MtG Ixalan Draft Simulation

I've done a couple of these so far and some folks have enjoyed them, so I figure that I'll try one more and see if we get anything different this time.

First attempt was rather successful with Naya Dinosaurs, second was a shaky but functional UB Pirates. Let's see what we get this time.

What's the first pick?



Bishop of Rebirth picked.

Hell yeah, bishop. I love graveyard recursion stuff

Raging Raptors.

Ranging raptors - let's do green white. Getting stuff from enrage and then getting it back is nice.

>let's do green white
It's not like our two first picks in any way lock us into these colors.

Well hopefully we don't get fucked.

Ranging Raptors picked.

Heed the words of . You are not yet locked into any color. It's up to you if you want to focus on either of the colors you've already picked or go down a completely different path.

Totally. That said - legions judgement

Yeah, Legion's Judgment. This is a really unexiting pack.

Legion's Judgment it is.

New horizons for extra mana

Not a huge fan of the white cards in this pack. This could be the time to move into either blue or red as our actual secondary color considering that green also looks rather dry.

I'm probably gonna regret this, but Otepec Huntmaster.

New horizons. It will help us transition into a different secondary color if we need it.

>It will help us transition into a different secondary color

Mana fixing

New Horizons over Otepec Huntmaster, then. Not what I would go for personally but it was a difficult pack.

But green is our current secondary color. Are you planning on splashing for mana fixing?


Hmm. This is an interesting pack. We could shore up our white with the Caller while its still there, grab the Whiptail, or use that fancy new horizons we just got to get the Swordtooth for Enrage shenanigans and to fuck over vampires.

I say its a tossup between the swordtooth and the whiptail, leaning towards the latter. Swordtooth is more likely to wheel.

Zeal for combat tricks. I would've said Swordtooth if Otepec got it but I don't think we should get a multicolored card if we don't have any cards in one of its colors


Is there ANY worthwhile green shit in this set? I'm so sick of waiting for something good.

Raging Swordtooth picked.

I'm really not a big fan of the Brontodon. In most cases it makes the dinosaurs actually shittier and its a 6/6 for 7 mana. I say take the Champion.

Dino Stampede

Deeproot champion for sure - I always love creatures that build like that. And there are a lot of solid white instants.

Fuck the Champion we'll never make it any bigger than a 3/3. Pick up the Unknown Shores

Deeproot Champion it is.

I'd say skyblade legion for flying plus reanimation target

Skyblade but I'm gonna be kicking myself if there's an Aegiosaur in the next pack for not taking the huntmaster

Skyblade of the Legion, then.

Bishop's Soldier is a solid 2 drop.

Bishop's soldier

I'd say Conquistador.

Why would you go Conquistador in a draft?

I could have 10 Conquistador's and I still wouldn't play them. 3 mana for a 2/2 is utter trash and way too slow to utilize effectively. At least the Squadron Hawks had flying. 3 mana bears are never good.

>4 card limit doesn't apply
>10 legion conquistadors
> discard to graveyard

Bishop's Soldier taken.

What said. Three more packs, 8 man draft, that's 160 more commons to see.

Spell Pierce. You can always use Horizons for a quick surprise counterspell.

Altisaur could be good against all the red aggro that we've seen and can easily block their 4/4 and 5/5 dinos.

Meant for . Wasted my trips, man...

Crushing canopy

One color-fixing card does not enable five-mana goodstuff, jesus christ.

It's one blue, fuck off. We could go Bant easy in this environment.

Sun-Crowned Hunters

Crushing Canopy for the sideboard

Crushing Canopy it is.

crush the ramparts

Pterodon Knight

Encampment Keeper. Worst case scenario, it's an anthem for 7WW in a format lacking anthems.

Crush the Ramparts. Pterodon Knight is too reliant on tribal synergy and we'll never have the mana for Encampment Keeper's 7WT.

Crush the Ramparts has been picked.

commune with dino


rate my draft


Commune with Dinosaurs chosen.

Trilobite. Embrace it.

knight, unless you people really want to go red.

Knight, the only red card we have is a single RG card we likely won't be playing and we've got no investment in blue.

chupacabra. That thing looks like it gets better in multiples. G/B explore let's do it!

knight. 2 red on hijack is not ideal for possible splashing.

Pterodon Knight picked.

Last pick of the pack.

Growing rites, because why not.

Money pick. We GW now.

My draft pt 1

committing to Naya?

Pt 2.

Growing Rites of Itlimoc picked. Dinosaur Stampede followed it.

With that, first pack done. Here's the results.

Pt 3, final.


Growing Rites of Itlimoc picked. Dinosaur Stampede followed it.

With that, first pack done. Here's the results.

And here's the first pick of the second pack.

Hey, at least we can reanimate 4 of out 6 creatures

Let's hope for more dino support in pack 2.


Where are your dryads, communes, or new horizons?


Sheltering light

Didn't see a one.

This. It's soft removal, but it's still removal.

Slash of Talons was picked.

Slam that Aegisaur


Bellowing Aegisaur picked.

Swordtooth #2



Shining Aerosaur



Well enrage is a primarily G/R mechanic (white gets one uncommon and that's it) and we are primarily G/W.

Flying Butt

Next three posts decide.

Shining Aerosaur or Raging Swordtooth?

On second thought it looks primary in green. Secondary in red (which has a common and an uncommon). and tertiary in white.

Enrage is a fringe benefit. It's a 5/5 Trampler for 5.
