Is this a meme?
How do I play games without friends, Veeky Forums?
Is this a meme?
How do I play games without friends, Veeky Forums?
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friends irl i mean
No, I've gathered some people there and DMed a campaign. Being a DM, I got to screen people and over a few weeks I managed to gather four who seemed normal, while the rest (about 95%) was declined.
As a player, finding a good group is much harder, however. Or any group at all. DMs are rare.
I don't understand the hate for Roll20 I see.
It's not like it's just some tool for hooking up with random strangers to play PnP.
My group lives all across the country after college and it's still possible to play PnP with them now.
Did you clearly state that anyone under the age of 18 should not apply? I always thought that was Rule #1 for most sane people.
Thanks guys, will give it a try
Tried being a player there, there's a ratio of 1 to 15/20 DMs to players. So they can be picky, if you are a girl they'll pick you though.
I sent an application to 3 campaigns, got accepted in 2 (probably because I am a somewhat functional human being older than 21).
And they were god awful, one was so bad that if I'd tell you the whole story you'd call bulllshit but it hit in only the first hour of the first session every single thatguy DM horror story trope, from ridiculously overpowered DMPCs, rape/sexual slavery, Drizz't clones, shitty homebrew, overpowered magic items to harrassing the only girl player.
It seems like every subnormal person who can't find a campaign IRL(for good reasons) plays there so you are playing with a bunch of rejects emboldened by the anonimity of the Internet. It is truly a massive shithole.
Careful cultivation of good roleplayers and weeding the shitty ones out. I'd recommend one shots.
Share it my dude, we are all fa/tg/uys here
First off, ask yourself with one question.
Do you play Dark Souls?
No but I'm over 25 and own a computer
Tried it once - finding good people around Nashville is a pain.
Played a Kenku Rouge and leaned into the "they can't actually speak, only mimic what they've heard" lore and always spoke in awkward clips, different voices, and repeated phrases.
Fun in theory, but no one else would speak - one guy even dropped the campaign 5mins in because we afraid of using the mic. It fell to my weirdo side character to be the party face and INSTANTLY became a burden. Dropped quickly after.
Is english not your first language? "Ask yourself one question" is a valid sentence in the imperative. Don't stick prepositions like "with" in there. Makes you sound less fluent
Text immediately leads to better roleplaying, but also makes everything take way longer. I prefer it because I don't have to listen to fat guys pretend to be little girls. I just have to read it, which is infinitely less awful, while still being awful.
There's some good games there but you need to swim through an ocean of shit and piss to find them
literally one of the only good games I've gotten there was an ERP campaign
pic semi-related
You find a GM/DM and/or players outside of roll20, usually on other sites, and run the game on roll20 using the people you met elsewhere.
95% percent of the people who only look on roll20 are the kind of people who get kicked out of open tables in a LGS.
The worst game I've ever played over Roll20 was actually run on Pokemon Tabletop United. The GM was a girl, which at first seemed like a good thing, until she started inserting pregnant girl NPCs and "subtly" hinting at them having fucked pokemon. Every male NPC was gay and trying to bone the male PCs, too, sometimes to the extent of rape. Shortly after the sister of one of the PCs announced her marriage to an Infernape and her pregnancy in the same breath.
When magical realm became a recognized meme, I felt so vindicated.
The tinder of rpgs?
Okay, 5e west marches campaign, I join as a lvl 2 bard a girl joins as a lvl 2 half elf (I dont remember the class but it doesnt matter she quits before playing).
