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Antihero Edition:
Does your character eschew the usual trappings of heroism to give them that certain edge?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
Antihero Edition:
Does your character eschew the usual trappings of heroism to give them that certain edge?
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Linking to Antihero's Handbook
We were on page 6, cocksucker.
What's the deal with vigilantes lately? Are they better than other roles in some way that i'm missing, or is it some addendum i don't know about?
Well for starters, they're a waste of a gestalt.
>still missing the point a day later
you are booty bothered
>Waste of a Gestalt
*Pops popcorn*
I'm not gonna bother correcting you. i'll just revel in the fact that i get to see someone as hilariously wrong as you.
What kind of sneaky businessman, accountant, or someone good with money with a class in bard would williningly join a group?
>Thinking I'm that user.
I'm just making a joke. You might be butthurt though.
oh. well. i apologize for thinking you were them, then. what to do about this popcorn, though.....
Well fuck what am I gonna do now I was all ready to laugh at someone for being salty and that wrong
Just wait, I'm sure something will happen with the thread.
Let's see if we can make it happen:
Which celeb is the best celeb?
So someone wanted feats, I'll just post the entire section of player material stuff.
Thanks, leakanon!
Does Tremorsense protect you from be flanked or flat-footed?
No, No.
So it doesn't protect you from a sneak attack if the guy's invisible?
As leakanon posts more pages, leakanon recognizes more and more stuff as a big collection of slightly-hidden minor rulesets.
No to flanked.
It only prevents you being flatfooted if the person is invisible. If they just went before you round 1, you're SoL.
Which low-rank celeb is the best low-rank celeb?
if we're talking lowest ranked, it'd be the Celeb that no one knows, doesn't have a track record, or just ISN'T a Celeb.
>take Reborn trait from Avowed 2
>take Fiendish Wings
Flight at level 1 with no funny races.
>take third party thing of questionable balance
>surprised it acts funky with 1pp material that doesn't take it into account.
Alright, that's all of chapter 3. Let me know about any other requests.
Any lore/domains/favoured weapons for any of the other fiend dieties? for example the oni daiymo's and such
>All these evil tiefling
Here, have a snip of Daimyo stuff. Leakanon can link the full page when he gets around to it.
Thanks, user, any idea when this and antiheroes will be on the trove?
>Chain Mastery and Dance of Chains means that Magi could actually use something besides the scimitar, finally
>it requires you to blow 3-4 feats to get up and running, and the Spiked Chain has an abysmal crit range, so all you get is a 5ft bonus on reach during your turn
>mfw it will never break the Scimitar's iron grip on the Magus, and will only be used as a memebuild option
>mfw there's a feat for tieflings to FINALLY attack with their horns, but it's gimped to fuck permanently and can't scale up at all
>all those feats that are just monster feats without the "monster feat" tag, but will get picked up by people who find a way to sidestep type limitations
>one of which is a feat to lose your legs to become a goddamn lamia, which is mechanically damn good in what it gives, but will only ever have monstergirl waifufags attempting to take it
>inb4 someone apps with a #83 Tiefling, with a 3pp trait to count as an evil outsider so they can take the snakeleg+wings trait
I wasn't too interested in the book as I don't really dig the evil shit in the system, but damn if the feats section hasn't made me care at least a little anyway.
demonaic seems to by identical
diabolist is sexy as ever, but got nerfed. you used to get an imp that had animal companion hit dice based off of your caster level, now you just get a familiar
you can't enter earlier than 8th
you do get fiendish boons form Fiendish obediance, so if any fo those are particularly powerful it might be worth it, but otherwise I'd take the original version every time
souldrinker has some ups and downs
entry level is now 8, and fiendish obediance now works with it.
