>that campaign you've always wanted to run but never had the chance to
Tell me about it, Veeky Forums
>that campaign you've always wanted to run but never had the chance to
Tell me about it, Veeky Forums
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You already have a picture from it.
I've been kicking around ideas for a campaign based on the snowtractor post-apocalypse setting fluff that Veeky Forums worked on at the beginning of this year. I fear I'll never have the chance to run it though.
A Shining-series game in D&D 4e.
Sky pirates.
I really would love to run a Homeworld campaign, but none of my players have ever played.
>but none of my players have ever played
All the better, as they don't know what to expect?
All of them.
Science fantasy with more fantasy than science. Basically d&d in space.
I've got the same sort of thing, but as a fantasy world long after a scifi apocalypse setting.
A whole rough draft campaign book sitting somewhere. hints of the former scifi world scattered around, a strangely angular platau of grey rock that is really an ancient space port, the "moon" that is the seat of Dragon rulers is really the low end platform of a skyhook. I even had one of the gods of war be an ancient ascended AI battleship.
Any Gritty game that's taken even mildly seriously by the player group, as the DM, or as a player, with a DM that isn't a huge autistic meme-spouting fucktard.
Fuck you Frank normal people don't use strip clubs IRL as landmarks
WoD, Shadowrun, even Pathfinder or something from 40k. As long as the group knew the rules/their characters decent enough to not slow the game down too much, and there was an actual threat of character death or even just general aura of genuine distress/anxiousness, I'd play literally anything.
Is that too much to ask? I feel like that's an awkward thing to have to physically request of people.
Fantasy campaign set in Napoleonic era. Fairfolk once retreated from the world fleeing before numerous humans and their mastery of iron. Now that cheap steel and lead replaces iron on the battlefield. elvish magic once again makes them invulnerable to human weapons while new weapons and steel armor compensates their ancient weakness. So basically elven knights in plate armor rise to kick French Republic and every King George in the balls and subjugate humans. We play as humans trying to stop the elves and win the war for our country.
Do elves not know that steel is like 98-99,999% iron?
>that spoiler
You've... never been to a big city, have you?
It's enough for their magic to work on it, yes
I navigate my city through pubs and bars, but maybe I'm not a normal person
a huge Cthulhu campaign with flashback following the development of a french secret service against the mythos (with its own internal turmoil). The main campaign would follow a group of investigators at the start of the 2nd world war and would continue with stuff with the colonies. So occult nazis, historical content (and link to real events...), mysteries, conspiracies... lots of stuff that I'm taking note of...
I've wanted to run a Wakfu campaign really badly, but it's really difficult drumming up content that doesn't feel disjointed since the MMO and the actual show vary greatly in geography, which makes mapping very hard.
Essentially the idea for the campaign is the players drawing from a limited pool of soldiers from the Garrison of a quarantined 80s styled scifi city as things gradually get worse and worse inside as three threats advance agendas on the doomed metropolis.
The three adversaries being Bugs ala Starship Troopers, SKYNET more or less and a final faction which are anti government anarchists who turn to dark powers/ancient alien worship to claim victory.
Pretty much the players will need to resolve all of the threats within 6 months, at which point the city is nuked from orbit by the Fleet, with their limited characters and equipment theyll have to locate and neutralise the threats at the same time as the enemies advance their plots for domination/escape from the city.
I've got a system in mind, Stay Frosty, but i cannot for the life of me figure out run it mechanically as a GM and put together all the cool ideas I have in a way which makes a cohesive campaign.
Like how to go about implementing sandbox elements, tracking the progress of enemy plots, deciding how they get missions without putting it a giant railroad, how the city will be laid out, all sorts of stuff.
I've considered looking to other sandbox campaigns like Curse of Strahd maybe for examples/inspiration.
