/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

Previous thread: >Pastebin:
>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Characters from other media you have adapted or would like to adapt to your gamelines? It was a good question. Weebs need not apply.
>5th edition cliffnotes

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Why pre 2004 world of darkness is so disliked here? Whats your reason to favor nwod, if you are favoring it?

Because many of us have moved past the 90s.

Is that a roundabout way of saying you were introducted to nwod first and therefore ignoring owod? Or did you compared the two and picked the new one?

Ok so I will repeat it here. Winston from John Wick(in fact whole system) to vtr. Christopher Walken from various media to Mage. Stuff from Secret World.

Right now I'm running a chronicle that is based on carnivale, fargo, twine peaks and lsot highway(and number of others) but it is mostly in themes and atmosphere less in lifting stuff wholesale

Local fandom ruined owod for me. Years later I like it a lot more but I'm too invested in nwod

Not him, but I was introduced to oWoD first through the Bloodlines computer game, which I had a lot of fun with. And then from there I got into the oWoD games from looking up Masquerade and getting in on it. While I like stuff about the oWoD games, it's mostly little things. Like Masquerade factions and fluff, and the idea of Lupus and Metis werewolves. Well, with the exception of Wraith, which I love as a splat and want to be in CofD as more than a subset of Geist (which isn't likely to happen). But by this point I prefer CofD. Indeed, the 90's aspect of the older games has not aged well, and I think CofD on the whole is just a lot neater. And the fans of oWoD also tend to be big turn offs. Basically, beyond some ideas and ghost stuff, it's just old news to me. I definitely don't like the new WoD stuff, and I probably won't be playing it.

what about 20th edition?

What about it?

Does it fix the 90s problems of owod while keeping the setting intact? I heard it was basically owod with nwod rules. Did 20th edition pushed nwod out from the first place? Or did it vanished into obscurity?

Continuation from last thread's relatively fun "Geniuses' nicknames for other supernaturals":
What would other creatures of World of Darkness (old or new) call Geniuses or NotGeniuses?

Outside of M20 they are fine. Problem for me isn't with owod as such since I enjoy a lot of pulp elements and use them in my cofd chronicles. Problem is owod players I encountered are horrible twats(outside of those brought in by bloodlines at least form my experience)

I'll level with you, I just wasn't interested. It's not like I've been waiting for oWoD to be making a comeback. I'm good. I actually do think the 20th editions are already old news though. I haven't really seen anybody talk about them at length except for questions about M20, and then people bashing M20. V5 came out practically right after them, and now apparently that's what's happening with oWoD right now. All the fifth editions. Although from V5 they don't exactly look promising, and I don't trust Swedish Dracula at all. And I'm not interested in playing with the people pining for the One World of Darkness shit to kill CofD once and for all, or whatever they think will happen.

Btw. V5 from what I heard last looked kinda ech. Is it really this bad?

"Geniuses," but sarcastically

Or were too young to develop an attachment for the 90s zeitgeist.

You may think that's original but book explicitly says that's how protagonist faction calls themselves.

How do you feel about the theory concocted in a realm of circlejerking and cancer that posits about the Idigam and the Cold Ones being connected?


>Patrick Bateman
>Killer Croc
>the protag from Hotline Miami
>Dylan Klebold (vampire) and Eric Harris (ghost that haunted the vampire) (although not sure if that counts for the question)
>Anna Varney Cantodea (psycho tranny goth musician)

>Spider Jerusalem for Null Mysteriis

>Tender Branson from Survivor (Chuck Palanhiuk)
>Bluebeard (true Fae)

Before anyone points it out : Yes. I am an edgelord.

Also an entire plotline in Changeling involving the Hotel California

Killer croc is interesting not seeing the connection to vampire. Also a psychotic goth tranny isn't edgy it's a good chunk of the player base for requiem/masquerade.

>Characters from other media you have adapted or would like to adapt to your gamelines? It was a good question. Weebs need not apply.

I have a female version of pic related running around the city of my game settings purely for flavor.

Doesn't sound that much more outlandish than that God-Machine is wounded Terminal.

Oh and I forgot this are not mine but one of my players mage is somewhat based on Lincoln Potter from Sons of Anarchy while vamp player in the same campaign is Tommy and Arthur Shelby from Peaky Blinders fused together

Not OP but I could see killer croc as a nosferatu concept

Wouldn't it also work quite nicely for Gangrel?

System wise i prefer nwod. Both systems are bad but while owod goes between average and utter shit. Nwod is mediocre all the way through not reaching neither the highs nor lows of owod.

Lore wise i prefer owod best.

>Is that a roundabout way of saying you were introducted to nwod first and therefore ignoring owod? Or did you compared the two and picked the new one?

I started with nwod and yeara later i started with owod. I choose owod

That could work imho

Ahh, I see. Personally I see him as more of a claimed or night horror.

