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Can't remember the last time anyone asked it in the OP, what's in the mail /bgg/? What's hitting the table this weekend? Any meetup stories from the week so far?
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Can't remember the last time anyone asked it in the OP, what's in the mail /bgg/? What's hitting the table this weekend? Any meetup stories from the week so far?
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No one forces them to accept a buyout.
>mail bag
Scythe: Last Exile. I hope its good.
And I completely agree. Even TI's combat rules are infinitely longer than HLAS, but I see it as a system ripe for experience tailoring modules. It is also relatively short, easy to teach, and has a nice arc. Luckily most of my table is into tinkering as well.
I didn't know. Man, that is awful, working in a field you love with that constant fear. I don't really pay attention to the business dealings, but are there any companies attempting to ally in solidarity against this trend? Judging by history, this will only get worse.
What little I know about business leads me to believe there is a very threatening stick behind that carrot. The fear of what those corporations could do to the business if they don't accept is probably just as influential as the money or the unknown. There probably needs to be some sort of mutual support built between these small guys if they want to disincentive.
No one forces the companies to take a buyout, but the employees (assuming a publisher has employees) are well and truly fucked if they get picked up by a conglomerate. That said this is a guy who had a job before he got hired by a board game publisher, I'm sure he'll be able to get another one if they cut him loose
Why do people like Boss Monster? Whyyyy? I genuinely don't get it.
Same reason manchildren like Marvel movies: nostalgia. I'm sure you're just trying to be funny but if you "genuinely don't get it" you're just fucking stupid.
Hey now.
The first Thor movie could have been good had they removed all the action bullshit to deal with the inner struggle of one man being found incompetent despite his birthright and another being overlooked despite competence being brothers, it could have been halfway Shakespearean.
All of them could be good. None of them will.
No, most of the movies don't have the complex characterization displayed and then ignored by Thor, Loki, and Odin.
The first Thor movie -is- good. It stands well on its own too without knowing that it's supposed to be connected to the other Marvel movies
The pacing is fucked and it's three different genres interleaving without reinforcing each other.
Also Kat Dennings' voice negates Skarsgard's acting.
Exactly: they could write complex characters but they won't. That's what I said.
Lol no it's not.
see Hearing Dennings' fucked pronunciation of Mjolnir is enough to drive a man insane.
I have no desire to ever play it with adults, maybe some of my nieces since children seem to get a real kick out of watching setups unfold.
But, can you really not imagine why? 16bit is basically cthulhu level aesthetic, it's not confrontational, it's casual, and it's a nostalgically themed, easier to setup/takedown domino show.
I would buy a retro 16-bit dominoes set.
Well most of them aren't directed by Kenneth Branaugh, but it's not like he's remaking Henry V; it's a fucking comic book movie.
On topic, had to submit my first request for missing/damaged component to ANA, previously have had excellent support with Z-Man but that was before the bankers took over, hoping they just ship me the missing card instead of making me jump through hoops
>but it's not like he's remaking Henry V; it's a fucking comic book movie
It could have been both is my point.
If it was 16 bit it might actually be good, but even if it IS a turkey, it's a ~10 minute game that people think looks cute. Play it once and then say "yeah it was fun, I've got a game like it let me show you........." and pull out something better.
Eh, you're always somewhat hampered by the studio, just be glad it's not Batman vs Superman.
probably exists tbqh
Nah you guys are just treating it as more than what it always was, a superhero movie.
>16 bit
The very question probably haunts the designer. What other games are there? I seem to remember only one other game in which the 'pcs' are automated and the players are trying to kill them, but can't even remember the title. Is this a real genre?
Sounds like tower defense against elites instead of hordes.
Wrong board for this bitching
I was being hyperbolic. It just seems remarkably popular for what it is.
Some people who seem to like it don't even get any of the references. At least they don't mention them.
I don't hate the art and it came out at a good time when it comes to the trends, but people don't seem to grasp how little decision making there is in that game unless you draw perfect cards. You'd think after one game they'd recognize that.
No one likes rulecucks
>on a board about playing games with defined rules
>claims following rules is lame
Houserules senpai.
I'm going to make a wild assumption, but I think it may be bigger because women seem to like it.
I've got pitch car mini and rhino hero coming in the mail from Amazon plus a couple of x-wing ships that I got from miniature market. I also just bought merchants and marauders and crush n rush from the bgg market so they'll be shipping out soon. Also, a few upgrade and crew cards for x-wing from eBay. I don't have a problem.
>rhino hero
Impeccable taste.
>pitch car mini and rhino hero
gay party games yuck
>but people don't seem to grasp how little decision making there is
I thought watching things unfold with minimal input was part of the appeal for them. Basically the card game version of American Idol. Choose your own adventure books are probably a bit to interactive for comparison.
