So, anyone got any stories about bad experiences in your local gaming/hobby shop? Anything, maybe a run-in with the management or one of the customers acting a bit too cringey.
Bad Experiences in Gaming Shops
Pretty simple story, this was the last time I went to my local gaming shop over a decade ago.
>I'm about 16, just got off work at Blockbuster
>Drive to gaming shop, eager to blow some of the paycheck I just got
>When I enter the owner of the place is behind the counter and chatting with a friend of his, doesn't even look up to me or say hello
>Even though I'm a regular who spends about $200 a month at least in this shop I'm not bothered, the guy's usually a little rude so this isn't unusual
>I slap on some headphones and begin listening to some music as I grab the books I'm gonna buy, about $100 worth of comic books and D&D hardcovers
>I take my time because the owner is obviously in the middle of some sort of story, but after a half hour (yes I timed it) and with no signs of slowing down I approach the counter
>I apologize and set my books down, take out my money and ask if I can pay real quick.
>The owner glares at me like I just farted in a quiet room or something, and says "EXCUSE me, I'm in the middle of something. Do you mind?"
>The owner's friend looks a little uncomfortable, and says he can go ahead and ring me up. Owner shakes his head. "No he can wait his turn" he says before returning to his story
>I'm so shocked at how rudely I've been treated that I just stand there for a minute, once it's clear no apology is coming I just turned and walked out.
I went and bought my books at Borders. The place closed a year later with the owner in some pretty deep debt.
Only real bad experience I had was onetime at this comic book shop that also had computers to rent. I paid for around 6 hours, then long story short I got into an argument with the manager because I had brought lunch from home. At first he refused to refund me my money, and when I threatened to call the police he laughed in my face. So I called the police. My friends all backed me up, and not only did I get a refund but I also got a (slightly forced) apology as well. Come to think of it, that was probably one of the last times I went there. Just left a bad taste in my mouth.
I have one
>There is this "That Guy" I'll call Porpoises
>Porpoises is obsessed with Military and wears military gear and paraphernalia in store
>Plays Blood Angels and Vostroyans, badly
>Has no sense of personal hygiene nor personal space.
>Eats cheetos in store and would grab your books and minis without permission.
>Only played him once 1st turn took hour and a half before I quit, as he autistically argued every movement and shot, insisting I measure it, and even if in range arguing that I wasn't. People only ever played Porpoises once.
>He'd even sit by other peoples games to interrupt they weren't playing properly and aggressively insist the two players follow the rules the way he felt applied. As a result "Fuck off Porpoises" became the most uttered phrase in LGS.
>He had a habit of dropping and breaking minis. Due to this I told him he was not to touch anything of mine, ever, and give him the "Fuck off Porpoises" every time he crept near them.
>He then tried to get me banned from LGS on the basis I wouldn't let him touch my things.
>His response was "Fuck off Porpoises" from manager much to the amusement if everyone.
>Got into MTG and would do the same shit to the card fags.
>Held a protest outside of the store for two days trying to stop people to enter store after he was banned for poor personal hygiene (was given plenty of warnings but ignored them)
>This ended when manager called the Police to remove him and we never saw Porpoises again.
Porpoises was definitely my worst LGS experience.
I don't hang around in my FLGS, I just buy stuff and go home since I usually just play with my friends so the worst that has happened to me is:
>can't find item
>ask employee
>it's in the system so they help me look some more
>they can't find it either
>"oh well, I'll just buy this other thing, thanks anyway"
>come back a couple weeks later
>find the item I was looking for hidden away on some random shelf where you wouldn't expect to find it
My only bad experience was when I had 10, and was one of the little Timmys in a GW store that some on Veeky Forums hates so much. I was with a friend, who was interested in Fantasy, and asked one of the employees to run a demo game for us (don´t know if they still do them, never put a foot in a gw store again). He looked at us, and started giving us a lecture about that the store wasn´t an arcade, that his time was valious, and that if we weren´t gonna shop right away, we should leave. I think he confunded us with some other kids, but anyway had a really rude attitude, especially to a kid. As I said, never went again, and made me stay off the hobby for a solid decade.
I got a couple:
>Be me
>Must be about 10
>Really love 40k
>Go into local GW
>See awesome deamon prince conversion sitting on the table by the door.
