/40krpg/ 40k RPG General

"Nurgle's Rot claims the thread" Edition

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame, not Chapter Master, not Space Hulk. Inquisitor is okay, but not many people know about it.

Not sure between starting Dark Heresy 1e and 2e? Pick 2e.

>Who's making the new 40k RPGs?
Ulisses-Spiel, very well known in Germany. It's set post Gathering Storm, uses a Shadowrun-esque D6 dice pool, and is a unified line with Marines, Humans, and Xenos all playable in the core book.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.48.161023), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now includes all DH2e books.

The Good, the Bad, and the Alpha Legion (v1.1.2) (Total Conversion Deathwatch into the Horus Heresy)

Mars Needs Women! (v1.3.7) (Mechanicus Skitarii and Taghmata for Only War)

Fear and Loathing in the Eastern Fringe (V1.6.4) (Playable Xenos for Rogue Trader)

The Fringe is Yours! (v1.8.16) (More Xenos, Knights, and Horus Heresy gear for Rogue Trader)

Prev: Any happy accidents that happened in your games? Maybe your players bonded to a NPC you never expected, or a single act of kindness that reverberated for the better?

Other urls found in this thread:


My Khorne Lord, Doomfist lost his hand after trying to claim a daemon weapon (not aware that it was a daemon weapon of Slaanesh. It belonged to a Sorcerer who controlled a librarium in a crashed ship). Khorne decided to bless him with a new arm, with an exterior akin to the strongest bone and wreathed in Balefire.

From that day forward he was known as Doomfist, discarding the name he held before then and asserting himself as a true Lord of Chaos

heretic faggot come here I’ll fuck you up eat my melta

I completely destroyed my GM's campaign with a single laspistol shot.

Also, which book has the stats for krootoids?

Deathwatch Mark of the Xenos has kroot

Players did what I didn't, but shouldn't have expected to and decided to escort an Imperial family out of a warzone as Tyranids invaded.

Im running a Rogue Trader. General expanse wandering.

My PC's ship had become infested with grots and snotlings. The grots formed two competing tribes, one taking residence in the air ducts near the engine room, the other the waste processors on the lower deck.

Because of their locales, the tribes had each adopted different "phelosupies". One had diverged into a "tru-grot" tribe utilizing basic tools and organic weapons like Squigs, poison etc.
The other had started mimicking the "fast ones" near the engine room and formed a (primitive) high tech society led by the "littlest mechboy".

My players would came to love the grot mechboy and his mimicry of the tech priests with an affection that surprised me.

I've completely fallen in love with this sector and its swashbuckling tone. Only thing missing is a few Knight houses cause Knights slaying Star Drakes and fighting alongside Dragon Princes is far too awesome to not have in here.

Great job on this and work your ass off to make more like this.

Dead as necrons

>Any happy accidents that happened in your games?
One of them was actually good.

How widespread is knowledge about the real purpose of soulstones? I’ve seen books where not even ordo xenos inquisitors had a clear idea what are they about

During the first mission our team found 15kg of satchell charges which solved 75% of the campaign
Only War Enemies of the Imperium and Dark Heresy Enemies Without have kroots
And what was so special about this las-shot? I am curious

Probably needing forbidden lore (craftworld eldar) at +20.

>Great job on this and work your ass off to make more like this.
Funny you should say that, I finished one of the new chapters the next version will have last night

>Only thing missing is a few Knight houses cause Knights slaying Star Drakes and fighting alongside Dragon Princes is far too awesome to not have in here.
Considering it, but I'm sure if there should be one or two native to the Abyss or if they should be warbands from the Knight Houses (Medraut & Bendraig) of the neighbouring Acheron sector. Then there's also these:

The Unwanted Sons
Freeblade Mercenary band consisting of six Imperial Knights, selling their services to pursue chivalrous goals.

From the list of famous mercenary companies I'm working on now.

FL Xenos will tell you they are of Eldar make
FL Eldar will tell you their purpose

Depending on which core book you're looking at, Forbidden Lore: Xenos very clearly is a placeholder for saying Forbidden Lore: Eldar, Orks, Tyranids, etc - but not all of them at once.

