Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

>Which faction has cutest feet edition
Last >GW FAQ (1.1):

>FW FAQ (1.1):

>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

>Other Megas

>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

>Death Guard codex (thank you Vladimir)

my dudes > your dudes

>feetfag thread

[delet this in low gothic]

>FW is OP and should be banned edition

How do we fix Crisis Suit Teams so that Commanders aren't taken in their place 9.5/10 times?

Do big bugs in a nidzilla list have a chance of holding their own in 8th?

But what if your dudes are also my dudes?


Wait til the Commander nerfs the playtesters have said are coming. That's about it.

B A S E D!

you can summon after discovering you have a foot fetish

>>FW is OP and is getting banned regardless of your opinion edition

Yes. You have to juggle target priority with genestealers and gaunts, and focus down the stuff that can reliably hurt tg

Following on from last thread's FW tears, how the FUCK do you kill a Titan without having a Titan of your own? Shit's pretty much invincible, and any legit threats to them are nuked turn 1 by their insane weaponry. Emperor help them if they're TITANIC and suffer the full wrath of Macro weaponry (Knight Porphyrion).

Brought a Warhound to a 5k game last weekend and kinda regretted it since I just rolled over everyone.

Ruse cards?

Fuck OP, man. Fuck the fact that there is rule 34 for fucking foot fetishists about a cartoon woman set in the universe of a fringe game culture, on a website that can itself be considered a fringe culture.

Jesus it's so depressing to be me.

Why doesn't everyone buy second hand space marine armies and swap their heads with SoB and make a female chapter?

Or would anyone object to having SoB count as some marine chapter?

I'd play boring humies if they were qts.

I don't understand the fetish either, or how it connects to 40k in any way.

>Why doesn't everyone buy second hand space marine armies and swap their heads with SoB and make a female chapter?
Because not everyone is a faglord, user.

>Or would anyone object to having SoB count as some marine chapter?
If you buy Sisters then just play Sisters, they're in a good place this edition.

Newfag outs himself, the post.

Play a Hoth style map and everytime it moves it might fall through the ice?

Because female space marines are usually low-tier memes. Nobody ever puts in the effort to do them well.

>bizarre degenerate fetish that is completely illogical


Because unless one of the 2 missing Primarchs was a failed attempt at a female Primarch, Female Space Marines LITERALLY cannot exist due to biological reasons deeply established in the lore, not the muh-sogyny that the outsiders looking in scream about.

SoB are REALLY good this edition. Sad GW won't update their models. I really enjoyed painting Celestine and the girls for my friend.


can you use forge world units after disembarking from a transport?

Don't fetishes belong in another board user just like politics?

>You will never have your miniatures pinned beneath and at the mercy of a sweaty demon girl's feet
>you will never watch as she picks up your commander between her huge toes and makes him move 8 inches towards an objective
>you will never put your face level with the table to watch her remove casualties beneath her puffy yet unyielding sole

user dont you even

He didn't say he didn't know who cultist chan was, he said he didn't know why cultist-chan was showing her feet in a grotesque manner.

Damn didn't see your post before writing

>I can't have girls in my boys only club doll game

Yeah I know about her already, didn't think that foot fetish drawings were made about her though.

Actually, I play Sisters myself, that's how I know.
I haven't seen that image in a while, also.

Also see

Bitch she bathes in garbage. Showing her feet off pleases Nurgle AND slaanesh for the forbidden stinky pleasure.

And from your bunched up panties it seems she's pleasing Khorne by getting you upset. No doubt this was her plan all along, thus pleasing Tzeentch.

Literally the perfect act of devotion and you are blind to the ways of the gods.

So he was right in that you outed yourself as a newfag.

>Chaos Undivided
Fuck off to Switzerland you indecisive shit.

>Because unless one of the 2 missing Primarchs was a failed attempt at a female Primarch, Female Space Marines LITERALLY cannot exist due to biological reasons deeply established in the lore, not the muh-sogyny that the outsiders looking in scream about.

I counter with Cawl/FabulousBile bullshit magicscience.


Chaos always follows in her wake.

I guess then, didn't know the secret handshake involved masturbating to cartoon feet.

Which faction has the best feet?

I imagine craftworld eldar have meticulously manicured and cared for feet.

While their darker cousins have a more natural beauty, feet that run wild with lithe muscle, and you can tell those toes have experience.

Sisters feet are probably more working class, though no less beautiful, and their holy aura is comfortable.

Slaanesh Daemon feet are probably the most eerily beautiful of all, lulling you into a comfortable sleep from which you'll never wake.

I'd give you a pass on Fabulous Bill. Cawl would be a fucking STRETCH to say the least. It's already a huge stretch for them to say that he improved on the blueprints for marines MADE BY THE FUCKING EMPEROR. Unless he worked hand in hand with the Emperor when making replacement marines for the Legion and consulted with the Emperor ways to improve the Marines directly after the Heresy began, I'll call bullshit on Primaris despite the Intercessors having beautiful models.

I hope it isn't just the Commander nerf, because Crisis are rather mediocre even in a vacuum. Nerf Commanders some, lower the cost of Crisis as well, and possibly get a way to improve their BS that's not 5ML. Honestly who ever thought that was a good idea? The faction was balanced around 1ML giving a +1 to hit, which is why the supposedly shootiest army in the game is flooded with BS4+. When was the last time you saw someone actually land 5ML on one target?

You're going to accept my female primarch and you are going to enjoy every soulless bit of fluff Cruddace writes for it in your favorite chapter.