>Guy had build a custom base out of dead space marines with the old metal deamon prince standing on top of it crushing the dead squad's Sargent head in his giant elephantiasis hand
>I in my stupidity pick it up and it falls to bits in my hand
>Horrifed, but relaly frightened when this huge biker looking guy gets up from a nearby table and comes over swearing
>Turns out, he'd put it there to let it dry, I had accidentally ruined 4 hours work to get the pose just right
>I was frightened as shit
>Guy's face was pure rage
>Luckily he calmed himself down
>Said sorry for swearing
>Told me very nicely to not touch other peoples models
>I apologized and decided to keep myself to myself
>I got a few nasty looks from him while i was in the store
>Now that i'm older I have great respect for that man for restraining himself and not getting extremely angry over a child's mistake.
>I now never ever touch anyone's models because of this experience.
Another time I went in to take part in a small tournament.
>Be about 13-14
>Playing Chaos
>Get matched with this other 13-14 year old guy
>He plays Dark Angels
>Throughout the whole game he makes loads of sex jokes and making tongue gestures at me
>Keeps making me feel uncomfortable, I'm sure he's staring at me when I look down to move my models
>I win the game
>He looks me dead in the eyes and says"Good game, though if you want I know some other games I'd like to play with you"
>He then flicks me a fucking card with a phone number on it
Cont with 1 final story.
Fuck, a guy just like that stalked my HS girlfriend for a while. I can´t help to picture him in everything you said and the fucker fits like a glove.
You an Ausfag like me?
No, mate, Spanishfag. I suppose creeps will be creeps, wherever in the world.
Final one, Cringe on my part:
>Go in as I need paint
>Decide I don't know which white to buy
>Decide to ask manager for advice
>Walk up to the desk
>Manager comes out of the back room
>Its a 7/10 young woman with short dark hair and glasses (exactly what I like)
>Autism kicks in (normally I'm fine around women, but for some reason this really put me off)
>try to make conversation
>Ask how long she's worked there etc (About 5 years)
>Stupidly say "how come I've never met you and I've been coming in here for 5 years"
>Suddenly remember I haven't been in this particular GW for about 5 years AND that I had mentioned that earlier in the conversation
>feel like a moron
>Luckily saved by some new people coming in and wanting an intro game
>Quietly exit the store
Probably the most awkward/Beta I've ever been around a woman. Luckily I moved away, so I won't have to go in there and see her on a regular basis.
My local GW is a goldmine for these stories. every single regular can be a story on their own
>when I had 10
WTF am I reading?
That sucks, man. In my LGS the weirder guy is this small, shy man who tries now and then to start conversations, trying too much to be friendly. I played once with him out of pity, but got uncomfortable. I think the dude just feels lonely.
>tfw great local GW
>knowledgeable staff and managers display cabinet is fantastic
I have no bad stories, the worst thing that ever happened to me in an LGS is I had to be near a sweaty MTG fatfuck for 30 seconds while picking my stuff of a shelf.
This is terrifying, that means there is more than one Porpoises. You should spill your experience with Spanishfag Porpoises. And see if there are other Porpoises out there in other countries.
Regale us with your stories user
Lol thats not that bad autist
u confused it with another GW its alright
don't kick yourself for it
You think? I guess its not that bad, desu she probably deals with way worse every single day.
ofc she does LMAO didn't you hear about pourpoise
she probably has some chad /normie bf and won't give a gw guy the time of day
>ask the shop owner what the new name for imperial guard is
>he says he doesn't know what i am talking about
>"come on it was something which sounded latin but isn't latin like applorum for example"
>"no they are not applorum, their name is imperial guard they have been around since 2nd edition, they are not new"
And then we googled it since he wouldn't believe me. Nothing too heartbreaking.
Spanish native, I'd guess. Still grappling with English.
assuming this thread is still here when I get back ill drop some short stories
display cabinet is fantastic
lucky the gw I live near only has a few models that were built and painted before it opened
I can respect that. There's a reason I don't mention my plastic crack addiction on dates.
They only find out when they ask what all the large black ominous boxes in my bedroom are.
>about a year ago
>in local store with friend while he's picking something up
>in passing conversation, in front of the owner, I mention something about buying books on Amazon
>owner gets a huffy tone "If you buy books on Amazon then you need to find another place to game!"
>I don't play in stores because I know how to host gamenight, being an adult.
The place isn't my regular store, just way closer. My regular spot is run by the chillest dude and usually has decent stock, as opposed to this place.