It’s clear a test is required, but a test universe this isn’t something eldar share. I’m thinking a really heavy penalty should be in order to determine their purpose rather than a +20

>playing some chaosfag "Lord" personally blessed by Chaos Gods named "Doomfist"

>Be Rogue Trader
>Discover a new system deep in the Expanse
>Start to explore it, taking stops at planets to scan them, etc
>Start from outer reaches, and go inward
>Outer reaches are sometimes shaken by gravity anomalies
>Find continent-sized asteroid
>"Alright, send down some men to get samples to see if it's anything valuable, but don't tarry long"
>GM and Partynerd (love the guy, but no better descriptor for him explains in detail how it can't be rushed
>Have to go down, drill several kilometers deep, descend, get the samples.
>And we would have to go back to Port Wander to acquisition proper drilling equipment first
>Even so, it will take a month at least
>"Gun crew, Aim the Sunsear lance battery at the middle of the asteroid. Commence 'Fast Drilling'"
>Party nopes out, I don't force the issue, and we go further into the system instead.

So am I the idiot, or my crew are pussies?
I am not really mad or anything, I just feel like we have given up on a classic Rogue Trader solution that could have ended up interestingly.
>inb4 both

Yep. Though do they not have a navigator with void watcher?

"Fast Drilling" seems good to me. If you're the Rogue Trader better crack that whip.

Only to keep rolling scans for the rest of the session, I might add

No, only NPC navigator.

My group is starting a new DH2 campaign. I've gone with a feral world tech priest. He's going to have a witch-doctor theme to him.

We've been calling him the 'Glitch Doctor.'

Anyway, everyone in this campaign is getting a little homebrewed treat. Mine is going to be a servo skull that is more like a servo-spider, running around and helping me out. We wanted it to be more like R2-D2 than just a floating +10 to tech use tests, so my Tech-Priest will be able to speak with him, order him to do simple tasks, etc.

We're trying to map out exactly what he's capable of without getting too overpowered. So far we've decided my techpriest can see through his eyes (which can do heat and night vision), plus the servo spider can 'plug in' to the tech priest to give him bonuses for shooting and tracking.

Any other good idea for a little robo-spider partner with a witch doctor theme?

thats already sounds a bit broken

Flying shrunken head? More gross than a polished skull but you're already a voodoo weirdo so it can't be that bad.

What is your favorite weapon, /40krpg/? Tell me about your pride and joy.

Mine's definitely the Hotshot Lasgun I rolled up using the variant pattern rules in Hammer of the Emperor.
>Quick Reload
>Smaller Mag
>Diffuse Spread

I love this thing. I feel like I got the best possible outcomes for it.

I'm partial to the warbands from the neighboring sector and the Freeblade mercenaries. Helps to give them that crusading feel. But going with just them might lose you the game of thrones IN SPACE hook native Houses offer.

1. Playing hilarious snowflakes is THE whole point of Black Crusade
2. Yes, god-specific gifts ARE presonal blessings of a God

So would the game be impossible to play with the wounds either halved or removed? I'm thinking of running a high lethality Only War game but don't want it to be so hard compared to normal that the players lose interest.

how is it broken? it sounds just like comrade abilities and nobody claims those are OP

Because everyone in OW has comrades.
Not everyone in DH2 does.

>But going with just them might lose you the game of thrones IN SPACE hook native Houses offer.
You get that type of deal from the various Rogue Trader dynasties though. I think personally that a native house might make Karybdis feel too "civilized" and not enough like a wild frontier.

Seeing through it's eyes is something you get from Good Quality Mind Impulse Units. Boosting your shooting is one of the talents

The first time I choom'd a traitor marine with a volkite gun I knew I was in love.

We've always worked it as FL: Xenos is the kind of general briefing given to IG officers and commisars, while FL: Xenos Race is the stuff they'd actually learn by fighting them, examining captured weapons etc.

Is void-master worthless if the GM said he's doing cinematic space combat if any at all?


