Sweet dreams


Bullwhale bought 5700 BTC at 15770.

(Unrealized) losses exceeding 10 million USD

but if it goes up..

i m gonna find the pajeet that shilled me this and murder him

Holy shit

that is insane
obviously it will hit 20k again soon so...

Pretty sure anything past a million is just a number to them. They might even chuckle and feel a sense of accomplishment.

Some boomer

hey maybe he's a masochist

what exchange

what exchange even lets you buy 5700 btc at once...? this is unreal

>btc rises to 22k June 2018

thanks. just sold 7,535.

Implying he would be succesful in getting his 90 million order filled at the bottom.


there was more volume than that traded in one single 15 minute candle at 14500. He would have gotten filled no problem

Still this is easy to say in hindsight

yeah well that's why retards lose money




who buys 90m of crypto on bitfinex?


McAfee's last ditch effort to make his tweets valid

Hahaha what a cuc-

>2 days later it's 18k

>2 days later it's at 11k

That would be sweet. Got like 3 buy orders on the way down to 10k.

He knows what's up. People with that much money aren't dumb like you.

>money equals intelligence
Right, that's why Marx died poor.

Yes exactly

Pretty much, yes.

Exactly mate


wait a minute... you're right


I don't have 11 million in unrealized losses but thank you for your concern.

It's so crazy it just might work!

Having any threads for analysis soon?

yeah i'll do one tomorrow most likely

You figured it out!

>some drug dealer in columbia moves his usual money laundering rounds
>doesn't give 2 shits about volatility because its always been like that
>biz a bunch of speculating retards get their panties in a knot


The people printing a shit ton of tethers every night
nice digits

Where we going to m80?

But dont have 5700 bitcoins either.

sub 13k and beyond.