Have you ever played as a cop before?
Have you ever played as a cop before?
I persuaded my DM to run a police adventure. Unfortunately, it's a Pokemon campaign.
Every time you open a door to somewhere, you should scream
>I'm warning you! Put the gun down, or I'll shoot!
Then you shoot.
Does playing as star wars stormtroopers on police duty counts?
I am a cop, so no.
Does playing a Sam Vimes anagram count?
Most of my players play cops or feds
t. Delta Green handler
What country?
I've played 2 cops and a vietnam war vet. All 3 were pretty fun, even with one player oocly hating anything to do with police and constantly trying to fuck me over ICly.
This. I roleplay exclusively as chaotic characters. Being a cop at the table feels like work.
most cops act like stormtroopers so yes
Nah, every now and then we actually hit somebody when we shoot.
I once played an imam who was beaten by cops towards the end of the one-shot. Is that close enough?
I played as detective in a mortals game of Nwod.
Was a mix of fun times and sucking but mostly suck.
Facing off against vampires and changeling's isn't fun with just gun.
Surprisingly many law enforcement folk into Veeky Forums. I play Ballad with two of the guys every thursday. I guess the idea of being able to actually make a difference appeals to people in this line of work. God knows we aren't accomplishing shit irl.
>Arrest guy for selling meth
>Arrest same guy for selling meth
>Arrest same guy a third time for selling meth
>Route changed because I'm arresting too many black people for selling meth
Fuck this country m8.
Mexican cop here. Stay strong cousin. We're the reason the world still turns. Also pls sen d bullets. The Americans are fucking useless, we have like 200 cases of .45 in the back of my building and every pistol in the station is 9mm. They make us buy ammunition for weapons that aren't even sold here. God I hate yankees. Is there like some special language that protestants speak that just excludes real calibers?
Hey, man, sorry you hate us. I'm training a rookie right now from Mexico who's been here since 2008. She had an uncle who was a cop and killed by a cartel, came here to be a cop in Louisiana of all places.
You stay safe, buddy. Sorry about the ammo mix-up.
> I'm training a rookie right now from Mexico who's been here since 2008. She had an uncle who was a cop and killed by a cartel
And now she's looking for revenge?
Dude. Agree. I liked being enforcer type characters before, but now it's just draining and my friends always try to pigeonhole me. I hate talking about work shit at home.
Yes, in champions. We had set it up so we played our "normal" selves before we got the superpowers, i was an officer. Everybody talked mad shit until there was an explosion, then suddenly everyone looked to me like i was some kind of messiah. It was some bullshit, but it was realistic bullshit.
I never got to handcuff a perp and run upstairs at super speeds.
No but I ran a game about fantasy cops once.
If she is, she's looking in the wrong place. Very few gang members here.
No, I don't play Evil characters.
I don't hate you guys bro, it's just frustrating. And it's not cops, or even regular people who are to blame, it's the government. It's like nobody upstairs actually cares about solving problems, they just want to move product. It's really frustrating.
Anyway you be cool, and be good. Protect your people. We're trying our best down here. The comradarie of lawmen must never be forgotten. Viva Christo Rey.
pic extremely related
I know exactly how you feel. Everybody forgets what it's like to be on the street once they get some brass on their collar. People that used to beat the streets and make licks become pencil pushers and bean counters and want to restrict us from doing our job properly and not give us the right equipment to do it.
Love you, buddy. Take care.
Yeah, I ran a cops-and-robbers game.
Modern setting. No magic. No sci-fi tech. Crimes, detectives, final destination.
It was a lot of fun. I didn't tell the players up front what exactly was gonna happen, and was using World of Darkness rules, so they weren't sure whether at any point a fucking vampire might jump out of a dumpster. There was some spooky shit, but it turned out to be a mundane serial killer who was really superstitious. OR WAS IT???
Anyway, we had a great time.
The "you are compelled to shoot males of every other race" thing makes the cop class too tedious.
Thank fuck you can commit any act and get away with it though.