soul pool can't recharge staffs any more, and you can't use ti to quickly get back your cacodaemon familiar, but there's no longer text no longer requires hit dice equal to your soul eater level, which is a net upgrade (energy drain rats or chickens or whatever instead of harder to find 10 HD creatures)
you used to get an energy drain touch attack, now you get scaling uses of enervation, which I'd say is a downgrade, but again the ability to fill your soul pool with 1< hd creatures mostly makes up for that
you can't summon daemons anymore, which is a bit odd, as the daemonic still can summon demons
the final slas for each rider where changed, and generally I'd say they were downgrades
creeping doom was switched for plague storm
fast healing 10 for 10 rounds was switched for wither limb
greater magic weapon (+4 bonus, can allocate to mighty cleaving, unholy, vicious, wounding) was replaced with blade barrier
horrid wilting was replaced with quickened feast of ashes
So what games are currently recruiting? Which ones are gestalt?
these actually seem pretty great
can we start getting the others, please?
ideally the riders first
i was interpreting that as only having effect if you already have a smite going, because if it works that way then damage wise you're better than a normal paladin
It does, but that's not what either of the terms you used in your original question mean. Tremorsense prevents you from being rendered flatfooted by an invisible enemy (so long as they don't have a means to bypass your tremorsense), but does not prevent the flanked or flatfooted conditions.
>no funny races
>funny 3pp trait that's still in playtesting
I seriously want to build an unchained monk with 3 levels in freestyle fighter so I can have pummeling style and jabbing style at the same time
Assuming a tier-appropriate game, is this a terrible idea?
Reviewanon, come back!
What point of he'll review on request, but won't roll for it is hard to understand?
>Unchained Rogue has Shadow Duplicate listed as a normal unchained rogue talent on the SRD
>The chain at the top of the page lists it as an advanced talent
Which one is it /pfg/? Is it an advanced talent for rogues but basic for Unchained rogues? Or is it just listed as a basic talent on accident?
Where'd he say that, anyway?
Why not just convince your GM to allow Master of Many Styles with Unchained Monk? If you check what it replaces it's actually 100% compatible with Unchained Monk, the only reason it technically isn't is because of the retard blurb by Paizo saying that regular Monk archetypes aren't compatible because they generally affect different abilities (except MoMS doesn't).
Holy shit the Slavery domain is powerful. Dominate or take 2 con damage+staggered at 8th level?
What are some neat things to look into with a hidden blade rogue? I know of the IUS+enforcer+thug+sap master combo, but am looking for some other neat ideas.
Mithral Current Style. be able to Feint as a Swift action. that CANNOT be overstated on a class with Sneak attack Dice. just get a feat that allows the stowing of a weapon as a free action and you're gold.
Do you think the swift action to assume the stance, and the swift action use to feint would conflict with the use of boosts, counters, and gambits?
Hm. good point. i personally like to think of Mithral Current Style as an "At-Will" Boost Rather than another thing to take up your swift action.
Because the MoMS takes flurry of blows away, and flurry is why I want to do this
The entire focus of this build is to maximize the number of attacks made and giving myself bonuses based on the number of attacks made.
It just seems like it'd be really rough on that swift action economy, though the idea of doing some flashy draw and sheathe attack that catches foes off guard is cool. Even more so when I might just have a ton of daggers and be a maid.
Actually reading through Mithral Current Style, it doesn't sound like I have to draw the weapon to use the swift action feint, just having a sheathed dagger would enable you to.
>While you have a sheathed weapon on your person, you can make a feint against an opponent within your melee reach as a swift action. You may make Perform (dance) checks in place of Bluff checks when feinting in this way.
Am I reading that wrong?
huh. by RAW, you're not Wrong. i always assumed the RAI was that you had to draw the weapon...but i can imagine you pretending to reach for the sheathed weapon as an effective Feint.
I wonder if just heavy use of Flanker's Gambit is better. Less feat investment, recovers maneuvers, sneak attack on all the hits. Does Flanker's Gambit give the +2 to hit that flanking does, or is it just for the sneak attack?
Haven't been around, but how do you guys feel about using gestalts in PF with an E6-like mod?
