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Disciples of Tzeentch Rehaul Needed Edition

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>first for you arent required to set up blue horrors when a pink dies

Aelfs first

>Aelfs first
second this


They should take blight kings, replace all the nurgle stuff with bird imagery and make them Change-kings.
They could be a curseling unit

Changekin* and we're golden.

Is this the only cool piece of artwork to come out of ASG?

By footprint I mean the space on the board a unit can cover.
In your case, your issue is where that space being taken is.

You have 3 units, 2 boats and 2 heroes.

Which means in a game with 4 objectives, if you try to capture 3 of them, you will not have much left over to provide assistance, especially since your heroes pretty much have to stick with one of the large units to do their most.

If you only had one Khemist, I would tell you it is 100% better to only have one large unit of Arkanauts, but since you are running two I am hesitant. I would personally use a Arkanaut Admiral and a Khemist, since the Admirals abilities are kinda useful.

>The chad who ruined everything but still got to be a god
>And his little brother who did all the heavy lifting but ends up being a minor godling
Still not as dumb as Malekith did nothing wrong.

aos has amazing art


My only problem is how all the art has to perfectly match available models. So getting inspiration for conversions is so difficult.

Can you post an example?


>My only problem
My problem is it looks like shit

Sweet conversions to make that standard Cadian lasgun into a wookie bowcaster!!!

the proportions and perspective look like a hot mess. this is a literal case of "if you mess up the underdrawing no amount of rendering will make it look better"

My only problem is there's more art in every book than in old army books, so more of it looks like ass too.

I'm honestly not seeing it, his arm is just facing the camera.

oops pic unrelated guys

Could you post some of it? That's not the best piece in the world. Nothing's wrong with the composition, but the storm guard look like ass.

How viable are beastie boys in AoS? Good, meh, bad?

To be fair you get some shit that isn't a real model.

But this Art also looks like trash so it doesn't mean much

Let's get this out of the way again.


i'm sure your mirror says the same to you every morning.

Fun conversions to make, build a herdstone, ally in some monster shit, you got straight buffs everywhere, cheaper units and new abilities inghb2

Definitely good/meh tier but quite a lot of fun to be had.

Why are the aelfs so low quality? Is this an injoke I'm not getting?

Holy shit, that's terrible. GW having budget cuts for their fantasy department or something?

These ARE great though

>low quality b8 recieves low quality images

>bottom right
How is the new art so shit?

That one is bearable. Still fugged up by the presence of the Storm Guard.


damn shame

>This is how I was drawn before the rape
>tell me I was asking for it


So we got another samefag?

It's based on the models isn't it?

It looks like they hired some deviant art faggot for about five bucks and told their real artists to work on the new 40k stuff.


Sounds promising. What would be a good starter set of beastmen to buy? A Beastlord + 2-3 boxes of gors?

the new art just sucks

GW needs to hire actual artists not fucking 18 year olds


The point has nothing to do with the models. Its the art style change

No, it's more than one person pointing out the shitty art. I can't vouch for more than two, but I can definitely say it isn't just one.

More like a quality change. A change towards shit.

40k gotta lot of this kind of cheap shit new art as well, its not even an AoS thing.

Well, a ciclejerk so to speak. The sad part is that they seem to bring it every time they can.

>Tomb Kings still not announced


If you are actually defending that art, you are a huge fanboy. I love GW now but that shit is so bad looking.


Holy shit. Is that for real? Where the fuck did they print that trash?

One of the Damocles campaign books.

They're driving them closer but it doesn't look like they're trying to hit each other with their swords.


Would I be more of a faggot or less of one if I armed the Freeguild Guard I screen my handgunners with was armed with Militia Weapons?

One the one hand, without Shields and Swords they go from 4+ rerolling ones in combat to just a flat 5+.

On the other, I just gave those 20 man blocks at 14" volley.

maybe if we keep shitposting about stormcast something will change!!!

What if we shitpost about tomb kings or aelfs?

jajajajaja SOON (tm) xd WTF GW WERE R DA ELVESS????


Beastlord, shaman, and Bestigors, if you can grab them. If you're running a straight beastmen army, they count as core.

Where does one find single minis/bits online that ISN"T ebay?

