What are some dumb minor Chaos gods you made, Veeky Forums?
What are some dumb minor Chaos gods you made, Veeky Forums?
the god of cumming on my own wrist and letting it dry due to sloth
the god of leaving the heels in the bread bag and never eating them
Necoho and Zuvassin
dumb? minor?
not at all.
Krom the Killer is the greatest CHAOS GOD. and he is canonical because I SAY SO
Minor God of Seaweed. Loved that motherfucker.
Self-loathing, probably.
Haven't used him yet but Lugo The Unintentional.
A scholar who devoted his life to disproving ascension. Focused largely on prophecies and such, with a few rituals thrown in for good measure. Before he could finish his magnum opus he inadvertently fulfilled a number of prophecies, and promptly achieved god-hood.
Now he sits around his ethereal laboratory grumbling when people try to pray to him.
He's become the god of unintentional discovery and misadventure, and he hates it.
I did create a Daemon King.
There once was a PDF of 'forgotten gods' I wish I still had it. IT had gods of
>Romantic kidnapping
Elebeth, loved the stories of knights saving princess from dragons and their ilk
>Mother/feeder of monsters in dungeons
She would go around and feed all those monsters that where too big to get into the dungeons they where placed in. Or that orc that is hidding behind a stone wall
>Anit zombie nail clipper guy
Would go a clean and clip the nails of people who just died in mass battle to stop the spread of zombieness if they came back to life
>God of wells
Would get angry if you polluted water
>He doesnt exist, shut up about it
This does remind me of an idea I had, but before I say it I wanted to ask just one question.
Aren't the Chaos Gods supposed to represent the positives of human emotion and psyche as well as the negatives, or is that just fan speculation?
Claofulo, God of Cabbage. He is a minor god of cabbage and cabbage based foods.
They used to a lot more in WHFB, not so much in 40k. In old FB, Slaanesh represented the finer things in life and perfection as well as all the twisted shit, Sigvald for example lived with his wife and had really nice Wine or some shit like that iirc.
In 40k they've always been a lot more about the negatives but I mean there's probably examples of the positives shining through as well but FB is the reason a lot of people say that they represent the good of human emotion as well as the fucked up stuff you see in 40k.
building upon this, it's more so that WH40k's universe is supposed to be as disgustingly edgy and grimdark as one could imagine, so the negative emotions are much more noticeable in the Warp than any tiny positive ones
Slaves to darkness really contradicts the notion of the chaos gods being positive to the point of neutralizing what's wrong with them. Sure, love and honor ARE positive traits, for instance, but they're outweighed by the true malevolence of what the chaos gods are. They are such bad gods precisely BECAUSE they prey on the positive aspects of their realm in people and drive them into more and more excessive reaches of it. Slaanesh wants you to reach perfection because the struggle in doing so will lead to excess, and thus, empower it. Khorne wants you to embrace chivalry because in doing so you'll add more and more skulls to the skull throne, and in time, forget the chivalric code in bloodlust. The positive aspects they represent are essentially the bait to the trap of chaos. The good in them serves the malevolent, selfish, unsatisfied elements of what they are, to which they feed incessantly.
It's implied more from the more southern tribes in the north that they're able to keep a check on some elements of chaos worship and it's much more of a Conan the Barbarian sort of Cimmeria/Asgard/Vanaheim than it is the chaos wastes. That Marauders are able to integrate into human societies more than actual chaos warriors proves this. The barbarians you find have only a cursory knowledge of chaos, if any, and it's implied that greater understanding ultimately strings you down the path of becoming a chaos warrior.
40k doesn't have a very firm grasp on that concept since the Imperium is so horrified by the spread of chaos that they hunt it down all the time.
Nicheolas, the minor Chaos God of all subjects not explicitly or implicitly claimed by other Chaos Gods
Also works in DnD
Gouge is a formless, shapeless, creature that rules over shadows, fog, blindness, rain, codes, ash, and fear of the unknown. His powers are that of subterfuge, obfuscation, and irrational terror. He manifests in the minds of paranoid schizophrenics and blind seers who he turns towards furthering his own ends. Books on Gouge are full of empty pages which you have to study until they whisper the secrets unknowable secrets and once they start they don't stop. His realm is a dark plane without knowledge, or luster, or name. His sigil is an inverted pyramid with a gaping maw in the center.
>They used to a lot more in WHFB, not so much in 40k.
Then my idea actually works a lot better, assuming it hasn't actually been taken.
>In the Warp.
>Some minor or greater daemons are doing their things.
>Suddenly, they have an idea, or a revelation (hadn't thought much about how).
>The Chaos Gods are mostly malevolent, but they also have some benevolent aspects that are not so well exercised.
Thus, these demons decide to make like the Protestants and break off from the majority of Chaos.
>Reformation time, bitches.
I'll admit it's a little rough, but in time it'll become far more refined.
Not what I was aiming for at all.
But because people in Warhammer are more shitty than good, the goodness in Chaos never really manifests. Its the dark grey hidden somewhere in all the back.
Most science fiction and dark fantasy relies on the general stupidity or douchebaggery of mankind to work at least in the backstory if not also the present. Planet Of The Apes, Game Of Thrones, The Matrix, Terminator, Resident Evil, The Witcher, and so on.
I had an idea for one.
Like Diogenes or the Dada movement, it resents and opposes Chaos purely for the sake of being contrarian. It idolizes and creates beauty in ugliness and unmasks everything held in high regard. Disrespectful of Chaos Gods, and puts basic pettiness as well as boldness on a pedestal. Something no great force on either side can actually use constructively.
also malal
Nah, Malal has warriors.
My idea was more like a skin tag in the Warp. It consumes a small amount of energy to sustain itself and takes up space, but doesn't really do anything. Because, by its contrarian nature and the meta sense of the Warp at times, he refuses to take part in or be a factor in war in a literal wargame.
That's kind of why I didn't even come up with a name. Its not something you could paint up an army with.