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Cute Celestine edition

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>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations

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my dudes > your dudes

First for nurgle

Where is chicken?

That would be cool
You mean this one 20889-presscdn-pagely.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/Event-Pack-Kill-Team-August-26th-V2.pdf ?
It's a good idea on its own but the kill team is all about separate models working as units desu

nth for if you play Warhammer 40k and like the Imperium or at least like the universe/aesthetic according to dumblr you actually, unironically support fascism

clean up your cables, brother.


Your perceived view of morality > My perceived view of morality

"it’s the same kind of material fetishism you see from nerds who like gundam and warhammer 40k and shit. they just miss the point completely being made because the technology looks cool/blows shit up."

>cuckblr doesn't like 40k
It's great knowing we're right.

How did you get those guys to the height of the new bell model my guy??

Is fun how even if the setting has a gothic style, some of its premises look almost buddhist


Looks like a few mm of base lift.

>imperium is facist

It's camera perspective

The old models aren't that much smaller than the new scale.

>literal manifestation of the darkness in the hearts of men along with omnicidal aliens of all kinds descend upon humanity
>the things mankind needed to do to survive this aren't the most morally correct AKA battle for the very survival of a species against a universe of horror isn't all sunshine and rainbows
What point would that be?

>Good emotions and concepts is in how it twists
>>depression becomes despair becomes absolute nihilism
>>illness becomes disease becomes plague


So is this gonna be the new "FW players are holocaust deniers" shitposting for a while?

Very true, never looked at it that way.

Any help on building a marine list for 8th?

I'm clueless this new edition. Only thing is I dont want any chads, manlets only.

DE players know it's true

Don't forget
>pay2win doors

But I unironicly do.

The problem is 40k actually teaches that while fanaticism in the emperor may occasionally suck, it is the only thing capable of standing against destructive aliens and chaos, and that trying to reason with those forces only gets you consumed or enslaved

Yea, i tried thinking of something, but Nurgle is just shit, user, he doesn't seduce you with anything, just gives you a nasty disease and then claims you, wouldn't have any followers otherwise.

I'd fucking kill to get all the old characters back.

>convert a full squad of eversor assassins
>look great, feels good
>they're too good
>they're so cheap
>there's no need to use SM assault units besides dreadnoughts now
>my low point scion list can just get buffed with a flood of assassins now to make it to larger games instead of buying more guard units
>there's no reason to be entering games without at least three of these guys
>just these guys and anti-vehicle units are basically all I need now to make a functional army
>every list I make with them is hilariously strong
>0% of them being nerfed
What have I done?

If Vect is so important person for Dark Eldars why haven't GW made him a model, and why there are no pics of him in codex?

He is stoicism, perseverance, immutability as well.

I'd really like to see Kheradruakh return. I mean dude basically stopped the last dysjunction and Aelindrach has risen to lower Commorragh. It's time for his return.

>We don't make a model of those so get fucked.
>Now here is a conversion guide for that Grey Knight Grand Master in Dreadnight that we don't make a model of but is brand new

Nurgle is the God of fertility, reproduction, acceptance, and paternal love.

>inb4 slaanesh sex memes.
Slaanesh isn't about creating new life. Porn and promiscuity lead to lower birth rates

Because GW can't figure out how to do him justice.

Anyone who takes the setting seriously is probably a fucking idiot. The Imperium being Catholic Nazis is a fun joke that goes over the heads of some younger players.

did someone say cute Celestine? I love her so much

Check yourselves Guardsmen! Have you been shot?.

>Oi, boyz, what do we want in Codex?

- Points drops across the board, except on Boyz. Vast majority of the Ork codex is overpriced.

- Ranged options need to be drastically improved. Currently Ork shooting is an absolute joke. Keep the inaccuracy but either up the number of shots (you could honestly double the shots of every Ork weapon and the army wouldn't be OP) or massively reduce the price. 28 points for a twin-linked rokkit launcha is utterly ridiculous.

- Transports getting significantly cheaper. Cover changes and increases in firepower of other races has rendered Ork specialists useless outside of transports, but transports are too expensive.

- Battlewagon getting a 3+ save.

- Cybork bodies giving invul saves.

- Nobz and MANZ should hit on 2+

- Power Klaws either see a drastic points decrease in line with SM, or fixed 3 dmg. D3 is a sick joke on a 25 point weapon that reduces your chance to hit.