What splat?

He was indeed a Nosferatu with the Giant merit and a few dots in Resilience and Protean
Admittedly, he only really started to feel like THE Killer Croc only later when he was all jacked up on Vigor and Resilience, but it was hella fun to get there
He also had a derangement that made him crave human flesh (although he couldn't digest it like Noctuku and Macellarius, so he ended up vomiting it back half-digested some time after), and that drawback that keeps you from sealing bite wounds
It was pretty gnarly

If he was CoC member he could get that ritual that gives you lamprey mouth

I thought about it, but ultimately that would have been powergaming and I was really going for the flavor of it (just like I didn't pick Noctuku or a bloodline that gave him straight access to Resilience)
He was pretty dumb and animalistic and I didn't see a way to justify him learning blood sorcery, when his main concern was
It was also very relaxing to play the brutish henchman and not have to worry about politics (sometimes fucking it up for the other PCs but hey, diplomatic incidents were a good excuse to EAT MORE)

This is kind of a different but in Immortal Sinners there is Lancea/Nosferatu elder that lives in the sewers and throws around spells and curses when some big wig vampire annoys him

Also in the same book there is actual killer croc nosferatu(guy started turning into giant lizard 150 years ago for god knows what reasons)

They're a mehket from VtR . More of a homage to the radio show than the pulp books.

>guy started turning into giant lizard 150 years ago for god knows what reasons
oh man, I completely missed that (granted, that wasn't the book I spent the most time obsessing over)
will definitely check it out again

crocodiles and underwater terrors in general are pretty good to elicit either body horror or visceral fright
I seem to remember the gangrel had an underwater bloodline that was pretty gnarly (Moroi ? Mara ?), planned to use one as an antagonist with a giant conger eel animal form, never got around to it

"The sixth tallest pyramid in the world is a Bass Pro Shops megastore in Memphis, Tennessee, USA"

These new mummy tombs are so cleverly disguised

That guy is probably my favourite part of that book(with I would rate overall 6,5/10). He even has bite related devotion that should interest you.

>I seem to remember the gangrel had an underwater bloodline that was pretty gnarly

I think this might be in the same book not sure thou

>body horror or visceral fright
heh I once made a protean/dominate devotion that allowed you to fashion Cymothea Sanguina(check wicked dead) out of your own tongue and innards and then implant it into some unfortunate fucke(so you can control him through it)

>protean/dominate devotion that allowed you to fashion Cymothea Sanguina(check wicked dead) out of your own tongue and innards and then implant it into some unfortunate fucke(so you can control him through it)
you. I like you.
the cymothea was one of my favorite parts of the Wicked Dead (which had some amazing stuff too)

not the same kind of horror, but I'm planning to use a Stryx infestation coincidentally happening at the same time as Baykosh attacks to REALLY fuck with my players, at some point

>(which had some amazing stuff too)
Shame the Rizzetti Apperatus was a bit meh.

>there's a pyramid in Memphis

It all checks out to me. Nothing to see here

The sacred bait has been stolen, massa.

>Elvis was an Arisen.
I see nothing wrong with this.

Nice. For my next trick(I mean session) I have
a) Demon building a hellhound out of a mixure of human and car parts(I know it does not work like this but sue me) because my players didn't steal bear from the local zoo for him
b) Lance Inqusitor booting angel out of the system and jacking himself in with causes the local infrastructure to wrap around him in a form of a giant cross

I know this might be a bit cliche and cringy but again...sue me

Or old enough to find distaste with it, like me.
I have no fond attachments to the 90s style, and owod remains too steeped in it for me to do more than laugh at it.

So when do they get elvis back?

3472AD, or if his cult wakes him up earlier.

Isn't that about when some of the earlier Vampire Hunter D stories are set? Or one of the less bizarre Fist of the North Star remakes? I could get into Mummy Fist of the North Star.

Nobody cares about fan splats. Now fuck off.

Nobody who posts fansplats is going to stop posting fansplats because you told them to. You accomplish less than doing nothing, by being total buzzkill.

*accomplish less than by doing nothing

Besides, talking about/playing fansplats is its own punishment.

Honestly, that's the right attitude!
Don't feel like joining me wiggling and trashing on the ground? Do something else.

It's better to just ignore them.

I am honestly starting to believe this should start to count as bait. Those posts accomplish nothing but only incite them into defending their presence on this thread.

"It is currently forbidden for public to climb the pyramid for any reason."

So as a response storyteller you write a chronicle where PCs MUST climb it?

What's the biggest effect a mage has passed off as coincidental in a game you have played?

It'll be off limits for two reasons. One, because the locals like to climb it while shitfaced. Two, the council will be allergic to any form of potential liability, so with a few signs they're legally protected. A bit, anyway. Courts are weird here. And it's apparently on private property, so there's that.