Not really; you get cheap Agility & Ballistic Skill and can be solidly fighty in ground combat.
I'm inclined to agree, though it is worth noting that a lot of Knight Houses have been cut off from the Imperium for a long time. Discovering a forgotten Knight World whose House has fractured into rival dynastic kingdoms whose power is measured in their remaining functional Knights could be an interesting touch of pulpy barbarism tucked in an isolated corner for one more adventure seed.
Comrades are in Only War, and are honestly pretty powerful because they're meant to reflect that the party is supported by a bunch of dudes who double its numbers. On top of that, bonuses to shooting accuracy are hard to come by, and in optimization one tends to scrabble as hard as they can for them.
I have a soft spot for the Angelus Bolt Carbine. It only holds three shots, but a mortal-scale sniper rifle that fires HIGHLY illegal Astartes boltshells, with Accurate bonus damage dice, is delightful, and very appropriate for a radical Inquisitorial warband... or more heretical enterprises. As a bonus, it's also logically compatible with variant bolt ammunition out of Deathwatch.
I'm inordinately fond of many other weapons, from Reaper Autocannons to Photon Thrusters, but this one holds a special place in my heart.

That is some fucking rad as hell art. I love the dendrites in particular.
Makes me want to dig up the sheet for that Feral World Heretek I never got around to playing...
A servoskull fitted with little skitter legs instead of hovertech seems appropriate to feral worlders' limited resources. Servoskulls straight out of the book can follow basic directions & perform simple tasks iirc; upgrading that with a wireless multispectral camera feed seems fine. Plugging in for bonuses would be pushing it, especially bonuses to shooting. How would it be justified fluffwise? By all means give it Tracking so it can Assist those rolls for +10 like a regular servoskull, but I don't see how it'd be boosting shooting unless you go full heretek and integrate a miniaturized markerlight or something.
It does sound like they're wussing out. Rogue Traders are expected to throw their weight around a little.
That said, it could be kind of a dick move to invalidate all their scanning and nerdery by cutting the knot, but I think it's safely on the acceptable side of the "playing my character" line.
>Only to keep rolling scans for the rest of the session, I might add
Yeah, sounds like they want a different kind of game than you do. I'd talk to them about pacing, risks, and what everyone's looking for out of the game before the next session.
RAW there is no FL: Eldar [or other xenos race] I'm aware of exept on specific altrank advance tables, like how a Deathwatch Dead Station Vigilant gets access to FL (Necrons)
It's a fine houserule - briefing officers on the true nature of the foe only makes sense, and it's a little odd that learning about xenos in general would educate one on all of them as a consequence - but it does tax the players for XP.
I'd think a -20 would be appropriate.

Chaos Lords are one of the cheapest and most ubiquitous HQ units on TT. Playing one in BC is sorta the point.
The name is dorky, but he's a Khornate; he's got better shit to do than sit around thinking up poetic names when he could be crushing bones and taking skulls, and Gifts of Chaos are specifically the divine favor of the Dark Gods. Rolling a fuckoff-awesome warpfire arm after losing a hand is pretty cinematic, too, and very appropriate to 40K's tone.
Gretchin are multitudinous but reluctant to engage without a numbers advantage, and even then preferably at range. The first time I ran Only War, the first combat encounter as they were trekking from their landing zone to the forward operations camp was 30 Gretchin running away from the frontlines ambushing the players' 20-man platoon with improvised knives to take their lasguns.
They met Orks later, and the juxtaposition was glorious.
Praise the fucking Emp-rar, he lives!
>they're pretty, but the artist put the bow where the engines should be
Some kinda Warp phenomena, or did the Remembrancer the =][= hired just fuck up?
You're on the first page. There should be separate tabs for weapons, armour, gear, cybernetics, ship parts, etc.
Half the fun of this system for a GM is coming up with new creature statblocks and testing them in the fires of battle.
I don't see why not. Rad pic by the way.

Yep. It's on the next page, p153, where it starts listing additional history tables.
Familiarizing oneself with the xeno to more efficiently apply THE RIGHTEOUS HATRED OF THE EMPRAH'S FAITHFUL seems like a logical reason to get inducted, though Linguistics (Tau) and Forbidden Lore (Xenos) might cut into your XP for Operate (Surface) and obligatory stuff like Dodge, Awareness, and Ballistic Skill.
Well that's a little uncanny. May your two-weeks-delayed purge and mine both be successful, brother. None shall stand before the Omnissiah's wrath made manifest.

