Look what I found
Look what I found
Other urls found in this thread:
what do we see in there?
how did you enter my dreams?
An ass.
eww and hes also wearing elephant fading jeans.
Must be the new plastic guardsmen
>all da big gunz you could make with dat
>all da trukks
>da bikes
>da 'coptas
>da grot tanks
>all the boyz you could slap together from random parts
oh god user my erection is starting to turn green from all the potential WAAAGH energy present
i see alot of tyranid, CSM,IG,Necrons sets in that pile, imagine the possibilities for conversion....
Where dat?
Give me this. It's a converter's fantasy-land.
I imagine it would be like digging through a box of Lego
Do my eyes deceive me, or are there a few Bretonnian archers in there? You can make some sexy Guardsman conversions out of those.
H.R. Geiger's Lego collection?
I came a little.
Just glue it all in a plastic ball and use as great unclean one.
What in the name of god is this
>Dumpster diving behind Warhammer HQ
>Looking for that sweet sweet booty (bits)
>The Warhammer World building is known as "the Nazi building" amongst locals
This warms the cockles of my heart
Those are some juicy looking gubbins OP
Remember Scriptarius?
>people at school used to call Tom Kirby's daughter "Warhannah"
I 'member scriptarius
Quick, light it on fire as a joke.
Is it the eagle?
The primordial soup from which all warhammer creatures are birthed
Yes, and copious amount of skulls probably aren't doing any favors.
He was too good for Veeky Forums.
Rest in pepperoni
Is this out the back of gw hq?
Loads of people confuse the imperial eagle with the nazi one. If I'm being completely honest, I always assumed people got tattoos of the former so they could be nazis while at least trying to deny it when questioned.
I doubt the resemblance was lost on the creators.
>when you like Warhammer too much
Get a base board about six inches in diameter.
Cover one side in glue.
Dip, pull out, let dry
(also the proper way to have sex)
coat stuck parts with glue.
Dip, pullout, let dry
Continue until happy
(again, sex)
You now have a terrain piece that is a pile of broken bodies.
I'd Warhammer if you know what I mean
Who? What he do?
Did he died?
I hope you shit yourself in your sleep.
>when the traitor mortals are so far gone that they can't even deface the Aquila properly
where is that damn Word Bearer when you need him. traitors these days can't even do sacrilege right
judging by suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com
Holy fuck. That dude.... I browsed the baneblade thread and now i'm sad.
On the plus though, got a whole lot of threads to go through now and find sweet conversions.
Oh right, sometimes i forget where i am. Better now you shit mongrel?
>>people at school used to call Tom Kirby's daughter "Warhannah"
That... is an awesome nickname.
The emblem of the twin headed eagle has been displayed on a significan number of historical crests and flags throughout time (like tzarist russia) and is still currently displayed on at least 3 from eastern europe (like Serbia). The only reason it even looks like the nazi eagle is the modernized and stylized artistic approach to it