Dieselpunk art thread, been working on a setting that has a dieselpunk aesthetic with an 1800's mentality need some inspiration
Dieselpunk art thread...
Is this even feasible with our modern technology? Like, I'm pretty sure that diesel engine would be more than 2,000 pounds.
That doesn't look safe
>people have never done unsafe things
what is this?
artillery hot air ballon?
The main issue would be stability (no rudder in sight), but you could absolutely make that work for personal travel. You don't need a huge amount of thrust if you've got lift.
Landing would be impossible with that configuration, though, your wingtips would hit the ground before your wheels.
Would you like historical pics as well or just dieselpunk art?
Either one is fine, i'm still in the rough draft phase as it is
Airship hangars are ridiculously huge
And about 3 decades later
And the IRL inspiration - you have this...
...mixed with this
Weapons that fit dieselpunk/pulp settings?
I fucking love Diesel Punk, me and my brother came up with an idea for a diesel punk setting where the whole game is at sea. Any submarine/boat pictures would be much appreciated
Crimson Skies thread!
Also got an assload of battleships
There is kinda a problem with having that many engines though
Could be worse though, could be on a sub
I am excited for Iron Harvest, this image just reminded me of it.
I don't really know if it counts, but I'm going to post some Stan Mott stuff.
Those anchors always get me
Train racing.
Now this is just silly.
>for what purpose
guessing you'll post the desert carrier next
Rolling in style.
I'm not that user but I posted it before seeing your post cause his reminded me of it.
I love the real strange/experimental tank designs that you'd assume would be works of fiction.
Favorite pistol. Mars Automatic, designed by one Hugh Gabbett-Fairfax. When chambered for a .45 cartridge, it was the most powerful handgun in the world.
Huh, still called it - so very silly, so very cool
OP might also want to check /nwg/, they always have lots of cool ships from the World War eras and just before
>yfw you have enemies of the reich to kill
>but you forgot to put on your pants
I'm more interested in what the fuck purpose the giant hole over the heart serves.
Surcouf is not as pretty as X1
We posting dieselpunk guns?
Because I got dieselpunk guns.
It makes me sad that pic related was never built.
Ah, the days when cars had style and presence, rather than all of them looking like compacted plastic fish.
On the other hand, compacted plastic fish can survive a 40 mph collisions, while the old cars turn into scrap.
Oh the car might survive, they were solid as fuck.
The passengers will be thrown about the cabin however, which is also solid as fuck.
Though if you want to talk road presence, have a gigantic Bugatti, designed for the monarchies of Europe... right before the Great Depression hit.
And for a better idea of scale