Filename thread

These are sometimes funny

Other urls found in this thread: neural network pictures\&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA74WL0LLWAhVLvrwKHShTB3UQ_AUICigB&biw=1591&bih=940







>yes, yes, I'm certainly a Taragarion or whatever
>just make me king already, or my huge dude will mangle your huge dudes






Something something mekboy falls to Slaanesh?
I don't know 40K lore.





I feel like this has something to do with cthulu, but I know nothing of lovecraft's works





I'm going to admit I've never known what the character being referenced is. Can anyone enlighten me?




It's nsfw; cute, but very much nsfw:




Are there any /k/ anons here?
How do you get anti armour projectiles to ignite before impact?


can anyone post the wrestling alignment chart?











Proximity fuze. Uses radio/optical/whatever sensors to detonate at a set distance from a thing.


All of those seem incredibly prone to misfunction.

Did anyone else sing the letters? Or was that just me?

I did too but it doesn't match the tune.




Prove it.

Sure it is; it has a grain product containing food product. How is that not like your PB&J?

I said almost exactly that when I first saw the filename. Are you me?


You'd think so, but no. For warheads that need to go off an exact distance from their target, they just stick the fuse on a stick.

Use a range finder and set the timed fuse to right before impact



>mfw a Kingdom Fitness tries to open in my fief













its googles neural networks interpretation of pictures neural network pictures\&client=firefox-b&dcr=0&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiA74WL0LLWAhVLvrwKHShTB3UQ_AUICigB&biw=1591&bih=940

some of them are kinda disturbing

This dangerously borders on Loss.


If you look closely you can see that the panels were arranged that way to trigger loss. The original was a strip, but the comic is still intact otherwise.


Shirt budget must be quite low.




>tfw you will never lift with your chivalrous bros

Why even live? Where can I find people to put on armor and lift with?


Larp Groups I imagine.
Failing that Eastern europe.


>I'm CoD

Highly underrated


>Bethesda NPCs.jpg

No matter how many times I see this, I'm still impressed.



Also dat post time.

>That guy playing chaotic neutral

Build it, and they will come.

>new gym opens
>sign at the front
>no sallet no sabatons no service

Dangerous levels of loss here


It's not really a "That Guy" thing if he is being cheeky about being lawful, or not being reckless as a chaotic.

>that third line
>Q, elder sign, o, r, s, I...

>selling loot in DnD