Absolutely a great adventure seed, but not something I'd want to include as a existing set piece in the Abyss.

And speaking of adventure seeds, I made a handful for my own group. Considering including them in the next update. Y/N?

Plot Synopsis: [The Dreaming Heart] (Currently running my group through this)
There are many legends of the Vault of Hades, the greatest treasure in Karybdis, how to get in there, the myriad of keys you need to open its gates to plunder its riches. The Dreaming Heart, a priceless artifact in its own right and key to the Vault of Hades according to several legends is now on auction at the venerable auction house Hessmann Antiquities & Curios. An auction some of the richest and most powerful in the entire Abyss will attend personally or whose personal envoys will attend. But such treasure is rarely acquired peacefully and a storm is sure to come after anyone who manages to acquire the Dreaming Heart...

Plot Synopsis: [Gods of Thebsoom]
Separated for decades by tumultuous tides in the warp, the world of Thebsoom is finally accessible again. Prosperous, unexplored and ignorant of the God-Emperors holiness, the Missionarius Galaxia asks for assistance in launching an expedition to the planet. Promising salvation and overflowing coffers to the Rogue Trader dynasty who assists the Missionaries in their holy mission. The native warlords of Thebsoom however have their own ideas and are far from the ignorant savages the Missionarius describes them as…

Plot synopsis: [Feast of the Sacred Fire]
Lord-Captain Blackheart, the Karybdis Abyss most legendary Rogue Trader and wealthy beyond measure. Has invited Karybdis most powerful and wealthy individuals, Imperial, Xenos and Renegade alike to enjoy a feast like no other in his private Void-Station at the very edge of abyssal space. All is not as it seems however and the ancient Rogue trader has far more sinister motives than he has revealed…


Plot Synopsis: [The Last Haupsburg]
A dark and stormy night, a haggard looking woman stumbles upon the Explorers clutching an aged holo-parchment, claiming it leads to the greatest treasure in the Abyss: The Vault of Hades. The woman claims to be Frederica Haupsburg, lost to the Abyss for over a thousand years and that her former captors are hot on her heels…

Plot Synopsis: [Blood on Icenhof]
Something stirs in the bones of Icenhof. As winter comes, a savage warlord from a distant world unites its heathen, monster-slaying tribes under a single banner, using Icenhof arrogance to deliver a crushing blow to their Dragon Prince warrior-caste. With her kingdom threatened, Imrys, Queen of Icenhof sends out a plea for help. Whosoever defeats the foreign warlord gains her hand in marriage…

Plot Synopsis: [Red Moon over Ithaka]
Believed to have been dead and lost to the Abyss for over a century, the former Mercier patriarch and dynast, Konstantin Dracul Mercier and his ship Demeter translates out of the warp near Fort Ithaka, drifting and damaged. However, all does not seem well with Konstantin. Rumors abound of his unnatural hungers and horrors done for survival and that is before one comes to count the crisis of succession he triggers in the intrigue laden Mercier dynasty…

>Fonte Orion
Thanks for that new npc name, captcha

kastelans are in mars needs women for those that need them

what are some fun things I can do with a grenade launcher in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition?

Also, is there a heavy lasgun that has more than 5 shots? Like a laser gatling gun or something.

I don't like mars needs women. It doesn't feel enough like 40k. It has too much nucanon in it. For something to be good it needs to have that 40k feel. You could have the most mechanically perfect homebrew ever, but if it doesn't feel right, then it's as good as dogshit and useless.

> a laser gatling gun or something
That's a multilaser for you
>what are some fun things I can do with a grenade launcher
Any you can think of with usual grenade, but with 60 meter shooting distance. Maybe placing granedes in a a way that the first you shoot is a blind, the second is a choke gas and so on and clear enemy compounds with professionalism of a spetznaz

>[The Last Haupsburg]

I like this one. Like the start of Treasure Island, but 40k. I'd encourage you to put them in, but maybe expand a couple with rough plot outlines.

