Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1755: Come All The Way To Jesus Edition

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Jesus saves even the lamest parties.


Is that one guy who claimed Kamen Rider Faiz still on that? Now that I think about it, it's been quite a while since then. I don't know whether he's dropped it officially or not.

Are there any perks that let you create an afterlife for one of your pocket dimensions?

The west is on fire, the east is under water, and the south is getting shaken to pieces.

Somebody for the love of fucking god, put the Heart of Te Fiti back where it came from or so help me.

Is that yours, or did you just find it?

I cannot decide what servants I want in FGO.

Found it a couple of months ago.

Well that's just wrong. Is the North full of wildlife?

Vampire diaries magic should be capable.
Actraiser has item/location afterlives.

I wish Kirei was a Servant.

Summon Kirei.

When it comes to making afterlifes, I hear Bleach come up alot, though I'm not sure how much control you're given over it.

Though, if you're feeling especially resourceful, you could probably take a perk that lets you eat souls, and just use various spiritual perks to fuck around with your soul until it's a relatively comfy receptical.

The North's also mildly on fire, and we've had a series of very angry, very icy-pale motherfuckers raising trouble.

Make him a pseudoservant of Rasputin

Gathering the Corpse Parts in JJBA and attaining the stand power of Christ Y/N?

So now that Val's rendered all other jumps obsolete, why does anyone still bother?

>interfering with Funny Valentine's plot to make america great again

What about the Blessed Isle

Maybe. I would vote Marquis De Sade.


Keep in mind, it didn't really work out for the girl that actually had the completed corpse put in her. So you'd probably need to shove it in a companion

So uh, did anyone else accidentally turn Gaia from Evo into a yandere?

I think she kinda broke after failing to kill me by siccing the entire ecosystem on me. She was super angry for me being a Blacklight entity, and then she kinda snapped when I won the game of survival, and now she's just... Clingy.

Luckily she seems to be a worshiping-type yandere, instead of one of the competitive/possessive ones.

I'm a bit stuck on how to start my new chain, got any suggestions for fun first jumps?

Yandere is Best Dere.

Jump # 211 NIGHTS in to Dreams
Starting location: False Twin Seed City
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Background: Visitor (0)
*You’ve got talent Kid – Singing (0)
*Intelligent Solution (100, Discount)
*Potential for growth (200, Discount)
*Hopes and Dreams (300, Discount)
*Shard of Red Idea Courage (200, Discount)
*Nice Home (100, Discount)
*You need a hobby (0)
*Soundtrack (50)
*Figurines (50)
(I know nothing here so sorry if I goof)

Sometimes the scariest things we encounter on our journeys is ourselves and the depths to which we are willing to go.

So I found myself in a city, It was a familiar one from this version of my life… then something happened.

I can’t really say what it happened fast even for someone of my reflexes but suddenly the world grew dark and I was bombarded. Every fear, every doubt, reality seemed to shift as I watched scenes of my failures play out. Watched myself failing to save my friends and watching them die one by one being helpless to stop it… I lived each one of these nightmares. Images of Spiders, heights every imperfection being highlighted and shamed. Images of my companions deciding to leave me.

I endured all of these things and then I felt someone trying to take pieces of me….

It’s a strange feeling whoever was doing it must have thought they had one but they underestimated my DETERMINATION.

(To be continued)

Question for the Pokemon Sun/Moon user: Are you putting in an option to continue the jump from wherever you left off in Trainer?

I have not, but that is a wonderful idea and you are a very lucky Jumper.


Dungeon Keeper
Be a Dungeon Heart in all future adventures.

A wild anger erupted in me at the violation. The images I had been living through shattered around me as I found myself surrounded by littler creatures.

I still don’t know how I did it but I went Super Saiyan 7. I must have looked like Super Saiyan Cousin IT.

The creature around me died just from the force of my presence as the world started to break apart around me.

I could sense a great evil in this world and I wasted no time flying a straight line towards it. Through buildings and monsters. I didn’t care at that point.

When I arrived Wizeman sort of died from the force of my presence. I actually resurrected him because I wasn’t satisfied with such a meek death.

To his credit he didn’t beg for his life, he didn’t even try and run, . He sneered and told me that he was inevitable, that so long as humanity existed so would he. He said that no matter how insanely powerful I was I was just another dreamer feeding him with my own darkness.

That’s when I busted out clerical magic from Overlord and sealed him away in to an Idol. It was only then that I looked around at the destruction I had caused. I really hope that since that was the dream world I didn’t kill anybody in the real world with that. I had leveled the city with my presence. There were no signs of life left there.

It was disturbing. Even if it was a dream it was a grim reminder why I always take great care to contain my powers.

Go to Jorge Joestar first and pick up all the Funny Valentine perks. Twice the Presidents, twice the fun!

NikaMoth has no say how you interact with the original Pokemon Jump though.

