Does anyone have a good, fillable pdf for 3E M&M's character sheet (preferably in color, but whatever's good).
Mutants & Masterminds 3rd ED Interactive Character Sheet
-this is the best one I could find, but it has a terrible font as is security locked.
Somebody posted this one a bit back, though I haven't so much as opened it yet myself.
MNM thread, bitches. What character are you playing right now? I'm GMing, so I can't answer my own question, alas.
How does regeneration work?
> Remove penalties to your Toughness checks due to damage equal to your Regeneration rank each minute. You then recover other damage conditions equal to your Regeneration rank each minute, starting from your most severe condition.
Becasue "Remove penalties [...] due to damage equal to your Regeneration rank each minute," sort of sounds like every ~10 rounds (which is a "6 second segment") I heal back from damage that was equal to or lesser than 5.
Obviously this makes very little sense, and I'm assuming it's wrong.
Every N rounds, where N is 10/regen ranks, you recover from a -1 penalty due to a failed damage resistance check. If you don't have any, but do have a dazed, staggered, or incap'd from damage, you recover from one of those.
So regen 5 means a micro-heal every other round. Regen 2 is every fifth round. Regen 3 is on a 3-3-4 pattern. Etc.
Cool, thanks.
Do any of your character's abilities modify their Speed, or do you have to buy enhanced speed to run faster?
A DC 15 Athletics check can give you an effective +1 speed, so if you have a +14 or better in Athletics (or Strength) you get that all the time.
Other than that, no: Speed is its own power.
I am also GMing, and the GM I was hoping to play a game under has once again had to postpone a game after the jojo game got called twice...for the same reason.
I am a happy GM at least.
Anyone have any experiences with a Power Level X villain in this system? If I were to use something like it, I don't want to piss my players off.
so is this a mutants and masterminds thread in general or is it character sheets only?
So how the shit is Side Effect supposed to work?
My reading is that you get a discount, but the side effect scales based on the cost of the power instead of the number of ranks to which Side Effect was applied, which makes no sense. It's also horribly unclear if it means cost before discount or cost after discount.
How /a/ can I make my M&M sessions?
Asking for a friend.
There's no limit. M&M is able to take the animuest game and handle it flawlessly.
It's also a complication without a hero point, so you can always rule it that way instead.
But either way I'd assume it's equal to the effectiveness of the power its attached to.
>But either way I'd assume it's equal to the effectiveness of the power its attached to.
Well, why?
I mean, Side Effect 2 on a six rank Variable is a 12 point discount, 30 point power.
Side Effect 2 on a rank 6 Perception range Damage effect is a 12 point discount, 6 point power.
Both are 12 point discounts, but the first hits you five times as hard!
Why should one hit you so much harder when you use it?
So what are the most unique powers you've seen played, and did they work out?
>The exact nature of the side effect is for you and the Gamemaster
to determine.
>As a general guideline, it should be
an effect about the same in value as the effect with this
flaw. So an effect with a cost of 20 points should have a
20-point side effect. Typical side effects include Affliction,
Damage, or Weaken, or the base effect itself (it essentially
rebounds and affects you instead).
It does say "as a general guideline" and "for you and the Gamemaster to determine", so while does recommend to have the side effect equal the cost, it says "should" but not "must". All it really means is "Don't make the side effect insignificant or cost too much for what you're getting, use the effectiveness of the power as reference."
Only problem with that is that my GM is incapable of independent thought when it comes to balance, so I'm basically fucked unless I want to go for a Complication Side Effect.
Well, if you're willing to play under them, I'm sure you can work something out.
He OK'd a "Immune to fortitude, immune to will, regen 40" character. It's honestly not a question of working something out, it's just a matter of getting it perfectly and strictly RAW even if it turns out to be fucking retarded jumping through six hoops.
>Written by RAW GM in MnM
Not sure if I should weep for you or the GM. Mutants and Masterminds needs case by case judgment depending on the nature of a campaign, the book even says this.
R8 my build
Very fluffy, while also abusing some of the better mechanical skip-ups the system has to offer. Deliberate sub-optimal tradeoff decisions means it's not egregiously OP though. Quite well done.
That said, completely and utterly jobs to any asshole with Flight 1 and a ranged attack, but such is being a melee character without "superpowers".
Would the deflect still reflect projectiles if it's close ranged in using its deflect effect?
I'm playing my first m&m game this Thursday. Looking forward to it!
Yep. Deflect's range only measures range from you to the guy you're giving the Deflect bonus to. He can reflect fire directed at one guy, but that's of no real use unless the enemy has exactly one target they can shoot at. Otherwise they can just not shoot the guy being defended.