>Come to think of it, that was probably one of the last times I went there
>probably one of the last times
What the fuck is wrong with you faggots? You're all so fucking spineless.
sounds just like an old gw manager I knew who moved to a new store
Well to be fair I was 13 at the time, and the place was within biking distance. I used to hang out with friends there.
Yeah really, if you don't immediately whip your dick out on the counter and punch the guy in the face how can you even call yourself a man?
What a bunch of spineless losers am I right?
I hope you never went back after that, he does not deserve your money. Hope his friend gave him a nice talking-to.
How fucking dare you greentext this shit user
Some neckbeard faggot smacked one of my Sanguinary Guard units off of the table. I took his cardboard box of unpainted Nids outside and backed over them with my car. Needless to say, I'm not welcome in that store anymore.
this made me laugh acually
The anti-theft devices speak to less-than-ideal experiences in that store.
One of my local store has a badly painted Imperial Knight on display. That ruffles my jimmies.
Amerifat here we have a guy like that at my FLGS except we call him the Parasite.
Before my old FLGS closed down the guy who ran the place used to joke that the Parasite would leave his job from the Arby's down the street, walk to the store, stay there until it closed and then go back to the Arby's and sleep in the rafters.
It's a challenge to paint a better knight to put on display.
Not necessarily bad, but definitely off putting:
>just getting into 40k
>mate invites me and other newb 40k mate to FLGS to paint and chill
>Sunday is free so why not
>get there, bust out my guardsmen, paint and chillax
>another regular approaches
>ooooh boy
>ausfags might remember this guy/girl
>made the army pay for his MtF surgery
>all over the news for like two days
>sits down opposite side of table
>chats to me about my guard
>not autistic, happy to be courteous despite differing views on stuff
>talks about his/her armies
>all have slaaneshi influence
>painting up a sororitas cross slaanesh force now
>act autistic, excuse myself to go find my mate
>he's in the shop, looking at space wolfies
>"let's head back to user's_mate's place"
Always put out a weird vibe, but he/she doesn't show up that much anymore.
>agree to run FFG Star Wars for a group that is essentially 4 of my coworkers and 1 rando the FLGS owner introduces me to
>run game in store as a way of promoting system/pushing sales/infecting children with Star Wars
>first three sessions go really well and even rando is holding his own
>fourth session one of the kids who seems to perpetually hanging out there asks to sit in on the session
Let me take a moment to note that due to many deployments I no longer process bad smells like a normal person.
>session goes ok, kid clearly doesn't know the rules despite creeping for 3 sessions, whatever
>after the session one of my coworkers says "I hate to say this about kids, but he really smells" and other agree
>I can't smell his BO over general BO of dozens of 13-17 year olds
>next session comes around and one of my coworkers turns to him and says "Could you shower before you come next time, please?"
>kid starts crying, runs out of the store
>we shrug it off, keep playing
>thirty minutes later most ludicrously obese woman i have seen in my life comes in and whale rolls over to us
>"baw baw mah baw not fat baw call him smelly"
>I just look at her and go "Lady, learning to shower twice a day isn't going to hurt him."
>she flips out and starts screaming at me
>store manager comes over and asks her to leave
>she flips out on him, starts throwing things off the shelves and onto the floor
>I finally stand up and put her in a wrist lock, walk her out of the store
>store manager says thank you
>woman comes back with police officer demanding he arrest me for assault
>police officer asks store manager if she was asked to leave premises
>manager says yes
>cop arrests her in front of her son
Pretty sure I destroyed that kid's self esteem but I had a huge assist (no pun intended) from his mom. Not hard to see how you end up listless with a mom like that.
My store is nice and has mostly nice people so my stories are tame and few between.
But there is one exception. There's this guy, not more than 20, probably 17 or so, who is a terribly misguided person. He will turn to the table and talk trash about anyone who does anything over in the store, he goes on and on and on about his army and his character and how great they are and how he can do everything and is totally unaware of social tact in that regard, and he says terribly mean things about minorities. If anyone is gay, he'll refer to them as "the gay guy playing storm" or if someone is black he'll refer to them as "the black guy play necrons" and stuff like that.
Well, I don't advertise the fact so no one knows this, but I'm gay, and he started going on and on referring to someone as "that gay guy" and was imitating him and adding a terribly exaggerated lisp and the limp wrist caricature and the whole nine yards of being very uncouth. He's doing all this literally right next to me, we're at a long table of like 8 people playing card games.
