>New Magic the Gathering players
Notice anything Veeky Forums?
>New Magic the Gathering players
Notice anything Veeky Forums?
A cuck and his girlfriend (male)
He seems to be trying to cheat by looking at her cards?
Well, now that OP got what he wanted, we can probably /thread.
there's a table a foot away from that bitch and these retards are playing on the floor. fucking animals.
also what does that guy have on top of his tapped land? if that's a creature then he is the cancer.
where to start
>playing on the fucking floor
>no playmats
>laying down
>not sitting across from one another
>shitty hair dye
>man is almost certainly watching TV while playing
>using d6s for life total
gas this apartment
>>playing on the fucking floor
>>no playmats
if cards are sleeved (which they are in the picture) mat is just a gimmick
hell, I'd imagine their carpet might be cleaned considerably more often than table at LGS
Lots, but can only be bothered to write Danger Hair
why would you put a carpet ontop of another carpet
also what the fuck is going on with their couches
Couple of adults playing a game together. Nothing 'new' about this.
>>not sitting across from one another
This way he won't be tempted to look at her cleavage.
I don't see any coasters
>why would you put a carpet ontop of another carpet
It's called a rug, genius.
"New" players using sleeves
Ultra-Pro deck boxes
Playing on the floor when there's a perfectly good table
Sitting posed for a camera instead of across from each other
Guy giving the chick the "man I wanna fuck you right now" look instead of paying attention to the game and trying to win
Three fucking couches
Too many cups half filled with liquid sitting on a precariously perched side table
I'm sure there's more.
Sleeved cards?
Dice ready?
Different sleeves for tokens?
Deck boxes?
They clearly aren't new?
I hope this isn't suppose to be focusing on the chick's cleavage or something, because there is nothing there of note.
using coaster on a plastic table is like wearing suit to a cinema
carpet can be used for both, smartass
>Dice ready?
Dice, especially on uneven surface, are bad choice because they can be spinned off by accident.
In my apartment it's so I can eat on the coffee table without fear of staining the rug that I don't want to lose my security deposit to.
But yeah, their couch setup is ass
Looks like he is playing white tokens and she is playing dark depths, so he is about to get blown out.
>go to person's house to play magic
>they don't have table so we have to play on the floor
>this has happened 3 times in my adult life with 3 different people
Why the fuck don't people have tables? Do they like eating with their food in their laps? Yes all three were poor, but you can get a card table from Walmart for $30 and your life will have vastly improved.
Multiple friends of mine from high school only have a mattress or sleeping bag on the floor and tons of toys/games with a super expensive computer. Absolutely no other furniture. Sad to see
Bed is arbitrary unless you want other people to come over at your place to sleep. By which do I mean have sex.
Everyone commenting on sleeves, dice and the cards... assuming OP isn't lying and they are new, it's clear that they are using players' decks and probably dice since they all match. They also positioned their shit the same standard way, indicating they were taught by someone rather than self taught. The guy is lounging because it's not game 1.
>implying people who actually matter don't wear suits to the cinema
they arent enjoying themselves
You don't have to be slaying pussy 24/7 to buy chairs and tables user
But I only have one ass.
I have no idea what is going on with that furniture set-up. Did they move stuff out of the way so they could play on the floor?
Playing on the floor like bunch of 19 year olds who just moved out of the house and have no furniture.
That fucking "I should be avoided" haircut.
>not liking butch cuts
Do you wet the foreskin in your mouth before playing the woodwinds as is proper procedure or do you just go in dry?
You think she's hot?
Agreed she has the I am 34 but I wish I was 19 haircut. The guy looks like a mix of Moby and David Cross's stunt double.