The imperial senate proved incapable of dealing with issues and when the Letnev blockaded trade from Sol in protest over trade regulations, negotiations broke down and sparked a civil war, which would ultimately lead to the destruction of the Lazax home world, hunting down their survivors and a centuries long dark age as the great races retreated to their home worlds.
As the game starts the great races are beginning to marshall their power to once again reclaim the galaxy, as well as seeing the rise of some minor races such as the Yssaril (spying Space Goblins), the Winnu (former servant race and custodians of the Lazax legacy), the Naalu (stupid sexy psychic lamias), Embers of Muaat (slave lava people that built the first not!death star), the Mentak (space Aussie pirates) and more (there's like 17 races to play).
Oh, and the survivors of the Lazax have gone full Borg, forming a "mindnet" and calling themselves the L1z1x.
>4-8 hours
Well, I want to like this game, but that just won't fly with anybody I'd play it with.
Already pre-ordered at my FLGS.
Oh, OP said played. Nope, never going to play it but it will sit on my shelf for years. At least, it's a cool looking box.
Seem to be going the old 'intentionally selling you 80% garbage product so that we can sell you good stuff as expansions later' with a big serving of 'more rules and table clutter but less depth'.
I hope someday :(
I so rarely get to post this.
After hesitating over buying TI3 for years, I think I'm going to go in for 4. FFG seem like they're planning on giving it a lot of support, and even on its own it's a game I could play for years.
TI isn't Rex, ya dummies.
I don't even know what game is this, so no, not really.
>FFG seem like they're planning on giving it a lot of support,
I prefer a boardgame to be a great experience with just the base game without needing any expansions. I'm tired of that model.
That seems like kind of a logical leap, though?
That a company is planning to support and expand a product doesn't mean the base game is bad.
Already preodered it, I have TI3 + expansions + spanish translated cards/races in the TI3 box (they barely fit), I am doing a couple 4-player games to recruit new players for when TI4 drops
>That a company is planning to support and expand a product doesn't mean the base game is bad.
Sorry, but this is FFG we're talking about.
FFG have never made bad games, in my experience. Overpriced ones, sure, with a lot of extra questionably necessary components, but whenever someone busts out a FFG game, with a few exceptions, I tend to expect a quality experience.
>FFG have never made bad games, in my experience. Overpriced ones, sure, with a lot of extra questionably necessary components, but whenever someone busts out a FFG game, with a few exceptions, I tend to expect a quality experience.
Man, well, if that's your experience, all I can say, sincerely, is more power to you.
As for me, I don't want to have the burden of owning another FFG-designed game again.
Can you describe how you've found them lacking?
Buddy picked up a copy at GenCon, hands down my favorite experience ever playing TI and I played dozens of games of TI3.
Sounds cancerous. I'll stick to playing the original on TTS
The core game is good though. It has more to it than TI3 did, and more than the majority of board games.
It's definitely not for everyone, but it's a helluva feast for those who want to get their space opera, galactic military groove. Players just be ready to dedicate the whole afternoon/evening to it.
1. FAQ and errata out the wazoo
2. Expansions that fix a significant flaw in the base game that you have to buy if you want the fixed experience
3. Expansions that add more and more stuff to the game that you have to become a living encyclopedia to remember how everything works unless you play the game very regularly (also related to number 1)
4. Lots of components to keep track of and check if complete at the end of every game.
5. For their mega-games, huge box that you have to lug around if not playing at your house and large table space needed
I think the best part about TI is that it's so epic and evocative that people often forget to play optimally and instead just get into character of whatever race they're playing and start impromptu roleplaying.
That's only like...50% of games.
Though I love the politicking in the "APPEASEMENT BE DAMNED! FUCK MIKE AND HIS CYBORG GERMANY!" phase.
Also, The University will always duck you later.
We had a 5-man 11 hour session a few months back... and I gotta say I'm not that much a fan of the game. :/
It's basically pic related, with a much more complex, combat oriented and less elegant system (the strategy thingie is a neat concept but everything else just feels like a crawl).
You're waiting 40 minutes for your turn and when it finally happens you have so goddamn many small modifiers and issues to think about that you probably forget 1/3 of them.
I simply think the time is much better spent on Civ.
What's the difference between 4th and 3rd?
Man, that's a blast for the past. I haven't played Civ in years.
It's literally every race released to date from the previous games and the "best of" modules from 3rd's expansions all in one box with slightly streamlined rules. I don't know what else you could want really.
I really want to buy it and now I will actually have ppl to play with, however I feel a little guilt buying it when I can barely save money on a monthly basis (3rd world country.)
Coffee shop owner in third world country. TI3 is not expensive. Unless you live in Congo or Venezuela this stuff is not expensive.
Add to that, Nekro virus (terrorist nano virus), Yin (Space AIDS riding psyker clones), Ghost (masters of wormholes and outsiders of the Galaxy), Arboec (living planet of plants that uses zombies to communicate with others)
Also the space elves are technically dark elves with vampire looks.
A common war tactic is to use fighters to catch bullets for your capital ships, it a game mechanic and is inside the lore, to the point that there are cards that punish you for having too much fighter screens.
If it took 11 hours for a 5 man game, you group was not prepared. I realize it's nigh impossible to get everyone to read the rules in advance, but I've played in 4 player games with newbs and finished in under 5 hours while teaching the game. Printing out rules reminders and basic player guides goes a long way to dealing with the issue. (Nothing but a good beating fixes players with analysis-paralysis which isn't a fault of the game itself.)
Also, 4th seems more seems a bit more streamlined. A lot of the mechanics are a lot more self-explaining and there are a lot less caveats to rules.
Risk and catan in space
Takes me back to my Ogame days.
My fleet of 5 battleships and 200 light fighters is gonna fucking wreck your 12 and your 10 other cruisers.
120 dollars is expensive for some people, you asshat. Like user said, they can barely save any money month to month, it's not unreasonable to think that 120 bucks (or more depending on availability and remoteness) is half of the disposable income some people get in an entire year.
Frankly, TI3 with the homebrewed fixes to the horrible tech tree and completely untested expansion content made official. Instead, we got slightly rehashed vanilla TI3 with all of its problems intact, more cardboard to take up space on the table, worse planet cards, and awful new rules that hamstring politics, trade, bribes and diplomacy.
Also they're getting really desperate for 'inspiration', I'm pretty sure the new destroyer is the Cybran destroyer from SupCom.
And you're basing those assertions on what, exactly?
Players who don't think about the game until it's their turn are truly the scum of the earth.
All but one, and he hadn't touched it in 4+ years, had never played before but all were seasoned boardgamers.
I'm well prepared to accept that pic related but I can't escape the feeling that TI simply is a little to cluttered for its own good, and that I just want to play something more direct with less player downtime.
Reading the previews, reading materials about the game on publisher's site and seeing most of it on unpacking videos on Youtube. And playing TI3 at least once a month for years.
The Yssaril Tribes are broken AF
Can anyone tell my what's Inis.
You are an idiot.
I know of a game of MegaCiv happening next month...they're up to 16 players. I'm going to show up and watch, but I'll make sure I'm an hour or two late so I don't get drafted.