It is tabletop to be exact, but I received some Mage Knight (not that one. No, not that one either) figures today. Probably have more Solonavi Strikers than I will ever need, but sometimes I sit and admire their beauty.
I'm sure there's a few good house rules, but the only thing close to one I can think of off the top of my head is drawing your tile at the end of your turn in Carcassonne
Thanks friend. I've been meaning to get it for a while but I never got around to ordering it until now
I'd call those more dexterity games than party. But definitions aside, to each their own. I respect your taste, I've been eying both these games for a while and I'm excited for them. Plus, I think I'll be able to convince my family to play these instead of monopoly.
>Plus, I think I'll be able to convince my family to play these instead of monopoly.
After a certain point, you shouldn't dumb-down or compromise the kinds of games you like just to attract people into playing with you.
While true, that's not why I'm buying pitch car and rhino hero. They look like games I'd enjoy playing and the fact that I can probably get my family to play them is merely a bonus.
Well ok. I hope your family likes them if you manage to wrangle em in for a game
Thanks pal!
Which of these have y'all played if any?
Any thoughts or recommendations? What about last year's? I was pleased with Imhotep, which was a 2016 nominee.
I hate dex games but I really want to try Rhino Hero, looks like a fun time
Picked up the villains expansion for Red Dragon Inn characters feel pretty well balanced though Vlazlo can be hard to deal with if you don't start pinging him early game. Drink deck feels a bit easier in comparison to others, the dungeon doesn't his nearly as hard as the Sea event deck can. Only thing I havent tried so far is Boss Mode.
Ice Cool is a solid flicking game, it's not better than any of the others that're out there, but if I was just getting into the hobby it'd be a solid buy. Magic Maze is fun, and just another twist on the 10 minute games like Escape/Fuse, if you like those other games you'll like it. Exit is just a good escape room game, not sure it's the best right now if I had to pick one I'd go with Unlock, but at $10 they're all fun one time puzzles. Only gotten partial demos on Raiders and Kingdomino, so not sure I can give you loads of info.
>prev years
2015 was meh, 2014 had very good games on the list and Camel Up winning is a travesty, 2011-2013 the winners are all good, but Qwirkle should've lost to Forbidden Island
HABA games tend to either be dexterity, memory, or roll & move just because that's what kids can handle. I never think of them as dex games though, they're just really fun kids games; ditto the Korean imports that Mayday has, they're just fun games to play with tiny people or drunks.
I bought Kingdomino because I saw it was only 18 bucks. I'm excited to try it since it looks super quick.
Maybe my brother would like Ice Cool. He's 6 years old and teaching him board games is kind of tough. A physical dex game might be easier. Pitchcar is huge and expensive.
Yeah I got like 5 minutes of a game of Kingdomino in; it's definitely a light gateway for families and seemed fast. Didn't thrill me but I've already got stuff that fits that slot in my collection.
For a 6yr old Ice Cool is definitely a good call, I keep trying to come up with a good way to describe it but the best I can think of is self contained. The box is the board, you know exactly how much table space it'll take up once you set it up. There's no expansions, or need for them, so it's one purchase and done, it's not PitchCar which gets better with a billion expansions (or roadzters/bisikle where I won't be happy til I have 4-6 boxes to combine). It's also a full meal of a game; I love Rhino Hero, but it's a filler. Now if you had Coconuts, or both Rhino Hero games to combine, or even the plastic Flick Em Up, I might suggest you get something different for kids, but if not, it does kinda hit the target dead center.
Has anyone ever played Pirate's Cove? Any thoughts on what's good and/or bad about it?
Don't buy it. It's not broken or anything but there are much better games now
It's one of those games that I'm ok with DoW letting go out of print, it was lighthearted piratical fun, but it also really hasn't held up well. Haven't gotten a chance to get it to the table yet but grabbed World of Yo-Ho cheap recently, I've heard that scratches the itch for ameritrashy pirates without going full Merchants and Marauders
Thanks for the warning, saved me some wasted time and money
You should let us know how you like Yo Ho. That game looks dreadful to me but I've heard great things and haven't played it myself so I'm interested to hear an anonymous opinion.
STEEV once posted a pretty positive review of it last year when I was waffling on the purchase. I also remember Dice Tower talking about it in depth during a guest Top 10 (Rahdo and Jason), made me decide to keep an eye out and when I saw it for $20 at Gencon still unpunched figured it was worth the risk.
Iello didn't do a good job selling it because it was put into discount sales at CSI/MM/Amazon within a few months of release, and last year at Gencon they had it listed as an open demo option from the Iello official group but didn't bother to bring even one copy. Maybe they figured the app driven game just was too hard a sell?
I don't trust any opinions of people who make money talking about board games. I only watch people like DT to learn basic rules of the game to determine if I want to research it more.