>whole party is lvl 6 to 7
>whatever west marches is like this
>there is this obviously morbidly obese guy who tells me before the DM comes to discord "you're going to enjoy this, he's the best DM I've ever played with, it took him 3 years to develop his hombrew setting"
>dm comes, he has the voice of a movie narrator, I thought this is going to be good, god I was wrong
>okay adventurers, you start in the city, user because you are a bard you have a musket and you are proficient with it
>btw in my world all half orcs are cotton pickers and all half elfs are sex slaves, the free ones are meat toiletdls(whatever that is)
>fat guy says in the mic "I spank (girls name)ass and whisper to her ear, hi sex slave" you guys can imagine the tone
>girls quit
>an old lady give us the quest of rescuing psionic kids from the evil king who has the in a psych ward
>Obvious DMPC and cringe insues as the DM tries to make an old lady voice while he call us "my children" "trust lady agatha my children"
>we sneak to the psych ward, 3 minotaurs, DMPC starts the fight, she casts power word kill instantly killing minotaur
>one minotaur attacks the paladin, 26, he misses, a lvl 6 paladin has 27 armor
>paladin attacks, hits for 70 damage, then asks can I use my free action to intimidate them? DM says sure, roll with advantage because dragon borns are scary
>in his same turn both minotaurs left run away from him and he gets two reactions to hit both, killing one and wounding the other
>more monsters appear, dwarf thugs
>scimitar dual weilder chaotic good drow drops a fireball on them and then swinh using his bonus action his both scimitar doing AOE for 19 killing all the dwarves who werent killed by the fireball
>by the way I asked if I could start with studded leather instead of leather and I was told no
People this creepy should be shot.
>power word kill
>at level 6-7
I call bullshit!
How long did you stay in this game and did you tell them they were god awful thrash?
>suddenly children heads start exploding because of psychic powers
>the guy who is playing the paladin starts crying
>after the game he told us how moved he was by the story and that he really felt like he was saving those children
>drow says I turn my boots on, his movement speed becomes 70
>bugbear PAM with naginata +3 +1d8 fire starts killing everything with DMPC casting fireballs using slots lvl 8
> 2 weeks after the session I checked the discord "new rules guys, martial classes can have only 17 items attuned and casters 13", after that a comment of the paladin saying that he needs atleast 19 or it wouldn't be fair
This is a very short summary, more stuff happened and the girl was harrassed longer(now that I think she might have been a gnome but the point is the same, also she was told she starts with anal beads and ball gags), we fought a purple tentacle monster who grappled us and was in a room full of children... if I recall more stuff I"ll post but at some point I seriously thought this was a joke and he was going for the "Im going to put every single thatdm trope here".
roll20 is a great tool, just be prepared to leave or kicked people for being fuckheads like in any other dnd game
>DM a game saying LGBT friendly
>all of us are one of The Gays or The Trans
>it's not a big deal, doesn't make a scene, no blinding spotlight on every tiny detail
>one person always starts with 'well because my character is so gay'
>tries to hit on characters who are underage
>gets mad that I'm 'targeting only him' when he runs alone into melee as a bard
>kick him from the game
>Half Elves are sex slaves
>Full elves are 'meat toilets'
>Quarter elves are...?
You should urban dictionary that shit, far as I recall, its often used alot in Hentai where a character would basically be even lower than a sex slave and 'public use', often times put in toilets for randos to fuck/piss in.
>Removing the last vestige of purity left in a man.
People always lie about their age. "I am mature enough" my ass.
Americans are so obsessed with age. You are playing play pretend of a medieval fantasy, who cares if he hits on a 16 yo?
He needs to know.
The 15 year old in my group is a better player than the 25 - 30 year olds I've played with in another group. I still wouldn't gamble on what age people put down, focus on how they answer other questions and how the session 0 or first session goes.
3 hours. I told them that the game was great. Actually I had a blast because it was so bad and seeing fellow human beings enjoying something as bad was amusing.
Does it mean I'm taken into your group?
Feminism, m8. One of the earliest things feminists did was lobby for higher age of consent. Both in the legal and cultural aspects.
lel, did you really get that application?
The same reason why you might care if the DM magical realms, because it probably means he is somewhat socially stunted.
That image is adorable
I think at this point nobody understanding what the fuck "meme" actually means has become a meme.
