Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

Chaos is best stepdad edition


>Daily Duncan Playlist

>GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Death Guard codex (thank you Vladimir)

Shitty "daddy issues" writing is what ruined BL and 30k lore.

ADB is a cuck.

the best knight, or the worst knight?

my dudes > your dudes

You can summon after double dipping.

Never forget
never forgive

>best legion comin thru, iron cucks move aside

grandmaster in dreadkinght

>shit melee weapon
>meme tier flamer
>cancer in 7th
It's no Castigator, that's for sure.

This hurts you, Shepard.

How many Tau units have FLY?

Serious question.


Kroot, fire warriors, pathfinders and broadsides don't.

It's so we can spot the newfags like you who don't know it's intentional. Lurk moar.

If I wanted to convert a Chaos Marine for a Deathwatch Blackshield, which is the least chaos'ed up?

Take it back.

Mmmhhh, thats good shit

Blasterborn or scourges with dark Lance's?

Calth or propero.

If I wanted to do pauldron-swaps on the Dark Imperium chads how much carving would be required?

Reposting from last thread, I don't really get the meme of Tau being 'overhyped' or what have you. That Tau are somehow mary sues or whatever because they win campaigns? I never really thing they win too egregiously, and they lose/are tricked often enough for it to balance out their success.

Like, grimdark is one thing, but Tau are one of the only factions to use actually practical tactics and strategies with absurdly powerful technology that are constantly being innovated.

I feel like it's mostly salty Imperium players who think this, but then they have no room to talk since Imperium wins y'know, always, even when they lose. The exterminatus of Mu'gulath Bay while in retreat, for instance.

Grimdark is nice, but progressive thinking and being a rational not-crazy person is p. strong in 40k. It's just that it's a setting where people don't usually get to be that. Tau are just fortunate enough to not really be beholden unto that, at the cost of being v. small.

Don't bother they have new boxes now.

Dark lance.

Which faction or race is objectively the worst?

Sup lefty/pol/.


Imperium and Humans.

Easier to name what doesn't:
>Kroot, Fire Warriors, Ethereals not on disks, Pathfinders, Broadsides, and Stormsurges

So back when I last played (like, a decade or more ago I think?) GW paints were shit. Now I'm told they aren't anymore.

1. Is this true?
2. Around when did it happen?

Orks actually. Their jokes have gone stale and they won't stop preaching them.

Don't believe everything that you read.

Falls for the taking a melee weapon when you have perfectly good feet meme.

I know this is bait, but what would give you that impression, user?

>Orks actually. Their jokes have gone stale
This is wrong

For the Greater Good!


I wanna know if taking three blightlord units means being stuck with three marines turning into flies.

They'll probably fetch a high price if you sell them.

This guy gets it.

I actually have not! I assume it's some kind of story where the Tau do some kind of absurd, over the top beat down of X Imperium faction?

Fill me in my dude.


Probably, there are usually only so many torso options in a kit.
We really don't know though because we haven't seen any pictures of the sprue and the kit isn't out yet.

Choose one existing chapter/legion trait that you dislike. Now replace it with something that you think is very fluffy, yet still balanced.

What is the chapter/legion/whatever trait now, with what did you replace it, and why did you replace it?

Yes. It's a five-man box and that's one of the sculpts.

Dark Lance sniper birbs have been working spectacularly for me.

Not them but use of the term progressive is a hint.

>Night Lords
>-1 to hit them in close combat for being spooky.

Okay but that's a really unique looking dude. He should really be a character model, or one in an army unless you wanna run a Fly Terminators unit.

>I assume it's some kind of story where the Tau do some kind of absurd, over the top beat down of X Imperium faction?
Tau win vs a combined army of Cadians, Space Marines, and Admech (at least one knight titan is also involved) so badly that the Admech has to use a forgotten superweapon to cut the entire Damocles sector off to halt their advance.

It ends up being scorched earth on a solar scale.

On the tau side, the Farsight Enclaves and Empire fight together for the first time ever, and Aun'Va is assassinated.

Knight Commander Pask loses a tank duel to Longstrike.

That's what i remember offhand.

t. Guard player

>Word Bearers
>Don't pay points when a WORD BEARERS CHARACTER summons a DAEMON

>something something plasma

Well, they make progress user, which is notably dissimilar from almost every other faction. Don't know what else to call that except 'progressive'.

You got me gang, in Tau I am strong.

I'm not thrilled about him either. You could make him the unit champion or try swapping parts on the Deathshroud.