It was a terrible experience because the guy he was talking to is a normal person who isn't offensive, and the guy was going on for the entire round of the tournament, which is like 45 minutes.
After a while, I turned to him and just gave him a quick "hey, let's be polite" which I assumed was a neutral thing that wasn't politically charged. I didn't tip my hand as to my beliefs on the topic, I just said let's be polite, which I thought would convey only that meaning and nothing more. Well, I was wrong. He had the most snide tone of voice I think I've ever heard in real life, and he says "what, are you friend with him or something?". I truthfully wasn't, so I said "No, you're just kinda being mean though".
So now he says stuff like "unless that's too mean" to me whenever he says he's going to do something, and he'll even say to me if I'm not in the conversation and he's talking to someone else.
Just ignore him, people like that mostly do it for the attention.
There's a small ray of hope that seeing the general public of this world not putting up with that shit will convince him maybe his family was the fucked up influence and wrong, and not everyone else.
I'd say call him out for being a cunt. He's just a cunt, so he can either shut his mouth, learn some manners, or fucking leave. Has nothing to do with anything about politics or what I or anyone else thinks is normal or right. You can be the most homophobic racist person on earth, and still hold a job and have friends and interact with people in a socially acceptable manner. It's called manners, and spouting off your shit in the correct forum. I don't go off about my toy hobby to coworkers, I don't talk politics with clients.
He's a cunt, and make him take that shit outside if you deign to.
>Be in gaming store, setting up to play some DnD with friends
>Can anyone smell shit?
>Off to the left, there is a kid with his pants down, a screaming manager, and a brown pile on the floor
>Kid is chanting "Diarrhea cha cha cha" over and over again like it's some mantra, while the manager is trying to usher him out of the store, kid's pants still around his ankles.
>No sign of a parent
>Or of anyone cleaning the shitpile off the floor.
>Decide to table the session.
This seems to be true, based on my impression. He seems insecure, and seems like one of those people who reassure themselves of their own identity through their divisive beliefs.
This is true, but I'm not an imposing individual, in body or voice, so it's hard to enact these sorts of things. And when the person he's talking to is nodding and chuckling at it, it becomes a group thing. Though I'm sure the majority opinion of the whole table would be towards politeness, had they spoken up.
Being small and softspoken is a hindrance in many things. But I'm glad I stood up to him, such as I did. Perhaps in the future I'll do more. Though it's easier to stand up for others' sake than my own, if that makes any sense.
Man, you guys handled that shit beautifully. I can't help but smile imagining some beta galaxy getting arrested by the cops that she called in for assistance though.
hope i'm not a "that guy"
> go to local game store
> bring a bag of random board games i created (all prototypes)
> try as often as possible to have people play my games
> sometimes I roam awkwardly the place
> stalks my prey for a little while
> approach someone random and go "HEY, WANNA PLAY SOMETHIN NEW"
Normally I'd say this, be as blunt as possible and call him a cunt outright, especially if he's American because for some reason cunt is the worst word ever in this country, but I get the feeling he's looking for a confrontation so you're better off ignoring him and letting him peter himself out.
I was fortunate to have a battle bunker in my area back in the day. We had these two dorkazoids that were brothers that came around almost everyday. The older brother had one of those disgusting mustaches and greasy hair. He always wore the same clothes. Dirty jeans and addidas that were way too old with a t-shirt and camo vest. He'd always bring a list that was obviously over the points limit and be a general waacfag.
Now to get to the actual weirdness. Every single sentence he said he would repeat again but whisper it. It was so quiet some other kid pointed it out to me and I had to watch and listen carefully to actually witness it. We also found a list of his that had names of all the people he wanted to kill. He also always carried one of those citadel hobby knives in his pocket.
Wow, what the fuck? Did the place not have a bathroom or something nearby?
Ausfag from porpoises story got another story from the local GW which I semi-frequented.
>We get a new manager, guy barely fits into his redshirt, seeming to spill over his belt. Has really short legs and arms, and had big wet lips as he was always licking them. Imagine a redshirt Humpty-Dumpty with a gunt, even though male.
>Bring his to best friends into store, who always sit at painting table. One was bean pole with a shaved Elmer Fudd head and the other was a bucktoothed rat with a goatie (imagine Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter but skinny and with acne). They'd both sit there and bully (or try to bully) anyone who came into the store.