Besides even if I did make something playable, I'd need to find a group willing to play it
fairly standard fantasy mainly set inside of a large city
group seems to be falling apart right now, and my own work schedule is preventing me from whipping up a new group with any sort of ease
A homebrew post-utopian/post apocalypse fantasy setting. Imagine modern day earth goes through a new technological renaissance aftet fantasy races and creatures reemerge from hiding. Magic and technology hybridize and everything is awesome until someone fucks it up and sets off a mutually assured magically fueled destruction by way of magical weapons of mass destruction. The present of the game is a few generations after and everyone is reestablishing society.
I wanna run that.
A campaign thats a hexcrawl where the players are given a wagon load of magic items. (actual items too that they in theory could use)
but then a thing happens and all magic in the world dies except for the magic of the casters in the party and the magic items in the wagon. Now they must find out why Magic as a whole died, try to revive it, all while pulling from an ever shrinking pool of magical artifacts, scrolls, and spells. AND the local kingdoms soon find out the players are the only ones left with a hoard of magic items and start hunting them down.
-Ive always liked a campaign idea where the players have to manage a shrinking pool of resources.
Calling all Jan Michael Vincents?
Neon 80s cyberpunk in Shadowrun with some elements of 40k. Fuck, just Shadowrun in general. None of my fucking groups ever want to play anything sci-fi or anything out of their comfort zone.
Comfy-tier game where all the players are Eldar corsairs with their own small ship. Grim dark is scaled down to allow more Adventure! without bringing down the mood.
Post-apocalyptic adventure/survival game. Set on NotEarth thousands of years in the future after the world has somehow flooded and wiped out all but a few handfuls of survivors on the tallest places.
The game would revolve around sails, exploring sunken ruins, scavenging technology and fighting off monstrous sea life as well as jackass pirates and thieves.
Basically CATastrophy with actual cats optional.
Sailing, not sails.
- Super serious anno apocalyptic demon invasion.
- Spelljammer
- 10.000 Split Wild Sorcerers
- 3d6 in order
- Pixie campaign
- Primal setting with dinosaurs vs extremely advanced gnomish city
- All [race], [class], or [background] campaign
Holy fuck, yes!
I wanna run a setting inspired by my favourite myths from Persian and Arabian folklore but with elements of fantasy!Venetians all over the damn place making dosh and undercutting local businesses.
I was thinking simmurgh's, a bajillion Arabian Nights references, megasnek's like Shahmoran as good girls, battles in the desert, a noble but still twisted uprising by the slaves in order to bring back a god none of them really understand...
Oh, and more duduk music then what is probably sane
Two alchemist/inventor types invents a bunch of modern-day luxuries, things that your standard medieval D&D citizens couldn't live without once experiencing, and then one becomes the dictator via controlling all of these inventions. Players are sent to knock him off of his throne by the other inventor who regrets what he's done.
Basically the plot of the Protomen albums. I've just never sat down and hashed out all the details to start building the campaign.
I have always wanted to run a campaign in the SCP foundation, hard to find a system for it though. and I would have to get my players interested.
nigger try delta green
That's a good thing, bro. I ran an exile/avernum campaign with my group of whom none ever played any of the games, and it went fantastic.
They were from heroes adventuring to a private military company in two sessions.
I wish this campaing I described actually happened, but it did not
The entire philosophy of wakfu geography is "fuck making sense, I want to play already".
Literally put that desert right next to the lush wetland jungle. It's okay. If your players bitch "It's Ogrest, I aint gotta explain shit."
A sci-fi setting inspired by F-Zero and Redline. I'm not sure what system I'd use but something that lets the party work together to win races would be rad.
I grabbed the second game after a friend recommended it to me and miserably failed at the "defend the ship factory" mission because I cannot into fleet strategy. Thinking about picking it up again, though.
My magnum opus campaign I'm planning, but may be a while out. My goal with the campaign is to improve my world building, and my player's immersion in the setting. My hope is to have everyone using Hololens or some sort of augmented reality equivalent for 3d models literally on the game table.