No, but I once tried to disguise and bluff that I was a city watchman. Didn't work that well, but the circumstances were such that it didn't get me in too much trouble.
t. Jamal
I don't play villain campaigns
Played a former Arbites in a blackcrusade game.
In my current shadowrun campaign, one of my players plays an undercover lonestar cop, who's purpose it is to monitor activities in the shadows and locating wanted criminals.
One of her teammates is a wanted serial killer. Both players know nothing about the other and I'm dying for the moment it all comes out.
Yes but eventually I got arrested for impersonating an officer.
Nope but I have played THE LAW!
We had a detective/cop game set in a Cyberpunk setting a while back.
been a while since I've been in a game that good. We ended up tracking down the murderer of a CEO and had a few laughs along the way.
I had a one-off where my players were cops in 1930s Hellenistic United States who started trying to solve a murder then uncovered a multinational conspiracy led primarily by the neighboring Romanized Dictatorship America that were about to assassinate the Prime Minister.
I played as a forensics guy in a Call of Cthulhu, that's about the closest I've got.
>of every other race
Yeah man, you hear about cops shooting Asians ALL THE TIME, and let's not even start about the rampant police violence against Jewish men.
Oh wait, you don't hear about cops shooting those groups? Hmm, maybe that has something to do with the fact that they don't have a statistically increased likelihood to be the perpetrators of violent crime.
This reminds me, do you guys remember how irish were treated just like niggers? So they gathered in their irish pubs and decided on a solution - to massively join the police themselves and fix their reputation?
This is where the "irish cop" stereotype comes from
I played a Shadowrun game where we were cops, so yeah. The quote unquote group leader lit our party on fire on the first mission.
Yes. As for what it was like. Have you ever seen Police Squad?
Does 'Federal Marshal' count? If so, then yes. It was supposed to be an OWoD 'Mortals' game. We could make any character using any OWOD book, so long as the character themself was not a Vampire, Werewolf, Mage, Changeling, Wraith, Mummy, Demon, etc.
He was a town sheriff in a tiny mining community in Kentucky for 70 years. Some of the people started to notice that he stopped aging around 45, though the heavy drinking and smoking still took their toll (Dude looked like a cross between Keith Richards and Robert Downey Junior). They never mentioned it, though, since he was fair-handed, honest, and single-handedly kept a werewolf pack at bay. Hard not to when the ghost of a long-dead wild-west sheriff is haunting you, badgering you day and night to do the right thing. Hence the drinking. After the last of the townsfolk moved away or died, he fudged some of the town's records, went to work for the Marshals. Still uses his old haunted Colt Peacemaker, though.
Played a campus cop in a Hunter the Vigil game. Basically a young hot head who had visions of "cleaning up the streets" and "doing the right thing" they put him in a place where he could do the least amount of damage. I joined part way through the campaign so my character was introduced as trying to arrest the party when they were tracking something on campus. Ended up saving them with sweet combat stats but blew away a vampire thrall and lost some innocence. Character dealt with dancing in the grey area of the law to keep the party out of trouble but was morally conflicted about doing bad things for the greater good. Fun character.
Italians, too.
Not really, our innocent civilian to rebel ration was something like 126/8, so no. Not our fault, the escaping Y-wings crashed in the town,... twice.
We had a pretty good record against bounty hunters and rioters, though. Mainly because we hid behind crates until the AT-ST arrived and atomized the surrounding buildings, so all the locals had evacuated at this point.
I want this meme to end, especially on Veeky Forums, where stormtroopers have brutal stats no matter the system.
>I want this meme, which is demonstrably true in all canon media of the franchise with the sole exception of episode VII, to end
>Pursuing the same crime not once but twice
Wow you must suck at being a cop if you can't make something stick the first time around
I've always wanted to play a Sharn Inquisitive
I did once in Savage Worlds, made him oblivious as hell but good with his gun. I wanted to be a slightly more competent Barney Fife; that went well until one of the other officers came in during the graveyard shift and stabbed the sweet old donut lady. Two dead bodies and three more knocked out later, I finally figured out it was the knife that was possessing people, after I tied up the chief instead of killing him when he went crazy.
