Guys, I'm old.
How do people behave in college age? Important for world building.
Guys, I'm old.
How do people behave in college age? Important for world building.
Obnoxious, but slightly less obnoxious than high schoolers.
Depends on a lot of things.
Young ones, people that are 18-19 going in tend to be very uncertain. There's a fragility here and an awareness that they are the youngest around. Many of them aren't really ready to be there, especially the ones living away from home for the first time.
People that start collage later, and juniors or so that started young, tend to be more relaxed. People that were in the military or had another job before collage tend to take things less seriously.
There's a lot of sex and drama. People are young, energetic and still young enough to believe someone that says they love them.
And last, there's a grimness to people finishing up their degree/degrees. It's an ugly job market and there just aren't as many places out there as there are applicants. Especially people with legal and STEM education tend to feel betrayed at this, as they were told pretty confidently by experts that their specaility was automation and recession proof.
Drunk, decadent middle class retards who unironically thinks "THIS MATTERS!"
Literally indistinguishable from high school students. Obsessed with smoking weed, drinking alcohol and getting laid. Empty, hollow, pathetic, embarrassing, meaningless and excessive.
One of my favorites, it's the little details like the actual flag of Chad that kill me.
This one is probably my favourite
>Literally indistinguishable from high school students. Obsessed with smoking weed, drinking alcohol and getting laid. Empty, hollow, pathetic, embarrassing, meaningless and excessive.
Maybe you shouldn't have gone to ASU if you wanted a serious school for serious people.
>it's the little details like the actual flag of Chad that kill me.
Oh god, I never even caught that. That is amazing.
I'm sure you're just baiting considering you posted an ebin meemee with it, but
>Obsessed with smoking weed, drinking alcohol and getting laid
This implies a loser with little to no social life, any friends are either similarly pathetic or are too nice for their own good and feel sorry for you. Almost certainly a virgin, at best had clumsy and bad sex with a most likely unattractive woman that made a mistake one time.
>Empty, hollow, pathetic, embarrassing, meaningless and excessive.
He said, on a subset of an anime image board made for people that like to play with little plastic men and pretend to be an elf.
Ad Homoniem is not an argument.
Also, it's not just college kids, it's the average working-middle class adult ages 18-25. Let me tell you, all he had to do was swap "college" with "the military" and he'd describe over half the people I work with on a daily basis.
All the worst traits of a two year old combined with all the best traits of a 30 year old.
Intelligence minus wisdom for the most part. A lot have had to work their ass off to get there but more have coasted in via wealth and a little bit of talent. Some have seen shit, but most are having their first taste of independence from their parents, minus the funding. Easily influenced by those who have the ability to. Convictions very strongly/loudly held rather than tempered by experience.
>There's a lot of sex and drama.
Thanks for reminding me that I'm going to die sad and alone without even having the excuse of autism for how bad with people I am. At least I still have drinking alone and crying to fill the time until then.
Other than that, it depends a lot on the college. Where I am, people are almost all laid-back, while you won't see any of that at the really high-level places. Also, outlook for the job market depends on a lot, but the general trend holds true: STEM degrees get oversold, too many people take them and expect to be handed a job, resentment follows.
needless to say it depends on generation and customs
unless you want to put tablets and smartphones in your world.
A few types.
>The High Schooler+
This usually privileged child is here because their parents insisted. To them, college is no different than High School, except their parents aren't around, they have more time during the day to fuck off, and they can get drunk/high and fuck whenever they want.
>The Degree-focused.
These guys don't give a fuck about college, they are here to get their degree and move on. Often a bit older, these people could not give fewer fucks about the "experience" of college, and usually think their classmates are fucking retarded.
>The Looser
This guy (For it is almost always a guy) doesn't care about college, but as long as he's going, his parents/financial aid/whatever is paying for his lifestyle. This guy is basically going to slack off and keep telling his family about how the college keeps fucking up his units or some shit. Eventually, the news is going to slip out that he's been on academic probation/been expelled for two years now, and his family will disown him. Alternatively, he will knock some girl up, and legalese will take its course there.
>Save the Pandas
This girl (for it is almost always a girl) is going to college to be a marine biologist or a veterinarian, or some shit to make the world a better place. She will almost invariably get knocked up and succeed only in obtaining an MRS degree in communications or liberal studies.