Gravity Rush is pretty fun, lighthearted, and has an interesting amount of powers without being overwhelming.

That all depends on how strict you are with different universes having incompatible metaphysics.

If the metaphysics from jojo and another world are too different, chances are pulling a godly corpse out of it's home universe will probably cause more harm than good, and worse case scenario, it stops functioning entirely upon transitioning.

Alternatively, if you just decide fuck that convoluted bullshit, you could probably just say it would totally work because Jesus. At which point the worst that could happen would be the universe collapsing without one of the few, if only constant of that reality, possibly with you in it.

Those are the possible outcomes, as I see it

>Thinking that's henpecking.
Henpecking is shit like "why don't you make more money?" "Your friends are a bad influence on the children, I don't want them in the house" "Go mow the lawn even though you just did it yesterday" etc.

But they have a say in how it interacts with their jump. It's happened before.

I don't know. Every time drama about it kicks up, you people open your damn mouths, or Val's fan-club breaks out in hives, I lose the will to get involved in JumpChain period.

>Dirge jump


Girls und Panzer.
Spread the glory of sensha-do to the greater omniverse

So: Jesus edition, and FGO is still fresh.
Which Saint is better in combat, better as a companion, better as a waifu: Jeanne or Martha?

No one can save me now. Not after everything that's happened.

Why did I go Heartless?

Did Dirge ever get around to doing Gravity Rush 2? For that matter, does he even make jumps anymore? In the sense that they are indeed JC compatible documents, I really don't give a shit whether they're on the drive or not

Well it's a good thing you're not needed, then, OAA.

Summarize your jumper in exactly one sentence.

Challenge Mode: Do not use or rely on words like "god," "overlord," "ruler," or any other form of authority be it material or divine. Put some thought into it.

>projecting this hard
Wew lad.

Take the hint and realize JumpChain isn't your hobby anymore.

A lovely little fish who just wants to share this new sweetness she feels with her new friends.

An idiot gambles with every strike

Operators operating operationally in operational environments

Scrappy fuck that compulsively buys luck and antimagic perks no matter what else is on offer.

Man, it's literally the same as people saying Dirge's jumps are invalid and Red is bitching at people behind the scenes to nerf their shit. They just can't confront Val directly because she thinks provocations are funny, so they talk her up to fuck with other people. Same thing as Dirge in reverse. There is no Val fanclub saying everyone else is meaningless, it's just the new shitpost flavor.

Well it certainly can't be yours. If you were actually enjoying /jc/ itself, instead of enjoying causing chaos in /jc/, you wouldn't be doing that second thing.

But here we are.

That one lackey that does paperwork and cooking well.

>There is no Val fanclub saying everyone else is meaningless

Mistakes were made.

>There is no Val fanclub
That's like saying there was no ASA fanclub.

"Kate that's a bad idea you shouldn't–fuck, here we go again."

You're exactly right user, but the problem is that you posted that reply to the guy who is doing what you said in the first place. What you replied to is just another example of his manufactured outrage.

Magical ninja who undeservedly inherits extensive monies and properties, thus reinforcing the exploitative class system and the oppression of the working classes. Also a shotafag with poor taste in husbandos


You say this, but the last three... four years, have shown that if something is absolutely stupid and toxic, it absolutely will be a goddamn thing regardless of anybody's wishes.

There is nothing that cant be solved by a training hard enough.

A tricky bastard who loves to fight, set things on fire, and smack things around with his big stick.

>Magical ninja who undeservedly inherits extensive monies and properties, thus reinforcing the exploitative class system and the oppression of the working classes
Wizard Batman is very dangerous.

I'm probably just making things worse by replying, but I'm pretty sure meant that whatever "fanclub" there is is totally ironic, and not built on genuine adoration.

Companion guy, is that you?

user, I don't know what to tell you if you believe shitposting as fact.

There are Val fans for sure, Val spits more Jumps that people like faster than everyone else combined. It'd be weirder if she didn't. I'm just saying the whole "So why do we need anyone else?" posters are full of shit.

Is he really? I'm admittedly pretty bad about picking them out when they're not obvious, but he seemed genuine.

>smack things around with his big stick.
That's how you get Herpes user

Jeanne is purehearted, kind, and giving. Martha is secretly lewd and a tomboy who wants to smash heads.

An idiot who has the writer on his side.

I've got disease resistance out the ass, user.

Because you're full of dorkness.

Bored trickster and complete nerd.

Islander cat-boy sets off on voyage to find his father, becomes a vampire-cowboy with a strange magnet for love.

The problem with /jc/ is that there are two types of people:
Those who play along with the bait
Those who don't recognize bait even if it hit them in the face with a hook

"Don't mind me, just along for the ride."

>Is he really?
Yes, he does it all the time. Makes a post saying something obviously stupid and obviously caustic, then replies to it saying "YES YOU'RE RIGHT THIS PLACE IS SHIT EVERYONE SHOULD LEAVE OR KILL THEMSELVES IT'S LITERAL HELL." It's just him faking outrage to try and create false support.