>Now for some reason RatBoi and Fuddhead started winning all the monthly little comps the GW had (painting, throw your number in bucket etc.) and the stores FB page became a spam of these three constantly choding about how they always won the comps, or first to get new kit, or autistically eating sandwich near someone painting (a fucking lot of these believe it or not). Ended up unsubbing because of it.
>Go back in to buy somethings to be confronted by Humpty to explain the new rules he and his friends (not even GW employees) decided for the store. Rules included no conversation that was not GW, if you entered the store you had 15 minutes to buy something or leave, unless gaming, in which they gave everyone a game allowance for 1 game every item you'd buy. Talking back and mocking Fuddhead and Ratboi (as we had been doing after they tried to bully one of our group members) was also banned as they now were "volunteer community managers" and I apparently showed a lack of respect toward them.
>The store went through about 18 new Red shirts in 6 months as they'd work with Humpty for about 2 weeks before quitting.
>Humpty banned Slaanesh from store (except for models on shelf) and Fuddhead and Ratboi would snitch back if they heard anyone talking about it, or any other banned subject.
given the chant and that it was a child I'm gonna guess that it wouldn't have made a difference
>Go to a MTG draft with 3 friends
>New shop, bought out the only old shops stock
>1 friend isn't participating, just came to watch
>Owners kick him out because he's not spending money
>TFW our group never went back and they've lost like 15 other regulars who saw this shit
Fair enough. If it were possible, I'd make a rule that nobody under the age of 10 was not allowed to be in the store without adult supervision.
Children are fucking disgusting, and generally raised by shitty parents who dump their kids so that they'd out of their hair for a few hours.
Why not ask the store owner instead of random people? Or even better why not have him set up an event for people to sign up and try out your games if they're interested?
It was just trespassing (store manager realized he needed to press charges or he'd have future problems), but I'm hopeful it corrected her attitude.
It's a great store (with a great ventilation system now) and the manager is chill as fuck. You just can't smoke in the store and you can't bring drinks or food to a table where cards are being played. (Sensible rules IMO)
I haven't run a game there in a while. I'll have to find out what he's trying to push right now. Maybe he'll want to push Genesys.
>Needless to say myself, and others, stopped going there, and would go to other LGS to game.
>Find out 6 months later Humpty's been fired and Fuddhead & Ratboi banned from all GW stores in the state (for theft & bullying) aparently a mother objected after her kid came home in tears and Humpty called her a dumb cunt went she complained. Word of Mouth was some big wig from Aus GW turned up with new manager and police officers and fired him, and banned the minions unannounced (dont know if true but I want it to be true).
Got my own measure of revenge on Humpty. One day out driving it had pissing down rain and low and behold Humpty was broken down on the side of the road next to a big fucking puddle. So
naturally I gunned it straight into the puddle and covered the fat fuck in muddy water. It felt good
The owner (or the guy that works there) can't play the games because he's usually busy, you know, working.
> Or even better why not have him set up an event for people to sign up and try out your games if they're interested?
too much trouble and planning
It truly amazes me when people jump over dollars to collect cents off the ground. Something like that actually happened to my group.
>Playing in a political intrigue LARP
>Played in a bar because it was close and it fit the overall theme of the campaign we were in.
>Get a few new guys, one's a diabetic who needs to drink sode every so often to keep his sugar up.
>Bar doesn't allow outside food/drink, but the bartender let us know and we told the newbie, who got rid of his soda.
>Then the "owner" walks up and tells us to leave because we brought in food/drink
>Explain to him that the situation was resolved but he's not having it.
>Dude's obviously plastered and goes to harass some more people from our group for the same reason.
>We all decide to leave
>Never went back
>Now whenever I drive past the bar around the time when we would've been playing, the parking lot's practically empty.
Worst part, the guy wasn't even the owner, he was the owner's husband.
Well then, yeah, you are that guy bothering random people who don't give a fuck about the game you're shilling.
I had one store owner who was really pushy, he'd sit around playing MtG with the card gamers and if he saw you looking at a board game he's yell out "Thats a great game, you should buy it" like me some random stranger is going to drop $99 on some huge boxed game sight unseen
hit him where it hurts qt user
reason he behaves like that is because he s toddler in mine and is desperate for attention from anyone , positive or negative
You 're really sweet i wish I could protect you
have this birb
>Attend FNM
>It's always draft
>There's a guy who's an asshole and everyone knows it
>Spot him shuffling suspiciously.
