Read the fucking rules edition
Spicy Tech?
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
Read the fucking rules edition
Spicy Tech?
>Comprehensive Rules
>Current Modern Metagame
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Hardened Scales Robots is just worse Affinity right?
I can go a bit bigger while being slower, but pretty much yeah. I can't think of many games where hardened scales would win while affinity would lose
That's a shame, I have a set of them and Constrictors lying around and I don't want to go the standard BG route with them. Anything fun I can do with them? I was thinking maybe Sage of Hours shenanigans.
Playing superion vine
Hating lantern control
My only spicy tech is pic related
Playing Living End
Hating Remand
Archfiend of Ifnir is fun.
I managed to have the pictures show up in Xmage but now I don't seem to be able to connect to any server.
Should I just use Cockatrice even if I'm a noob?
Are you playing with friends? If so use Cockatrice. If you're not and you're unfamiliar with the rules play on Xmage
I'm currently playing Undead Alchemist mill with Altar of the Brood. it works pretty well so far, but I'm not sure if Jace's Phantasm or Gravecrawler is a better one drop for me. I'm having fun with it even if it's janky at times.
you win against durdle decks like prison and midrange like shadow, you're worse against anything running a T3 gameplan
Don't learn to functionally play magic on cockatrice but as long as you are fluid it's rarely been a problem for me.
To the guy in the last thread this definitely isn't Taiwan unless every website has typos regarding blue.
But Xmage doesn't fucking work! Otherwise I'd use it.
Rank my jank, built a deck based around ramp, tokens and token end game finishers
What server are you connecting to? Any error messages?
Playing BURN
fight me
Monastery Swiftspear is better than goblin guide
Nice deck, it would be a shame if someone gained 21 life turn 2 on the play before you could play skullcrack
Better pray you do.
Promise of Bunrei seems a bit clunky.
Wouldn't a sink on average be more consistent?
Swiftspear is for good hands, Guide is for bad hands.
I can't connect to anything. German, asian, american, they don't work.
I'm not even sure I registered successfully.
Dead thread for a dead format.
USA server (woogerworks) is shit and is down constantly. The German one (xmage de) has always worked for me. Make sure you run the launcher and update, it sounds like your version is out of date to me.
oh weird, all the ebay listings were calling it taiwan for some reason
I downloaded it from, it has to be the last version.
No it doesn't, it just updated recently. Give it a try, and if it IS up to date try a clean install of java. You might also need to add it as an exception in your firewall. If none of that works then I have no idea, but those are the most common causes of not being able to connect.
Been playing ETron but i don't have money to complet it, what should i build instead?
amulet titan
There was a Hardened Scales Allies Humans deck on TCGPlayer's Youtube that looked pretty neat. Don't think it was any good though, Hardened Scales is a meme. A fun meme, but a meme
Mono blue tron
Do you know any list that uses Ulamog?
How will Ixalan affect the meta?
Any good modern-legal mono white decks with knights and or angels?
Ixalan has 0 good cards.
>Getting into mtg
>Play a few games with only friend that plays
>The whole time he acts smug, like saying "basic lands are cards with basic lands on it, you see how that works right?" when I was wondering if tranquil expanse was one.
>Sees someone experienced walk by and then asks about the combo he's going to do, just to aggravate me
>Knows full well the only deck I have is an Ajani precon, but still says how his decks are much better
>When something clicks for me he comments things like no shit
>When I found out you can activate creature abilities on the opponents turn he acted like it's knowledge even a very new player should have
Had an alright time
Seems like a faggot to me.
Your "friend" sounds like a dick and you should kick him in his. There is no legitimate excuse for insulting someone who is new to the game, for any reason. I'm surprised you would even stick around after having an experience like that. You're a better person than I am.
It won't
I don't think the lifegain is relevant when you're laughed out of the tournament.
I'm worried other players are going to be like this at my store, from what I've read online being a dick in mtg is common
I don't seem to have a problem with other players in my store. If anything I'm probably the worst for likely being Captain Obvious, Autismo, and Stupid Questions all at once.
Maybe I just have a good store. Then again I don't go to FNM since Standard is shit and expensive. I attend other weekly events such as Modern and EDH.
The large majority of people have no problem teaching you the game and being patient with you if you say you're a beginner, the only new players who get shitted on are the obnoxious ones or the know it alls
>Standard is expensive
>plays modern
Let it be.
Modern is legitimately cheaper in the long run though.
In the long run, yes, but it makes more logical sense to start in Standard, and over time move from Standard to Modern as the shit you're familiar with rotates out. Jumping gung-ho into Modern when you're just starting is foolish because you're going to end up buying cards off of a list instead of starting a collection, which can earn a possible return at a later date.
