It's not very fun, is it?

It's not very fun, is it?

It's actually very fun, but only when you do it with friends or acquaintances.

I had fun but the novelty wore off quickly for me.

Ritual transgression done wrong.

This. The 4th time I played it I hardly laughed at all.

Like Diplomacy.

But both have way too many rules. Real life arguments are far more fun.

It's not fun when your friends have a shitty sense of humor and pick the lamest answers. It's a blast when you play with funny people. Usually it's shit though.

It stays fresh if you play it about once a year.

Also didn't the makers of that game apologize for offending SJWs?

I also heard that one of them donated $25,000 to Anita Sarkeesian.

IIRC, they once stated that all of the writers for the cards are Jewish, so it would only make sense.

Yeah, they have "no limits", but then removed an answer card from later USA prints that simply said "passable transvestites". My UK version has it.

Doesn't bother me too much, I'll get on with my life, but it seems a bit odd when dead babies and whatever else are acceptable targets.

>Also didn't the makers of that game apologize for offending SJWs?
>I also heard that one of them donated $25,000 to Anita Sarkeesian.

Take that as you will about the makers.

that's why you make new cards for it

It's entertainment hinges heavily on who you play it with.

Every time I played this everyone felt they had no good cards the whole time

First time I played my own set was with my parents and sister after a nice meal out.

We're 25 and 23 and my parents are 60. We didn't live in a strict household but I still don't really ever swear in front of my parents, neither have they ever really sworn either at me or around us.

Watching my dad go as red as a beetroot with laughter whilst explaining half of the cards to my mum will stick with me forever.

Use the house rules in the leaflet, you can swap a point for as many cards as you want. Or do something like pick a card, discard a card each go.

Anyone here lose to Rando Cardrissian?
It's a shameful feeling

It's fun when you play it with friends, but if you try to play it with people with different sense of humour to you it's a bad time for everyone.
Also drinking helps

It's great fun in the workplace. Helps organizations sift through the chaff to promote likeable people instead of prudes.

depends on who you play it with. personally i love playing it with my work mates while having a beer or two

>Download free PDF
>Print out the cards on cheap cardstock at copyshop for literally three bucks
>Cut them in five minutes
>Play it once
>Have a barrel of laughs with some friends
>Be done with it

I'd rather play Apples to Apples with funny people.

The first time I played it, it was at a party and everyone in the group was pissing themselves with laughter, it was so good.

The most recent time I played it, it barely raised a smile.

it's pretty fun when you play it with the right group, or sometimes even with the wrong group.

It's fun until you learn all the cards. Jokes are not funny if repeated, and your friends will want to play a lot. It'll be like listening to the same jokes over and over again.

It's great fun with your friends or what not, but avoid it with friends who dont like jokes

It's best online with friends, playing only a custom deck full of injokes.

Let's see...
Does this make you laugh?
>Big black cock

If yes, then it's for you. If no, then it's not.

Game is fine, but you HAVE to set a limit to win. It's not funny enough to just "play until bored"

Also, no one plays with gambling. It makes the game a lot better.

>Cards against humanity
>Too many rules
Wat? The only rule is pick a card you think they'll like or find funny. You don't even play the game so much as play the person.

Superfight is a superior version of this idea.

Had more fun flicking the cards at people than playing it.

Also, to win you have to know the sense of humour of the person judging the round.

>t. Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Novelty game made for normies to let out their inner edgy around christmas and new year
>haw haw sarah made a joke about blacks being criminals she wins this round, take a pic for facebook

It sounds like you're describing Veeky Forums, except Veeky Forums is every day, not just holidays.

But Veeky Forums actually has some useful stuff

It was fun the first couple times I played with friends, but I think it's because one of them was very mild-mannered and polite but came up with the most obscene shit of the group so it was clearly very dependent on the group. Never had fun with it in the few attempts I played it with strangers online.

My mother didn't think so when I played it with the family.

fun with friends but novelty wears off. Shit with random people. Played with people at a club and they were trying to out-obscure each other and trying to pick the most surreal jokes which led to a lot of sitting waiting for people to make up their mind what card they were gonna play

I fucking love Superfight.

The bar for comedy is higher, but so is the payoff.

you can play with voting, where it's more playing to the general sense of humour of the group.

game's ok when you don't play it that often, and after a few drinks, but it does start to get a bit stale after a while

t. Played all the cards in the base game and three expansions over the length of a night. it took 8 hours. never again.

It's a vector for bullshitting with your friends

I found drinking quest to be a more fun party game, until my friend got too plastered and threw up all over the carpet.

The game is there for people with zero comedy ability to tell funnies. It's the type of "These Beatles were bigger than Jesus. jk lol Praise Him ok?" safe humor that's just shit. Real nigga shit is doing stand up improv and tallying up votes. Last place takes 3 shots of vodka straight and is eliminated. Keep going until last man literally standing.

Hard Mode: No Seinfeld "WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH X?"

It's pretty shit. Everyone tries to throw together the most lolsorandumb combinations together instead of ones which are both funny and make sense in the context of the cards too. I just can't enjoy this game. I've never enjoyed it and barely laughed while playing it.

