I need something to read and I like them pictures
What are some Veeky Forums comics?
Other urls found in this thread:
OP pic is Kill Six Billion Demons, as someone will eventually ask. I thought I renamed the file but here we are
Pic related is from the 2012 Prophet series
And this is a picture of a dog.
Dogs appear in many comics.
Fell's five.
I wish it had finished.
Artesia is great if you love mythology and armor porn and can stand unfinished comics and same face.
start at the bottom
Demon Knights, a look at the middle ages of the DCU... in which the party meets in a tavern.
8-Bit Theatre
Unsounded is prob my favorite Veeky Forums style comic these days, it's a really cool setting.
Ava's Demon could be too, but be warned, it's updated really infrequently.
Gone With The Blastwave (updates at glacier's pace)
Teahouse (discontinued)
8-bit theather
Order of the stick.
Darth's and droids/DM of the ring.
Is DM of the ring okay?
Did something happen to Unsounded? I stopped around Chapter 8 so I can read it all at once. Should I come back?
How has no one posted oglaf yet?
I think it's assumed that anyone who regularly visits/tg/ will have heard of and read Oglaf
I Like to think that there's a universe out there where 4e was well-recieved and Fell's Five continued for many years while never devolving into an empty she'll like many long-running series.
Regular Marine was always good and the archive is still up.
Wormy (R.I.P. Dave Trampier - he never finished it)
Run Freak Run
Girl Genius (must mention Phil and Dixie!)
Sandman (original run, maybe the Death and Lucifer spin offs)
If you want smut, read I Roved out in Search for Truth and Love instead.
Better art and less of characters being cunts to each other.
I cannot stomach Roved's art style.
>I Rowed
>less of characters being cunts to each other.
That's like, very opposite of what that thing is. The characters are slightly less abrasive than Rat Queens, but that's mostly due to their constant lubrication not due to being better people.
Posting K6BD and other imaginative worldbuilding comics as "Veeky Forums comics" is almost a disservice to those comics as the vast majority of Veeky Forums experiences are just going to be Fell's five with zanier races and less witty dialogue.
>almost a disservice to those comics
C'mon, user... we can *try* to enlighten our fellow elegan/tg/entlemen, can't we?
8BT should really be Veeky Forums required reading
Percevan is great.
In general, fantasy is to eurocomics what superheroes are to US ones, with sci-fi coming a close second, so we get a shitton of good ones.
Also 2000AD and Heavy Metal, if we're talking magazines.
Will Save World For Gold.
Yiu is pretty good 40k-ish story with excellent art, I that no I read it on read comics online or a similar site.
Thorgal is great
>psychic space humans crash on earth
>only baby survives
>raised by vikings
>gods and magic and space ci fi shit
I never found a good torrent or place to read the entire massive sage tho unfortunately
It's up to chapter 12, though it's updated sporadically due to the hurricane.
Also, literal porn.
You didn't add that it's one of the few comics where the protagonist is a reasonable human being with responsabilities, a family, and some good ethics.
Too few titties, though. Rosinski could have done far, far better, but I guess they had to keep it somewhat family-friendly.
Aww, both Complainte des landes perdues and Chnikel are rather tg, though.
because it's shit
Is 6 billion demons the one with the old guy ?
Rat Queens, for those who want sex and drugs in their D&D.
Conan - Dark Horse Comics series is great
God I fucking hate Rat Queens. It's every bad D&D game I've ever witnessed.
It's meh and all girls in Artesia are flat
No, it's great
I wish K6BD had something going for it other than awesome visual design
My dick, user. MUH. DICK.
No, that's Prophet. Kill Six Billion Demons is the one with the dead old guy.
>all girls in Artesia are flat
.... this is a bad thing?
Does existentialist pseudo-Thomist philosophy with fake Oriental bullshit as mere window dressing not count?
Keychain of Creation
Generally yes but it seems to be stylistic choice of the artist (women in Greek art are usually shown with small breasts)
>Order of the stick.
>Look it up
No thanks.
The Marquis
Gets a lot better after the first chapter
It gets better once you get used to the accent.
>[angry crow noises]
>fantasy is to eurocomics what superheroes are to US ones
>we get a shitton of good ones.
Not sure about your metaphor.
>Forest of aborted fetuses wanting to die
I think you're projecting.
But they're already dead user. They're just spirits in the spirit world.