The plot will be very grounded low fantasy, with the players acting as specialized problem solvers for a count, who is essentially playing Crusader Kings 2. Sessions would each be their own self contained mission, for example: Rival count has one of the only giants that ever ventured this far south on his land. Convinced the giant to either leave, or if necessary, kill it. The players could then turn the nearby village against the giant, attempt to hire it onto the count's payroll, or convince it to go back to it's homeland.
Another such mission would be fixing a tournament, do anything to help the Count's champion win the final duel, without letting their involvement become known. possible solutions would be drugging or getting enemy champion drunk, sabotaging equipment, or something else.
A distant cousin is in possession of an ancient heirloom of the family. He keeps it in a well guarded bank in his capitol town. Go perform a heist, steal the heirloom, and a bunch of other things so they wont know the heirloom was the target.
All the while I plan on building up a religion based around a saint whom spake with angels that is the center of a major religion, who was actually a sorcerer using an artifact that undoes a major problem with magicians, being that any sort of proximity (down to even just 2 mages both living in the same large city) with another mage causes both of their magic to act dangerously and uncontrollably. The religion is based heavily around blood, a mix of early Christianity and Zoroastrianism.
A splinter cult follows the saint as a great purifier. The cult will interrupt a otherwise normal mission, steal an artifact they were after during a wedding, and take the artifact and flee to a major religious site, the equivalent to the cave Jesus emerged from after his resurrection.
The cave is actually the operating room to a great planet wide machine that can purify the world. The cult activates the machine, setting off a chain event that will destroy the planet. The players escape the cave, and encounter an angelic ring of eyes that tells them to be not afraid.
Cut to the players waking up on operating tables in a flying saucer. The angel was a ufo of a more advanced planet, they were trying to install translation devices onto their cheekbones. Assuming the scientists survive the encounter, they reveal that the fanatsy world was a petri dish of several genetic experiments, with standard humans having special blood that produces super antibodies that let them explore other planets without risk of getting super malaria (and get medival surgery without dying horribly of infection). The scientists are from a technocratic world, one of a handful of ships studying it. After detecting the catastrophy they opted to save what inhabitants that they could.
The players must now navigate a strange new world, dealing with factions of scientists that think that the best thing to do with these savages is to dispose of them before they unleash some dormant supervirus onto the world, criminal underworlds, corrupt peace keepers, and so forth.
Look into endless Legend
Tones of fluff, super ripe for setting making
I couldn't do something like that with my team. At the destruction of Kharak, my party autist would stand up and start shrieking at the top of his lungs and convince everyone that I'm either punishing them for something or railroading them hard. It's happened before.
I've wanted to run a series of liked games in something like Adventure! or similar. Basically start the game in the early-mid 1800's exploring central Asia or Africa. I'd have the characters keep a party journal detailing what they were doing, sketches of artifacrs, maps, etc. At the conclusion of that game, have them roll up new characters and advance the timeline 30 years or so, when a new group of adventurers find an old travel journal and have to pick up the torch and keep working at the problem. Rinse and repeat from the mid 1800's up through the modern times in 20 or 30 year time jumps, each time the journal giving the next group clues to work off of.
>Anti government insurgents who turn to dark powers.
>Pic related.
Wanted to run some sci-fi horror where the PCs are from the first human colony on another world and they're on their first day on the job to maintain orbital infrastructure.
And then they're catapulted into the real world as toaster level robots in dusty spacesuits where their rusty, ancient colony ship has been looking for a habitable world since the first one was bust for god knows how long. The AI needs them to keep things running so they can find a home for all the colonists still in cryo. At the end of each workday (weather it be a hour or a month long) they get sent back to the colony at the end of an 8 hour time elapse until they need to work again "tomorrow" fixing a whole new set of strange and/or horrifying problems.
Pro-tip:The cryo trays stopped working some thousand years ago, not that they know, or the AI wants them to find out.