>Mention it quietly to a staff member to keep an eye on
>"Yea, he cheats some times"
>"oh.. well okay then?"
>Next FNM comes round
>Pods are small since it's like 12 people
>One guy in the pool goes 5 colour good stuff
>This utterly wrecks everyone else's ability to draft
>No signals
>No way to build a functional deck
>Build whatever
>Round 1 goes well, joking with opponent
>Round 2 is against asshole
>He immediately loses his shit and demands playing like it's a PTQ
>Don't engage, just play
>My mess of a deck beats his mess of a deck
>I had cut him off bad since I was passing to him
>He loses his shit when he loses
>All but flips the table
>Starts shouting how everyone hates me
>Shrug and let him rant
>Another guy calms him down
>Say fuck it I'm going home.
Never went back to the store. Guy thought he was a MLG PRO TOUR Magic player when he wasn't even the best in the playgroup.
> 5ish years ago, right when Marvel movies were taking off (I assume this was why this happened.)
> Visit local game/comic shop with friends
> Friend is trying to convince me to try the Arkham Horror board game out again
> Fuck you, Mark. We've been down that road before, and we're not going back.
> The tiny ex-goth nerd girl is looking through the DC omnibus comics
> She's wearing an Etrigan t-shirt, but also her Deadpool flip flops, because she always wears flip flops if she's not dressed up for work
> Guy restocking shelves sees them
> "You know Etrigan is DC and Deadpool is Marvel, right?"
> "Yeah?" she says. We can tell she's about to get pissed. This is the same girl who smashed her umbrella on the hood of a car when a distracted driver forgot to keep his foot on the brake and ran into a crosswalk in downtown Dallas.
> "Have you ever read an Etrigan comic?"
> She pulls out an omnibus of Demon Knights from the 4/5 books she has in her hands.
> He just goes back to stocking shelves like whatever
After that, we didn't go back. There's assholes in every hobby, but that guy was staff. I still don't know if it was just that store, of if the comic hobby breeds a more douchey breed of asshole, but we've since switched to a more dedicated gaming store, and it's been smooth sailing.
Plus the guy that runs it looks just like that dude that opens the door in that Italian spider man gif.
Nothing wrong with Slaanesh. Though I hate when people overplay that sex theme. Much more interesting themes in Slaanesh army
>Something is becoming popular
>This attracts attention seeking women
>A shop staff member is in a situation where he maybe dealing with one
>If he plays his cards right he can get massive sales off of this idiot
>He can get her to buy all the omnibus shit + funko pops
>Neckbeard sees this staff member give a girl a shit test
>His white knight sense kicks in
>Refuses to shop there ever again.
Women get shit tested because the vast majority of them in any male hobby are frauds. They're in it for male attention and lack passion for the hobby it's self. If you do not shit test them they will destroy the hobby by watering it down through their own actions and beta faggots like you.
Nah mate, I think you're just a gate keeping cunt. Got me to bite though, so buen trabajo.
I am a gate keeping cunt. I don't want my hobby to turn into funko pops and muslim lesbian disabled pregnant super heroes. It's almost like gate keeping is a good thing.
Not him, but there is literally nothing wrong with gate keeping. Reasonable exclusivity is a virtue.
>"That Guy"
>Classic/stereotypical neckbeard who wears Donald Trump and pepe shirts
>Has a SS-themed imperial guard covered with swaztikas and everything
>All he does is arrive, set up his nazi army, then sits in front of it excitedly with 1 leg shaking up and down
>Clearly wants someone to say something
>If anyone does say something he flips out and talks about his right to free speech and goes on an "acthually" rant about how not all germans were evil
>Will rant about bizarre things for hours on end to anyone who's there, even if they're clearly not listening. I've gotten a 30 minute earfull about the byzantine empire with some obviously BS claims like some emperor was a wizard who was assassinated by the pope on order of the jews
>I go to the bathroom and he's still yelling about the Byzantines through the door
>If he's winning he'll unironically yell "praise kek" and "oi vey!"
>On the more often occasion where he's losing, he gets incredibly flustered during games to the points to the point of throwing his own models on the floor
>One time he got so mad he tried to flip the table and ended up throwing a bunch of terrain pieces on the floor
>Owner keeps having to take him outside to calm him down and talk to him about not throwing a fit
>Turns out he's related to the owner and is forced to keep him around the store as familial obligation
>Owner quietly says he has "undiagnosed autism" and a learning disability
>Still, nobody feels bad for him
This is a thread for real stories, not your fantasies.
are you that guy?! holy shit what a coincidence!
don't worry, I'll be your friend
There's "dubious likelihood", and there's "didn't happen".