Eh no, I actually think Chaos should take a backseat to xenos for once. Carnac would slit his wrists before saying that.

Bring a army of lemon rust.

>I'd give you a pass on Fabulous Bill. Cawl would be a fucking STRETCH to say the least. It's already a huge stretch for them to say that he improved on the blueprints for marines MADE BY THE FUCKING EMPEROR. Unless he worked hand in hand with the Emperor when making replacement marines for the Legion and consulted with the Emperor ways to improve the Marines directly after the Heresy began, I'll call bullshit on Primaris despite the Intercessors having beautiful models.

The emperor wasn't perfect though, nor was the peak of human potential. It isn't hard to believe that working off of his base designs, someone, in 10,000 years, improved on them.

I want to worship a Catachan girl's feet. Such dominance.

Tiger Shark AX-1-0

It's actually very hard to believe, considering they can't even keep all their current tech operational.

Are you the lorecuck from last thread?

Carnac also played Necrons.

>tfw Alpha Legion
Brothers in the Word Bearers, I petition you for comfort. Servants of Chaos in its purest form need to stick together when Carnac is the face of our subfaction.

Being kidnapped and taken as a slave by a dark eldar banshee to clean her feet after raids would be sweet. Not sure what modifications she'd make on her captives though.

This one isn't me:, but he makes a sound point.


>The emperor wasn't perfect though, nor was the peak of human potential.
Prepare for incoming REEEEEEEEs.

What about tau feet?

Well this thread is off to a tremendous start, as usual. How about we get some work motivation going? Post what you got. I'm almost done with my first ten Berzerkers.

Longer tongue, increased salivation you know things that make your mouth less of a mouth and more of a feet washing area

Thanks to the user that posted these, great inspiration for GorkaMorka conversions.

They from the 2nd ed Ork codex? Or somewhere else?

Cawl is from that time though. he actually does know how that tech works, and how to keep it operational. He isn't limited by the dogma surrounding it that mars has exaggerated in the past 10k years. The reason he isn't making the imperium a technological wonderland right now is because the imperium is so backwards and its infrastructure so broken that one person knowing how to do things isn't going to restore things very fast.

It probably differs wildly based on caste.

Can Black Templars take Intercessor squads or are they limited to Crusader Squads?

Also, is there an actual mechanical prohibition on taking Librarians or just the collective butthurt of Templarfags who can't get past losing their own codex back in 5E?


>Can Black Templars take Intercessor squads or are they limited to Crusader Squads?

Black Templars can take Crusaders, Tacticals, Scouts or Intercessors as their troops.

> is there an actual mechanical prohibition on taking Librarians

Yes, please read the fucking codex.

How do normal Russes work for you? Every time I bring them, they cost too much and don't do enough damage.

Are lictors not garbage anymore? Or are genestealers better infiltrators for tying up dangerous artillery?

If he reads the codex, it's going to tell him Librarians are fine, because the no librarian rules were retconned

Nope. Why are you lying?

Those are from either 'Ere We Go or Waaaaagh! Da Orks! which were Rogue Trader-era.

If you're an Ork player, find them on one of the Megas, amazing stuff.

They also have the Blood Axes as being militaristic organized (...for Orks) rather than KOMMANDO KOMMANDO KOMMANDO which I really miss.

>illiterate fuck telling others to read books

Lictors are still garbage, fingers crossed they improve in the Codex.

Genestealers don't need to Infiltrate, they are just straight up the most disgusting, fast, killy, point-efficient melee infantry in the game. They don't "tie things up" they just delete them. Hormagaunts are for tying things up.

lovely, not to sold on the skulls on the base but the guys are great.

Painting an arm at the moment

How many points is that and does it do well?
>plz greentext a rundown of your last battle with them

or Fel8

What about Necron feet?

The Codex says there isn't a single psychic marine in the BTs ("Abhor The Witch", p.45), but there isn't an actual "Marines with the keyword LIBRARIAN cannot take Chapter BLACK TEMPLARS" rule, it's just fluff.


>but there isn't an actual
but there is if you knew how to read.

Which eaters of worlds should I go with? Tyranids or World Eaters?

Chapter and verse then: where is it?

Cold and metallic, but dominating, and controlled by a precise, souless intelligence.

Tyranids have better models, soon to get a Codex, and aren't associated with insufferable Chaos pricks like carnac.

>Still surprised at what he learns in the Slaaneshi singles forum

I've got a lightbox in the works so sorry for the mediocre lighting and background crossaints but here's a Lord of Contagion I'm just about done with. Just need to clean up a few spots and get the base going.

Unf. Nice.

The sharp, hard angles of the necron foot cut into your skin as it rubs it across your body.

When is that nid codex coming out? Before the end of the year?

Nevermind, faggot. Found it myself: p. 131.

>People not getting the point of the image

The khorne tattoo is on her foot because showing her foot will either make the 10% of people who are footfags pop a slaaneshi boner, or the 90% of people who aren't go REEEEEEEE FOOT FAGS FJDFBASHF, thus strengthening Khorne with their rage.

She is always depicted as empowering chaos by annoying the fuck out of others. This is how she works.

page 131

by the end of november

yeah, it's among the next three slated for release, we just don't know the order: Craftworld Eldar, Nids, and IG.

See how much easier that would've been than being a screeching autistic fuckwit?

BTFO, bitch.

Baleswords or Bubotic Axes for the Blightlord Terminators?


What list builder is that ?