>create a complex character with mixed morals and well-written motivations
>the group members see me staring at the sea all the time, seagull noises make my arrogant attitude change to that of a stumbling teenager
>not a sign of caring about teammembers, engage strong enemies to duel them 1 v 1, take the loot from them and threat to kill other party members if they challenge me, leaving my party with scraps from group mobs
>not a single character tried to talk my pc to understand him, his motivation or asked any detail of his biography
The boss fight, the beastman
>run over and kill minion archers with a rapier
>my tank is suffering under beastman chief mauling him
>he throws him on the ground and wrestles him
>stab the beastman in the back
>see the ranger being wounded, tell the priest to come up to her
>hit her in the head, she loses consciousness
>Finish the ranger and tank who are both half-dead, grab all loot, wake priestess up and chain her, make her carry part of the loot, sell the loot and sell priestess into slavery
>everyone in the party butthurt cus I didnt act as a teamplayer
>no one bothered to understand why my character acted like that
Who was in the wrong?
Create a complex character with mixed morals and well-written motivations
You were. It's one thing to make a loner character, it's another to just be That Guy supreme.
You are, for making this stupid thread
I gave them like 10 different signs, I was being super rude to other players, acted like a typical jerk, and even shown I only care about money and loot all the time, and then I tell them we need to go for a quest for loot, when asked how the loot is split I answered ''we shall see''. Everyone just acted like they have some plot armor and went with it. All players got butthurt cus I dont like npc with no personality, and I decided to play a neutral evil character for once (Usually do lawful neutral ~)
>everyone in the party butthurt cus I didnt act as a teamplayer
Um, yeah, roleplaying games are TEAM GAMES. You're instantly a faggot for making a character who was willing to betray the party, and whining about them calling you a faggot because they never tried to "understand" you just makes you sound like a whiny emo middle schooler.
So are you telling me a character should have no motivations whatsoever? How am I wrong for playing as a villain? The player party is being raided by looters in every single rpg game, but why the player being the jerk and looter is so bad? The story behind this was well-written, people expected the strongest party member to act like their manequin, got punished, then everyone went on rant how I wasn't roleplaying, though I was the only one performing actual roleplay, others even dropped their religion/ethic ideas to keep playing as ''cool guys'' and perform ''teamwork''. No wonder, they were retarded league of legends bred kiddos
>>create a complex character with mixed morals and well-written motivations
"I'm a self-interested jackass loner" is not "well-written" or "complex".
>not a sign of caring about teammembers,
They should have kicked you from the game right here DESU.
>not a single character tried to talk my pc to understand him, his motivation or asked any detail of his biography
Maybe they had their own shit to deal with? Maybe you should have made a goal that played into the group's overall goals
>hit her in the head, she loses consciousness
She should have hit YOO right in the face IRL here.
>Finish the ranger and tank who are both half-dead, grab all loot, wake priestess up and chain her, make her carry part of the loot, sell the loot and sell priestess into slavery
>everyone in the party butthurt cus I didnt act as a teamplayer
>no one bothered to understand why my character acted like that
No-one needs to try to understand that you are a That Guy. I hope they lied to you about the game ending and never invited you back, while retconning that entire session so you never existed. Please quit this hobby forever and stick to videogames, thanks.
2/10 got me to reply.
Dude, is english your first language? Have you considered the obvious? You communicated poorly. You could have told them your backstory out of character so that it was an actual part of the game, and not some shit they had to read your mind through a thousand gestures to understand.
> jackass
No, got a family and a title to reclaim
> they had their own shit to deal with
walking around the town while looking for quests, basically grind-tier approach. The tank guy tried to be a munchkin until I cockblocked him from best loot. If ANYONE bothered to react to one of numerous hints I dropped, I would end up hiring the party for a good quest, they were too busy trying to find a lost horse (the party had nothing to eat at this place) until I brought them this beastman job
The game was in my native language, I dropped hints, explaining facial expressions, even connecting the dots between events and character reactions to it
>Everyone else in your party
The GM knew about my story and incorporated this into the main plot, thus justifying me having superior fighting abilities to other party members etc.
But why would you make a character whose sole purpose is to fuck the other players? Do you seriously not see why that would be considered a dick move?
You should have explained out of character when you introduced the character. You should've told everyone else what kind of game you wanted to play, and see if they wanted to play the same or not. You have only yourself to blame for violating their expectations and making them mad at you. Suck it up.