For M&M players, there's Irredeemable and The Boys, both about superheroes doing terrible things. Sometimes to children.
Irredeemable: not!superman cracks under the pressure.
The Boys: Pic related. A CIA hit squad fucks up superheroes who step out of line.
Preacher's good if you like playing clerics. Or the taste of evil dick.
Theyre ready for rebirth, shes in the spirit world
Last time I was in a ksbd Veeky Forums thread some jackhole wouldn't shut up about how it was "copied" from elder scrolls lore because he wasn't literate enough to know that both are heavily taken from Hindu texts like the Upanishads/Vedas/etc.
"I never read the source material, the post"
But at least you can follow the story in Alfie, instead of being strung along between sex scenes by bits of nonsense.
My friend was a part of this kickstarter awhile back. I don't know about its current availability but there's a new project coming up by some of the same artists.
Funny, that's the only thing about it that I find appealing.
Having not read it but heard good things, what's right/wrong with it, anons?
The basic premise is that the protagonists are terrible people and everyone in the worlds is aware of it.
I've only read volume 1, but the writing for the characters is similar to the way one would write..."modern" college age slackers I guess? Something like Life is Strange, where they're trying to be hip, but come out as abrasive instead.
That actually sounds OK to me.
Hm. That does sound difficult. I would hope it improves after the first issue though.
>I would hope it improves after the first issue though.
It doesn't.
the only thing TOO read
Steve Lichman is great
oh man, you want edge, you should look up the author talking about her fetishes. she's really into gore
wait, what? GwtB still updates? I thought that stopped years ago
What was that comic about bearded elves?
Damn it, I should've posted Steve Lichman before I started reading the rest of the thread, this guy beat me to it
That... explains a lot actually. Like why side characters die horrible deaths all of the time.
Or zombie character with appetite for human flesh. Is this seriously her magical realm? It makes it all more disgusting.
Not really, iirc she said that people actually dying is a turn off. Don't really get how that works, but eh.
It's got an April fools update relatively recently (like within the last two years) and /co/ flipped their shit
Nah, her husbando is trapped in a spirit realm making love to the titty bird. Duane's just fucked up for plot reasons, his daughter died for said plot reasons, the silver and anyone who deals with it is just fucking evil, and Quigley's wife died and Matti got blinded because Quigley's a shit. The real fetish stuff sucks to patron where Ashley's freak flag really gets to fly
>iirc she said that people actually dying is a turn off.
Well I fucking hope so
>Don't really get how that works
Death is an escape. When you die, it's over. Not only the pain of mutilation, but the suffering that it entails, especially when it includes permanent harm. Essentially, if someone actually dies you get blue-balled.
>and can stand unfinished comics
Why the flying fuck did he never finish the fucking thing anyway?
>Why the flying fuck did he never finish the fucking thing anyway?
Mark started a company to publish his comics (they publish Mouse Guard btw) but running it took most of his time from drawning Artesia.
So she is into Vicissitude?
user... Percevan is two-bit hackwork, a badly-written sub-Lanfeust dentist's waiting room read. I can name ten better French fantasy/medieval series off the top of my head, and to prove it, I'm going to:
Jehan et Pirlouit
Les Tours de Bois-Maury
Alix (okay, technically not medieval. I'll add another comic to compensate)
La Balade au Bout du Monde
Brunelle et Colin
Chevalier Ardent
Chroniques de la Lune Noire
Les Compagnons du Crepuscule
La Quête de l'Oiseau du Temps
And this is leaving out every non-medieval type of fantasy, so no Cités Obscures, Arzach, Lone Sloane, or anything of that sort.
this is probably a bit comfy for Veeky Forums but Vattu.
updates regularly, by an author with several finished comics already. Great worldbuilding
No Need for Bushido.
The art gets better.
Does the writing get better?
I want to say Orc Stain but I'm not sure it really qualifies
Casey and Andy
Saga is great in every way except for the absolutely horrendous SJW writing that sinks the entire project.
I guess it's pretty entry level, but you can't go wrong with recent Elric. Both The Ruby Throne and Stormbringer comics were great.
The Helm
Dungeon Meshi
Witch Doctor
Locke and key
Legion - by Salvador Sanz
Prophet (Image revival) (2012)
hehe that's good
I forgot about Vattu and then found it again.
It's so delightful
Hell no.
No penetration shown, no vagoos, no erect dongs... so I would classify it as erotica.