How would your party fight an autistically munchkinned lv30+ vampire CoDzilla from 3.5e?
You get prep time and the element of surprise
How would your party fight an autistically munchkinned lv30+ vampire CoDzilla from 3.5e?
You mean a Twice-Betrayer of Shar?
Or maybe the Wish and the Word?
Some of the lesser-known Pun-Pun cousins...
>You mean a Twice-Betrayer of Shar?
It's amazing just how poor an idea Divine Metamagic and nighsticks were.
We drop a mech on him. Failing that, crash the spaceship into him.
Our DM really wanted to run a Sci-Fi game, part way through the campaign.
Just more or less straight cleric with absurdly high stats, lifedrain, fucky special abilities negating most attacks and near-unbeatable saves
HP(maybe HD?) 89
MP(spellslots) 77
Ph. Att (BAB) 88
Ph. def (AC) 85
Agility (dex, prob other abilities too) 70
Mag.Att (spellcasting bonus) 84
Mag. def (save bonus, immune to will and const) 69
not an infinite loop but very strong
1. Level 30.
2. Elite array.
3. PHB + DMG + MM + Epic Level Handbook with 3.5 update only.
4. For epic spells, only premade epic spells.
5. Wealth is level 30 PC wealth from the Epic Level Handbook, 4.3 million gp.
6. Human.
There's nothing wrong with either of them, it's just the combination that's potentially broken.
Just stand in front of it and cast all my buff spells.
Cheese her dumb ass with true wish or dimensional door. Maybe summon up enough minions with an infinite summoning trick that it causes enough mass to grow the size of black hole and end all life, including hers'.
Bar cheating that won't be enough
Use a cash shop item
Mooks only feed the lifedrain with like over a dozen attacks a turn
I'm pretty sure the summoning trick will break the action economy instantly. I'm talking about exponential growth here. Think Azathoth from Cthulhu.
That relies on them actually being able to hit and you being the only one to do it tho
I'm not going for a hit. I'm making a black hole to crush her into a singularity...
Level 20 wizard with 20 timestop scrolls, and a full set of maximized enervates.
>against a vampire
We don't, since we're a 5e party and the powerlevels won't even be slightly comparable. We might be able to call in favours with the paladin's ancient wyrm husbando, the dragonborn's parents and, idunno, maybe pray for some divine airstrikes. But US fighting her? No fuckin' chance.
>ancient wyrm
her part time job is making sure such lowly creatures perform their transport duties correctly
Wasn't Ains supposed to be a RP build instead of a minmaxer, and he can STILL beat that?
Who the FUCK balanced Overlord?
Ah, Mantridstrat. A classic.
My answer is different based on if they are a cleric or a druid. Because at this point the only plans that will work involve fucking with their gear.
Any world that allows her to live isn't one worth existing. Also, overlord sucks cock.
During the day, by carrying their coffin into daylight
Instakill/utility focused wizard is actually a quite optimized build iitc. Though even with copious amounts of cheating, preparation and planning he would have lost if aura didn't distract shalltear at the last moment
We're level two so we wouldn't stand a chance.
But if we've got prep time and the element of surprise, probably go and try and make a deal with the Dragonic Heritage Sorcerer's dragon ancestor to do it for us.
Great Wyrm Force Dragons are basically a step below deities as it is so it has a chance to work, it'd probably be an entire quest just finding the dragon and another quest to do whatever it ends up wanting in exchange.
Dwarven sappers and goblin demolition crews. We are fighting that bitch in the daylight if I have to level every building in a mile radius to ensure we do so.
I don't play D&D.
Btw ovelord anime is crap for two digit iq retards.
Our party is friends with the Sun.
This sounds like a problem only a kobold can solve.
That is not as autistic as it could be.
>being pretentious about anime
Pic related is literally (you). Butter my biscuit, you fag.
The heck is that top right one meant to be?
>I don't play D&D.
So, you don't play RPGs then?
5 orbs mage, all gifts werewolf then.
>willingly eating shit
let me guess, you are one of those edgy grimdark niggers who think they are watching something deep and meaningful
No, I just learned to read the much better source material. But that'd require you to not have ADHD which you have lil D&Drone
Texnolyze, or however its spelled?
>accusing others of eating shit while posting nuSpongebob
Self awareness man, get some.
>clearly an anime chart and not a manga chart
>has Guts on it
>isn't even golden age Guts
What a poorly thought out meme.
>a perfect Circle of ess 5 Solars vs. a vampire
The question here is if not!Shalltear counts as a creature of darkness or not. If so, she dies much quicker.