>The Technical Expert
Similar to the degree focused, they are usually in engineering, or political science, or nursing programs, or what have you. The difference is that they often associate with their fellow experts, while the Degree Focused just fucks off.
>The Gold Prospector
Another usually female group, she is seeking the Degree Focused or Technical Expert man to seduce, marry, and take care of her. Sometimes she accidentally falls for the Loosers bullshit. Often pretends to be a Save the Pandas, but is sluttier.
dunno i just go to class then go back to my room and sleep or shitpost
>The Retrainer
This old fart is receiving instruction for a new career. Can have an amusing effect on instructors, as their teachers, especially those in dead-end fields, have a tendency to get defensive when they think there might be someone in the room not buying their bullshit. Generally nonthreatening though.
>The 1/3life crises
They squandered their 20's doing whatever, and now want to take advantage of the fact that they don't look too old in their 30's to go catch up on missed glory. Unfortunately, nothing they do can mask the fact that they are douchebags.
>The Chounin
This autismo hasn't yet realized that he's a fucktard, and thinks his mother was dead serious every time she said he was great. Will speak over and correct their instructors, and generally make an ass out of themselves. Tend to disappear after a year or so, after coming to the realization that they were too good for college all along. If they are a weeb, they might stick around long enough to complete three semesters of nihongo.
>The Stoner
He's just perpetually high. Not much else to say, really. Women tend to hide it slightly better, for whatever reason.
>Drunk and bitter Pandas
Save the Pandas after a few years. She's been consumed by cynicism, and rather than become a prospector, she has just accepted that the world is shit, so she may as well play a part. Is taking business and management courses.
>The Attack Helicopter
Has strong beliefs about everything, and will stop class to let everyone know it. Will likely be triggered once or twice per class by something it doesn't want to do.
>1/3 life crisis
That hit hard. Would have hurt more if the others were more than just remotely accurate though.
It really depends on what college they go to. One thing I've noticed about my college is that there isn't actually much of a party scene (that belongs to our much larger rival school) and there's nowhere near as much sex and craziness going on as people say there is. Age still is a major factor. Some of my friends started a saying that "Freshmen are not people, don't talk to them until they suffer for a few months and actually grow a personality." Did I mention that a lot of seniors are exceedingly bitter? Well they are at my school. You can ask us things like "what dream did you give up?" and get an answer without hesitation. A lot of seniors don't even give people the time of day to fake an "I'm fine" when asked how they're doing. Everyone is on medication for some psychological issue.
Freshmen are chipper idiots or reclusive inverts who are just highschoolers+
Sophomores retain an element of hope but the crazy ones are finally calmed down and the sober ones are either coaxed out of their shell or have sunk deeper.
Juniors are overworked and constantly in a tired frenzy.
While this in no way is representative of all those who go to college it does provide very helpful archetypes to start from.
This is about right.
For the late teens / early 20s types, do you remember what it was like to be a teenager? You thought you were invincible and that you knew everything, and that all adults were stupid and you were sooooo smart and clever.
Now imagine you're slowly but surely realizing that you don't know a goddamn thing and that the world is big and scary, and you're being pushed out into it and can't rely on mommy and daddy anymore. Not only do things not work the way you thought they did, but things have more levels of depth and complexity than your stupid teenager brain could have possibly imagined.
That being said, it's not all fear and anxiety -- there's also a newfound feeling of freedom. Now that you're buying your own food, you can buy as many boxes of cookies as you want, and eat bacon for every meal. Mommy isn't there to yell at you to clean up after yourself, to do the dishes, or to wipe the piss off the toilet rim.
Some people have yet to discover that there were very good reasons for these things, but they'll find out soon enough.
Sorry that the big mean combat arms are getting plastered and banging a different woman every night and it makes you feel jealous, my pog friend
Jesus Fucking Christ your college is filled with pussies.
I'm in the navy, nigger. Nobody here is combat arms.
And it's not jelousy, it's disdain. I don't envy those that waste their life contributing to the progressive degeneration of American society tonsate their own base desires. You know, there used to be far fewer number of single parent hoseholds, STD patients, and divorce cases when "no sex before marriage" was socially enforced.