Pro-pro-tip: They're not even brain scans, they're simplistic programs that are coded to simply think they're human scans.
What they do about revelations is up to them. Keep things running because of hope or try to crash and burn the ship. It's up to them.
An all-Adepta Sororitas party, Deathwatch style but closer akin to Dark Heresy. Everyone has their own speciality in the group, including a Sister Superior leader, and they solve missions in the style of the Red & Black book.
>wanting to make a Homeworld campaign
Where would you even start? I want to do one as well but the scale is so big, the only way players will fit in aside from all being captains of their own ships or whatever, they'll be reduced to pilots of small fighters. And that'll kill them.
Maybe use a doom meter like in xcom2?
Each mission the players win lowers it, and each loss raises the meter, depending on the severity.
Maybe give losses several different outcomes, eg the enemy can capture a pc or a strategic location, which immediately gives you and the players an idea what to do next session.
That would be fucking cool. I wouldn't for the life of me know how to balance a Nen system tho.
The campaign I've always wanted to run is an AoT one from Marley's perspective with players who have never watched AoT. Then at the end of the campaign I would tell them that they were the bad guys all along
Have them start off as a wing of scout ships or interceptors at the start of the campaign and by the end they're wing commanders on a carrier, or have them start off as the bridge crew of a beam frigate and end up on a carrier or dreadnaught.
The frontier of a colony across the ocean. Essentially d&d as a 1600's new world fantasy game. The dungeons are native ruins, hunting monsters for parts is done in addition to fur trapping, the setting is filled with vying empires and exiles from said empires, pirates, big emphasis on wilderness exploration, etc.
I'm partway through prepping up a campaign for it but I keep getting distracted by other projects and writing short dungeons.
Great game setting ruined by a community with no potential.
So gargantia?
You poor soul. I'm so sorry.
Alternate 1933 where the Great Depression never occurred and prohibition continues. No Hitler, cold war between Hoover's America and Mussolini's Italy. Tech is grounded in reality, no "punk" stuff. Bigotry towards Italians in the US lead many to join the mob or move back home. There's several radical political movements (including a Southern Separatist Party led by Huey Long) and most of Europe is in debate over colonial territory, but don't want another war. Air pirates and bootleggers, etc
Players are the vanguard of the human colonization effort, basically 4-5 humans with a small fleet of autonomous drones and an assisting AI arrive in a sector of space where other races already hold sway. Their job is to pave the way for the colony ships that are years away through whatever means necessary
I want to run a colonial-era campaign. I've even got perfectly good excuses for why full-blown flintlock guns are available but haven't supplanted polearms and the various classic fantasy weapons. One of the big themes would be that instead of one huge landmass, the New World is actually a -vast- archipelago.
I just want an island-hopping campaign of primitive savages, imperial conquest, spooky New World monsters, and pirates, where "flintlock and cutlass" is just as viable as "steel plate and greatsword."
PCs manage the new space colony. It starts similar to earth, with the same laws and societal structure. Over time it can change, based on their decisions.
Say, an organized crime syndicate arrives in the colony one day. It's almost imposbile to get rid of them by the legal means, you can only make their lifes slightly harder. It would be super easy to just round them up against the wall and shot them in the head, but it would set a precedence for similar cases in the future.
I've been wanting to do something similar, a Fantasy colonial game where the players are descendants of the original settlers in a new world; the original settlers being the soldiers of the losing side of a war in the old world that were forced to settle this new land (like how Australia was used to exile prisoners).
The thing is I had Flintlocks and other black powder weaponry set back by magical advancements, so while there were pustols abd smoothbores they weren't considered as powerful as magic.
That and the Black Plague hadn't happened *yet*. I was thinking having the Plague strike the Old World at a later stage in the campaign, the PCs being sent back to figure out why the boats stopped showing up only to find deserted port towns back in their ancestors homeland.