Because he has to reclaim his lands, that's why he is trying to make money and hire a group of mercenaries. He was supposed to hire other 3 party members, until he saw them being so incompetent they almost starved to death. Story is kinda generic, I didn't expect such butthurt from these reddit autists.
I said ''distant'', ''money driven'', ''self-centered'' and ''neutral evil'', thought its a meta info and I am not supposed to say it
>Other players probably wanted a fun lighthearted heroic adventure
>OwTheEdge shows up and treats them like disposable trash before getting them killed.
>Comes on 4chins to complain about getting kicked out of the game and can't see why
>Calls people autists and redditors for spelling it out for them.
And yet I'm gonna spell it out again.
And how am I badass edgy jackass? I didn't even rape the priestess
There was no ''adventure''. They fucked up the quest before meeting me, because tank lost a fist fight to some bandit leader, they got all their posessions taken. I was telling them we need to look for a job, ranger was trying to find rare herbs near the city (GM was facepalming), priestess tried to cure fresh wounds for money, though there were only 2 clients with minor bruises in 4 days, tank ended up dodging the quest the smith gave us by using ''scare'' skill on him for no reason, got arrested and I had to pay for him. And yes, they were from reddit
>my neutral evil character betrayed the party and killed everyone
>everyone got mad and kicked me out
>why is my group so bad?
Honestly, you. I doubt there was any maliciousness in you when you came up with the character (assuming this isn't bait, but if it is then oh well), but you've gotta adapt to who's playing with you before you start playing. There's nothing wrong with a complex character, even one that might go against the party, but if it's at the expense of the game's direction or with the wrong type of players you should probably keep it in the backpocket for another day. This is coming from someone who once played a total psychopath in a good aligned party and made things work. It's all about who you're playing with. You can't just assume inexperienced or more "kick the door in" type players (which I'm assuming your group was) are going to actively pursue your character, try and get an info dump out of him, and get things running smoothly.
Yeah, I guess it was an issue, I overestimated people from reddit and treated them as humans.
Hell, his character sounds ONLY like a "kick the door" character. He's only in it for the money, he doesn't care about the party, only the money, AND his primary focus is got mine, Fuck you.
His focus was not dying from starving, reclaiming his land, saving his family etc. Tank guy destroyed the game and started blaming me, though he was making rick and morty references in the inn, I almost died from cringe
Situations like this always arise when you expect other players to pick up on all your "subtle" signs and hints, but this is far too much to expect. For you, your character may be the most important thing in the game, but other players aren't going to be paying that much attention to all your minor quirks. Maybe you aren't that good at roleplaying, maybe your fellow players aren't too observant, but perhaps more likely there's just a reasonable limit on how much you can expect to communicate to other players in the midst of a whole load of other stuff going on, not to mention a limit on how far other players can be expected to care about your character's super deep personal trauma when they have characters of their own and an actual quest to be getting on with.
Okay, you clearly don't understand what I mean by "you should've told them what you wanted" so I'm just going to write down what you should have said.
> First, user decides to play with strangers on the internet
> Second, user creates villain character with dark past and bad intentions
You can follow that much, right? Okay.
>Third, user realizes that he has to get people on board with the plot he wants to play through.
>So Fourth, user tells everyone involved with the game that he's interested in playing a villain and that he's not a good person, and that if the other PCs don't inspire loyalty in him, he's going to end up causing a lot of damage to the campaign.
Now, with that done, the people involved now have a chance to tell you what they think of your idea. Maybe one of them decides to play someone who has followed your character for a while now, who knows about this stuff and so they're not a target for betrayal but a co-conspirator. Maybe they even want your character to be a hero, and they manage to drag a good story out of this whole thing.
At the very least, the other players know not to fall into the trap of thinking you're all a hunky dory party and level an appropriate level of mistrust at your character when they start trying to pull dark shit.
Why do you care what any of them think if they're just MMORPG munchkin video gamers?
This is a retard's response, OP. Don't be a retard.
What kind of moron reads the reddit hate meme as legit bigotry and then BUYS into it?
That's one way of putting it I guess. If you're playing with more simple players just adapt and go simple. If you don't think you'd have fun toning down your character or playing someone else, then just don't play with them.
Fair. When I said that I meant like more of a newer player where that type of stuff is all the game is.
Please OP, continue with your whining, you're making my day
Making an RPG character is not the same as making a book character. You are not the main character. The game, world, and potential story do not revolve around you or your character.
This fucking tank guy said ''We did it, Randyll'' when we finishes a small task.
