Is it just me or does Veeky Forums literally hate everything these days?
And I'm not talking about RAGE I'm talking about unironic hatred for just about anything
Is this just that people are getting older thing?
Is it just me or does Veeky Forums literally hate everything these days?
And I'm not talking about RAGE I'm talking about unironic hatred for just about anything
Is this just that people are getting older thing?
average Veeky Forums contrarianism plus Veeky Forums schizophrenic board identity.
It's just you!
I've noticed it too. New Veeky Forums is a colder, harder place than it used to be.
In a sense. Most of the people that got older either post significantly less or not at all. The majority of Veeky Forums users that fit in during the CURRENT YEAR wouldn't have fit in several years ago.
Have you tried not using Veeky Forums?
>average Veeky Forums contrarianism
Mostly this. Anything liked is low-hanging fruit to troll against. Also degeneracy. That's nothing new here, but it tends to gather people and get more extreme over time.
Are you kidding? I love everything here! Although I've never actually played a TTRPG so my opinion is fairly worthless.
If I had to voice an o(p)inion I blame it on the fact that nu-Veeky Forums complained about quests and then when quests got their own board and were basically purged from this one; they felt understandably justified and it's been a witch hunt of basically scrutinizing every other aspect of Veeky Forums until the board is "true and pure, like the old days" - which of course is impossible and an imaginary goal.
They bitch about CYOA, they bitch about generals, they bitch about really anything that doesn't have to do with hard-tack details in a game, which you can see happen when they try and end any thematic open discussion by unoriginally parroting, "depends on setting". They have a chip on their shoulder and this vague impossible end game goal to improve the board when really they're the problem with it- not that we can simply 'remove' them, since they're a part of this board's environment too.
I also see just a little bit of conflict between casuals and people who actually fucking play traditional games, not, like, "hearthstone", but people trying to bait Veeky Forums's opinion on political gaming (As if the opensource nature of traditional gaming could be made anymore "inclusive" or some other E-Celeb Bullshittery.. I don't see that becoming a problem though- more of just a nuisance since Veeky Forums isn't as reactionary or as antagonistic as /v/ or /a/, since Veeky Forums is the kind of board that can turn blatant fetish bait topics to actual, serious, intelligent discussion.
You are living cancer and the worst part of this board, the guy willing to aimlessly bullshit while sneaking in little bits of his personal agenda into his monologue.
Depends on the setting
>cyoa threads
>a bunch of people spamming the same overcomplicated images and people replying with their choices with no actual results coming from said actions
Even if you think this is worthwhile content: it really has nothing to do with tg and there's no discussion to be had. It should move to trash for the same reasons we don't have roll threads.
>I blame it on the fact that nu-Veeky Forums complained about quests
Fuck you. Quest threads fucking swarmed this board until there was nothing else here. Your faggot quest thread was never going to be another Ruby Quest.
Be a man, grow some balls and leave.
No board > bad board
In the board's defense, hate is both more vocal and more noticeable. There's not a lot to say if you agree on something, and if you don't agree on it, there's presumably a pro-skub/anti-skub component in there somewhere. You also don't notice the genuine conversations as much as the seething page-long tirades against each other.
That said, yeah. The board's transmuted some of its "I like thing" into "I don't like thing and you're a faggot," which is... less pleasant all around.
Case in point: This could have been a thread about something you liked, but instead you made it a thread about something you don't like. We could have made or posted in a thread about something we liked, but instead we're here. The result is that the board is a little less about things we like and a little more about hating things than it had to be.
Back to your ghetto.
"Hey guys let's talk about ROLEPLAYING GAME"
"God I hate AUTHOR/PUBLISHER they're so bad and their product sucks and no one should play it"
It feels like every thread, regardless of the game, has at least one designated person that will say nothing but to shit on the creators.
It works both ways.
Case in point: You made your post all about what you dislike about OP's post. You could've made a post about bits you liked, but instead we're here. The result is that you are a little less honestly constructive and a little more hypocritical.
>Although I've never actually played a TTRPG
This right here is the main problem with Veeky Forums. 90% of the board is reddit memers fresh off of 1d4chan here solely to shitpost stale memes.
It's not my fault that people choose to play with badwrongfun instead of what is actually good.
A few things.
One, Veeky Forums isn't one person.
Two, Contrarianism is popular nowadays. Today, you are defined by what you aren't, or don't like, not what you are or do.
Three, Veeky Forums, and Veeky Forums as a whole, is dying. It might reanimate, but it is dying for now, make no mistake.