>lvl 18 gestalt party
>Paladin/Grey Guard/Fist of Raziel//Crusader from ToB
>Paladin/Hellreaver/Knight of The Chalice//Favored Soul
>Exalted Bard/Heartfire Fanner//Favored Soul
>Ranger/Cragtop Archer/Foehunter//Divine Mind with undead as favored enemy
Our party is literally build against undead, but it's a CoDzilla we are talking (let's suppose it is not using epic spells for the sake of sanity). Lvl 30 is high enough that none of our dispelling will work, and the vampire cleric probably has means to come back multiple times. A CoDzilla strategy is to buff himself to hell and up, but we have a lot of sustainence from healing and a lot of damage (the ranger and pally will do 400+ damage per round).
That is, if we use strategy, which WON'T be the case. Probably the bard will teleport as soon as things look ugly so she won't die. The ranger don't like will save items, so the vampire will easily dominate him, and since he also has Humans as favored enemy, the paladins are toast. And since I know they won't retreat...
Yeah, we are screwed. Totally and royally.
>reaction image
this is the face of an autism/patrician baiter
>pre-season 5
This is the face of a memer
>not liking 9th and 10th season
>dividing the show by its seasonality at all
THIS is the face of retarded AND autistic memer
Since when does "Gay Party meetings, disguised as TRPG" counts as"RPG"?
>posted charsheet and bit about dragon taxis
>not reading the source material
who's the one with adhd, knuckledragger
It is an anime only speed reader meme, you expext quality from such apes?
PDL: 1
Chair: 0
Live by the anime.
Die by the anime.
>not even a D&D sheet
>the lil ADHD filled D&Drone triggered to hell and back
Ah it is cute to rile the subhuman apes that still pay D&D. C'mon lil ape dance for your master!
I don't know if this thread ever had the potential to be fun and interesting but it sure as fuck didn't happen.
Also, cash shop item. And yeah, even with literally pay2win and her state letting him buff himself into the stratosphere? He would still have lost without outside interference.
Clerics are easy. You don't target the cleric, you target their god. No deity, no power!
Autism levels of optimised stuff from dnd is going to steamroll Exalted
drug him with a needle full of garlic extract.
If the others in my party see this, this is why I carry around a needle full of garlic extract.
The cleric doesn't even need to be that optimized to defeat them:
Cast "Gate" to call in a "Hecatoncheires" (a type of outsider).
Watch as it slaughters the Solar circle.
Since the cleric has 30 levels, it has a high enough caster level to control the Hecatoncheires.
The solar circle doesn't have anyway to kill it, and it can fight them all at the same time.
-Techmaturgist builds a contraption that traps sunlight.
-Not UV rays, sunlight, metaphysical properties and all
-He builds about ten of these bad boys and sets them up around the perimeter of Vamp's house while the rest of the party fights it.
-Party leaves running towards the outer perimeter
-Blast the outer walls open with C4
-turn on sunlight contraptions
Enjoy BBQ
Given that I play a sort of bumbling doctor from the south, Itll go like this
Ill either detonate the 40pounds of c4 on him and use excessive amounts of regrowtherum,
Ill roll to pull an item out of his coat,which may or may not help, mostlikely just a bloodbag that hell offer up in exchange for letting the monster pass, or ask to be made a vampire as well.
Sick more technicians, warments and the summoner's slaves.
>level 15lol
>Dungeons: The Dragoning
>Try to nuke her from orbit
>Fail because we have garbage ships.
>Throw all our vehicles at her to hopefully soften her up a little
>Throw our entire crew at her
>Shoot at her from as far away as possible
>Charge at her when she gets too close, probably dying as a result
On one hand, we have a sight advantage because we get to divide all incoming damage by our resilience, but on the other hand her health and damage values are so high that it won't make much of a difference.
>alignment reads Extreme Evil
It could be, yeah.
But should it?
Fuck off Kirei. I'll beat your curse yet.
The hecatokeires is one of the shittiest epic monsters despite its high CR. It's just a bag of attacks and Hp. It could be hard to kill if you don't have the weapons to bypass its regeneration, but other than that it's gonna be outplayed by anybody not retarded.
>dragon lord
>not even the entire black scripture dispatched when the possibility of one emerging arised
>even the weakest pleiades can curbstomp the entire bs
>chair can literally rape the full pleiades without equipment, shitfaced drunk and one hand between the legs
>without using special abilities
dragons ain't shit user
well you came back to a thread about things you hate hours later just from the sheer rage i inflicted on you
her creators already killed her god, and she is stronger than them
>this is why I carry around a needle full of garlic extract.
you do you, perv
Not play D&D.
Ehh, not really nice rules. No way you can make anything close combat capable of taking on that vampire with them.