While you're around, can you throw up your Acheron stuff that you mention in the Abyss intro? Only thing I turned up googling was a list of short blurbs from May or so. Or is that the up to date version still?

Acheron is in no way as developed as the Karybdis Abyss, despite being the first one of the two I conceived of so it's mostly in blurbs and notes. The timeline and Inquisitorial conclave is really the only developed thing in it all.

Much obliged!

I think there are very few instances that you can purchase FL Eldar on a tree. You can always take it as an elite advance.

Also I never said to do it at +20. said the roll should require having the skill AT +20

>Xenos: Knowledge of the minor and major alien species known to the Imperium, the threat they pose to Mankind, and their general appearance. The character should specify which xenos race in which he is specialising (for example, Xenos–Craftworld Eldar or Xenos–Orks) as each is a different Specialisation.

Attach it to an MIU weapon interface with red dot laser sight and krak grenades.

>The character should specify which xenos race in which he is specialising (for example, Xenos–Craftworld Eldar or Xenos–Orks) as each is a different Specialisation.

This sentence only exists in DH2. No other line splits the lore.

see I've actually never even looked at DH2. I can only speak for all the other lines.

>No other line splits the lore.
No other line splits the lore within the skill description. Deathwatch, for instance, splits it elsewhere.

See [this post], and your (You).

I see it. Look over here

Not that user, but unless if I missed something, I think you linked to the wrong post.

After setting a jungle on phosphex, half of them proceeded to try to waifu a robot. What a wonderful experience the Solar Auxilia is.

Give me volkite or give me adrathics

Rogue Trader game going on here. I rolled demonspawn as my mutation and the GM, dumbstruck, ran with it. However we're having some difficulty finding out how Fear (2) is supposed to work as a game mechanic for a player.

Is it something NPCs should roll when they encounter him for the first time? Is it an action/half action he takes when wanting to do in combat? We've been treating it as a full action but I want to see if anybody knows for sure, since we can't find anything in the PDF about it as a mechanic to use instead of defend against.

pic related is him

>When a PC is confronted by such a frightening event or adversary, he must take a Fear Test; this is a Willpower Test, modified by how frightening the thing is. If the PC passes this Test, then he may continue to act as normal. If he fails however, he succumbs to Fear.

You're a semi-daemonic entity whose very presence causes lesser (or merely unlucky) minds to shatter, however temporarily. That can range from "lose a half action, then behave normally" to "go catatonic" or "start hallucinating".

It works always and on everyone, including other PC (maybe except blanks and psykers powerful enough). Realistically, you should get fucked for that, like, being dropped into stasis prison and let out only for combat where UNLEASHING TERRIBLE DAEMONSPAWN is needed. Like daemonhost.

Information and other people.

How could I make a Sikh style Missionary?

In what capacity? Fluff wise he can come from Tallarn or something along those lines.

It's simply another planetary varient of the Imperial Creed, emphasising each individuals responsibility to be ready to fight for the God-Emperor.
The Sikh trappings can be used as "fluff", just chose a suitably militant background or role for them ( assuming 2e), rather than going for a lore/face build.

I had something similar and I had people roll on the fear chart at first the gave rest of the party -10 to -20 when near the person with the fear quality. Over time (and when their insanity was high enough) they were no longer effected. Basically just helped the entire party get to 40 insanity points quickly

Hey Shas, does Volkite weapons cause Righteous Fury on a Deflagrate Hit?

Should i start with orks?

No, go with space marines and work yourself sideways.

>a native house might make Karybdis feel too "civilized" and not enough like a wild frontier
Agreed. In my opinion, the Knights should emphasize that crusader vibe. They could also be questing for suitably epic prizes(Vault of Hades or other treasures/knowledge) and offeringselling their services to righteous and chivalrous causes. Also, slaying fucking DRAGONS, because if I had a fuckhuge mecha styled as a knight, I would salivate at the chance to kill a space dragon.

Any good stories of games that have had Malice in them?

It shouldn't work on other PCs, only on enemies.