Man who wants to be a better person than his nature indicates.

I can't do this for my Infernal, because his whole gimmick is that he honestly believes he has a Divine Right to Rule.

Somehow I misread stick for dick.

We have 27 posters right now, user.


Martha, no quesiton. Jeanne spends half of Apocrypha running across the same goddamn field.


Jeanne if you need a big, beautiful wall. Martha if you need a wingman.


I'm going to say Martha because I prefer my waifus to have personality traits other than "devout christian" but that is a question you can only answer yourself.

I don't think he's made any recently, or said anything about Gravity Rush 2

I see a lot of people who are retardedly naive and completely guileless. Every time I just marvel out how the fuck they've made it through life like that, because people take tons of advantage of people like them.

Alright, I'll give it a rest then. I really would prefer everyone having a good time and misconceptions being cleared up, but I'm terrible at that given I can't even see what's happening half the time.

This guy has been doing the same song and dance for many years. His posting style and habits are obvious. It's your own problem if you don't have enough experience or are just too naive to notice it.

>because his whole gimmick is that he honestly believes he has a Divine Right to Rule.
Well... That's actually not just a belief. The Mandate of Heaven applies to all Exalts.

Not really. OAA's proven himself over the past few days to be a literal shitposter, and uses the exact same tone:


The chances it's not just him trying to paint everyone with the same shitty brush are slim at best.

They aren't accustomed to more baity boards or generals shit the Bait isn't even creative.

I'm talking real life here. The naive are used up quickly.

Your daily Fate Grand Order scenario here to enjoy.

This time it's a demon hunt, starring such famous names as Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Sakata Kintoki, Tawara Touta, Kiyohime, the Tamamo Nine, Shuten and Ibaraki Douji, The Jaguarman and Suzuka Gozen.

Tomorrow? We're going to Rome for a Sports Festival, featuring Roma High School battling out against their neighbouring Greek Academy.

You chased OAA out of the IRC. Can you confirm as proof of his actual character?

No, but I kinda accidentally did that to the Crystfairy from Bravely Default.

See, you can pay CP for a Crystfairy companion, or you can get one for FREE if you're willing to let them be evil, and lose the memory of choosing that option.
I figured, having a Crystfairy would be a great way to get introduced to the plot, so why not?
So I get the Crystfairy and everything goes according to plan, until we get to the big reveal that she's evil and working for the Big Bad.

... and somehow, I got it in my head that this Crystfairy, this Crystfairy who was clearly evil and I'd CLEARLY picked up as a companion, I must have wanted her for something, right? Otherwise, why would I have set all this up? I must have had some kind of genius plan involving her. So genius and intuitive, that I'd assumed I'd just naturally go through with it as a matter of course, I must have planned it out so well. Because I'm just that smart! There's no other explaination!
So, with that in mind, I decided I needed to keep her around, and in order to convert her to my side, I went full dramatics, unleashed ALL the magic, ALL the lightshows, and while knocking her to the ground I went on this big dramatic spiel about how ABSOLUTELY AMAZING I was, how I traveled the multiverse finding new worlds, how I would CREATE worlds, how her boss Ouroborous was a gigantic pussy with no vision, no style. I turned on every fear and talking perk I had and told her I AM THE HYPE.

... and I think I broke something in her little already yandere mind.
Because now she's super into me, and is absolutely in love and devoted to me, and giggles and laughs while telling me I should kill more people, and destroy the world or whatever. She's in love with the idea of me slaughtering people en mass.

And the kicker? Is that "brilliant, genius plan" I had...? I just wanted her as a quick doorway into the plot.
I had assumed that when she finally turned on me, I would immediately kill her.
So, yeah.

Can't hear you mate, too drunk on Oni sake. It's good shit tho

He believed he had the Divine Right to Rule before he exalted, and even after his rebellion against the Yozi he thinks he has it. He's a little....off kilter.

When I made him as an RP character I initially took inspiration from King Charles XII of Sweden. A man who honestly believed he could ignore the church, because his right to rule came from God, not from men or a church.

>This time it's a demon hunt, starring such famous names as Minamoto no Yorimitsu, Sakata Kintoki, Tawara Touta, Kiyohime, the Tamamo Nine, Shuten and Ibaraki Douji, The Jaguarman and Suzuka Gozen.

Also, I have a feeling Musashi-chan's gonna love this scenario...

So yes, and he's also a violent alcoholic.

Tiny bit of a psycho who's slowly discovering she really does have all of the negative traits that she worries about having.

What's really sad, is that if Valeria made the Worm jump today, she would have included the option to be an Endbringer. Pretty pathetic, isn't it.

Nonexistent and desperately trying to not be.

For the new chain Strange child summons horrible monsters for war games with knight girlfriend.

Find a Worm fanfic, get her attached to it.

Boom, problem fixed.