I feel the same. I love Veeky Forums and the deep insights it has on just about everything. But when I tried to explain Veeky Forums to my brother the other day, it came to "yeah the community is just raging over everything and insults everyone that even dares to ask a question."
I'd love to know as well what the hell happened here.
There are so few actually constructive discussions here, even if heated. It seems its 90% obnoxious and generally unfriendly persons posting here.
The worst part is, it confirms the neckbeard rage clichee going on..
It does fit tg shit though, since it serves as an impetus for actual Veeky Forums stuff. It does spawn actual brainstorming and such, even if most of it is a waifu magical realm circlejerk. That's more than you can say the daily dozen pure shitpost threads accomplish.
>I love Veeky Forums and the deep insights it has on just about everything
Are you 12?
I saw a gran posting the other day everyone liked her.
>even if most of it is a waifu magical realm circlejerk.
I was never a quest guy at all, but the hilarity of this bullshit explanation is that I still see that shit everywhere on every other thread on this board.
Desperate sex-starved nerds didn't just vanish with quests, they just hopped to every other thread.
He's on Veeky Forums. This IS his ghetto.
I still like most things. People dislike me for liking most things.
I think something is happening on /v/ causing migrants.
Why not go contribute to a thread instead of wasting time in this one?
> Veeky Forums schizophrenic board identity
This. Veeky Forums is no longer a hivemind.
/v/ermin, /a/nimals, and /pol/lution have taken root here. They must be removed or assimilated.
> Quest threads fucking swarmed this board until there was nothing else here
Stop memeing and start showing evidence.
>stale memes
newfag detected
> Contrarianism is popular nowadays
Sad but true. Even when someone agrees with you, they frame it in a way that's argumentative or otherwise saying "you're wrong"/"you don't understand"
Newfag detected
You can't really say Veeky Forums has any single opinion since it's just a bunch of random people, but I do feel like people are very negative and hostile toward things on this board. It isn't just that everything that gets mentioned has someone who doesn't like it, that's to be expected, it's that there are always so many people who feel the need to attack everything and everyone viciously and declare that anyone who doesn't agree with them is an idiot and an asshole. I don't know if it's gotten worse over the years I've been here, or if I've just gotten older and have less interest in people being jerks to each other, but I do know that I don't enjoy this board the way I used to.
I enjoy it because I am having a great time talking about Infinity.
I don't hate everything. I don't even hate Age of Sigmar I actually like the setting more than WHFB
Newfag detected
>Quest threads fucking swarmed this board until there was nothing else here.
As opposed to now, where if your thread doesn't talk about D&D, WH40K, MtG, a general, or a controversal meta topic (quests, THAT GUY/GM, etc.) then your thread falls to the bottom of the board?
At least quests inspired people to at least try and generate OC, even if most of it was trash. Also, at this very moment, there's at least 50 general up that take up space but I don't see people bitching about that when complaining about them for swarming the board.
This, /tg is pretty much the same as any other non-retarded board but most users think they're so much more sophisticated because they play mature games for mature people. Also this year has been exceptionally shitty in terms of bait threads.
Veeky Forums is really shit now. There's no goddamn original content at all because who would bother making it when it's just a bunch bitter virgins always waiting to criticise everything and everyone. You remember when you could type "lol" in your response? I fucking do. People used to actually laugh, now it's just a race of who can be more cynical. And then on top of it you have raging /pol/fags who just can't act like human beings. They try to pretend they were always here but it's just so fucking false.
I blame the fappening and gamer gate. It honestly destroyed Veeky Forums as a whole.
Or when the roleplay threads are up, they get booted to /qst/ when they have literally nothing to do with /qst/ and everything to do with role-playing on a traditional tabletop gaming experience.
Anti-/qst/ won against quest threads and roleplay threads. Now they're going after the CYOA and all the non-general threads until you get a ghetto filled with general threads and nothing else.
>if your thread isn't about the BOARD TOPIC it falls out
Wow, what a tragedy, people actually talking about things this board is about instead of whatever irrelevant shit 1d4chan normies want to talk about because "you don't even le need the other boards anymore xD"
Honestly, I'm surprisingly in agreement with this.
Personally I also feel like Quests served as an easy and quick gateway into actual Veeky Forums games through gamefinder and such. I used to solely play quests when I first came to the board before I started actually playing games and GMing.
I don't really mourn quests as they're not my thing any more, but honestly I don't see any sort of major change now that they're gone. It's the same as it ever was, same as it ever was.