Oh, and Nyralathotep or somebody called me on the phone afterwards, I passes my sanity save and told him that it's bad to prank call the police station.
I played a pig person once, so sorta I guess
Real calibers? The fuck? .45 is objectively superior to 9mm in every single way save for not killing people. If you don't want somebody dead immediately then use your wimpy 9mm shit
>Demonstrably true meme
>When the rebels were allowed to escape in IV, were completely routed from Hoth, and were only protected by plot power in VI
Stay mad rebel scum
Too unrealistic, a good GM makes actions have consequences
Loving every laugh
Yeah, I played a paladin.
Jokes aside, I play with a cop often. He plays Cygnar in warmachine and he plays imperial guard in 40k. I don't know enough about Malifaux to tell you his army in that but I see him at those tables too. He seems cool and our interactions are great fun but he's quick to voice political opinions, so I usually just stay quiet until those conversations blow over. He looks a lot like your picture.
Overall, I've liked every cop I've met. Gaming context or no.
>she just leaves one day without saying much
>no parting mind meld
>Arjernnon is le epik mysterious as always
I wish those two were fleshed out more. I'm currently paying the third one in the series and I like it so far, but they're MIA so far.
I played an EPA enforcement cop in a Delta Green game. They were great until they snapped and blew up a bunch of cultists and FBI and then ran away.
I played as a crime scene investigator once, does that count?
I had a Demon (nWoD) that used an NYPD detective as a cover. Given that it quickly turned into a globe-trotting conspiracy unraveling journey down the rabbit hole, said cover was used for the first few sessions then nearly never saw use again.
I played a cop who was the Knight of Columbia, which is like being a Knight of the Cross, except you're empowered by the patron goddess of America in a Dresden Files game.
Character was rad, game was rad, Dresden Files is rad.
I've been known to play a paladin or two in my day, yes
Consider suicide, faggot.
>look mom, im being edgy on the internet!
I played a lizard detective in a supers game called Agent Anole.
Think Inch-High Private Eye, but a lizard.
Me am lawful. Not all cop am, but me yes. Not pretend good, but much lawful me. Loving you, buddy.
You make some good points, maybe I'll reconsider my position. Love you, too.
I think you need to relook at your reading comprehesion friendo
Protestant gun owner here.
We speak in grains, not calibers.
Chin up, good luck with your earthquakes.
The only unfortunate thing is that I have no idea where I misplaced Tactical_Magnemite.webm
t. social worker
>Not understaning anything about legal system.
I played a mammoth-sized policewoman named Sigurd who drank heavily in her off time and was poor as shit in a d20 Modern campaign. I had a ridiculous CON score, decent STR and DEX, and pretty shit everything else. Pure tank.
Me and an NPC police officer were brought in to look over a hotel event, which turned sour as a "rival party" sortof group of ne'erdowells arrived to kill everyone (including the otherwise civilian party) for plot reasons.
Being a drunken tank who could only NOT be mistaken for a dwarf because she was three times the size and didn't have a beard, my character responded by vaulting over a table in order to take them head on, promptly critfailing her vault roll, and falling to the floor on her back like a putz. This reflected poorly on her police report, and as punishment she was ordered to follow along the rest of the party to investigate the enemy group.
What followed were a series of misadventures that would always turn out the same way:
My character, being the tank, would take point, take a shitload of damage, and be rendered unable to participate in further misadventures until she healed manually through rest, because healing magic didn't exist in d20 Modern and she was too poor as shit to buy medical care (which only would have healed 1d4 HP besides).
Then the party face, being a weak and fragile shit, would decide he had to follow up on the newest lead without the tank, nearly get himself killed twice over, and get yelled at by my character when she finally recovered.
Repeat several times.
This all culminated in tailing the enemy party to a crappy motel room, whereupon my character knocked on the door, was told to fuck off, busted opene the door, and was immediately shot by a readied action, bringing her to about 3 HP.
I responded by having her back off, get back into her car, and drive it into the fucking hotel room while blasting the radio on max.
