Gondor calls for economic aid!
Gondor calls for economic aid!
how about a bake sale?
Reminder that a small minority of orcs are responsible for the attacks on Gondor
God damnit Legolas, you ALWAYS suggest a bake sale. Every fucking time.
And it has never once failed us.
Send for flour. We have baking to do.
Where was Gondor, when the Westfold was hit by recession?
Well Rohan needs bricks.
Why didnt Frodo just use Turbo Tax?
Okay. So Gondor is build into a giant fucking rock quarry.
You buy bricks from Gondor. Bam. Everyone wins. They get money, you get bricks.
This is, like, tier one Great Continuum stuff. learn2profit
>Where was Rohan when Spain fell?
What about second bailout?
This will never stop making me laugh.
>Gandalf the Red. Yes, that's what they used to call me. I am now Gandalf the Black, and I return to you now at the turn of the profits
>You have no credit here Gandalf the Red
We've had nothing but faggoty threads for three stinkin days!
Is this the best meta meme since Baneposting?
>Many of these trees were my friends. Creatures I had known from nut or acorn. Many of them had hedge funds!
>hedge funds
I'd show you the door, but you probably know it's name.
Why not just print as many Gondor Bucks as you need?
First, tell me about their tax policy.
Its not a flat rate
I need a shop of him wearing a top hat and monocle
>Frodo Baggins: You're late.
>Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He files precisely when he means to.
Fuck, that's good.
Prayers and positive vibes, meng.
He looks like he's holding a weird lizard or something
The IMF demands that Gondor sell off majority stakes in it's quarrying, smithing, and construction industry to Anorian creditors. Interest on IMF loans is set at 28% per century.
Why not default? I'm sure Mordor will forget the loans and not send Revenuewraiths to collect!
>"If we do not take action to aid Osgiliath, Mordor may cut off our trade routes to Dale and diplomatically seize our caravans, thus ensuring a crisis of taxation and supply in the north!"
holy shit my sides
No Pip, I don't think he's heard of second bailout
What about capital infusion? Loan? Line of credit? Debt forgivance? He knows about them, doesn't he?
What level of shitposting is this? It's glorious.
This is wonderful news! A few more orcish attacks like that and Rohan's economy will be back on its feet!
lurk more please
I wouldn't count on it
>when the debt is still owed, it just got shifted to the imf instead of banks and banks got paid off
>people think greece actually benefited from this
>people don't know that the majority of loans owed by the modern day government was taken on by the right-wing dictatorship decades ago
Helm's Deep was an inside job. Theoden just wanted a distraction from the economical swamp he drove the kingdom into! Orcs don't even know how to use explosives, much less collapse a well-engineered keep.
>orc powder can't destroy stone walls
Even WITH the weak point, the powder couldn't explode with enough force to propel the stone that high.
Theoden was definitely in on it.
>mfw the orcs were armed and organized by Rohan's (((greatest ally))) Saruman, who was also the one controlling the King's corrupt advisor
What did Tolkien mean by this?
Why does the slightest questioning of the internal logic of Tolkein's worldbuilding provoke such a autistic backlash? GRRM wasn't even criticizing Tolkien and it was years ago, but they still aren't over it.
LoTR is basically the Bible of fantasy. Questioning its perfection in this holy shrine of neckbeards is like going into a church and suggesting that Jesus didn't really come back from the dead.
I think it's mostly because it was a bit of a stupid phrase. I'd say it's self-evident to anybody who likes LotR that its appeal is not in tax policy, so for GRRM to bring it up like that in a way that could be made to sound like criticism took off like a rocket, both in response to perceived, stupid critique and also just in response to how silly of an idea it was.
I know a lot of these posts are ironic, but sometimes it's hard enough to tell that I worry that somebody might really be that dumb. This is one of those worrisome posts.
If you criticize a good book, you should try to at least read a page before.
This is what I love about the Middle-Earth mod for Crusader Kings 2.
You actually do get to see Aragorn's tax policy. Among other thing. Insane, terribly, other things.
>Send him Lord of Rings Collectors Set Boxed DVD's
>Write note that says, "You owe me fifty bucks."
You see orcish refugees, I see bakers and royal astronomers.
I know *exactly* what you mean.
It's dumb to oppose orcs invading the lands of men.
This is what hobbits actually think.
get a job hippy
How is this shitposting?
Being a burger king mascot doesn't count as a real job, pay is shit and career advancement options are pretty much zero.
But it wasn't even a real critisim
He only said that to describe how his writting style is different from tolkien
Infact he loves the series
Best thread on Veeky Forums
>This is what I love about the Middle-Earth mod for Crusader Kings 2. You actually do get to see Aragorn's tax policy. Among other thing. Insane, terribly, other things.
I'm the same way with the Warhammer CK2 mod. Is there anything you particularly recommend about the Middle Earth one, or any good stories?