Losing fonts of creativity like Quests and /wst/ are always a bad thing though, in my opinion. Both fostered conversation, content and fun threads.
But well, I suppose I'm not too attached to Veeky Forums nowadays either. Bar the general for some of the gamelines I like it's mostly the same old question threads, same old general threads, same old 40kay threads, same old writers threads no one posts in, same old draw threads. Primarily prefer to hang out with my gaming groups, but I imagine that's a sentiment shared by most.
I hate the mods have started to ban Roleplaying threads.
>OP makes a meta thread
>questfags jump in to try and take it over for themselves and push their shit back onto Veeky Forums
Like clockwork
You know, I'm not even him and I've went through about five drafts already on trying to counter your points but honestly I don't see you ever changing your opinion. I've tried arguing with people with your set of opinions before and it doesn't ever seem to work out.
Can I instead ask, why? Why should a board have a strict adherent police to only things primarily related to the topic? Is secondary and tertiary related things (Say for other examples, video game books & movies, talk shows, awards and esports for /v/, light novels, and TV adaptions for /a/, etc) really so bad for the board?
LOL what a faggot
I don't know what any of you guys are talking about. We have the usual generals and metas, a mad scientist/mad artist thread, and an Undead Chicks So Fuckable thread and the 2 new shitposts that just got created while I am typing this (probably).
>Fuck you. Quest threads fucking swarmed this board until there was nothing else here.
Yeah, there were like, five quest threads on Veeky Forums at the same time. It was practically the entire catalog.
Secondary stuff, like Veeky Forums-related vidya, books etc, is perfectly fine.
Making threads about whatever completely unrelated topics you want to talk about, with or without a tiny veneer of relevance, just because you feel like Veeky Forums has a higher level of discourse than other boards (protip: it isn't) or because "Veeky Forums gets shit done", isn't okay.
No other thematic board gets the same "generic chatroom about everything" treatment except /v/, and everyone knows /v/ is a cesspit that doesn't talk about videogames.
It brings the board quality down, hogs up board space with vapid pointless threads and encourages 1d4chan redditors who don't actually play tabletop games.
remove /k/bab?
2015's harvest here, this place sure does smell more bitter now
/k/ can stay. We might have need of you in the war to come.
if only it helped
Protip: Veeky Forums was never a hivemind.
>generate OC
hahaha, the Animu of the Season Quest and its ilk are such great OC.
Being a contrarian is the popular thing these days. Is it popular? Does someone like it? It's terrible. Anyone who enjoys it is terrible. It's intellectual hipsterism taken to extremes unforseen. Is it something original and new? It's terrible for being unpolished and unprofessional. Is it from an established franchise? It's terrible, poorly balanced and boring. Is it fun? No. Nothing is fun. Ever. Fun is bad because people enjoy having fun. No one should have fun ever.
Veeky Forums in general has gotten obscenely cynical and bitter.
Antagonism and contrarianism is what makes Veeky Forums great. It keeps things from devolving into a circlejerk like other social media sites. Got a hot opinion? You had better be able to defend it on your own, because you can't trust anyone to help you. Don't like someone else's opinion? Don't make another thread to piss and moan; fight back.
The central problem is you choose to ignore potentially correct points you don't like because they hurt your sensitive fee-fees. Case in point: when someone tells you "Have you tried not using D&D?", do you think it through, or do you write it off as a meme or an insult?
You are everything that's wrong with Veeky Forums.
Got any evidence to back that up?
It's much better than weekly "When did you realize D&D was garbage?" or "Why are mages so good?" threads that generate nothing but shitposts.
We need to get more cynical. I'm absolutely fucking tired of cyoa and general bullshit, but most of all, I'm still tired of fucking "haha look at these old Veeky Forums screenshots, aren't -----we----- so quirky" threads made by some ED or retarded knowyourmeme types but mods have never bothered touching these threads no matter how awful they are. We're too saturated with /v/ diaspora to ever be a halfway decent board.
>It brings the board quality down, hogs up board space with vapid pointless threads and encourages 1d4chan redditors who don't actually play tabletop games.
We still have those people though, they don't just disappear just because you and a few other autists decided to play unpaid fun police.
Things are just worse generally. From new editions of good older games that are just... worse, and infected with politics (WoD... dear god, nUlL SnYp3R ffs), to new editions of games that are just pretty bad from the start (DnD).
>new editions of good older games that are just... worse, and infected with politics
Never played oWoD, I assume?
Mate, have you TOUCHED beast.
WoD has always been up its ass, but it truly reached a new plateau with beast.