It's not a meme, it's a website. Open a dictionary, please.
>Can I have 45 GP worth of extra starting gold equipment
Um, no?
>Greentexts about it like he's entitled to it
Everyone playing in this game was a fucking retard. The poster is just an entitled retard
My GM has been GMing in games I've been in since he was like 15, as a player he is better than the rest of us
R20 is perfectly valid tool for finding games. Under one condition.
Do not play dnd or wod.
Virtually ALL of those silly cringe screencaps are made in context of players of those two games.
Pick some less known game though still popular enough to not be totally obscure. Look beyond the standard gamefinder. Many of those have groups or communities that make finding people for games easier. You'll find a decent group without much trouble that way.
List of excuses I've heard for flaking a game session
> I overslept
> I was out for a walk
> I was eating
> I have a migraine
> I forgot what day it was
> I can't get my mic to work
> I had to watch a movie with my little bro
> "Yeeaah...I got no excuse"
> Too tired
Incidentally all these excuses came from the same guy
You are playing nechronica arent you.
So we are 3 newbies, one of us is going to try and master the game in warhammer rpg setting, where do we even look for players? What is the best way to run it? We will probably run it on discord via text
Do you really need random people from internet? Isn't 3 enough?
I've had only like 3 games on roll20. In one of them the GM was a girl, helped by her friend, another girl. I made my character. Then I found out the girls coached the other 2 guys about their characters. They are lesser nobles who are to be married. Both men. Their noble houses are ruled as a democracy, voting for an heir. The idea was to join their houses to get more influence. Apparently girls have a gay/communism fetish. Thank god the game couldn't properly start, as people kept missing sessions.
1 of us so incompetent that he wants to use a nazghul sword unironically, I would gladly invite someone more experienced so it doesn't become a clown fiesta or end up with me killing party members
>I've had only like 3 games on roll20. In one of them the GM was a girl
Temporarily stopped reading right there ans figured no one good would come from this.
I have been playing on Roll20 for 3 years now: I tried playing PF. I was accepted about every second game I tried to apply, but two out of three games didn't take off.
Then I discovered Veeky Forums and how many more systems there are: I looked for a Mutants and Masterminds game and found a great group of players (one of which was 16 y/o when we started, yet was not bad at all)
We played together for almost a year before the GM burned out and the game was put on hiatus for an indefinite amount of time.
After that, I looked for 5e games because I was intrigued by the new system. I joined a game on monday and one on wednesday: I played with both for a year.
The monday game is still going on (weekly) and, apart from a little bit of railroading I can say that the game is going well, no horror stories here. Sure, of the original troupe only me and and another guy remain, although now I would say the original troupe is GM, Player 1, Player 2(me) and Player 3 who came not too much later in. And we recently got two more players who seem to be consistent people so that's good.
The wednesday game went on for about a year and only yesterday stopped because of one of us having a change in working hours. It was fun while it lasted though. No horror stories here and, aside from some railroading by the GM, there hasn't been negative things to report.
By the way, I have also maid (hue) good experience with Veeky Forums: I GMd a short game of MAID and also joined a game of L5R a few months ago and it's still going strong. No That Guy stories here: only good feels.
>thinking maturity comes with age
Never go to college, user.
you'll make friends on roll20 (if you find players you like)
Can confirm, I have quite a few players from there that are ones I like in my games
I want to, but I have literally no experience playing tabletop anything aside from 40K when I was much younger. I live in a pretty small country so it's super niche here, and my work schedule doesn't fit well with normal weekend stuff.
What I'm trying to say is I'm super nervous and Roll20 seems to be the only way to play tabletop but I don't even know where to start.
What timezone are you in? Do you want to be a player or a GM?
GMT+12, so NZ. Seeing as I've never played tabletop before, trying to be a GM might have to wait, but it is something to work toward. So a player then.
