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Have you ever played one of the planetouched races? Which is your favorite?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
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Have you ever played one of the planetouched races? Which is your favorite?
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Tiefling, tiefling, tiefling.
They always seem the most varied and easy to turn to different roles, plus their weird mutations interest me more.
Feat into fly speed, trade away shitty racials for bonus move speed.
My favorite has to be tiefling. I know it's the typical answer, but i can't into the elementals and Aasimar can go suck a dick
>tfw someone else likes oldschool tieflings more than the generic 'red with horns and a tail' variety.
This guy gets it.
Redpill me on hero points /pfg/, are they just better than mythic in most ways
>JttW died
For real?
Yeah, apparently people got jobs and shit fell apart timewise
rip foxtits
A while ago, I had a tiefling girl with shark teeth and pig ears as her big inhuman features.
Plus, I based pic related on a glabrezu
My current tiefling has short sharp horns, grey scaly skin, and red eyes.
People tend to hate him on sight.
So now that the dust has settled, did we ever find out who foxtits was a sockpuppet for?
A tiefling with cancer teeth, but every fucking person ever has played a tiefling so that doesn't count.
Other than that, only time would be a character that was generated with an ifrit cohort who's entire existence is owed to the running joke about a co-player's character in another campaign having every single race at some point in his extended family tree and all of the main family's names are variations on consonant-vowel-xmilian.
Not even remotely comparable to mythic.
No, but everyone has their guesses
Ifrits are the best race.
The stat array allows me to play the characters I like the most, their alternate racial traits kick ass, and they're always on fire! What's not to love?
i mean in terms of giving people extra power and feeling more heroic how much better is it than mythic
So does anyone know of a way to find a full download of the Book of the Damned now that the PDF is out?
give it a week
they are really weak races not much mecanical reason to play them. i played human, half elf, suli, ratfolk, halfling, aasimar, fetchling, thiefling and ghoran. plain old humans most of the time
If Leakanon senpai is still around can he post Nurgal and Andrifkhu's pages?
You're the best Leakanon! I'll let you finish inside!
How about Socothbenoth?
At last.
I can finally be the glorious CR 20 trap I was always meant to be.
His fluff information is a bit updated too, his sister beat him up recently.
Why are all of these archdevils looking so... chill?
Okay guys. My group is around level 7 or so. One of them is a paracosmist summoner who has gotten swallow whole and insane grapple on his eidolon so he can lockdown 90% of shit, also enlarging person to affect his eidolon as well to make it huge. Group has some other decent damage dealers. Now they've gotten a bit cocky lately, I've humbled them a bit but I have more plans for that. Anyway, once they finally get off their asses and properly investigate things (they've barely taken any of the leads I've given them, they've been on the backfoot a bit since one of their party have been framed of murder, but are still trying to "brute force" everything by "arresting" people and letting their reputation get destroyed) they will find the headquarters of the evil cult they've been fighting.
I am figuring it's going to be a tower / temple on a hill or cliff. I've come up with a couple encounters so far. One is going to be schir demons in full plate fighting them on slippery crumbling switchback stairs and trying to bullrush them. Already set that up. Also have one where they enter a spacious chamber and find 5 to 6 vampire spawn at the center. Pretty easy encounter, right? 'Cept there's a level 8 vampire sorceress lurking around with greater invisibility hitting them for DC 24 Will save Dominates every round and making them turn on each other. That ought to be fun. None of them have see invisibility either.
But that's just two, and I want the encounters and traps in here to be as nasty as possible. So I need your best and nastiest ideas that would fit for a dark demon cult, as long as they are somewhat within the range of what's acceptable to throw at level 7 characters. I don't want a party wipe, but it'd be nice to see them suffer a bit to beat the cult....
I saw your post before reading the entry, and it definitely wasn't what I was expecting.
There are few things that can disrupt the chill of a unique fiend.
>not intersex
Given that the cult's got manipulators like the vamps associated with it already, make sure to include some instance where the cult attempts to further get the party in trouble with the law; maybe dress up the humans they were attempting to sacrifice as vampires, and have a failsafe that somehow alerts guards. I think it's a good idea to have this trap, however you choose to actually implement it, fire after the boss is dead; a final "fuck you" to the party.
Hell, maybe make it simply add the party's names to the cult's list of members, and alert nearby law enforcement to the location of this ledger.
>TFW just got handed 5k gp outta nowhere
Gotta love some geniekin, aye.
I don't believe you.
But what stand has that much money to...
How about Pazuzu?
I played a Ifrit Warlord I was really excited about...for a campaign that died after two sessions. Someday I'd like to play a Rakshasa or Asura-spawned Tiefling, as I find those to be the coolest Fiends by far.
I played an Ifrit Barbarian named Samil Salamandra. He was fun.
I've never been a fan of Vancian casting because of constant choice paralysis and guilt over not having the exact spell needed for that exact situation. More importantly, the concept of potentially just running out of resources and being an impotent corncob for the rest of the day doesn't sit well with me. Is there really any way to kind of build around that? Like I could do Psionics in 3.x due to power points making things a lot more fluid and easy to manage but ultimately I still end up preferring having always available per-encounter resources. Is there anything that can really work that way here?
Arcanist can ignore a lot of that.
Are there Medieval Gypsy/Romani and/or Jews equivalent bloodlines/races in Golarion?
Also, with regards to planar creatures, I recall making a pair of NPCs called Promise the Enchanter and Trust the Illusionist.