Because a) there's nothing in the catalog that interests me and b) there's nothing to discuss if you aren't bitching about something or other.
I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to talk about something like Mouse Guard, but I know for a fact that I'd get maybe a dozen posts (if I'm lucky) or be told to gb2 /co/ since more people know about the comic than the RPG.
Spotted the Reddit
The other day I opened a thread about an upcoming ttrpg and was mostly received with hate and trolling because of the creator's name.
People cannot be trusted to have a civil discussion on this board about this board topic.
hahaha, the Animu of the Season Homebrew/Statme and its ilk are such great OC.
>Testing 1-2, Testing 1-2 *ahem*
D&D 4e was the best edition.
Last 40k live campaign was rigged in imperifags favor.
Anime sucks.
Bring Quests back.
Problem with spacing?
>Losing fonts of creativity like Quests and /wst/ are always a bad thing though
WST was shit and had no place on Veeky Forums. Quests I don't give a fuck about
Literally every board on Veeky Forums hates everything, bu Veeky Forums is nothing compared to /mu/
Why? It's about as Veeky Forums related as quests
1 out of 5
Keep trying
Your theory only work if you presume people will cite ligetimate arguments or make intelligent argument about why X is bad, but it completely fails under the fact that at any given time 66%+ of the posters here are falseflagging
Veeky Forums is largely an exception, but its hard to have intelligent conversations on Veeky Forums without some troll interrupting.
It doesn't matter. The entire point of vitriol is to gate keep. No matter what the sperg brigade and their fat girlfriends say, making things more mainstream isn't a good thing.
Comment filtering should be removed. Annoying as hell to see someone just making their own little safe space for themselves. If I could push a button and kill everyone who uses filters, I'd do it without hesitation.
>D&D 4e was the best edition.
I Agree
>Last 40k live campaign was rigged in imperifags favor.
No clue couldn't give two shits about 40k
>Anime sucks.
Most of it does. I do like quite a bit of mecha anime though.
>Bring Quests back.
Sure, another trollercoaster might be fun. Trolling questfags and antiquestfags is pretty fun.
>Problem with spacing?
There's only a couple autists forcing the whole reddit spacing meme. They'll get bored soon.
>Veeky Forums is monolithic
A loud and obnoxious minority =/= a majority
Veeky Forums is full of miserable people and can only make you more miserable. Leave this place.
>hahaha, the Animu of the Season Quest and its ilk are such great OC.
Counterpoint: Lego Quest.
Counterpoint: Attack on Titan/Pokemon Crossover, Mahou Shonen Butler, Bizzare Jelly (magic slime gives girls dicks and you make of harem of dickgirls), all of the user-kun stuttering waifu bullshit that migrated here from /a/.
Why do you care? It's not like you're gonna know if your comment is being filtered or not.
>Veeky Forums is largely an exception
The fact that you legitimately believe that just proves how easy Veeky Forums is to troll
No it isn't, anonymity is. Every post is of equal value as there is usually no static identity tied to them, meaning that it's up to others to decide how good a post is based on the contents of the post rather than who the poster is. This along with the fact that typically every post will be read regardless of whether it's liked or not mean that everyone has a chance to add their two cents without worrying about up/downvotes or if people like/dislike them. The attitude that open hostility is good is part of what is making this site worse.
>someone getting triggered that an user is filtering shitposts that obviously wouldn't contribute to the board or discussion
I mean, hey, if you like your steady stream of nu-male and cuckposts so much, go ahead and enjoy them all, but don't feel like everyone else has to.
It's on a whole other level now, with 2ed nWoD.
>Attack on Titan/Pokemon Crossover
I... what?
Yeah, moving all the shitty anime quests from /a/ to Veeky Forums was a mistake.
Almost all of the quests that originated on Veeky Forums were amazing. If you take out the haremshit quests from /a/, there's really no argument against quests on Veeky Forums.
Quest threads ARE generals.
Bizzare Jelly was all Veeky Forums m8. The best part about it was the QM claimed his questshit wasn't a quest, it was an "Interactive Story Adventure" or some other up its own ass thing. He mostly was just filter evading because like most QMs was a ravenous attention whore that needed the constant (you)s.
Counterpoint, those faggots never left Veeky Forums:
This. We haven't been able to have a Savage Worlds general in months. One specific guy has been in the threads just trying to kill any and all discussion and keeps insulting everyone. But he tucks it into criticism so that he can't get banned for trolling.
I blame the mtg posters. Have you ever looked into the modern general? They're like animals.