>Rational not-crazy

Top kek faggot

Most likely yes, which is why I lost all interest in the kit. Was hoping to mix them with the plastic Cataphractii, but I doubt there's much to work with. It's double frustrating that the Cataphractii box comes with 1 power weapon and the DG terminators can't take fists nor claws. I need to chill extra for the FW upgrade pack. And I can't use 30k grave wardens, because they come with fists stock with no options for swords nor axes.

Bullshit, man.

Fuck you

If you want to a summoning trait go with rolling 4 dice and dropping 1 of your choice (avoids perils and gives greater odds of a high summon)

Oh I like him, I just think he's too unique.

>wearing batwings on their helmets makes Tyranids hit them worse in CC
Ahahahah, no, fuck off.

What units would be good for a fluffy Ork Freeboota Loota heavy list?

>not buying 5 boxes for a full fly squad


Imperial Fists, give them 18" rapid fire if they haven't moved, reroll 1s to hit for assault weapons if they haven't moved.

Fits the Bolter Drill/Fire Position concept of the legion better.

Are there any books with guardsmen fighting chaos space marines?

>you can turn a Necron into a poxwalker
Ahahahah, no, fuck off.

>free daemon units like 7th

>Ignores cover

>People hating on fly-boi when there's sex doll Krang on the left.

To be fair, the Admech kicked major Tau ass whenever they appeared. Broke their entire line the first time around, stole a bunch of tech for analysis and reverse-engineering and then captured some Stormsurges in an ambush, then the narrative went back to Pask and they vanished from the rest of the books without explanation. Also has large-scale teleporting Admech forces, which is badass.
Guard, Marines and Company all jobbed pretty fucking hard, though. Admech vs. Tau is the quintessential matchup, though, and they make good adversaries.

Summoning is still shit.

Oh. That doesn't sound absurd at all then. Like, they do really well, but their faction leader is killed and it's a joint force of Farsight and mainline Tau.

That doesn't really sound insane or bullshit, it just sounds like a handy victory.

Gaunt's Ghosts.

Ryza got their plasma bonus in the stratagem. That's how subfaction traits work this edition - the traits themselves are never locked to a specific thing or piece of equipment, they are universally useful by everyone it's available to. The Stratagems are where you get specific shit like White Scars biker bonuses, IF bolter drill, Salamanders Flamecraft, and Ryza's plasma.

He's getting Deathshrouded too.

>re-roll to wound rolls of 1 (all phases)

What's good? Back in the day it was Vallejo Model Color, are they still pro-tier?

Fug man ill buy your fly termies at cost. He's the best one.

How do you like my poxwalkers?

Inb4 my phone Australianposts

>literal magic warp-disease that breaks reality
I don't see why living metal zombies powered by actual fucking wizardry is a hard concept for you. That one makes sense.

Night Lords being so spooky that armies which are completely immune to morale somehow start shaking when they fight them is completely retarded though.

Try a different background

Night Lords don't have literal warp magic that breaks reality?


That's pretty absurdly powerful.

I'll grant you it should be Shooting phase instead of Fight phase, but not both.

Thats bullshit.

I'd even be ok with not having to roll at all, but as a Warlord trait. You have to pay but no roll necessarily.

As a trait, dunno. Maybe keep what it is but add something about causing more enemy morale casuilties to reflect the Cut Them Down thing from 30k.

Strategem would be either a buff to Possessed or like granting a possessed like bonus to a unit, maybe?

Vallejo is great if you know how to thin paints and yanno, aren't a functional retard

I'm actually fine with just the shooting phase

5th was the best edition

What are the better Units in the new Admech Codex, I'm on the fence on Starting it as a new Army But my local Meta is fairly high-powerlevel so I'm not quite sure which Units are hot garbage.

I do Prefer the look of the Skitarii Units though

Oh, I've got bad news then...

Apart from Sorcerers no they fucking do not, and even if they did, it's not going to scare things that are incapable of fear. That's very different from being a transmutative disease.

I'm more worried about Yury the Slav on the left and All Smiles in the middle.

Its ok user. We wont make fun of you for using finger paints

too much

You mean a magic that can break reality doesn't break fearless things into feeling fear? Seems a bit silly, user.

Robots and dunecrawlers. Bring 10 of each

Not really. You're being an intentionally obtuse twat.

Shadowsword, but only the last third or so.


>worried about All Smiles in the middle.
Hey fuck you too buddy!

>tho the only "normal" looking one is the far right one.

Why ignore cover, user?

Better solution:
>Units with this dogma re-roll Wound rolls of 1 against enemy units within 12"
Now it works for both Shooting and Assault but you have to get up close for the Shooting benefit which balances it out a bit and fits the fluff of an "aggressive combat doctrine" as stated in the description.

>not buying 5 boxes for a full monopose fly squad


To nerf them