Though Wizard / Red Wizard / Archmage still should be able to fuck it over pretty hard. Circle magic is a bitch.
that ain't gon stop the isekai rape train
>This sounds like a problem only a kobold can solve.
Why did the A-team theme start playing in my head after reading that?
I'd attack the player.
Starting Solar circle might be a little too powerful. Maybe a starting Dragonblood circle.
The best way to do it is of course Wizard.
Going by these limitations it will be probably a Red Wizard/Archmage loaded up on circle magic from leadership feat or clones. Though pure Wizard / Archmage too should work.
The hardest part will be in finding the vampire. Their non core abilities make them pretty hard to scry so you'll need to use indirect means of finding them until you can make a direct cast.
After that we go with timestop, widened shaped antimagic field (exclude yourself of course) and forcecage. Now vampire is locked without abilities in a nice force effect and we have around 400 minutes to kill it. It could be done through different means though easiest are probably elemental conjuration attacks (work in antimagic field). Teleporting a lot of guys armed with bows that allow to overcome vampires resistance and fishing for 20 could be also pretty fun.
In case you want to really be a dick create a demiplane with antimagic property, timestop, antimagic field, create a gate to your demiplane under the vampire, close the gate. Forget about vampire.
Hope that you cast Fatal. Wait, why are we playing FATAL again!?
This kills the dragonblooded.
Yes, All epic monsters are terrible.
However, It is going to steamroll a group of essence 5 Solars.
They can't kill it or incapacitate it, because it has too much HP and they have no way to deal lethal damage.
They can't outrun it. They can't diplomance it.
It can make 15 attacks per round at each of them. That means they are going to be forced to spam perfects or get shredded.
Yeah, because in exalted is hard to find the blood of a god to bypass its regeneration.
Also it has int 10 and wis 8 and can communicate with everything, so why the fuck they would not be able to diplomance it?
And again, it's fast, but can only run or fly. It doesn't have any other magical way to move. So it's pretty easy to outrun.
The easiest way to do it would be using The Wish, presented in Wish to find the Cleric/Druid/whatever (CoDzilla is a dumb term to use when you're discussing a single character), then Wish they don't exist anymore. Simple as that.
I'd make a master of the sphere.
And have an orb of annihilation run her over.
But best girl
Thrallherd. There has to be the way.
brb going questing for wish scroll... a few wish scrolls
Dude, a lvl 15 WizMen and Summoner could take her with Psychic Assault, Destroy Resistances, and then nailing her with The Tower followed by Reversed Wheel of Fortune.
Admittedly, a Nemesis Technician would be a phenomenal tank and also a good way to cripple her casting, but that'd really be icing on the cake.
See if I have 4.3 million gp I use all of it to buy a sphere of annihilation and a talisman of the sphere. And a miss chance item.
After buying all that I use the rest to get a circlet of intelligence +X (where x is something stupid)
I'm assuming I'm level 30 which is doubled in the equation due to the sphere.
This makes it so that the bonus is 60+X*2 which shaltear can't meet.
Then I time stop and chop her up enough.
because its good and you know it
user, that's not changeling meido or tacticool albino lizard.
Oh you are counting side characters.
Well then the robo and bug maids are the best
That's still not swole greenskin warchief
Virt, weren't you banned?
For this EXACT reason?
We would just catch her by surprise. She'd never see it coming.
Well, we already know she can't make Will saves for shit, so just ball her up with a level 30 Psion of some sort. All her MR and DR wouldn't do shit against psionic fuckery.
Reminder that that was because she got nailed by a World Item, which was the ONLY way that she could even BE mind-controlled.
>Ah it is cute to rile the subhuman apes that still pay D&D. C'mon lil ape dance for your master!
Who's got that webm of Ainz-sama casting all his buffs? Normal or shitpost version is cool.
DnD gods arent the same as exalted gods, just as holy or solar means different things in both cases.
They also have no way to know of it's powers since they haven't fought it before. (Although the guy who suggested this may have been metagaming).
Abominations (the "race" of creatures it is from) are all immune to mind affecting abilities. There aren't really any easy ways to use social combat in actual combat in exalted, and a lot of the stronger abilitiies would be blocked by that immunity.
It can only walk an fly. It can't teleport, but ther arent many ways to do that in exalted either. Flight abilities are also rare in exalted.
You can't do anything to her under timestop directly. It makes creatures immune to any damaging effects, so you need to fight her in real time.
>You get prep time and the element of surprise
Doesn't matter. Full caster=he wins.
>elemental conjuration attacks (work in antimagic field)
Have to be cast OUTSIDE the field unfortunately.