What should the benefit of looting a succubus's clothes be?
What should the benefit of looting a succubus's clothes be?
You have a small amount of cloth.
I don't understand.
An erection
And that's assuming they weren't just magically summoned as a disguise or part of her(him).
Proof that the dumb anime waifu fanservice bullshit on this board didn't go away with quests.
Oh wait, no. We already have that on a daily basis.
>Succubus Clothes
>+69 to Charisma
>+69 to Seduction
>DC 40 will save or transform into succubus 1/day
>What should the benefit of looting a succubus's clothes be?
How loosely are you willing to define what a Succubus' wears as "clothing"? Because I'd imagine their piercings would cover more on their bodies than whatever strip of cloth they'd have draped over their genitals and nipples.
Who in your party can wear succubus clothes?
You could probably make some good gold selling it though.
Anyone _can_ wear it. The real question is whether or not it'll cover anything. Or, indeed, stay on after the initial putting on.
Naked succubus.
>implying clothing
>implying succubi seamstresses
>implying demonic economies
>implying "fucks given" as currency
>implying literal booms, busts, and market penetration strategies
You know what, I can live with that, but I still don't know the answer to your question.
Depends on setting
My assumption?
Selling them to various fashion designers.
I figure that succubi clothes are made to be as seductive as hell can pull off, so selling it to a fashion designer might give them ideas for one-uppsmanship against their competition in making the next dress for the young noblewoman who is trying to woo the prince.
>implying clothing
>implying succubi seamstresses
>implying demonic economies
>implying "fucks given" as currency
>implying literal booms, busts, and market penetration strategies
I mean, there's LORDS and KINGDOMS in hell, I wouldn't consider it outlandish if they had all the trappings and tedium that came with it.. At least in the Lawful Evil sections of hell/wherever.
Though, even if you had Chaotic Evil or Neutral Evil Demons running around I think they'd still be able to give enough of a fucks concerning:
>implying clothing
>implying succubi seamstresses
>implying demonic economies
These topics/levels of ecomonic complexity. They're not ANIMALS after all, they're DEMONS, with intelligence and motives and DEVIOUS knowledge.
I generally have a "Neverwhere" like economy with my demonic NPC's. Services and favors are what makes the hell go round.
Benefits? No idea. My bet is that that skimpy leather and lace thing turns out to be human skin and sinew though.
You get to look like a slut
It's cute that you think that's what they actually look like.
something nice to touch and sniff while fapping, i guess?
plus it might be a nice gift to a succubus whi isn't so hostile as to fight us
>plus it might be a nice gift to a succubus whi isn't so hostile as to fight us
Fuck, that's actually a pretty cute idea.
Lawful Evil: planned economy
Chaotic Evil: savage capitalism
time to create a hell-portal to exploit that cheap labor of the damned.
It's more tantalizing if you hint, instead of out right show the goods
DNA samples
The succubus is now naked.
>if worn by a female, male opponents must roll a d20 above 4 each turn or be charmed, humanoid males will need to roll above 8 each turn
You just don't understand the culture.
>if worn by a female
What if trap?
Isn't a lot of it slavery? With lowly imps being forced to carry out menial tasks for their more powerful masters and mistresses, kept in line with the threat of punishment if they disobey/displease. The question then becomes how many imps there are relative to more powerful demons, and how many a demon can feasibly control. How large the gap in power between the most and least powerful non-imps are is also of interest, because if it's too large the most powerful denizens of the hells would simply control the lesser demons in the same way as they control the imps.
So let's assume that all real demons are of roughly equal power. Some are obviously more powerful than others, but none are so powerful that they could make enough others obey them to subjugate the rest. Perhaps power could come with rank. If a demon manages to attain a higher rank than they previously had they gain an increase in power and if they lose their rank they lose the power that came with it. Direct challenges to single combat and intrigue to get a majority of other demons to be in favour of stripping someone of their rank and giving it to you are the obvious ways of rising in the hierarchy, possibly also someone several ranks up demoting your predecessor and promoting you. I'm sure we can come up with more there.
Anyway, we have a power structure where noone is invulnerable and social mobility is a thing for demons. In fact, since the imps are doing all the productive work, the demons can focus all their attention on rising in the hierarchy, plotting against the heavens, corrupting mortal souls, and whatever hobbies they may have.
So, how many imps? 10 imps per demon? 100? 1000? I think 10 would be too low, that's barely enough to maintain a manor, but 1000 would be a bit high, then everyone could maintain a palace. I'm eyeballing this, but I'd say 300-400 domesticated imps per demon sounds about right, some will only control a handful or two,
others will control several thousand and maintain vast estates for themselves and those who both court and plot to overthrow them.
Basic needs are pretty much automatically covered for demons due to the vast imp workforce. If even the weakest of demons can keep half a dozen imps to serve them they can focus on other things.
How powerful is an imp anyway? If they're no more talented than a level 1 commoner this means that magical items are still going to be sought after by demons of all ranks, if, otoh, imps can create magical items hell will be flush with them. In the first case there will be quite a lot of demon craftspeople who gain status by either creating items for a more powerful demon, or by creating items for other demons who will then owe them a favour as proposed, in the second case craftsdemons will be very rare, but the few there are would be the best, creating the kinds of weapons and artifacts that allow mortals to slay gods.
I'd put in some restrictions, however. Unlimited, virtually zero-cost magical items would wreck too many things otherwise. Either they only function in the infernal realms, are attuned to one demon and junk for everyone else, or there's a general edict forbidding the sale of such items to other planes of existence. Without such a restriction, every damn demon would set their imps to creating items and then trade them to mortals for their souls. While that might be a fun twist for a setting, it doesn't align with most existing ones. Demonic weapons and artifacts are supposed to be extremely rare, extremely powerful, and to damn the soul of those who wield them and often enough those who are killed by them as well. I think this supports scenario two, hell itself is awash in magical items, but getting them out of there and/or getting them to work outside of hell is next to impossible, only the most powerful craftsdemons can make such items, and it's going to cost you, whether you're a mortal or a Lord of hell.
Cursed Item, cannot be removed without a remove curse spell. Wearer cannot willingly accept the remove curse spell and will take a will save against it. Each day that passes gives them a +1 bonus on the save.
After 1 week, every day the target must make a fort save or gain effects of the half fiend template. This template stays even if the garmet is removed.
After another week, wearer must make daily fort saves or become a full succubus. Alignment shifts to chaotic evil. This and transformation are permanent.
+4 unholy bonus to charisma, passive charm effect on others, with a penalty to resist if they are sexually attracted to you. Anyone who passes must retake the test every minute.
Wearer may cast suggestion at will, charmed people may not resist.
If tiefling, half fiend, or a succubus, the wearer may instead dominate individuals who have been charmed for a day or longer.
Still works as normal, but if the trap is sprung then the effect is reduced on those who now know the truth. Though some individuals are more susceptible once trapped.
I would assume it was the souls of the dead doing drudge work
-Finding out who the weird one is in your party if you don't know already.
-Some kind of magical STI
-Side story to go cure magical STI
Assuming of course the demon does't just go back to her plane of existence upon dying on a foreign plane like it should
Nah, souls of the damned are what the peasant demons use to make things
>Wear succubutt panties
>Get STD
>Demon STD
>YFW it only affects demons
Next PC: a paladin who got infected with demon AIDS, on a quest to fuck all the demons.
>Infected with demon aids
>goal to fuck every demon
So the goal is to Smite evil by passing on the infection and waiting for nature to take its course.
>Sucubuss thinks you're trying to be funny when you refer to fucking her as "smite evil"
>Much later finds out what you really meant