Make it like, E8 with fullcasters besides maybe Sorcerer banned and it might be neat
Gestalt is a lot more popular here than E6, actually. It'd be interesting, I guess.
>Not banning all full casters but Oracle.
Hi, Startoad!
Intrigue intrigue INTRIGUE
I'd like to know more. Never played E6 before, can I get a summary?
/r/equesting new monsters, if there are any that aren't reprints. I'm especially interested in ones that aren't demons, devils or daemons.
Because I might as well, have a feat specifically to enable chuuni edgelord "alas I am the demons" bullshit. Please berate me for how awful this is all you can, because I get off to that.
>what the fuck is this
It's a feat that lets your tiefling take on an even more fiendish form and qualify for the feats from above. Maybe if I'm ambitious and don't immediately regret ever thinking about this I'll try to make addons to it so it isn't ONLY a feat to enable taking pseudo-"monster feats".
>how come it doesn't let me qualify for [insert thing here]?
Because I slapped this shit together in 5 minutes and didn't keep the wording open enough. I already know I fucked up and it doesn't allow the kyton feat.
>why did you do this
How many dishes have you broken?
E6 is, in essence, a playstyle that says "most classes either come online or are at their peak of equal power at level 6, so when you hit level 6 you just stop levelling up and instead just get more loot and feats but no increased BAB or class skills". E8 is the same but, obviously, for 8th level so as to allow for 3/4ths BAB classes to get an iterative.
Interesting, I tend to agree with lv6 as a good cutoff, why do you prefer lv8?
Are full casters extra terrible in the gestalt context beyond what they're normally like? Locally full casters aren't formally banned but generally considered not fun for anyone.
E6 is basically characters stopping at level 6 and then "leveling" only by getting extra feats. The original E6 document IIRC had some weird drama stuff but the level cap is the big thing.
To me the biggest thing here is the GM doesn't have to dig into weird shit to present a challenge at low level, and now you can stay in that place and still have some progress.
Enough to make me go "awawawawa"
Doesn't that mean you're basically stuck with CR 6/low CR monsters? But yeah, I'd be willing to play in a game like that, I suppose.
/pfg/ bitches about fullcasters despite most of this generally probably being too fucking inept to play one in a way that fucks with everyone's fun.
Like that shit can be smelled a mile a way.
Oh damn, what's the best way to inflict negative levels on animals/vermin at will to fill up the soul pool and TOTALLY BREAK CRAFTING?
I'm actually loving the look of those chain fighting feats. I've been meaning to make a character with something similar, so this is great.
It feels like that kind of full caster would get shut dow by a semi-compitnent GM real fast.
so you either houserule things or ban casters. Allowing spells to function as they're written is what breaks casters.
It's honestly fucked up spell lists and a handful of spells that fucks casters.
Granted, I think 1pp Vancian casters have shit design for a whole host of other reasons but that's the primary issue.
Kinda surprised that people don't account for decent GMing in theorycrafting.
Once you start getting into the CR10 and above list you start finding that a lot of the monsters begin to be less fun as enemy encounters and are more fun as setpieces, what with enemy casters and SLA monsters having no shortage of "save or die"s, "save or you might as well be dead for the purposes of this encounter"s, or full attacks that will kill the squishier members of your party in a single round if you're not careful. Also, a team of Level 6 characters can, if built well, take on enemies as strong as CR10, especially with the extra feats and the like.
so mandatory changing of CRB spells is 'good' gming?
That's because their answer to decent GM-ing is more theorycrafting and a strict rule of "we read RAW when it's convenient but argue RAI when it's not".
Well, when the game design is shit, yeah. Good game design doesn't require that.
Do you remember every piece of bread you've ever eaten?
It's probably better than tossing babies out with bathwater and banning a whole swath of classes because someone *might* play them in broken way. If you're that fucking worried just switch to Spheres or Psionics.
Are you thinking that the CRB is balanced?