Hey guys I'm trying to develope a campaign setting based around a lawful evil religion that uses sacrificial and blood magic.
My problem isn't the facets of the religion or any of the actual complexities it's far more simple then that.. I can't think of a good name. If you've got any ideas I'm all ears.
Dark Religion/Campaign Setting
What is the religion based on? ie Christianity, paganism
Obviously Judaism.
Seriously though, what are their core beliefs?
take all the worst aspects of Christianity/Islam and then mix them with the hedonistic culture of pre-collapse roman society.
Religions are usually named after notable figures, is there one? Otherwise go with a descriptive name. Like the healing church from bloodborne.
Essentially the religion is extremely devote to their demonic patron (Another name I'm having difficulty with due to the plethora of cliches out there that I don't wanna use) their is no singular high priest. It is governed by an inner circle. Prestige within the religion's power structure is earned by being cunning. The smarter and more twisted the individual the quicker they rise. Infighting is encouraged as long as it is done intelligently.
Is the demon patron known to the common man, or an organization secret? Related, is the evil nature of the church well known or does it masquerade as a benevolent institute?
If the demon is passed off as a benevolent deity, than perhaps name it after the demon's "good" alter ego(with a more malevolent true name). If the demon is a secret, then just descriptively name it based on their public activities. If they're openly evil, then just go with the kind of name a group of people who think they're smarter than everyone else and wants everyone to know it would use.
first thing that came to mind;
Hakka/Hakkan (name of god/demon/whatever)
Hakkasun (the holy service, moment of worship/celebration)
Hakkanom (name of the religion/church)
Hakkantor (name of highest function within church)
They're open about it. The entire society is built around the worship of this demon it bleeds into everything even the magic system of non clerical casters.
Side note I'm on my way to work. Not abandoning the post I'll check in as I can to keep up with what y'all have to say. Thanks for the help so far.
Early Christianity was called Chalstedonism, or something like that. It would fit a roman=decadence theme you're looking for.
Now, don is the greek word for tooth, so maybe the Demon's name means something-tooth. Fonos is the greek word for murder/killing/kill/blood, which fits with don and with your theme.
Therefore, I say you call you demon Fonosdon, (or Phonosdon), and the the religion be called Fonosdontism or (Phonosdontism).
Maybe Fonosdon takes the form of a serpent - a metaphoric murder tooth.
You can take inspiration from ancient religions and just call the demon "Lord" or "Lord of Lords", "King", "Great King", "Sun" or even "God". That's the etymology of the likes of Yawhe, Baal, Moloch etc. If one religion is dominant, the adherents of that religion would probably give the demon a name that implies it's the only real power.
If you are lazy you could always use the name of a heresy, don't think most people are gonna know them. Looking at CK2 you could use Messalians or Catharism.
Here is a list of them en.wikipedia.org
Thanks for the help guys! I've gotten some really good answers. Credit to the user that posted about Fonosdon/fonosdontism I'd link you in this reply but this is legitimately my first time posting on Veeky Forums and I'm not sure how haha. Thanks again guys. If anyone else has ideas feel free to send me my way. The religion isn't all powerful or the only religion it is just very prominent and controls the largest singular empire on the continent.
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Declaring you are new on Veeky Forums is generally a very bad idea, as new posters are shunned by tradition. One should learn to understand a board's culture by lurking, before posting on it.
Using a Name is also often frowned upon. You have been calling yourself Dark Religion/Cult Names by accident, and you'll probably want to delete whatever's in the Name field before you post again (if you post again)
Good luck on your campaign, man.
Heard. Appreciate the tip.
Yo Veeky Forums, r8 my pantheon:
>The Good
I really like how the followers of each god are distinct, and well defined. If you want to make a Seer Priest of Hlotar, or a Beggar Priest of Eodil, you have everything you need to know how they act, what they do, and how they look.
The actual portfolios of the gods are also really good. Most of them remind me a perfect blend of multiple real gods, but not in a way that makes their theme seem nebulous and all-encompassing. Also, I felt the portfolios were so on point, it told me more about the society they lived in.
>The Bad
There were quite a few inconsistencies that irked me, as well as generally some missing information. If Hlotar was the last of the Old Gods, how is Throd still arround? If all the gods died fighting Ngolgandr, where exactly did the Gods of Man originate from? Who birthed them? Why is Yagonath considered one of them if he was Ngolgandr's child? Why do Beggar Priests wear masks if Eodil goes arround as a regular beggar. Why do Beggar Priests have expensive silver thread in their masks? Is Kossirus popular, or isn't he?
The names are a little off, and while reading them I wanted to pronounce most of them another way. I wanted to say Thod instead of Throd, Edoril instead of Eodil, Korsius instead of Kossirus, and Yaganoth instead of Yagonath.
The other names were perfect though. Especcially Syl Syf and Syn. Yes, I know Syn is a typo; keep it. It's much better than Synd.
The pantheon is missing a goddess. Not just because of gender, either; it's missing something gentle and feminine. I'd add in a goddess, but not an aggressive one like, say, Athena or Bellona. Know what I mean?
>The Verdict
I really liked your pantheon, user, even with the few issues and quibbles I had. It's a solid 7/10 or 8/10.
For the demon, I like The Kind Maug
For the Cult, then, the Kin of the Kind.
Hakka noodles- their official food.
Kek. Christianity is all about cannibalism and drinking blood. If you want a not jesus just make up a name for your messiah.
>op says he has a LE religion that uses sacrifice and blood magic
>get interested
For fucks sake.
Fag. Hakkasan is a big club in vegas. Unless your group is sad neets this shit won't fly.
>Unless your group is sad neets
Where do you think you are
This. The movie Mother! was a really fucked up take on that.
Some club in vegas isn't a household name, Turbo