Does anyone else struggle with just how much of an unfinished, half-baked mess Only War's rulebook is? It's honestly so bad it makes playing a total slog.

Only if you're a brainlet.

Yeah, it's basically only functional as a ruleset if don't look to closely, or you ignore half of it and supplement the rest with knowledge from the other 40kRPGs. And then houserule it into oblivion anyway.

What do you mean?

Nope, you can specialise into ground vehicles and smaller craft like the shuttles you'll be getting around in.
And they can hold their own in a fight too.

As an example, at Char Gen, the Enginseer class is given the option of two augments and any type of either Ballistic or Utility mechadendrite.

To put it another way, the rules as written mean that an Enginseer at character gen can have an Inferno Pistol Ballistic Mechadendrite.

>trying to breach a room of heavily armed and prepared religious fanatics, gangsters, and a single corrupt veteran arbiter who know we're coming
>manage to find the keys to their chimera parked outside on a dead guy
>get a rocket launcher out of the back with frag rounds, but nobody has the skill to use it
>step out in front of the tunnel to take aim with the HE rounds
>a dark eldar who's been hunting all parties through the sewers like a Predator rises up guerilla style from the muck with a splitter rifle, taking aim with many bonuses
>i roll to fire the missle launcher past her and into the room as i had planned to
>fail spectacularly because i do not have the skill for it
>warhead punches through the dust cover, misfire and lack of preperation causes the weapon itself to detonate and injure/stun three of us
>undetonated warhead slams into the dark eldar, carries her into the room and finally detonates against a pillar, turning her into a smokescreen of blood and gore and giving the rest of the team a chance to punch in and complete the siege

>Inferno Pistol Ballistic Mechadendrite

have never played but im pretty excited for an upcoming RT game where im playing a tech priest with a fondness for music (pic related, is my character)

Im confident enough in my knowledge of the universe, but do any of you have some advice for a newbie playing an explorator?

i want to be able make stuff so im aiming towards tech use and armourer.
and what would you recommend as my two starting implants? for now im leaning towards a good quality cortex implant and cybernetic or augmented sense

Anyone has any re-haul of or addition to the colony system?

See if you can get a Voss-pattern grenade launcher from DH1e. It's got semiauto fire, so you can empty its six-round magazine in two rounds, and clever loading can make it a devastating way to open a fight. You don't even have to worry about Ballistic Skill, because if you use things with a high enough Blast rating, you're liable to hurt enemies even if you miss. Sometimes Scatter on a miss even helps you, like landing a grenade short of someone cornered so they can't reach outside its radius with a halfmove to qualify for a chance to Dodge. I personally like to open fights with a stun grenade, a firebomb, and a hallucinogen grenade. The earlier shots are more likely to hit, since a bare success lands one, and you land more with DoS, so it can be a good idea to put grenades with a lower Blast rating earlier in the load to reduce the risk of them Scattering away from your targets - though that also increases the likelihood that, as the first hits to resolve, they'll be what the targets spend Reactions attempting to evade.
If you can't afford fancy grenades, your enemies are fireproof or stunproof, or your GM is sick of Hallucinogens ending encounters, even just humble frag grenades can be highly effective. 2d10X pen0 is highly unreliable, but with good damage rolls can and will clear rooms with startling speed. Just be careful where you point it, since your buddies might not appreciate a richochet landing at their feet and filling them with shrapnel.
An MIU weapon interface is wonderful for grenade launchers, yeah; being able to pop off shots while sprinting or teching or medicaeing or whatever is excellent. 2d10+4 pen6 isn't half-bad for a singleshot Basic weapon, but krak grenades are Rare, so resupply could be an issue; I'd honestly rather use a more straightforward gun if going for direct damage, though the 'nade launcher's versatility is peerless. A DH2e fire selector would suit it well, too; could fluff it as a revolving magazine.