Every time I've described this campaign idea to someone, I've had to preface it with "By telling you this, I'm forbidding you from ever being in this game." At the end of the explanation, every player has agreed that it's a great idea for a game, and that they couldn't possibly be in it without losing their minds.
I feel comfortable sharing it here because I doubt any of my prospective players will see it, and even if they do I doubt they'll connect it to me, and even if they do I'm probably never gonna run it anyway.
It's a Star Wars game, probably SAGA or RCR, I'm about equally unfamiliar with both. It's the Clone Wars. The players are a division of clone troopers, their attendant Jedi, plus all the support staff, camp followers, attaches, and various hangers on that such a group would collect over time. Whenever someone dies, boom, they jump into a clone trooper. Someone wants to drop in for a session, just another clone trooper. Players can freely swap between the troopers, so the demo guy can decide he's not much use on this mission and swap out for a pilot or an ARC trooper or whatever.
The plot starts as a military campaign somewhere in the outer rim, then after a couple sessions, the group gets set on the trail of some Jedi who've gone rogue and turned to the Dark Side. The Dark Jedi are a colorful cast of characters not just because they tend to be and because I like colorful villains, but because I want the players distracted from their actual knowledge of the setting. Because any proper nerd would realize the ticking clock is almost up.
After a few sessions, in the middle of a huge fight with the Dark Jedi and their minions, the clone players all get a priority transmission from Coruscant: Execute Order 66.
Good plan, maybe I could like have it so that if the panic progresses beyond a certain level theres a threshold with permanent world changes, with the tension changing from a low simmering uncertainty but mostly life as usual, to a martial law situation with partial anarchy in the poorer areas and gangs taking over following the destruction of several targets by the Enemy, to full blown societal collapse and mass killings as the populace feels the noose tightening around them.
Hell i could lift the entire thing from Xcom, with bugs establishing nests, Rebel cells conducting terror strikes and SKYNET not directly establishing bases or the like, but covertly overtaking systems, factories, controlling information flow and planting Snatchers into society which need to be rooted out.
As for the losses I'm going to need to probably map out the city and its districts, keep track of the condition of each quadrant and its landmarks. Any good map tools for this or should I just lift a map of New York and flip it upside down and split it up?
Yeahhh im thinking that they found some alien artefact like the Marker from Dead Space and are worshipping it/trying to harness its power and that will go about as well as you can expect if they figure out what to do with it
Funny, I'm actually running an AoT one-shot in a couple months. It's set during the first chapter/episode and one of the players will secretly be the Taybar family's War Hammer Titan.
I've wanted to run campaigns set in,
>Sins of a Solar Empire, likely with Stars Without Number
>Guild Wars
>Star Trek Adventures when it comes out
Latter two I'd possibly use Iron Kingdoms for. I may end up doing them some day, just probably not anytime soon.
A game based on that you got ten minutes and get yanked to another threads from,a few years back.
> I've even got perfectly good excuses for why full-blown flintlock guns are available but haven't supplanted polearms and the various classic fantasy weapons
What excuse did you have in mind? You didn't mention magic in your post so I imagine it's going to be something interesting rather than just some random enchantment.
Dieselpunk fighter plane war-game, with the PCs heading a globe-spanning mercenary group.
My current d&d game, but as a western movie. It would be a fun one shot to run on April fools or something.
Like this? I'd play that in a heartbeat.
Hell yeah, man. I was thinking sky pirate Metal Gear to be precise.
My first every campaign was the first half of Rage of Demons as a player.
Now I want to run the second half as a DM, with my new group, get to the time travel part, and zap my players back in time so far they meet the original party and team up to kick the shit out of the demon lords.
Fuck, I just want a comfy Dark Heresy squad to fuck around, I just like 40k fluff a lot.
T.Marinefag who has a blatant hard-on for everything IG and purchased the Uplifting Primer, even though it's more expensive than a decent hooker.
Low magic, sword & sorcery campaign.