He started asking the inn owner called rick if there are any pickles in this land, how am I not justified in my rage?
None of that shit ever happened and you know it.
Nice story OP
I disagree with this to some extent. It all depends on what you decided beforehand.
You could play a game where everyone takes turns at being the main character of the current "arc", or a game where everyone is a different kind of "chosen one", or a game where a single PC is the main character and everyone else isn't. Those are rare but I've seen them.
It's just a game, bro.
You, because you are a big fucking faggot.
Why did you try to play a serious game with people who wanted to play a funny game? It makes no sense! You have to have realized you didn't want the same kind of game.
You can't force people to play the tone you want. You have to realize you're playing with others who want different things from the game.
Learn to communicate or give up on the hobby.
I am not baiting I am having an actual discussion of a game that I had and enjoying the plurality of opinions on this board, go back to red dit
And that's on him. But the fact is that YOU decided to make a character that actively acted in ways that made the rest of the players have a shit time. If everyone knew and agreed to that kind of game, then ya, they knew what they were getting into. But from what it sounds like, only you knew this kind of thing could have happened, and that makes you an asshole.
Yet, I can't shake my dread at the fact that the answer to the question "Can OP really be that retarded?" is not definitely "no".
There is no plurality of opinions. It implies someone here thinks you're NOT a faggot.
>not a single character tried to talk my pc to understand him, his motivation or asked any detail of his biography
Maybe they had valid, in-character reasons. Did you talk to them and try to understand their reasons? Did you ask them to spoonfeed you their backstories so you'd be able to understand their original donut steel snowflakes of characters?
But there is. Himself.
No, you are a big fucking faggot.
I know player like you, when everyone in the team doesn't want to just say "Fuck off" or kill you on sight even if it would be purely justified, because they want to play as a team and they think you will too. But you won't, you're just a shitstain, so I boot you from my game the first fucking moment I see you being a big pile of shit.
The only reason why people aren't killing you the first time you're being a shitstain is because they expect you to be an edgy team player, but still a team player.
I blocked them out of munchkinism so they can finally focus on doing something more serious. I was the only one not intruding with quests, I didn't fuck up any quest, saved their lives like 2 times, bought this tank out of prison, etc. They were literally STARVING stuck in the middle of the village with no place to sleep, nothing to eat etc. They were too dumb to even understand they dont have enough money to party and live in the inn
21 posters in the thread. I, for one, think OP is a prancing la-la homo man.
>create a complex character with mixed morals and well-written motivations
Wow... your edgyfaggot character is so we'll written!! And unique!!
You are clearly a masterful player, and any group would love to have you. You'd add so much to their games!
Just fucking wow!! You are soooodeep and edgy!! A truly innovative player!
I think it should be a hard rule at every table that you don't allow character to attack each other.
We agree
I was literally being the most useful member of party the whole game, can't you fucking read?
>not a sign of caring about teammembers, engage strong enemies to duel them 1 v 1, take the loot from them and threat to kill other party members if they challenge me, leaving my party with scraps from group mobs
>not a single character tried to talk my pc to understand him, his motivation or asked any detail of his biography
You don't 'try to understand' antisocial cunts. You tell them to fuck off and stop wasting your time.
As long as the group is bent along the same allingment.
You were literally a big fucking pile of shit, can't you fucking read, you little shit?
Look, try not to come on so strong next time. Throwing around reddit is a dead giveaway. Instead of acting like the sort of faggot you think posts on Veeky Forums just BE that faggot.
Now hold on, let's not say anything crazy. Banning that shit at your table is one thing but my group quite enjoys pvp. Fuck, the last campaign we played in every player death was by the hands of another PC. We all loved it.
Congratulations, you 'won' a co-operative game by achieving some arbitrary win conditions and alienating the people you're supposed to be co-operating with.
Go you.
>Big pile of shit
>Little pile of shit
Can we compromise? Op is a mid-sized pile of literal shit.
I think the most important question here is whether OP used a coaster.
I have trouble dealing with this amount of shit, it confuses me. Mid-sized pile of literal shit it is.
But so what? The other party members clearly wanted something else, YOU are the odd man out. That means your in the wrong here. Now I will concied that your GM was probably trash if he allowed the game to get to the point you claim it was at. That doesn't excuse you fucking over the other PC's in the end.
You're party is just dumb for not working around your roleplay, you should hang out with better people to play with who can roleplay properly
Nobody can be at fault because it didn't happen
Preferably in a ward. With orderlies. And locked doors.