Then she called the police station and asked to be transferred.
>Then she called the police station and asked to be transferred.
good end, in my book.
Played a paladin once. In terms of IRL cops at my table, I think one of the guys I played with was an MP, but I'm not sure.
Honestly, I prefer to keep myself law-abiding, so I've never really interacted much with my local police.
Not cops but sort of a wanna be half ass SWAT team in Pathfinder. We decided to give E6 Pathfinder a whirl since we all universally agreed that we enjoyed the early levels a bit more. 2 friends, a fighter and cavalier wanted a watered down version of some expensive mask, forgetting the name here, but only to be able to see through fog and DM gave them the green light. Any who, with those gas masks they liked doing little door breach maneuvers using a lot of smoke sticks, flash powder and thunderstones.
It was fun to watch them go at as I gave them support with ranged attacks since I was a Ranger. You can imagine money was spent pretty damn quickly doing that several times
I'd love to play a police campaign but I don't know how and no one in my group would want to anyway.
Have you asked them? You might be surprised by their answer.
Also there are a few dedicated police rpgs, cyberpunk mainly, like COPS or Berlin XVIII.
>what is plot armor - the post
You use hollywood war movies to assess the strength of US and german soldiers, too?
I've asked multiple times.
I've been a PI in a M&M game.
You have the world in your hands, user.
Nope. GM won't let me play villains.
I am playing a cop right now.
The correct term for it in the game I am playing is "Jade Magistrate Yoriki", which means so much as "Chief assistant to the detective for magic stuff" (I am mostly on Yojimbo duty, meaning bodyguarding the guy who does all the talking and sentencing of criminals)
A fun if short campaign. Most of it was bantering around simple to solve crimes. Skipped the hallucinations and overarching coma story.
Were you playing with only one other player?
Are you playing a game already?
If you aren't, then my suggestion would be to keep an ear out for the next month in the gamefinder threads and in Roll20 forums and LFGs for any Legend of the 5 Rings game, if playing a samurai magistrate would be your jam.
If it isn't, you could try shadowrun copping or something
Yes. We used to play a French police RPG a lot. I can easily say that it was one of our favorite games.
The game is set in a low-tech, cyberpunk Germany where A.I. systems cohabit with two-colors monitors, matrix printers and flying cars. The Soviet Union is at war with the European Federation (the front line goes from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea) and with China (who invaded Mongolia). A 800km wide no man's land saturated with combat gazes and minefields separates Europe from the Soviet union. At the same time, Muslim countries in North Africa and the Middle East banded together and launched a Jihad against everyone - especially against the Soviet Union, who atomized a couple of Muslim provinces (probably Chechnya, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc.). Turkey has an ambiguous position as it supports the Muslim countries, but also serves as trading place for them with Europe.
The PCs are cops in the administrative sector 18 of the Berlin megalopolis, one of the worst areas of the city. Particular hotspots are Klein Amsterdam (the main red light district), Brunnenplatz (the red light district for sexual deviants), Zehlendorf (a whole district that was being rebuilt when the war started, since then, the giant construction sites have been abandoned and the buildings are populated by bums, asocial punks, crazy cults and gangs), Rorschach district (a no-go area made of derelict housing projects - the area has a pretty sordid past), Reinickendorf (a ghetto where ethnic violences and gang wars are daily), and Tiergarten (a large municipal park that was invaded by junkies, now it is known as Needle Park).
I tried to once, a near-future cyberpunk-esque law-enforcement campaign. One player kept whining I was being unrealistic, unfair, and even racist by having examples of things such as...
>Criminals who keep fighting even after being tasered
>Criminals who fight after being handcuffed.
>Gun-toting criminals that don't give up when you calmly explain to them that what they are doing is illegal and wrong.
>suicide-by-cop situations that can't be talked down and you have to just shoot them.
>gun control that doesn't stop criminals from getting guns
>rehabilitation programs that don't work
>hate crimes committed by members of minority groups
We got through four sessions before we had to stop because that guy's complaining was getting unbearable.