describe a faction in one picture
Describe a faction in one picture
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What ever happened to Buckley?
The mechanicus in a nutshell
Oh, mechanicus, you are so terrifying.
Rogue Traders
It also applies to Dark Eldar/Elves and Chaos.
I think he killed off his character or just ended his "story" and just makes video game shit now
Please stop posting this stupid fucking comic. It's been like 7 years and people still think it's funny.
No one thinks it's funny, that's ironically the joke.
As someone who has no idea of the 40K Lore, what is the advantage of having a baby servo instead of a regular servo skull?
More intelligent. They're called cherubs, and they're made of vat grown babies. I believe that there are... Twenty something? Cherubs that were made from actual babies, could search them on 1d4chan if you wanted to.
No, Tyranids must forever remain as badly designed space dinosaurs with some bug legs here and there. Because fuck according fluff and rules in contemporary GW as long as we can sell spaces marines to 40 years old kids, right ?
didn't know that, i thought they were just for aesthetics.
Nope, smarter. More temperamental too though, and more fiddly to maintain. Give me a standard skull any day of the week.
Huh, so they use vat grown babies and occasionally mechanicus uses real babies, creating even smarter servos, that's pretty neat.
Also how accurate is 1d4chan lorewise?
Accurate enough for a general overview
Not accurate enough to use as an actual source
Full of memes too
>Accurate enough for a general overview
Oh ok then, i was under the impression it was a meme riddled cancer fest form all the times i've seen it mentioned, but if its good for an overview its good enough for me, for now at least.
Thanks user.
>tfw I'm building my Guard characters as COBRA members
not shown is vindicare Baroness
good pic.
1d4chan being "cancer" was a meme spammed by some 2016 invaders. Just check it yourself, and make your own opinion on it.
Damn straight!Do you know what kind of cash i had to shell in when 3d ed came out.
but it is funny
Why are they not beating the shit out of each other?
Back when I unironically followed CTRL+ALT+DEL on a daily basis (those were dark days), he wrapped up the main story, started doing nothing but those single-strip pop culture parodies, tried doing a collaborative community CYOA type thing (he handled it so poorly he had to get somebody else in to colourise his shitty copy paste art), and eventually started working on a reboot of the ethan story with slightly better art. It was soon after the main series ended where I realised just how terrible it was, but it was only after bloodborne came out (I remember the parody strip) that I stopped hate-reading it because it had just gotten boring and repetitive. Haven't checked him out since.
Tail under body is superior. Long tail that sticks out an inch and a half from the base was a fucking mistake.
Over his Knightâs head fluttered flights of servo-cherubim, the grotesque little creatures winging their way into the sky on grav-impellers and rotor-wings. Released from each drop keep, the cherubs would form a low-altitude sensor-web that would greatly enhance the auspex acuity of the Knights below. The Sacristans called them the Heavenly Host, and were clearly proud of their macabre progeny. The infant servitors made Danial uncomfortable, and sad somehow.
Is there anything that exemplifies edgy teenager shit more than fucking warhammer?
Seeking it out specifically to call it edgy shit?
Probably not, that's part of the charm I guess.
tau are cows not fish
It's literally 'nothing personnel' the setting, so no.
yeah it's between Paper-craft and Origami and Quest
>/pol/ boogeyman
Don't you have a lecture to protest or something?
The Guard
checked, its retarded fanfiction made even worse by including ED lingo
Dark eldar work though. they retrieve each other's bodies for soul recovery. They organize into raids with each other. They have a thriving market.
I am also a noob about it, but from a biological point of view the baby brain has more plasticity so I assume it is easier to program and may develop into more efficient cogitators than an already developed brain since the brain body interface of an infant is still developing and can be used for different functions, ignoring things that won't be used.
Slightly more accurate than an ork with Parkinson's disease.
Khorne started talking shit so they gotta humiliate them.
Thats nice!
what if when the cherub died, you made a servo skull out of it? hmm
And that center result right there is the Xenomorph army from Stellaris
Then the brain died, so it would be dead
The body doesn't do much, it's just more useful than a servo skull
You need a living brain to make any kind of cogitating unit. The advantage of using vat grown brains is that they did not develop the connections that would be used to control the body and to understand and interact with the enviroment, so they can adapt to perform a wider variety of tasks and do better than a repurposed, already grown brain.
A grown human brain, a servitor or Cherub that was already performing a function could be repurposed, in life, but the result would not be as good as a vat grown one.
There are advantages to repurposed grown brains, since the connections and functions that they already developed can be used as part of it's routines. Repair servitors, construction servitors, security servitors, servitors that shoot guns, basicly any servitor that carries out human tasks work better if made from humans that already have some skills, even if those skills are very basic, like walking and picking up objects. Vat grown ones will do better, but they must be programed almost from scratch, probably a more expensive process, on top of the whole in vitro stuff, that is probably more expensive than picking up a bunch of people you want to get rid of and instead of killing them you just repurpose them.
Hey I remember you from that other thread, lost to a tau player, huh?
It's funny becase it's true.
due to how few sources there are for 40k related Lore websites there are, every now and then it actually gives a bit more insight then one of the other two wikis. If you want to learn anything at all about the significance of the various 40k related memes you see thrown around here at times, then it is invaluable. Might not be as important to know those memes anymore though, Fantasy Flight Games is no longer making stuff for 40k and they were the ones who were making cameos of all sorts of Veeky Forums creations.
which is probably why they prefer vat grown babies for Cherubs then the real deal if is correct that only twenty ish were real babies. Real babies have not yet developed any sort of skills you might want them to perform except how to cry. And the in vitro costs are probably pretty low for a vat grown baby compared to other Servitor types.
unless of course there is some actual bits of lore that contradict my assumptions here.
Protip: That's why we like it. It's a "crosses the line twice" kind of thing. Its over the top cheesy nature isn't a bug, it's a feature.
You are doing the equivalent of that guy who tells wrestling fans that wrestling isn't real. Yes, of course it's over the top edgy teenager shit. Do you think you're the only one who notices? That's why it's entertaining. It's not supposed to be high art, you fucking retard.
There is a sub-type of Cherubs - The Nephilim who are made from actual babies. They are made mostly from beta class psyker babies.