Well, that's a bummer. I might be able to speak with you one on one sometime and give you some pointers but I can't really recommend you any of my buddies who aren't in a game right now sorry.
Being in your timezone is hard.
I have insomnia anyway so I'm up at all kinds of weird times, so it doesn't really bother me. The only caveat is that I only really have time off at the start of the week, and who the fuck would run a campaign on a Monday or Tuesday?
>plays 5e on monday and L5R on tuesday
Erm... no idea.
Spanish social tard here. Only übernerds play dnd in normalcunt, so I want to try roll20. The problem is that I fear being a burden to the group, both in language, disponibility and experience (as I've never played a game).
My only hope would be a oneshot with other shitty people. Is this possible or should I give up and make a tulpa to play with?
After being a player in a bunch of games all went no where after that I ran 2 games so far one lasted a year a other half a year( along with me becoming good friends with 3 of them along the way) and I'm running a other one now its very much possible to play a game with people you don't know and have a good. The best thing you could do is try to be clear as possible with what you want to run or play talking to the gm or players along the way this allows you to know each other some more and find out things that will clearly not work out.
Having guidelines for what you want is a good idea but doesn't work all the time ( this should be a given) If I was to say anything if you sit down and read a app and it doesn't sit right with how you feel then don't do it or talk to them some more to be clear about how you want to run or what kind of player. Because at the end of the day your going to spend a number of hours with that person to play this game.
Treat it like S&M you need to have some kind of understanding of each other to make you two can play and know what each other doesn't want or like just because both of you have a thing for (place fetish here) does not mean once the toys come out your going to enjoy each other.
I ran games with people who did not speak English but did know what I was saying and could type it well I think your best bet would be just letting the GM know and not hiding it.
People just flake online. Really hard to figure out exactly. I actually had an IRL group lose ONE MEMBER, who was everyone's friend. I've got a 4-month-old and I'm the DM so it seemed like online made things more convenient.
I could be at home in case of an emergency, rather than having to go out, and the players can do whatever the fuck. Drink to excess in at least two cases but the point is it's convenient.
I have had the same player flake 4 times of the last 6 now. IRL he wasn't a problem, but the minute it's like "hey nigga get online" he suddenly has fucking plans come up, or his alarm doesn't wake him. Every damn time. :|
>running dungeoncrawl
>guy joins
>plays a really old human
>rps having a heart attack right out the gate
>constantly pretends to sleep or be unconscious
>flakes hard
>leaves game because he doesnt like combat and just wants to rp
>he is from here in Veeky Forums
Hector you autistic meme loving brit fuck what the hell did you think a dungeoncrawl was gonna be your freeform rp proboards vampyres shit?
>who the fuck would run a campaign on a Monday or Tuesday
>tfw Monday nights are the only time my fucking weeb brother in law is free and he's the guy who holds the group together.
I played a game with a Greek guy once. His English was passable, to be fair, but mostly he was a problem because he was a hardcore misogynist, which is all fine and dandy except he didn't have the sense to hide it from the lady half of the group.
That said, I can't imagine it's hard to find a Spanish group online. And yeah, as long as you can KINDA speak English, I'd assume that you could get a game.
I've never run into a DM that was uncomfortable with new players. I feel like anyone who refuses to deal with newbies is a prick. I'd rather have newbies than old hands desu.
it's okay user, I got the joke.
I'm in talks with Roll20 to license the RPG I'm developing out to them
This is the actual best way to use Roll20: to play with friends who are scattered all over.
Is this a coded cry for help
I've only tried 4 games on roll20
>One DH game.
The guy seemed pretty experienced, the ad already specified many That Guy traits as bannable offense. Later I learned he was from Veeky Forums himself. The 2 sessions he did for us were pretty good, with an interesting case, good atmosphere, and background music.
He didn't came to the 3rd session, completely disappeared. I never saw him online again. I think he might be literally dead, because his hour count on roll20 didn't move a minute for months. Nor on discord.