Well I'll be damned. That's different.
The entire point of MNW was to crunch out nucanon stuff from the new AdMech codices. If you don't like nucanon, of course you won't like the book; R'Myr is fanatically devoted to whatever GW's party line is this week.
We have always been at war with Oceania, and all that.
What the fuck? There's no action cost to activate Fear. Enemies who see you just have to roll WP at -10 and roll on the Shock table if they fail. It triggers on sight, same as it would if PCs were the ones rolling Fear tests.
The real question is whether your allies will have to roll for it too, but given the Trait's phrasing they probably won't, though they may be wary of your character and disgusted by his evident impurity, and morale among the rank-and-file might take a hit.
Houseruling the mutation so that the Fear can be suppressed or triggered when needed doesn't seem unreasonable to me, but I probably wouldn't allow it, and if I did I'd make it a custom Talent requiring XP to reflect the character learning to control his new Daemonic nature's presence in the Warp.
Deflagrate is a damage roll, so yes, it can Fury. It doesn't have a clause against it like Accurate weapons do for some fucktarded reason. You'd roll to confirm Fury on the same TN as your initial hit, same as if you were furying with one of the later hits in a burst of automatic fire.
One of its Lesser Aspects is the cruelest dicebot known to playerkind, though I can't say I've had any dealings with the entity itself or its daemons in any games.

The system works fine IMO, but the rulebook is a poorly formatted mess even by FFG's standards. So of course it's the only one I own a hard copy of...
No, OW's ballistic dendrite is a nonmodular laspistol built into the dendrite. You'd have to import a different version of the ballistic dendrite from another gameline to get an inferno pistol dendrite in OW at all, let alone at creation, and even then you'd have to acquire the pistol separately and then slot it into the dendrite.
The really broken thing here is that their two free cybernetics are of Good craftsmanship and have no rarity cap. There's absolutely nothing stopping them from taking Cerebral Implants, which are Near Unique at Good craftsmanship, for Unnatural Intelligence and +20 to all Lore & Logic tests.
OW is probably the system where FFG's disgusting Mechanicus favoritism is most blatant, and it never made sense to me for an Enginseer to be attached to an infantry squad when they're usually babysitting the artillery & shit. I just ban Support Specialists in my games; if I wanna play Only War, it's to play fucking Guardsmen. It doesn't feel like playing a bunch of expendable grunts if the party's decked out with more ranking dudes than a fucking Command Squad. A Ministorum Priest can be justified, they're not especially unique, but a Commissar is pushing it, and there's no reason for a Techpriest, Stormtrooper, or abhuman to be folded into a squad of Guardsmen. Even if I were to allow Support Specialists, cogboys would be off the table; two Good-craftsmanship cybernetics and power armor at gen is just ridiculous when everyone else is tromping around with flak & lasguns.
The will of the Omnissiah is clear, and He is your co-pilot.
Check out the armoury in the OP. An Augur Array to shore up your Awareness is never a bad cybernetic to take, but RT has a ton of lovely ones depending on what you want your character to do. Tech Use and Armourer will be essential.

user, you ought to look up what a stock ballistic mechadendrite is.

This should be what he's listening to

Just made a thing for my party to bitch about an antagonistic RT's heresies, thought some of y'all might get some use out of it. I spent an hour on this, what the hell am I doing with my life.

That entire album is AdMech as fuck. I especially like using it for purges of malatek Forges.

Yeah, you're wrong about that. Though they can still get the Bale Eye.

They are rare, but in 2e, you get one plus one additional grenade per degree of success.

OW ballistic denderite can fit any pistol with compact. It is 2e's version that is laspistol only.

A warhammer appropriate outcome

Huh, you're right. My mistake.
Still, it doesn't come with a pistol, so starting with an inferno pistol at creation is thankfully off the table.

Has anyone played with a xeno in the party? How'd it go?

Asking if players like xenos pcs is the fastest way to tell that you don't want that player in your game.

They can, yes. Deflagrate hits are basically normal hits, so they benefit from anything that affects a normal hit.

Well, first one player decided sanctified xenos went against the spirit of the game and quit, then another player disappeared, then a third player left because the party was disintegrating, then the xeno player decided this wasn't working out the way they wanted and went to play vidya. So I went outside instead.

>Personally blessed by Chaos Gods

...isn't that all of their worshipers? I mean you can argue just how intentional the average mutation is but the Chaos Gods aren't exactly all that hesitant when it comes to rewarding their pet mortals.