Forgot to add that both were Tieflings. Fuck I'm tired tonight.
>get thrown against a cr10 encounter, with a party that ranges from level 4 to 6
>GM is obviously having the creature act inefficiently since we survived more than three rounds
I had to wonder what was the fucking point
Also, I recall another NPC just now. A magical throwing axe that contained an Ifrit who went by Francesca (it's an axe pun, get it?) who offered the party as many wishes as she felt like granting, with the caveat that she could freely choose to either warp the wish or just say "nah fuck that." Cue almost all of the munchkining being thrown out immediately in favor of trying to make friends with this cynical geniekin to get cool boons on the side every once in a while.
They stuck around with the party for a pretty considerable amount of time, watching them go out of their way to keep the flaming waifu safe despite it being unneeded, and about the time they had slain their first dragon, they'd gotten to the part where they didn't know how they were going to get the loot back to town or stash it.
"Damn, I wish we had somewhere to put all this stuff."
Cue gasps from the other players because they said "I wish." Francesca chuckles and says "you've got it." Two claps of her hands later, the treasure vanishes, and the Bard who'd made the wish now has the deed to a small keep and a map to it clutched in his hands.
>Throw CR 10 encounter against my party because I need to challenge them
>Oh shit he rolled badly and died like a bitch
I have to wonder what is the fucking point (of GMing)
you sound like you'd love a 2hu game.
Do you mind posting Nergal (the Infernal Duke) to compare to this version of Nurgal?
I ran a combat that could have, and nearly did, kill my whole party. The guy still died in like two rounds, but those were a tense two rounds.
And then they had to run from ANOTHER, even bigger monster, because they'd run through all their resources fighting the first guy.
Varisians. Particularly the Sczarni.
Why not just use a creature more appropriate for the group that can actually use it's abilities while still being a challenging encounter, rather than having a creature that stands there for five fucking rounds trying to get a curse off on the cleric, while the player characters mill around next to it trying to hit its huge ac?
>Obama chuckled. "You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"
Hey, what was that book that had the singing steel or silver or whatever it was?
adventurer's armory 2 i think
Yeah, found it on Nethys. But DEAR GOD, I hate that the srd isn't fully up to date. Is there still 1pp that's only on the srd and not Nethys?
For a lowish/mid-optimization party, would this race be alright for a Warder that intends to tank and provide a sword-wall for the party?
I mostly like it fluff-wise, but I'm curious.
Really? What is Nethys missing?
oh i thought the question was the otherway round nevermind
I recently played the Assault on Absalom special at a con, and am regretting not grabbing the loose papers when the table GM said "We're done, anyone who wants all this shit can take it if they want" because it seems like it won't be available for purchase/pirate until 2018.
Easily their best special made yet and doesn't look like it'd take a lot of setup to run for a small group.
It's pretty good, the enemy selection is decent, and the author put a ton of work into making scary custom enemies for the 10-11 tier.
What AP would be most appropriate for a Bard performing
I'm actually practicing that song btw
Curse of the Crimson Throne, possibly Council of Thieves. Hell's Rebels if you want to go for easy mode.
I want to fertilize her abs.
My favorite is Aasimar, because I am a filthy powergamer, so two +2s with no -2 and Scion of Humanity for dumb FCB tricks are the reason for the season.
Ifriti and Tieflings are cool, too.
Holy shit, they nerfed the Souldrinker into the ground, fucking paizo
He looks like he's wearing a Hawaiian shirt.
Anyone got a link to the 7chan mega trove? None of my links are working including the one in the pastebin.
its down
What class goes best with the Broken Blade discipline? I'm stuck between Stalker and Steelfist Commando Warlord.
I want a not-shit monk.
Eh, it happens. Sometimes you realize too late that you've underestimated a monster and don't want a TPK.
Aurora Soul Mystic.
Because not every monster or enemy, if played correctly, is going to actually be super tactical? Sure if you're a CR10 creature that implies a bit of experience, but you've still got a couple of just average magical beasts and mindless undead running around at that level, nevermind the plants and vermin. There's tons of reasons to have an overleveled enemy act less than optimally with their tactics, and the fact that they're overleveled is meant to invoke a sense of panic in the players.
You could just use DSP's Psionics.
Or Spheres of Power.
Do you have Gogunta and Jubilex?
What's the better Sorcerer bloodline for playing a dedicated electromancer? Elemental or Stormborn?
Stormborn, defintiely.
I absolutely can not STAND plane touched. Like the very idea of them annoys me.
Is rampaging frenzy worth it for an alchemist? The second iterative attack doesnt kick in till level 15 which makes it unlikely to ever be a factor in my campaign.
nat attacks, get like 12 of them
Infernal Dukes 1
Infernal Dukes 2
Oh, I thought he was WotC-owned. Neat.
Could I get the kyton Demogagues and sakhil tormentors leakanon? Would appriciate
>+4 profane bonus on Knowledge and Spellcraft checks
>+4 profane bonus on Heal checks to provide first aid
Why is this allowed?
At least it's not Magdh, right?
Juiblex is WotC-owned.
Paizo literally just changed two letters around.
Knowledge and Spellcraft shouldn't be too OP. At least you can't shit up a game with some initiator horseshit with just those.
Heh. Nice.
Kyton Demagogues
Sahkil Tormentors
Also, I think someone asked about it before, Oni Daimyo.
Could we get the rakhashas, and the rest of the non-devil/daemon/demon dieties if you could?
Oh, nice to see Lady Cassandra's still getting work.