Played it with friends once and it was pretty fun, but I imagine it wears off pretty quickly

this guy party (fucks)

my siblings and i play with rando every time and usually lose to him, it always feels awful.

I want to play with you, user.


Card Against Humanity is the edgy tryhard cousin of Apples to Apples.

One of the more depressing experiences in my recent memory was playing this game with people who can barely read. My girlfriend had insisted on playing this game with her uneducated relatives who apparently live under rocks.

Someone drew "Vladimir Putin", didn't know how to pronounce it, and didn't even know who (or what) Vladimir Putin is ("what's va-di-mi.... puttin?"). I was the only person in a circle of about 10 who knew the name of the goddamn russian president. Most of the game went like that, with these poor ignorant bastards mispronouncing and missing every single culture reference, and every word beyond 3 syllables. I spent half the game explaining shit to them. It took me weeks to regain my faith in humanity.

tl;dr: Play Apples to Apples instead, and make sure to play with people who are literate, cultured, and funny.

I recall losing several "Pick 2" and maybe even one "Pick 3" to Rando, if I didn't shuffle the deck myself I would have sworn it were stacked.

Sounds like Apples to Apples would not have been better for you since a lot of those cards are historical or literary references

>Sounds like Apples to Apples would not have been better for you

I meant to present those as different ideas
>Apples to Apples is better than Cards Against Humanity
>Unrelated to that, I had a terrible experience with Cards Against Humanity

>my friend got too plastered and threw up all over the carpet
I projectile vomited on a preteen this Independence Day

>Also didn't the makers of that game apologize for offending SJWs?
They took out all the cards mention rape after the 5th edition or so because backlash. Really ought to be called 'Cards for Pretentious Wankers' at this point because you don't get to say that rape jokes are too offensive while giving dead baby, holocaust, aids, and all the racism they left in and call yourself morally sound.

But I will tell my favorite story playing CAH:
>Gf invites some of her new friends over to new apartment
>Don't really have much to do, card games it is
>One of the randos I quickly figure out is a serious SJW type
>She's sneering at half the cards that are being put down, says something about none of the cards in her hand would seem funny
>Point out a rule, I say, "You can drop a card and draw fresh ones if you don't understand what they're referencing, or if you think they'd be too offensive."
>She drops all but two cards in her hand, the one on top of her pile is "Black People"
>I look at her and condescendingly say "Oh, so you find black people offensive?"

I'll sometimes start with it, play like one or two rounds then switch to something good.

It's great fun, but only in select circumstances with a group of friends after a few drinks. I've had some great times with this when everyone was hungover after a wedding. The only thing is that it's only really funny once and gets less funny the more you play it. That being said...

If god didn't want us to beef over turf he wouldn't have invented black people.


See, the problem with the game is that the punch lines are solved by the game. The humor is completely random.

Problem with that is, nine times out of ten the joke ends up being /b/ tier shitposting. "The Joke is: Black People!" "The joke is: Penis!" "The Joke is: Crucifixion!" "The Joke is: Necrophilia!"

See, jokes like that are all well and good, but after the shock value wears off, it just kind of falls apart when you realize that the jokes dont really fall together all that well.

I'd much prefer a game where the humor comes from the players instead of the cards.

Like, get this. Say the joke I have to make a punchline for is "On your mans birthday, it's best to surprise him with ______ when you go down on him."

In CaH, I could have cards that make no sense to the joke whatsoever. Cards that say things like "over 200 corpses/ the only woman in a bar full of Turks/a mayonnaise restaurant" Shit like that, it wouldn't make a good joke, or even a joke that made sense.

Whereas, if I had to simply fill in the blank myself, I could say something like "Teeth" completely unrestrained by my cards. Boom, instant joke. Maybe it won't be a joke that wins the round, but it's at least a joke that makes sense.

I hate how many of the cards are jokes themselves and therefore unfunny, like the fucking dumb octopus one.
I actually prefer apples to apples sometimes because it is funnier when an innocuous card is warped by the context rather than when a raunchy card is used for its intended purpose.
To echo other anons ITT, it also highly depends on with whom you play.

Were you playing with Raven?

that piece of shit is not a traditional game

This is why it's more fun to play with actual friends instead of friends of friends or their families.
Here's something simple you can do if you're being dragged into a game with people you don't know:
>Send delayed text to yourself, scheduled to arrive right at the start of the game
>If when you pull out the "Bigger, Blacker Box", anyone says "more like bigger, blacker dick!" then just wait for the text and pretend it's something boring and believable like your dad's car needing a jump
>If you want to go the extra mile, set your name to someone else's on your phone
Before you say "why not just say you don't want to play?", well just fucking do that instead if you don't mind looking like a flaky asshole.

I agree.
Cmon, let's head down to that freeze-tag thread or maybe the floor-is-lava general. Nobody here understands the rules like we do.

It's a smart idea for a party game ("Apples to Apples but the way everyone actually plays it") that gets old after a few play-throughs because all the shock value and novelty has worn off. More worth 20 bucks than a trip to the movie theater, less worth 20 bucks than lots of other games.