Because you'd have to buy two GW kits to make the GKGMDK.

Have a question about death korps.
I am building my army but i have a question about the watchmaster (squad leader). Should i build them with laspistol/chainsword combo or should i give them a lasgun. Rules wise i believe only veteran watchmasters can get equipment from krieg armory. I want them to stand out a bit as squad leaders but will it get old when you have 5 squads and every squad leader has cs/laspistol combo?

Looks great user! Have some of my inferior offerings to Papa.

>standard Night Lords LD bomb vs Celestine
>kills 1 gemini and she runs on a 5+, morale check is done on 2 dice discarding lowest
>kill 2 and she runs on a 3+





I know, but i can't see any of those things spinning out of control. Well, actually
>toughness becomes immunity to pain becomes indifference to damage
>perseverance becomes unshakeable resolve becomes indifference to any stimuli

how did you convert them? I want to try this

Also, to backpack or not to backpack?

It takes like five seconds to fix the orientation before uploading. Either that or take vertical photos like a normal person.

I paint mine separately.

This post reminds me of Matt and Trey on Team America. If this is the kind of thing that really makes you think about politics, you really shouldn't be voting.

>miss the point
what fucking point? Gw doesn't give a shit about what I think of "le ebil fascism" they just want me to buy more primaris marines

>Paint Brimstone Horrors
>Everyone at the store says they look like they're made of Pizza and starts making Italian jokes

Paint those lenses

Same as the Silent King?
They even made up the Swarm Lord to give Nids a special leader miniature, so it's weird.

Guess you should've gone Nurgle then eh fatboy?


It's like there's a direct correlation between cringe lords and playing NL

looks like skulls on DE Wytch bodies with Skitarii rust stalker Uzi's, backpacks, and knives

I'll take the one with the beer

>[Wryying intensifies]

Okay so we are having all good conversations but How the fuck do Lasguns work?

They shoot a burst of laser.

Oh, I that is supposed to be Magnus.
I thought it was a picture of a slice of suicidal pepperoni to tie in with the Pizza Horrors of Sicily

They fire lasers?

>*gestures double mano a borse*
>*burst through Imperial Webway

I will paint it seperately that is for sure but should i use it in the first place?
Backpacks like those are not used in combat IRL. The backpacks are used when marching from one place to another. For example german a-frame setup. But they are a bit iconic for teh dkk i guess. That is why i wasnt sure.

how the fuck did you maths that one up?

stop spamming this terrible OC


Well duh, but like do they take batteries or something?

I have no good orange brother. Its just fuegen orange wash over white.

Uh... Yeah?

Same way our experimental laser weapons work, except lasguns work, are miniaturized to be handled by individuals and require zero maintenance.

They take a power battery and turn that energy into a laser strong enough to put holes in humans, it burns your flesh and cauterizes the wound externally so its less messy on the outside but probably more prone to internal bleeding.

Mix some yellow and red on a wet palette.
Try using this too

No, they run on space marine cum.

Raptor unit with Icon, Your Warlord, Literally any other unit like a warp talon or something I dunno.

-5 Leadership.

Kill 1 gemini and you now subtract 6 from her leadership. On a Leadership of 9 that means that on a 4, she loses 1 model... obviously you lose the other gemini. On a 5+ you lose both models, so Celestine. The Warlord trait any respecting Night Lords player is the one which forces the enemy to roll 2 dice when determining morale, and pick the higheest.

If you kill 2 gemini, you subtract 7, so on a 3+ she runs.

>implying NL can even touch a AM/AM/AS army

Also by standar you mean like 5 units to gimmick kill a respawning character?

In one(or more) of OP megas is background book "The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer" read it.

1 Raptor unit.
1 Character.
Anything else.

WOW 5 units dude. You'll never get a unit of raptors, a character and something else in contact with the enemy! Its impossible!

Throw in a butcher cannon for -7 leadership

I thought space marines didnt have pensies?

Trying to make a decent list with Mortarion in it. Always doesn't end up looking good. What do you guys think of this one?