So if you climb it, you'll have five sleepy cops rock up 45 minutes into your epic climb and tell you to fuck off, tase you, spray you, toss you in the wagon and dump you on a road somewhere with a few bruises.

I like it, but what the fuck is a vampire going to do with Infrastructure ? Is he just entombed in it ?
Or did I misunderstand ?

Precisely! Sounds like an obstacle for inexperienced group of PCs to overcome! By brute force, finesse, or social sway.

Collapsing a building with group of Seers inside. Poor architector got hounded by public for "structural errors".

Brute force is all they'll get. Five sleepy cops isn't an exaggeration. They'll all be asleep in their cars, and at a radio call will shamble off being pissed and looking for an excuse to get their kit out.

Finesse. Can't wake up if there isn't a call. Cut their communication or climb the pyramid undetected. The world is your platter.

God machine will use him as a conduit to nuke the demon And everyone nerby. I will write more when i'm on my computer

So who would win between a Solar Exalted and an Archmage?

>mentions coincidental
dont answer this ascension faggot with an awakening answer user.

I was about to crack a joke about Thread Killer having visited us but how about instead:
Grim Reaper in different splats?

Yeah, but vulgar/coincidental distinction was present in MtAw 1e, and I have very fond memories of that one.

Die, you ass monkey.

The Archmage Unmakes the Solar


Coincidental is only Ascension faggotry

So who would win between the Grim Reaper and an Archmage?

Would you be a Daeva's bitch boy?

Closest pre-existing True Fae equivalent would probably be Year of the Plague, if mixing plague doctor into aesthetic doesn't muddle the concept too hard.


Death is just Rank 7 Goetia. Any dedicated archmaster will wipe the floor with her.

Yes. Yes! YES!

Depends. How hot is the Daeva?

>Archmage strips Solar of its Template
>Archmage makes an unbeatable Charm, or something that does the exact same thing
>Archmage makes an army of Solar Exalted 2.0
>Archmage turns self into Solar Exalted 3.0
>Archmage fucks the symbol of 'Exalted'
>Archmage nukes Solar with Imperial Unmaking.

Note that op didn't even note Daeva's gender.
Or is that unnecessary distinction for you? I know it is for me.

Why are you doing this

Absolutely not. Read the Daeva clanbook if you want to find out what happens to Daeva bitch boys.

I don't care which gender it is. It has to be physically desirable.

I don't have money to throw at new books, can you give me a hint?
How kinky?

>pastebin top of thread

Sleep deprivation doesn't do me any good! Crapcakes.
Thank you, and sorry.

This faggot is going to be the death of the thread.

OP is responsible, actually.

Making a new thread is the problem here.
Let this place wither away.

What's your absolutely and unquestionably most favorite True Fae you ever faced in a Chronicle, from official material or ST's own?


The solar uses shaping defenses.

You're forgetting about the Death Lords, or the Cthonic Gods.

Only other acts of Imperium can dissuade Imperial Magic.

I thought the Cthonic gods were never dead to begin with.

So how's it feel to know that your chosen game is going to grind to a halt under Onyx path there, local aspy?

If I take the giant merit as a woof at chargen and go war form would I be size 8?

Sometimes, dead is better.

But what is dead may never die

Because Dad's pulling into the driveway and the ChrodNiggers are sweating bullets while trying to stash the booze. They know their favorite game lines were never as popular as the originals, even when they were marked improvements (changeling, Hunter and Demon). They know that Onyx Path is going to continue to drop the ball and their release schedule is going to be anemic at best if they don't get their license pulled due to RichT's fuckery. They look at something like M20 getting overflow supplements and new material like the rich bastard's guide to magic while Awakening has nothing on the horizon. They doubt that nuWW will allow themselves to self compete for long. They see the RPG.net sales figures and what that means.

But they can't admit any of this to themselves.

Kinds good actually, just need for signs or sorcery to be release and i wont need any other mage book.

A clanbook like pentacle book? After the shitshow that secrets of the covenant was? Fuck that.

A book of planes which i dont use because i run street level games? Pass

How would you do the groups of 5 for Hunters like how Mages have the 5 groups and the vampires 5 clans?

I'm thinking something like how did they turn to the vigil/motivation, and how they think the vigil should be done. First five could be Loss for people who lost things to monsters, Victims for people who survived and encounter, Discovered for people who encountered them while looking into the occult, Informed for those brought into the vigil by others, and Luck for those who just got lucky and figured it out.

The second groupings would be stuff on how to do it. Slayers would be people who just want to kill all monsters, Researchers are those who want to know more, Diplomats are those who think they can coexist, Revaltionists want to expose the rest of the world to the monster, and Shadows are those who think they can work in the shadows to exploit the monsters.

>M20 getting overflow supplements and new material

But its made by Brucatto. I am an ascension fan and even i would prefer the line to be cancelled