Ya 20 would probably tempt me as well. I have a real weariness of app based games, but a conversation I had with a friend recently has really made me reconsider that opinion.
Yeah I don't trust reviewers about anything but production value (though you can see pretty much everything but card quality on camera) but I just remembered this full autism moment where Jason and Rahdo are talking about how wonderful it is, stuck in my head and made me do more research on it last year. The biggest downside I've seen people say is the app doesn't get updated enough to give you a perfect sandbox, and it can get repetitive, but honestly I just sometimes want to get in pirate fights, depth be damned.
>just want to get in pirate fights
We all feel that way sometimes, user.
I know you didn't ask, but isn't that exactly what Rum n Bones is?
I still haven't gotten a chance to playtest it (missed out this con season, maybe next year) and it's one of those CMoN boxes o' plastic that just rub me the wrong way. KS exclusives, balance issues, immediate 2e expandalone, there's a lot of things that just turn me off on it. That said it's also supposed to be an amazing MOBA simulator, so I am going to check it out someday, just not sure I'll buy it.
There's also Merchants & Marauders, which is far to heavy for simple pirate fightan, but a better sandbox imo than Xia. Black Fleet has interested me a couple times in the past, it looks like what Pirate's Cove could've been, but I will admit the app integration on Yo-Ho was enticing. If it's actually got a decent game behind it, which isn't tough to grok, that's something I can con my non-gaming friends into (and that's something that always kicks a game up a few notches on my buy list)
I love M & M, Black Fleet has had me interested for a long time because it looks like it could convert some casuals really easily.
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I posted a positive review, I only ever played one game on the shortest VP count - and it was clearly nowhere NEAR long enough for the game to play out properly, or for me to develop any kind of useful opinion beyond "Yep, the novelty of playing with phones is kinda neat."
Maybe I'll try and shove it down people's throats this weekend - it's somehow surprisingly difficult to get people to download a 50MB app to play a board game.
Huh, I remember the shortness complaint but thought you said it was good, could be all the whiskey has me thinking happy thoughts anyways.
I find often these days I'm looking for either middleweight games since I don't have the free time I did 5 years ago, or lighter options to convince casuals to play games since getting my nerd friends to show up is like pulling teeth. From a tiger. And the tiger has a shotgun.
Don't get me wrong, I thought it was pretty fun and didn't some cool stuff, I just don't think I'm qualified to give a real opinion yet.
Any good 4-5 player boardgames? Im thinking of getting Sheriff of Nottingham
>board games with apps
The cancer of board games that cannot die in a fire quick enough.
>Same reason manchildren like Marvel movies: nostalgia
I'm not a manchild and I never read a comic book in my life, but I like Marvel movies. For one simple reason: it's the only kind of movie nowadays that doesn't push homofag propaganda and other degeneracy down your throat.
>only kind of movie
Why don't you watch some non mainstream movies. You just sound like a fucking idiot who refuses to look beyond his local theater listings for entertainment.
Seconded. Asshats like you are the only thing that keeps our hobby from reaching even more people.
On another note: anybody as excited for Charterstone as I am? I forgot /tg's stance on legacy games
And Charterstone looks like a game that is mind numbingly simple as far as mechanics go but everyone is gonna fawn over because it's a legacy game. The storytelling elements are essentially non existent and the art looks like it came straight from a children's coloring book.
It will be shilled for six months, sell like crazy, reach top 50 at least on bgg, then be forgotten as soon as another legacy game (that's not pandemic) is released.
lawl, stfu braindead liberals, go slurp down another FaggotSitDown episode or something.
>reaching even more people.
Yes because exactly like the video game industry, diluting your product so you can grub money from every retard going is just what board games needs.
>GET YE GONE /pol/
No yuo.
>Why don't you watch some non mainstream movies.
'Non-mainstream movies' are even worse. I'm not gonna waste even a millisecond of my life (much less two hours) watching some degenerate moan about pissing his life away through random sex, drug abuse and general rootlessness.
>Asshats like you are the only thing that keeps our hobby from reaching even more people.
Reality check: boardgames are the only activity universally enjoyed by people of all races, cultures, sexes and political/religious orientations. Boardgaming was invented before literacy, it's one of the oldest constants of human culture.
This is the most delusional thing I've read in a long time, holy fuck.
Anyway, in the spirit of not giving this raving lunatic any more attention, has anyone here played Too Many Bones? I love the idea but playthroughs I've watched make it look way more shallow than I'd originally hoped.
>This is the most delusional thing I've read in a long time, holy fuck.
Professional tip: any time you dismiss somebody's opinion with a blanket "total hogwash" or "completely delusional", what it really means is that you failed to process a new concept and overreacted by completely shutting down your thought processes to keep your brain in ignorance.