I mean, it likely won't come up in play if he has a half-decent GM, but still.
Honestly, DEX is such a bad stat.
If, for some godforsaken reason, you're making a character to use two or more different ranged weapons (and can't array them), Sleight of Hand, and Vehicles, it's not a waste.
Of course, literally nobody does that, so it joins PER as a "never above 0" stat.
I haven't done much research, but aren't most of the stats noob-traps?
As far as I can tell, strength is circumstantial (but functionally free with Density Increase), stamina is legit better than its components, awareness breaks even. Everything else breaks even AT BEST and is generally never worth it.
Am I correct in my assessment?
Heroes are supposed to be active at night!
Infravision: Great 1pp sensory power or greatest 1pp sensory power?
It can be.
Anybody got a reliable crack for the herolab?
There are ways to make INT legit good, such as Jack of All Trades and Speed of Thought.
That's kind of the problem with having ability scores in a game you can buy it all separately in.
Of course, that's a problem I'd rather have than having ability scores required to do everything.
Some custom Advantages could easily fix the problem though, as they've already have with INT. I actually have a custom Advantage that lets players use the higher of PRE or AWA to determine Will Defense.
I'm taking the opposite route, and working on a overhaul that removes abilities altogether. I'm nitting some stumbling blocks with removing Strength, since there's things like grabs where it's important, but I think I'll just rewrite those segments too.
Seems like a lot of work for a minor problem, but I hope to see the results!
Honestly, it's been fairly little work up until fucking STR.
Current draft can be summarized as
>Abilities no longer exist, so don't spend points on them 'k?
>Growth and Shrinking are 1pp per rank, and just directly move you up or down a size rank with no side features
>If something used to care about your stamina (IE, holding breath) it now cares about your fortitude defense
>New advantage: Powerlifter. +1 mass rank to your carrying capacity
>New advantage: Strong Hitter. +1 effect rank to any attack that would be improved by being strong (IE, strength based damage). Pay points for extras like range or multiattack normally.
>anything like grabs that used to care about strength, uh, fuck, lemme get back to you on that
I'm thinking the most elegant option might be to just say "make grab a melee-range snare affliction if you want to use it".
Eh. Anything JoAT + high INT does, a variable limited to skills does better and cheaper.
I don't think the variable would get the limited benefit in my opinion, since there's already an ability in the power profiles like it that doesn't. But even then, seems really iffy, iffy enough to have most GMs raising an eyebrow.
Limited to Skills is explicitly called out as "generally a -1/rank" in the DHH.
The way they describe Limited on variable working is absolutely retarded. It rewards players for thinking of overly broad variables just so they can limit them, while the guy who thinks of an appropriately narrow variable doesn't get his limited flaw for the same fucking effect.
It sounds iffy when it's in a vacuum and presented in the context of power gay man, yeah.
But there's plenty of concepts that support it and generally get it approved.
The cyborg who shares head-space and body control with a task-assistance and instruction AI.
The wizard who has the spirits of a thousand sages instructing him.
The robot with a remote connection to a supercomputer.
All of those (and more) can justify a variable where Totally Not Batman I Swear can't.
The real issue in M&M is concept superiority, which is an absolute bitch to deal with.
GMing a lewd MnM Shadowrun-esque fantasy game, what are good ways to pad out-I mean flesh out a campaign based on returning a mob boss demon to power against an even eviler corporation?
Take some time out to look at the "little guy" of the setting. How are smaller corps reacting?
Take some time to focus on the civvies. How are they reacting, if they even care?
Foreign organized crime has a foothold in the city, do they care about this?
Etc etc. Find a third-party and show their involvement or lack thereof.
>How /a/ can I make my M&M sessions?
it can be as anime as you like. the biggest challenge is getting a feeling for what the mechanics do and don't do well.
but as far as how you want to skin it. go nuts.
the way lethality is handles is usually problematic but would be a good fit for a shoen game.
>GMing a MnM Shadowrun-esque fantasy game
how are you doing shadowrun grit and danger in a system as forgiving as MnM?
It's just a modern fantasy with high tech and crime really.
I've had several.
With villains like that you need to make it clear that punching the villain is NOT a way to win the conflict against them and make it so that it the villain's primary objective isn't "kill the heroes".
Galactus and Mephisto don't fight the heroes they face; they gently swat them aside and force them to think of new ways to stop them.
Basically, don't have the villain act like a villain in an anime or a movie; have them act like a genuine bonafide comic book villain.
1: Make it extremely clear they're not directly confrontable.