Any of the W40K RPG's, doesn't really matter which
Anything that's not D&D
Finding a group that doesnt drops the campaign would be good enough
A mix of Gone With The Blastwave with hints of Fallout. The setting takes place hundreds of years after mankind was nearly wiped out due to a viral plague. Ninety-nine percent of humanity died, the survivors being those with a rare genetic immunity to the virus. Over time, the earth has healed and nature has reclaimed the urban sprawls and other physical infrastructure that was built sturdy enough to keep standing. The players are Lore-Seekers; adventurers who trek through the endless green cities in search of old technologies and secrets of the 21st century.
It would probably use something like Apocalypse World.
Can't say I know much about Redline, but for F-Zero, there's this. 1d4chan.org
Man, a lot of great ideas here. Guess I'll add mine.
I want to run a Kamen Rider/Sentai inspired game with my own twists. Ridiculous costumes and over-the-top action. The basic idea is that every two thousand years, God selects 10,000 humans to participate in a tournament and gives them some sort of transformation device and unlocks latent powers. The winner gets one single paradox free wish. The only rule is that you must fight each other in costume only. I've got a couple of big twists lined up for it. Like, God only does this because he gets so bored, the winner of the last tournament was Jesus (who's still walking around, kills one of the 10k, takes their transforming device and wants to win again so he can wish that God was dead.)
Lots of fun, I imagine.
I really want to play/run a game based on Crimson Skies. Anyone know any good systems for in depth aerial combat, or am I going to have to do some home brewing?
I actually started running it and got 3 sessions in before my group disbanded.
A world sorta similar to the one from stranger things. 2 worlds inhabiting the same space. One a steretypical fantasy setting, the other a blasted hellscape. The only way of moving between the worlds is through locuses of intense good or evil energy. The more good or evil the deed performed in a location(with a bottom threshold, donating a few dollars to an orphanage wont open a portal, donating a 100 million will though) the larger the portal. In addition the energy of the portal causes a guardian to come into being, Angels for good deeds, Demons for evil ones. The energy also warps the landscape, the larger the portal the larger the warp. The largest evil portals on the hellscape side are mountains rivaling Everest. The largest on the "normal" side are large fertile valleys with crisp rivers running through them.
Its possible to barter or fight your way past the guardians, even if they aren't your alignment, and the guardians can even be released using certain rituals. A large plot point was going to revolve around an evil sorceress tricking the party into releasing one of the largest demons to allow it to enter the normal world followed by a large army of goblins and kobolds that weren't deemed worthy by the demon and thus had been denied passage.
There were a lot of other cool things I had filling out the world, a dragonsmoot and a half dozen quest lines attached to that. Uncovering the cause of the largest "good" portal. Discovering the reason the portals exist in the first place. Quest lines if the party got trapped in the hellscape. A fake out quest about shamans poisoning water supplies that would look like the main quest in the beginning. 6 major cities and nearly a dozen smaller ones.
I kinda wish I'd gotten to keep running that :(
Oh, seems like my opinion is awfully popular.
Our Final Fantasy VIII Pathfinder was pretty fun though, mostly because it was relatively different from the norm. My gunslinger had a hilariously one-sided rivalry with Whatever.
I'm living the dream Veeky Forums, I finally made it
It's basically "playing a Homestuck game with an homebrew system by someone else that I expended on with people who have no fucking idea what Homestuck is"
It gets really entertaining and the fact that I get to play it with actual childhood friends makes it all better
A Digimon campaign with some Persona 5 flavor.
Players are teens in detention a la Breakfast Club who get sucked into the digital world through their phones. Various parts of the school have digital analogues. They can switch in and out through an app.
The final boss is a Diaboromon style internet virus. It wants to merge both worlds and infect reality.
A campaign the players actually set their own agendas for and have their own goals instead of blindly following plothooks
Just some nice exploration.