I'm just trying to get some grand-weapons for my starter set SCE force, but can't find any online

Aos is for retarded piece of shit nigger-cucks.

wtf i hate aos now

finished the standard bearer for my skelly brets

Wow that's awesome!


Interested as to where you got that banner from. I'm guessing UK? As the chained bear is the county symbol of Warwickshire.

that's the standard of Warwick Kingmaker, I got it from a Perry Miniatures box of foot knights

thanks user!

You're right, instead it looks like the tanks about to ram into eachother for whatever reason, and are about to fire at point-blank range

No probs. I love the bright red against the drab bone. Also the little flowers on the base really make it. Is that just a dab of paint on the grass?

no they're flower tufts I got off eBay, £5 a pop iirc

What are you working on /aosg/?

I'm nearly finished with these prosecutors

that is fucking clean. lovely.

Since GW wont give me a battletome I decided to just make my own

>Karl Franz
>Literally who hundreds of years later

Feel the same about my Disciples of Tzeentch man, probably gonna have to start from scratch.

>40 points per model

Is there a more overpriced unit in the game

forgot pic


Guardsmen idolize Ollanius Pious literally 10,000 years later

But for real though, folks, how much of a faggot would I be if I ran Militia Weapon Guard? They lose most of their actual defensive capabilities and become far less of a tarpit and far more of a speedbump.

I guarantee Karl Franz is still known and worshipped like a saint in the mortal realms

If for no other reason than to excuse the fact that empire models have his name all fucking over them

>Rarl Fran 3

What did he mean by this

Thanks for the input!
I'll think about it then, may decide to lose the extra arkanauts to get some thunderers or something like that.
Don't like the admiral very much, his abilities seem cool but nothing unforgettable.
The thing is i never see a reason not to take a khemist if i want a Character.

Rawrl Fran :3: uwu

Demigryphs are 53, and basically required to be run in units of 6. And Demis are just beefy cavalry.

Gryph Hounds are fantastic at cockblocking the few armies in the game that have deepstrike mechanics, allowing you to shut-down areas of the board for their deployment unless they want to risk a gunline spinning around and hitting them in a turn they don't get any more movement. They have a very, very small number of uses, but they are great for those particular uses. And they aren't awful models and come 6 for $25 which is "generous" for GW.

Not sure about in the game, but certainly with SCE. The fact that I get two Liberators for the same price is mindboggling.
Not to say they don't have their uses, but ~25 would be enough.

At 40, they're pefect to plug the point-gaps usually, since most things have prices ending in multiples of 20.

As allies, 10 Doomfire Warlocks to give an army that otherwise wouldn't have a Wizard and to giggle and the 6 mortal wounds OR an engineer and a pair of Helblaster Volley Gun for 4d6 reliable 3+ 3+ -1 1 attacks at 26"?

I know the answer, but I just want to find a way to make Doomfire Warlocks work.

good progress user. are you making a design on that shoulder plate?

I'm working on washing and drybrushing these tusks to get a good transition from bronze to druchii violet to cyan to black so they look like burnt gun barrels from all the thunder! also doin the wraps before drybrushing black over it.

Also did the pelt of charngar tiger stripes last night and I didn't mess up, luckily.

I just hate how they made it so i cant sneak in 2 cannons and an engineer at 2000

If they just made it 500 of allies instead of 400

your work is so awsome user, please keep posting progress pics

>What are you working on /aosg/?

i put plaster on my herdstone choas tree and i like the result

Agreed on the uses and cute minis, but they are just too costly too ever really consider outside of a edge case where I have exactly 40 left over - for 60 I already prefer having three Aetherwings to plug the gap, and even those aren't particularly good.
As for the Demigryph Knights I strongly disagree. They are excellent linebreakers that pay very little for a surprisingly good statline, especially if properly supported. Yes, they are individually not superheavy cavalry of the calibre of Dracothian Guard or Mournfang Riders, but what really is?

reminds me of the sleepy hollow tree

>good progress user. are you making a design on that shoulder plate?
I want to use the transfer sheets to put symbols on their shoulders, but first I'm going to do some more reading about the various conclaves and chambers.

Really depends on the army and the specific composition, though in general Doombolt is not a bad spell that's mostly dragged down by being on a kinda shitty platform. Still, one-wound elite infantry is usually wary of them, since a bad wallop might cripple such a unit badly.