What's the lawful good method for interrogating a prisoner?
What's the lawful good method for interrogating a prisoner?
You just wanted to post that pic right?
NOT doing your pic is a good start.
Good cop, Better cop
play goodcop
>my friend here is not a very nice man *pow*
>His list of sins are many *sharpens knife*
>However never in the time I have known him, has he ever lied
>I can not, in good conscious, make him a liar and add to the already heavy burden of his soul. >So for the sake of his soul and you well being please answer his questions before he starts flaying you alive.
Knock up your wife nine months prior.
Ask nicely
Psychologically. Nothing "evil" about playing a recording of people getting flayed alive in the next room over, or bringing in a rack of flensing instruments. Nothing "evil" about posing as an escapee and "assisting" a prisoner with escape, only to be "killed" as the escape attempt fails.
I'm sure people can come up with better mindfucks than I can.
Corporal punishment and restricted rations.
Be nice to them, trust is one of the best ways to get someone to tell you something.
Man, Rayman fan arts have gotten dark.
That does sound a little evil. If you fool someone into thinking their whole family is dead for instance.
Sigh. Depends on the setting. For most of our history, once you're a prisoner, you're at the whims of your captor regardless of your guilt. No one really bothers interrogating you beyond are you a noble and will someone pay your ransom.
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi and Tokugawa were watching a cuckoo bird waiting for it to sing, but the bird wouldn't sing. Nobunaga says "Little bird, if you don't sing I will kill you". Hideyoshi says "Little bird, if you don't sing, I'll make you sing". Then Tokugawa Ieyasu says to the bird "Little bird, if you don't sing I will wait for you to sing".
Ryouna is hot
If need be, whatever is necessary. The pain inflicted is irrelevant, what matters is the context. Does the value of the lives of many outweigh the cost of the pain inflicted on one?
Can't speak for lawful good, but I always play neutral good.
I would generally try to win them over. Most of my campaigns, we're trying to save the world and whatnot, so if you demonstrate that you're the good guys and you're trying to help, and that the person's boss is the bad guy, then a lot of people will help you instead. Be honest with them, and present a case for helping you.
In cases where this isn't true, and one side isn't evil they're just antagonists, or perhaps he doesn't care about good or evil and relishes being evil so he doesn't care to help you, I move on to enticing them. Simply give them money to tell you what you need to know. This works in some cases. I see the info he has as a good/services to exchange wit my money.
Then further still, if they can't change sides and money doesn't entice them, then I might rely on magic. Using magic to influence someone to do something they wouldn't normally do is abhorrent, and something I refuse to do, but if someone is spitting on us while a bomb ticks away then I might cast charm or zone of truth and those sorts of things. But I would consider this an extenuating circumstance for my moral code.
I never have and don't plan on ever physically torturing someone. It's unreliable in addition to just not being my style.
>This must seem like a pretty bad place to be. You've been though a lot, but I want you to know that nobody is going to hurt you here.
>Are you cold or hurt? I'll get you a blanket and something to drink if you need it.
>I'd like to talk to you about what you've been doing. About the plans your boss might have had. I know you had your reasons, I'd like to hear them. Anything you can share will make it easier. If you can help me keep anyone else from getting hurt, I'll speak at the trial. I'll let them know you helped when you didn't have to. That matters.
How about any method of interrogation you dumb fuck.
It's lawfully gold, not lawful nice. Go nuts.