Just going to dump a few things.
Character Art Thread
Anyone have crossbow art?
Dumping a few pics I've used as character art.
I want Disney-esque art for my character...
looks like a disney princess to me (not that I have something against that, I actually like it)
Anyone have bards that look like nobles?
Only have the one, sorry.
check out filename related
I've got a peculiar request. I need members of a mafia. Not modern, still fantasy, just people who look like they're the upper echelons of the criminal underworld.
Do they need to be human?
looking for elves with dinosaur trophy accessories
Any Half-Orc clerics out there that aren't this fucking guy? Fire-themed preferably.
This pic checks some boxes.
Does anybody have crows that look like people? Larger than a child, wearing clothes, maybe with something like hands. But not with human faces.
So basically kenkus?
Why does that witch have high heels?
Why not?
That looks very nice, I'll be looking it up.
Considering the jewelry, she's likely going out for an occasion.
can you give me the artists name, or where the image comes from?
Does anyone have a chronomancer looking guy?
I found it on pinterest and it was apparently made by a guy named luizguizado (from what I could gather based on the source google gave me). Just look up luizguizado frills on google and it should pop up. Hope that helped.
This image isn't his work, but used the image you asked for the source of as a reference on the tg drawthread
Does this work? I was going to use her for a magical mafia enforcer in one of my quests. Also I need art of lady bards and lady dancers if anyone has anything.
Does anyone have any older mad maxesque art? Something that says "he's been driving that rig for a long time.
I've gone to a New PC,m so I cant contriboot yet, but does anyone have some Apocalyptic crusaders/templars/paladins? Like the sort of Wasteland warriors stuff, Going to be playing an apocalyptic AMP game soon and I've been thinking up a fun little "Raised in an angelical surviving colony" and has left to wander the wastes with the belief that he is fighting Satan's spawn (Mutants).
Elves being bad ass Rangers plz.
Badass as rangers or bad asses rangers?
Undead knights!
If they've got a Landsknecht sense of style, even better!
This might be one.
I kind of have a request guys, i need pictures of barbarians from any walk of life, bonus points for either sea theme or snow/ice theme Barbarians
Is this what you're looking for? Or is it a hero in a medieval aplcalypse, like this one might be?