>First Exalted game
Last message from the gm was that he will go to the hospital with lung problems, next session is off.
Never ever heard from him again either. He never shown up again in the discord room he made again.
>Second Exalted game
Great group. The campaign sorta fell sideways, but mostly enjoyed it. We still play WoD toghether.
>Rogue Trader game
Some uninspired weirdos. Nothing wrong with them they just feel a bit sheepish, which is a really shitty attitude for RT.
Except on of the new sjw fronts is pedophilia acceptance.
Actually the best campaign I've ever played was through Roll20, it was Legend of The Five Rings and it was incredible.
I'm also playing The One Ring and it's been fun.
Don't bother with D&D, especially 5E, all the games of D&D I've played fucking sucked.
You play with me. I've always wanted a spaniard in my games.
Grab some cards or mahjong pieces and play solitaire. There you go user, you can play without friends.
>tfw people just disappear and game dies
Thank you guys, I'll lurk the forums and prepare until the right shitty group appears.
And nope, I'm not confident enough to play with a fa/tg/uy yet. Why do you want a paella, tho?
You're not exactly correct because there's two separate issues.
They don't actually condone child molestation or want lower ages of consent to allow child molestation. They are pushing for pedophiles to be treated like human beings with a paraphilia that can potentially lead to criminal behavior, which is what they are as opposed to literal demons from hell, which is how they are treated by society at present. There's actually a good reason for this, which is that pedophilia is essentially a dangerous mental disorder that needs to be identified in order to prevent pedophiles from doing harm to children and making it completely impossible for a pedophile to have a remotely normal life if they're identified as one encourages them to keep it secret from everybody, not seek any kind of help and confide only on other pedophiles. Witch hunting for them is actually counterproductive.
However they don't actually want a lower age of consent because sex-negative feminists are on the up and they have an view of male sexuality where men are inherently predators are women are inherently victims, hence their sometimes very strange ideas about consent. Also this kind of feminist thinking comes from unattractive middle aged women who have a problem with men due to some kind of bad personal experience and are contemptuous of young women who don't hate men and actually enjoy sex. These are the feminists who want to prohibit everything related to sex that they can so that they can control male sexuality.
One of my first games was run by an old school grognard who apparently only played 3.5e, cyberpunk 2020, and 1st editions of the 40k RPG's. The guy is the reason I need to do a double take when reading any of those copypastas about needing to roll to play a race or taking penalties because you played WoW, because I've lived through the same thing that's being parodied.
Met with one of his friends running a houseruled shadowrun and after a while the grognard just kind of left. Can't say I miss him
God damnit not you again
Roll 20 is like rolling dice. On a d20. half the time you get shit. the above average is under valued. and the high scores are few and far between. And often taken by someone else.
and very very rarely you roll a natural 20 and get a good all-girl group that you play with still years later
Finding random people is never a good solution. The gamefinder threads here are just as bad. I only found a decent group after going through tons of bad players, and having the decent ones stick around. Ideally you would have a skype call with any potential applicants and feel them out before you let them join.
Best thing to do IMO isn't to get randos online who can dissipear at any moment, but get people you know to play with you online. If you absolutely need to go with strangers that you met online, have an IRC/Discord/Skype group that you can use to keep tabs on everyone.
Where I come from, paella is a seafood dish. I'm pretty sure you're not multiple girls, user.
Wow so you mean the solution to not knowing anyone who would play with you online... is to get people you know to play with you online.
Jesus fuck
I have to take actual chemotheraphy due to
cancer. Some of these descriptions made me feel worse than the collateral effects my medicine does.
user, stop killing people
It all depends on your own personal filter when looking for groups on Roll20. Maybe I just lucked out, as our group's pretty chill and has survived through two month-long breaks.
Pretty much. For that user he has IRL friends who play RPGs at least. Not everyone is as lucky.