Guess which one is your story?
>Preorder box
>Ask for receipt
>"Nah, you don't need it."
>Ask again
>"Dude, no."
>Walk behind counter to get receipt (it was sitting right on the counter)
>Get football tackled
>Cancel box, never spend another dime at that store
Same guy? Did he get so butt hurt he got called a white knight that he started making up stories?
Not the user but the That Guy in your story fits the hyperbolic stereotype a little too well to be believable. This is the internet so I can't tell if you're telling the truth or not but I find your story incredibly hard to believe
The owner of my old FLGS was like a walking bad experience.
>store originally owned by his dad, he worked as a cashier there for years
>eventually become owner of the store
>guy is the worst collection of "that guy" cliches from any number of Veeky Forums threads
>zero social skills
>maybe 5'9" and easily 350 pounds
>started wheezing from effort when he walked from one end of the store to the other
>despite this, talked about being an Army veteran, despite the fact that I've known the guy since he was a teenager and know definitively he never served
>hair was greasier than a typical fast food burger and dyed with purple streaks
>seemingly eternal acne, even in his mid-30s
>rude to people apparently at random, including paying customers
>would sometimes throw change on the counter or even the floor instead of handing it back like a normal human being
>smacked people with range rulers on multiple occasions
>openly creepy with the occasional woman in the store, even if they were the SO of one of his customers or players
>smelled terribly of BO most of the time
>was known to knock over or throw models on occasion when angry about something in-game
>had a habit of turning on allies in team games if he thought it'd be funny
I'm legitimately unsure how the place stayed in business.
Oh, wait, it didn't. Though it did take a seriously long time for it to finally go under, probably due to his father's influence and reputation as a good, friendly guy.
dont worry user I believe you, is a similar type of guy at my FLGS
>and then everyone clapped
what the fuck is it with That Guys and cheetos?
>Muh special club
You're not just gatekeeping, you're gatekeeping like an autistic permavirgin
Because it's a meme, so everyone sprinkles it on their greentext casserole in hopes it will make it more palatable.
If only they knew about pic related.
This is litterally a picture from inside one of my local game stores. This is awkward
I think you might be a huge misogynist.
Who cares why she is into the hobby? She is a customer who will spend money, thats all that should matter to staff.
I had a time when I was about the same age, maybe 17 and at a hobby store to buy a kit with my younger sister. The place was decently busy, a larger store. We waited in line, got to the cashier, and the guy started telling people behind us in line to step forward and check out first since they were spending far more money than us. After it happened twice, we put our shit back and never returned. I felt vindicated when they went out of business a while later.
stereotypes exist for a reason, fyi.
I'm only 342 and 300. The rest are not me. Propably more than one decent person on this board
This looks both smelly and tasty..something I wouldnt pull out in public
>Propably more than one decent person on this board
Christ, just fuck off back to tumblr already
Sharp aged cheddar isn't really aromatic. Nothing like a blue, if that's what you're worried about.
Just because Im not a raging misogynist doesnt mean Im an SJW
Cheetos are short hand for "junk food that leaves behind a residue".
Sure am. I fucking hate women. It has nothing to do with the fact that I don't like fake people in a hobby I've invested time and money in.
If it walks like a duck and it talks like a duck then it's probably a duck. You're an SJW by the way you react to any sort of quality control and the language you use.
Yes, muh special club. It's good to keep thing exclusive, and to hold entrants to sufficient standards. Nothing good comes of accepting any random passerby who expresses the minimal amount of interest.
>muh gatekeeping
It should happen, though. We need to start being more selective about who we accept into our hobby.
On a scale of 1-10, how unhappy do the DC/Marvel movies make you?
>Who cares why she is into the hobby? She is a customer who will spend money, thats all that should matter to staff.
No, that's fucking stupid. Pursuing profits as the absolute good throws under benefits under the bus, such as "having people there who actually want to be there and are legitimately interesting in the hobby."
You might just be a cunt if you're more interested in making money than you are in fostering a superior community.
>you're gatekeeping like an autistic permavirgin
Cunt detected, virginshaming is a dead giveaway.