Magical post-apocalypse. World's basically Shadowrun without the tech: points of light setting, gritty urban environments, unreasonably hostile wilderness.
The second one is Ark in Savage Worlds as a sort of Might and Magic tribute. That's on hold until I get my hands on Kronocalypse.
There's an actual Crimson Skies RPG, chum.
Really far-future scifi (think 10k years from now) set on a generation ship on the way to the Magellanic clouds. Players are digitally immortal agents of the seed AI that runs the ship who have weird, reality-altering powers, called Seraphs. Basically Destiny's Guardians mixed with Firewall from Eclipse Phase. The players would be assigned to topple a totalitarian, neo-feudal regime in the aftward decks with the goal of keeping the regime from dismantling the reactors and turning them into nukes, which would fuck over the ship. They'd have to deal with court intrigue and balancing any genuine desire to help the people of the country with the pragmatism of keeping the reactors running.
A Majora's Mask style adventure where the world has a fixed cycle that the party are trapped in.
Dunno, never seen it.
in the modern times a series of misterius explosions released a magical form of energy. it made plants grow at alarming rates becoming larger and dangerous super plants.
humanity was slowly driven back. they had to build walls to keep the plants out shaped like a pot with the walls going underground in order to keep a layer of untainted soil in the City. everything outside became super sized (dire everything if using D&D terms). while humanity fought back they discovered that plants released resin and subsequently Amber, a material that seemed to express special properties. with it, Mecha was developed they used the Mecha to fight back. exploring the old cities they found that Amber also interacted with machines from the past giving them magical properties (ex: a grenade encased in Amber would be like a rod of fireballs) so adventurers went into the wild searching for those treasures and became known as lumberjacks.
the ambient is a bit like stalker mixed with Sakura Taisen magic is more psionics flavored and the brunt of the game would be Mecha adventuring and relic hunting.
You could do it as a wargame using Full Thrust, and build a campaign system off of it.
There's even a shapeways designer who makes Homeworld ships.
All I fucking want is to run something- ANYTHING- that isn't D&D.
Modern spec-ops style campaign that, as time progresses, becomes more and more absurd until they're kidnapping an elf ambassador in order to destabilize Catgirl Chechnya.
>Insect simulator
Anything that lasts for a longer period of time and has actually good roleplaying and character development instead of being almost solely murderhoboing and dumb jokes
Out of more specific things though, I've always wanted to run a big superhero campaign, one in which all the PCs besides working together from time to time also have well developed backstories, mythos, enemies etc. Or even better, ones that would develop when the game progresses, through lots of smaller and 1 player sessions
Forever DM with players who dont like new things reporting.
>!not Payday: The Heist
I had ad-hoc rules for covering up evidence and would have them spark some underworld war.
>MGS: super tacticool fuckery
OPERATORS OPERATING OPERATIONALLY IN OPERATIONS as the B squad to the real heroes and villains of the setting.
>Delta "SCP" Green
Monster of the week one-shots leading to a slenderman endgame. Lean a bit more on self-sufficient cell structure to put more into the hunt/investigation
>Fanatasy war in Heaven
Make high level characters. All of them die. Fight the war between heaven and hell in purgatory. (Our games never really ran long enough to see much high level play. I just wanted to see some of that stuff in action.)
That shit is amazing shit.
Consider that amazing shit stolen.
Ironclaw, or any other furry campaign setting.
Supernatural WW2 where every major power has a different 'syle' of magic.
Third Reich magitech, Russian blood magic (All those executions? Yeah, 226 was a convenient way to ensure plenty of sacrifices), Japanese ancestor worship with a twist of necromancy, British druidic lore. Mythical beasts and forest folk all exist in secret but are struggling to adapt to the new world.
You are aware of the existence of Warbirds, the RPG, right? It seems right up your alley.
>Anything that lasts for a longer period of time and has actually good roleplaying and character development instead of being almost solely murderhoboing and dumb jokes
I have this problem too and I wonder what it would take.