Should i buy 2 Chalices of the Void or build a Utron?
Pretty much everything standard becomes useless and loses a lot of value as soon as it rotates out though.
I like the look and feel of this deck, is it any good?
Opt, Kitesail, Cradle, Shaper's Sanctuary
Mono white Death and Taxes plays Restoration Angel and Serra Avenger.
elves will play 0-2 cradles, some blue decks might try opt. Aaaand that's about it.
Modern is already cheaper the moment the first block rotates. You can still your modern cards for the same as you bought them
>want to discuss my new standard deck
>no standard thread
>my only modern deck is Lightning Storm Treasure Hunt
Terrible advice. Most recent standard cards aren't playable in eternal formats at all
>buying into a format
>not just using credit cards to buyout and flip cards for a cool profit
Ya'll are suckers
whats your handle on the server ?
Check this out if you want a legitimately good mono-white deck.
Not him but why is Horizon Canopy so much fucking money, it doesn't seem that great when shocklands are like $10, do less damage to you, and are more searchable
Because it doubles as card draw if you're flooded to thin out your deck and potentially even get something you need.
Also, because everything from Future Sight is rare as fuck.
So why can I play this if neither me nor my opponent have 4 lands? How does that ruling work?
Think of it as up to 4 lands if you have less than that.
Thanks, that does help, but I was more looking for an actual ruling in case some dick at my lgs wants to get all technical
But there really isn't anything to get technical over?
It's just a basic ruling.
Just to add on to what I said here a little bit, if the card said "As an additional cost to cast Wildfire, sacrifice 4 lands" then you would have to fulfill that, but with the way it's stated on the card, you don't have to sac 4 if you don't have that many.
>Read the fucking rules edition
Ok, thanks kind user
Point me in the direction of the ruling for wildfire then, ass.
609.3 would be the relevant ruling. It's under Resolving Spells and Abilities.
Eh, I don't know. We recently had constrictor scales in standard, which makes for a modern playable deck, torrential gearhulk decks and more. Khan's was good, most of what came after until Kaladesh was bad but Kaladesh was great and they seem to be pushing stronger sets.
Gatherer is a great resource, user
Did you come from YuGiOh?
it was a different time
Some people are migrating. An archetype that was created in the US -- and was literally unplayable -- recently went overseas back to Japan. Japan created just one new card for it, and now that previously unplayable deck is literally T0 following a new banlist. Konami is proving they don't know how to play their own game, and it's very frustrating throwing money at them when they keep making the game worse.
What does the new card do that makes this once bad deck so Unbeatable?
My friends used to play YuGiOh.
Used to.
From what I hear from them, it's been borderline unplayable for years.
Better play zodiac or you're gonna lose buck-o :^)
Zoodiac is old and busted, SPYRAL is the new hotness.
xth for budget fun with shitbrews
Are we ready to finally decide as a community that this is a bad card?
Are you retarded?
D&T was fucking awful before Thalia existed in legacy, then it became T1.
Can't think of anything that strong though.
How do you sacrifice less than 4?
it's a dank meme
I'm teaching a friend how to play and it's always so rewarding when I see him figure something out.
>not using dorks or stones
Lmao shitter
>not using Rituals like the true Master of Modern
>playing a format without dark ritual
nigga wat
>not convincing people that the FtV version is modern legal
>Point me in the direction of the ruling for wildfire then, ass.
Literally in the OP retard, the links are there for a reason.
What masters box has the most worth based on card value and chance?
I'm thinking of splitting one with my group for fun
First Modern Masters, I believe, but considering how much it costs now I'd say either MM17 or Iconic Masters.
But I might be wrong about the last two.
Yeah my bad I forgot to specify Modern 17, Eternal, or just wait for Iconic
Then maybe it's Iconic but I'm not an expert on the EV of those.
I can say I'm currently waiting for a MM17 box in the mail, though.
Think also about what use you can make of the cards you get after the draft, I guess.
I'm not a big fan of what I've seen of IMA. It seems like Mana Drain: the set
So everybody and their mother is saying how pic related slots into elves, but I haven't seen a single god damn list since it's reveal. Is it supposed to be obvious or something? There's a few way to build elves after all, like I play B/G, but honestly I'm thinking of going mono green, ignoring the shaman in black and the combo with white to focus on the green. Thinking of 3 Ezuri's and maybe 1 Craterhoof.
Thoughts? Maybe a list or two?
I don't really think Modern Elves need Gaea's cradle, thye have a shitload of ramp already.
>getting non-fairy-ass Cradle
Wizards just reprint it already