So please don't ever just say something is "completely delusional", it reflects very badly on you and loses you face. Instead qualify it with some sort of rational (or, hell, even emotional) argument.
E.g., instead of saying "this is the most delusional thing I've read", say "this is the most delusional thing I've read, you're wrong on X and it's really Y".
Trust me, this will help you later in life. (In school and workplace environments.)
Sure thing, pal.
I'll take it you've never played TMB then? What games do you play? What's your favorite?
>I'll take it you've never played TMB then?
Of course not, I don't play ameritrash.
>What games do you play?
At the moment? Great Western Trail.
>What's your favorite?
I don't have one favorite game. (Or one favorite novel, or one favorite painting, etc.) As all right-thinking people should.
>Asshats like you are the only thing that keeps our hobby from reaching even more people.
lol that's fucking wrong. While I dislike "homofag propaganda and degeneracy" as well, like put it, I think we can all agree that one thing that keeps our hobby from reaching even more people, is the HUGE reluctance of those people themselves to try out our games even when we attempt to get them to join in like 's experience. Some people even internally deceive themselves that for some reason or another, they didn't enjoy playing a boardgame after managing to get them to try a good one (this is different from someone you can clearly see isn't enjoying the game he is playing).
No, you be gone. Someone briefly mentioning his dislike about homosexuals and other sexual deviance has as much to do with politics as someone who says they like it. It's a moral issue, not a political one. Men fucking other men in the ass will always be wrong (unless it's some kind of vengeance thing).
next number one on bgg?
video games are the sex dolls of board games
I don't have a fedora tipping image big enough for this.
err...what's fedora-tipping about not having a favorite game?
Only manchildren play ameritrash. (Even honest-to-goodness real children are too bored to "ironically" roll dice for three hours in a row while fuckall happens.)
>thread derailed into marvel discussion and /pol/ babies playground
Im out, see you in 2 days
only if it ages so they can market it as "legacy"
It means that you aren't socially adept enough to throw something someone thinks only they like out there instead of self-fellating no matter how right.
>It means that you aren't socially adept enough to throw something someone thinks only they like out there instead of self-fellating no matter how right.
Call me stupid if you want, but I didn't find what you said all that clear.
Only kidults have "one favirotest thing ever". I can list a top-10 or a top-5 (for different situations and groups), but having a "favorite game" is moronic.
>ask someone their favorite game
>a bunch of neckbeards go on psuedo-intellectual rants
I just wanted to hear about board games you guys like
Some people just don't have a favorite game you whiner. Why can't you accept that?
If I had a thousand games, I wouldn't have a favorite game too unless 999 of them were shit.
>make it very clear I just want to hear about games (plural) they like
>the neckbeards will not relent
I know. No intelligent person has a favoritest thing, I'm saying that when asked you're supposed to either throw something out there that you enjoy and think they also enjoy in order to establish a commonality, or dodge the question with some piece of humor. It's like when people ask how you're doing, you either dodge the question, say "fine," or tell them the truth in an over-the-top manner.
>when asked you're supposed to either throw something out there that you enjoy
And I did just that, so what's your problem?
>I just wanted to hear about board games you guys like
You first.
I've been playing a ton of Forbidden Stars lately. Also recently picked up A Distant Plain so I have something challenging to play solo. Also probably getting a play of BSG in this weekend, so that will be fun. Hoping the fifth player shows up so we don't have to play with the shit sympathizer cards/use the variant.
I like Kingdom Death but it's not really a boardgame.
Super into Stronghold. That's good fun.
I kinda like Jamaica and Forbidden Desert too because they're fast and easy.
HoN is good but gets expensive if you want all the nibs and iello can be hard to find depending on where you are.
I love Stronghold as well. I wish more games would find ways to do combat without dice. Do you know any other games that do it well? All that really come to mind are Kemet and Scythe. Cry Havoc's combat system isn't that interesting to me because although the idea is interesting there seem to always be obviously right and wrong decisions.
Has anyone played Cave Evil: Warcults? Any opinions on gameplay? I don't really care to discuss the art/theme/etc.
Sekigahara does it as well. And it's also a fantastic game but the people I know does like to play as much for whatever reason.
It involves a lot of bluffing and resource management with diceless combat. Great fucking game.
I guess out of all the games I have, I like Kemet the most
Many anons will disagree but Cosmic Encounter is great. And Im not Tom V.
I've heard Sekigahara is great, haven't had a chance to try it out yet.
Kemet is probably my favorite game as far as time to play/depth ratio
>Kemet is probably my favorite game as far as time to play/depth ratio
The tile power system is the thing I like the most. I wish I had bought the expansion but the core game itself is already great on its own.
Ya, that's basically the core of the game. The expansion is cool, I have a friend who bought it, but I have no desire to add it to my copy as I don't think it's necessary and doesn't add enough for the price.