They wanted the quests, I brought them quests. Ranger unironically trying to let the dog tank a guy with a two-handed axe, tank getting arrested and wasting all the money paying for rumours in the inn, priestess sitting around doing nothing. I save their asses twice, do all the job, and they still act like retards.
wow dude, I can tell you are butthurt because you can't live up to op's skills but not need to insult him
Well if you are going for that kind of session, then go nuts. I'm just saying in a collaborative campaign where the other players aren't expecting it. It leads to faggots like OP happening.
Then you should have quit. You clearly weren't enjoying the game or the group, so you should have found a different one. The answer was NOT to fuck over the other players.
Is this OP samefagging? The bad english is there, but it could be someone making fun of us
But did you try to understand what the motivation behind all of that was?
For all you know, they had deep and involved backstories, logically explaining all of that.
We can agree to that.
The priestess grew up in temple and it got burnt down, the tank was trying to make friends, the ranger wanted to tame a bear.
Stop it, OP.
Everyone else is pointing out some very good reasons why you suck so I don't feel the need to contribute, but I will address this point even though it should be obvious:
Just because you could be edgier does not make you not edgy. And make no mistake: you ARE edgy.
>because you can't live up to op's skills
Oh no.
I can't alienate people by acting like a complete and fully-stocked toolbox of a human being.
Whatever will I do.
Lol, I'm not op he is just right, stay mad
Just mad you can't play the game well.. lmao
Nah, I don't think it's him. Just some faggot baiting this bait thread.
Yeah sure
If that's all you can tell me about their backgrounds, you didn't try hard enough to really get to know them.
You're just as bad as they are in that regard.
You pretty much deserve to be treated like you treated your party members.
26 posters and you are still a fucking faggot OP
>>create a complex character with mixed morals and well-written motivations
>>the group members see me staring at the sea all the time, seagull noises make my arrogant attitude change to that of a stumbling teenager
All the things the others are saying aside, this doesn't sound like a complex well-written character, it sounds like an anime-watching high-schoolers attempt at an edgy character with a tragic past
You are a selfish idiot, not because of your retarded character story but because you put your own fun over the fun of the entire group, getting your way its more important to you than building a good story with the rest of the players.
hope you get kicked out of every table and are forced to play with attention starved hambeasts.
>OP has stooped to samefagging
Is this confirmation that this was always bait, or is this OP genuinely doubling down on this?
I dunno, man. They both have the same kind of third-world-country style of English.
Which, coincidentally, raises some questions about how 'well-written' that cunt of a character really was.
The other PC's backgrounds included things like " not interested in other group members background, I'm too wrapped up in my own moral issues". Op didn't take their bgs into account.
Well...no amount of posters will change that.
>26 posters
>50 posters
>500 posters..
>50000000 posters.
Op will still be a faggot
The game was in my native language, and no I am not this baiting guy with anime pics, I don't watch anime. My character was well-written, compared to their generic empty shells of a character. I always listened to their talks near campfire when they tried to socialize, there was nothing about their personalities. Gm and I are saying I was right ( I don't know him), these 3 guys are saying we conspired to ruin their evening
>I always listened to their talks near campfire when they tried to socialize
You mean the shit you didn't even try to do? You know, roleplasy? In a roleplaying game?
Stop whining to us, is obvious that nobody here will take your parts.
Be a butthurt neckbeard on Reddit
This is why I always vote out every character in a group that's not actually interested in the group's wellbeing or who's unable to cooperate, I don't give a fuck if this means you have to remake your character or we drop you for someone else.
The two of you should find some other antisocial rejects to play with. It will work out better for everyone involved.
I don't think you conspired, but you handled it poorly. You either needed to leave the game when it became clear you didn't fit, or expalin bluntly ooc what your PC was like.
I understand being true to your character and acting in character, but there are high virtues than that in a campaign and one is that all players are on the same page.
If they knew you were an edgelord, and then you killed them, so be it.
I played a character that only joked about killing the other group's PC. I even told them out of character that I wasn't going to do it so we could keep the joke going, and it still lead to too much awkwardness. Forcing me to just drop the entire aspect of character's personality. I can only imagine what actually acting on it would have done to the group.
>I never played Paranoia
>Like everyone else in this thread
Said that, OP was still in the wrong. But so was his party. They all fucked up.
>Don't fucking kill your party members, Jesus
>So are you telling me a character should have no motivations whatsoever?
Sage bait threads. Report bait threads