Hey orcs,
My name is Aragorn, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are corpulent, foolish, morgul-rats who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad with Middle-Earth. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten wed? I mean, I guess it’s fun mocking people because of your own failings, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than slavishly obeying the Dark Tower.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was a ranger of the north, and veteran of countless battles. What victories can you claim, other than “slavishly obey the will of the Dark Lord”? I am also a wise scholar, and have an elven wife(She just wed me; Shit was SO Silmarils). You are all uruks who should seek redeption. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bride
>Nice thread of taxposting
>Retarded poltards come and ruin it
God, I hate niggers too, but I don't talk about it ALL the time.
The Greek need to take responsibility for their own shitty governments and decisions.
Stone powder can't melt black walls
Recommend playing as Galadriel.
Acquire the One Ring
Start wars of conquest (by whatever CB) to bring all of elfdom under your rule
Try and have children so if your newly conquered vassals get funny ideas you can replace them with loyal children.
Let Arwen marry Aragorn. You might be able to press a weak as fuck claim for Gondor at some point given that Arwen is your granddaughter.
Once your rule over all the elves is secure start taking back the world.
Start with the orcish lands and the lands of wicked men first so it's more likely you can rope the other kingdoms into helping (dying for) you.
Eventually, once all your human friends and allies are long since dead through time or other means, take their lands.
Don't stop the conquest train until you are the undisputed Empress of all Middle-Earth.
Elrond is forming a council, for a decision on a monopoly... The greatest monopoly in all of Middle Earth. You must go my son and seize it for the economy of Gondor. Otherwise I fear in the future we must call for economic aid....
>Shit was SO Silmarils
Please stop posting immediately and/or kill yourself. In either case at the very least don't ever make such a shitty half-assed post about a long-dead meme ever again. Christ, everything about this post is terrible. You just ruined my fucking morning, asshole. Fuck you.
>This whole bread
>Sauron has regained much of his former liquidity. He cannot yet take corporate form, but his portfolio has lost none of its potency.
>Concealed within his corner office, the CEO of Mordor sees all. His audits pierce wholly-owned subsidiaries, appeals, collateral, and taxhavens. You know of what I speak, Gandalf: a great Accountant, merciless, wreathed in flame. He is gathering all evidence to him. Very soon he will summon an army of lawyers great enough to file suit against Middle Earth™.
>Against the power of Mordor there can be no victory. We must merge with them, Gandalf. We must merge with Sauron. It would be wise, my friend.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my house in the Ñoldorin army, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Mordor, and I have over 300 confirmed kinslays. I am trained in uruk warfare and I’m the top marksman in the entire Ñoldorin men at arms. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will slay you with passion the likes of which has never been seen before on Arda, mark my fucking oath. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the palantir? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of eagles across Arda and your palantir is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, orc. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, child. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Ñoldo Army and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Middle-Earth, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “wise” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your crooked tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
This is bannable, right?
That hurts ;_;
>He cannot yet take corporate form
>A day may come when the stock market crashes… but it is not THIS day.
Elves are scary.
They are when they are the PC faction.
Looks like memes are back on the menu boys.
Just borrow some gilt bonds from dwarves to ride you over, sheesh
Let's be clear, without the influx of these hard working orcs adding millions to the economy, Gondor would face economic collapse.
These are peaceful, employed undocumented orcs, that love Gondor and add culture. They do the jobs humans don't want to do. Without them, nothing would get done.
"Newfag tries to fit in to Veeky Forums.jpg"
The best since Bane was Vinceposting but it was only popular for a brief moment on /tv/ due to the greater level of effort required.
>They say cleanliness is next to godliness, but you know what Ray? I've never been clean. Never even taken a bath.
>And it has never once failed us.
Damnit man, I'm at work. My boss will give me strange looks if I break out in laughter.
Technically, it's another giant fucking rock quarry. We gondorians like to build cities out of shear cliff faces.
Offer him some baked goods for a good cause?
I'm saving his posts just to use to bait neckbeards on Veeky Forums now.
Nobody likes /pol/tards, user. I don't even think they like themselves.
It's hard to be the only ones that have had the veil lifted from our eyes. Many wish to go back, but once the spell is broken, it stays broken.
Oh fuck off you nu-/pol/ faggot. I used to defend /pol/ when they say it's a right-wing mirror of tumblr, but because of reddit cucklords like you that's exactly what it's become. You are the only thing more worthy of hatred than the progressivists. Choke on a dick and die.
This shitposting is something else, wow.
I post on /pol/ too, but when I come to Veeky Forums, I don't shitpost about niggers and kikes in every thread.
>I post on /pol/ too, but when I come to Veeky Forums, I don't shitpost about niggers and kikes in every thread.
If only others could follow your example.
It's "scales", not "veils", you retard.
We're exporting memes now? Was your thread deleted too quickly OP? Or did it die slowly?
Is this a /tv/ meme? I only ever go on /a/ and Veeky Forums so I've only seen it posted here.
I was not thinking about any known saying. I make up my own.
I think it's something to do with G.R.R. Martin bitching about Tolkien because LotR wasn't a political wank like his books.