2. Remember to make them hilariously arrogant and/or overconfident.
3. The PL X villain does not need to be the boss fight.
A good attitude for PL X villains is that of a man preparing a picnic. If a fly comes along, he waves it away and forgets about it. Only if the fly becomes extremely annoying will he exert effort to deal with it.
No problem.
How do you figure out damage?
Specifically for powers like Blast and unarmed?
Damage is determined by the power's rank, or by your Strength modifier if using unarmed attacks.
So if you've got Blast 10, your attack causes the opponent to save against a DC 15 + 10.
If you run up and punch a dude in the face or whatever, then the save is DC 15 + (Strength modifier). Super Strength (since by using Blast instead of just Ranged Damage I'm assuming you're using 2e) does not apply towards damage.
DC for damage effects is 15 + effect rank. So a rank 12 damage effect forces a DC 27 save.
Blast damage rank is equal to the number of ranks in blast the character has.
Unarmed damage rank is generally equal to strength rank.
Failing a save against damage by 1-5 points results in a "bruise", or a cumulative -1 on all future saves against damage until healed.
By 6-10 is a bruise and dazed for one turn.
By 11-15 is a bruise and staggered until healed.
By 11-15 a second time, or by 16+, is incap.
3e actually.
Blast is the generic name for ranged damage in 2e, that's why I assumed what I did. Strike is likewise the generic name for a melee damage power (like, say, Wolverine's claws).
Otherwise, yeah, what I said and what said still applies to both editions.
So like, a generically "stronger than average but not superhumanly strong" person with a +3 Strength score in 3e, attacking unarmed, would force his target (assuming a hit) to make a Toughness save at DC18 (15+3).
Adding melee weapons to an attack makes them save against (Strength score + weapon damage), so like a sword IIRC is +3, so that same dude with his +3 Strength hitting someone with a sword would cause them to save against DC21 for Toughness.
Blast is also an example pre-built power on page 151 of the 3e Deluxe Hero's Handbook.
Yeah, lethality does NOT play nice with M&M. It's too swingy.
Anyone ever play this with the alternate 3d6 dice rules?
Yeah. It does NOT do nice things to the math.
It makes it so that unless your attack tradeoffs are fairly close to your opponent's defense tradeoffs, you have barely any chance of dealing damage. It's this really ugly game of long drawn-out slugfests.
So it's basically like everyone's got a form of impervious toughness? (taking a 10 on defense checks). Hmm, I see, was wondering if it fixed the swingyness issue, but I guess it seems to have issues of its own.
And impervious dodge, and impervious parry, and impervious will.
It got pretty fucking inane.
So did things get better when you switched back I'm assuming?
I am also DMing. I'm running campaign set in Las Vegas for my friends, particularly one friend who really wanted to try the system out. The party consists of: American Maverick (an Evel Knievel style stuntman), The Roach (who is basically Spiderman but with roach powers instead of spider powers), Blight Bringer (the grandson of a WW2 Nazi super scientist/war criminal and all around edgelord), and the Red Knight (a catholic dude with modernized body armor, a sword, and immortal arms). The game is Silver Age as fuck and revolves around how the Mayor of the city is setting things up to make superheroes look bad in order to make a bid for the presidency. Turns out, he doesn't even need to try. So far my players have almost killed two innocents, actually killed a third and nearly set off a nuclear explosion in the heart of the city. That's not even including the apartment building full of squatters Blight Bringer just straight burned to a crisp (he set it on fire with a flamethrower and then stood in the front door and torched anyone who came out) and the property damage they've caused.
Yeah. d20 makes it swingy, but the system needs that much variation or it goes to hell in a handbasket.
Well, I'm playing in a Magical Girl game with it so...pretty damn /a/.
Give them goals that can be thwarted without direct conflict or reasons they don't go full force at someone. Q is a good example of a Power Level X villian, it's not about punching Q in the face until he goes away (Unless you are Sisko but Sisko tends to have violence as his first, last and every solution) it's about entertaining him our outwitting the scenario he's put you in.
A PC I've got sitting about has a Power Level X villain as a disadvantage and also as a contact. They are an apprentice to Baba Yaga and Baba Yaga does not give a shit about your problems or most people. If she wants to fuck with the PCs to teach their apprentice a 'lesson', they will and they might give advice but they sure as hell won't step in to help against any threat unless they have personal reason beyond 'They are beating up my apprentice' (That is, itself, a valuable lesson).
She's also the source of the character's immunity(dark magic). Trying to call down hellfire or cthulhu-magic on the PC involves your patron ending up in a staring contest with Baba Yaga and the Elder God will blink first and bow out.
Posting some tuff
Oh shit forgot to post.
ok so not gritty or dangerous for the PCs
how does grenade person work?