-Death Guard Battalion Detachment-

Chaos Lord - Balesword, Combi-bolter - 82
Daemon Prince - Wings, Talons x2, The Suppurating Plate, Gift of Contagion - 180

Plague Marines x7 - Blight Launcher x2, Plasma Gun, Plague Sword - 175
Plague Marines x7 - Blight Launcher x2, Plasma Gun, Plague Sword - 175
Plague Marines x7 - Flail of Corruption x2, Power fist, Plague Sword, Bubotic Axe x3, Second Plague Knife x1 - 184

Blightlord Terminators - Combi-plasma x3, Blight Launcher, Flail of Corruption, Bubotic Axe x4 - 279

Myphitic Blight-hauler - 142

Plagueburst Crawler - Entropy Cannon x2, Heavy Slugger, Mortar - 156
Plagueburst Crawler - Entropy Cannon x2, Heavy Slugger, Mortar - 156

-Death Guard Super-heavy Auxiliary Detachment-

Mortarion - Blades of Putrefaction, Miasma of Pestilence, Putrescent Vitality - 470

Total - 1999
6 Command Points

She is not thicc enough on this pic

ah, cool, I just wasn't sure how her leadership was being detracted so much

No, they just don't have sex on account of every drop of their precious cum being needed to fuel the Imperial war-machine.

Bait harder user

You do know that the Superior respawn and any Imperium army running Celestine can vomit CP making the entire gimmick pointless specially when Celestine can Respawn and your dudes can't?

This is the Chaos version of the Inquisitorial Rad grenade implosion from 7th, easier to do but less effective.


They are canonically confirmed to be hung like horses several times.

>I thought space marines didnt have pensies?

Why? SM genitals are normal, at most their balls shrink and become atrophied since the progenoid takes over their duties and jumps start their puberty but even that is supposition and if they were old enough it wouldnt happen.

Wow thanks user, I never thought i would learn actual lore on Veeky Forums

>cringe lords play Edge Lords
What a coincidence.

With Celestine? In an Imperium army? Yah good luck. You don't seem to understand the level of bullshit Non marine Imperium armies can pull.

Chaos marines are pretty much dead by turn 3 or early

also there's the fact that it's 3 units trying to counter a single unit

A unit that can respawn and heal its members.
Again trying gimmick killing Celestine is just asking for get your ass handed. Unless your entire intention is to kill one character that can't die...

dig around enough and you'd be surprised what you might find.

>yfw the Primarch statues are attacking us

I'm doing a camo pattern theme for my Ork army (cuzz dey Blood Axes and such) and because it's often said that Orks don't exactly understand the principles of camo but rather that they just know it works I was thinking of doing something more.... garish with my Meganobz. Do you think red tiger stripes or blue tiger stripes would look cooler? I could probably pass it off as the Meganobz being of a seperate klan from the main warband, maybe Deffskullz or something.

>try to animate Sanguinius and Ferrus statues
>they get possessed by actual Sanguinius and Ferrus

I made an Ork list for this new edition. C&C Needed. I'm trying to make an aggressive Take-All-Comers list to play all the time

++ Battalion Detachment +3CP (Orks) [2000pts] ++

+ HQ +

Big Mek [100pts]: Choppa, Shokk Attack Gun

Zhadsnark Da Ripper [110pts]

+ Troops +

Boyz [189pts]
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
. 29x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

Boyz [129pts] (for battlewagon)
. Boss Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga
. 19x Ork Boy W/ Slugga & Choppa

Gretchin [3 PL, 60pts]: 20x Gretchin

+ Elites +

Meganobz [162pts]
. Boss Meganob w/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw
2x Meganob W/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw

Nobz [260pts]
10x Big Choppa Nobz

+ Fast Attack +

Grot Tanks [180pts]
3x Grot Tank w/ Rokkit Launcha (and free shoota)
. Kommanda: 2x Rokkit Launcha, Shoota

+ Heavy Support +

Battlewagon [180pts]: 'ard Case, Deff Rolla

Lootas [204pts]: 12x Loota

Meka-Dread [256pts]: KFF, Rattler Kannon, Rippa Klaw, Rokkit-Bomms

+ Dedicated Transport +

2xTrukk [170pts]: Big Shoota, Wreckin' Ball (For Nobz and Meganobz)
++ Total: [2000pts] ++

General strategy is to vehicle rush up the field with the Meka Dread in the middile (surrounded by grot tanks) to administed a large KFF radius for protection. After the initial alpha strike the 30 boyz unit will reach combat as well. Zhad will zip between whatever units he needs to grant WAAAAGH! to or just to take cover/enter combats. Big Mek and Lootas in the back will rain down fire on whatever unit needs it.

That would be spooky
