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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Is that someone's name? "Boy Edition"?
there is a way around that as well! Use Amazo backup data to create a machine to do it.
It's Boy George's brother. They're Japanese so the names are the wrong way round.
Question for Generic Creepypasta:
If i use the Spawn + Fate Worse Than Death combo on someone, do they keep their abilities?
Like if i used Spawn + FWTD on a companion with Spawn + ESP to make them part of my hivemind, can i still use the perks they get from importing them in this or other jumps?
How do we fix this community?
About 100 bullets.
You leave.
Job done.
By not acting like a Victorian dowager and clutching our pearls every time the wind blows. /jc/, like Veeky Forums, does not survive despite cancer, it survives because it is cancer. I know you're baiting, but concern trolling is low-rent faggotry.
Find new material.
My favorite movie.
"You boys gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?"
The Outlaw Josey Wales is amazing.
What are some energies I can use to create Angel Notes Knight Arms? I'm trying to get seven for an experimental combo.
To myrmidont from last thread: you forgot that the 100 Cp surcharge for each successive EXs are't discountable like you put in your Blossoming Jounrey EX.
Mantra - Asura's Wrath
Reiatsu (?) - Bleach
Essence - Exalted
Spiral Energy - Gurren Lagann
Youki - Inuyasha
Yeah the gun thing is in there but out of setting it just works.
Half the free cities are full of people descended from the Valyrians but only the Targaryens kept their dragons for any length of time after Valyria exploded.
I don't really know how I'd make that appealing, no idea where they go or why and they come back straight away.
>it just works.
Could we have an option to have the satellite follow us instead?
Seconding this, even if HELIOS doesn't follow.
Yeah I guess.
Cool Cats, Veteran Ranger companion option/ability to get combat ranger gear in New Vegas?
Also what were you going to put down as origins Wildcard, NCR, and Legion?
Could we get a B-29 that may or may not have been drug out of a lake?
I honestly don't understand how this question has come up again so quickly. Either way I went into it last thread here:
Backgrounds are here. There's also factions which I'll post as well, haven't proofread any of it though.
Boomers are a faction, I could put a B-29 in but it is fairly specific and not really unique to the setting at all so it'd be a slightly weird one.
And here's factions.
I'm going to post my Turtledove Atlantis jump to the drive. Is everybody cool with that?
What are some good mech/tanks/ships to import as a ACU in supcom
Go for it
I think one bullet should be enough.
One you designed yourself using centuries, or millennia, of experience with advanced technology.
Personalized things are always superior to just taking something someone else made for other people.
All of the variable fighters and tanks from Macross and Robotech.
Necron Tomb Spyder?
..Yeah thx for not answering the question, I'll file this under shit I already know.
So if you know the answer already, why'd you ask the question? Do you just like wasting our time?
Infinite stratos, ship from uncharted waters, light of terra, tank from girls und panzer, metal gear, shagohod, ace combat plane, Liberty Prime, pacific rim jaegers, gundams, upper level Security from Blame!, robot wars has absurd mechs iirc? Any of those would work.
One that you've installed a shrinking mechanism onto, so that after importing it as an ACU rockets it up to 90 meters tall (or worse, as an Experimental ACU 270 meters tall) you can shrink it back down to the proper height for a super robot, 40 meters tall. 50 meters, at the most.
Light of Terra and Dahak obviously.
The Transformer Mech if you take that option.
A megazord from power rangers for the fun factor.
Pacific Rim Jaegers are hardy.
You could get one of the large mobile armors from Gundam that are filled with weapons like Big Zam and Psycho Gundam.
People seam to really like that Tree Ship thing from Tenchi.
Star Trek ships aren't the best in terms of firepower and durability, but they have some of the highest flexibility in what one can do with them.
Anything that travels by burrowing underground.
Laugh as the other factions have to scramble to design new tactics and units to fight a giant enemy worm that torpedoes their ACUs from beneath.
How do you go about developing tenchi tree tech?
Personally, I imported a Death Star/Asgerd planetoid hybrid, to have what's basically a moving, automated forgeworld on steroids. It can transform into an Unicron knockoff.
But you're probably going to want to import something you can't replicate on your own, to take advantage of the ACU getting the schematics and underrstanding of itself. LoT can get you Necron tech for that?
Could also go with a giant tank, like a Bolo, and get an even gianter tank.
>How do you go about developing tenchi tree tech?
Be a capital G Goddess and become a tree, then spend a few thousand years grooming and breeding your offspring so they're willing and able to work with people and technology.
Well, first you convince a tree-goddess to have a bunch of kids to help you, then you get started on the supertech to work with the resulting tree-ships...
Great comic, that was.
Despite what some shitposters might say there is no real standard to pass, if you post a jump to thread a couple of times and no one says anything, its good to go. You saying you were going to put it in the last time you put it up for review was enough.
It's simple, we ban the Valeria.
WaveyRider (DC Arrowverse) lets your ACU time travel.
Dimensional Warship (Lyrical Nanoha) grants dimensional travel and the Arc-en-ciel (massive magical beam cannon).
Fuck yes!
Yes, but they wouldn't be your companions anymore; they'd be something born of their bodies with enough memories of their "past life" to realize what happened to "them". Also, if they're a part of your hive-mind they are you, essentially, meaning you can't really import them.
a e s t h e t i c
The ship in umineko, powered by a universe fragment and has anti-conceptual cannonry with goat people to help crew the big bot
How do we know you're not just an alternate trip for another jumpmaker?
Glamour?-Changling(The emotion fuel stuff)
Nature Chakra-Naruto
Bijuu Chakra-Naruto
Ki/Chi-Lots of Places
Mana/MP-Lots of Places
Soul-Lots of Places, but Dresden Files is likely a must.
We need to kill all jumpmakers and anons. They're ruining the world at large.
They're not using a trip
People often refer to names as "trips" for some reason. Yes, even when there's no tripcode. No idea why.
You caught me, I was You all along.
So, everyone then? Like everyone in existence? But I don't know how to make a reality bomb, I'm not Davros.
Chaos Emerald power
Love in certain universes
Your own sexual magnetism
Magic from 7 different universes to see what the overall difference in effect is between them
Psionics/PP/Psipower/etc.-Los of places
Vigor from Kubera.
Protein Energy from Cho Aniki.
EVO from EVO.
Dr. Who villains are for laughs, not for scares.
>Cho Aniki
How dangerous is this setting?
Mania from Genius the Transgression?
Essence from Exalted, perhaps?
Psionic energy?
Fortune Energy from Binbougami.
Appetite Energy from Toriko.
We've got a lot of nukes. Set one off at Yellowstone to erupt the supervolcano and then just use the rest of the nukes on the places that the ash fall won't put into perpetual darkness.
...lower Elder God level.
This is assuming that there isn't intelligent life out there somewhere. Not that a lack would mean anything seeing as there isn't any here.
What are some good chance-involved activities or abilities to do/use with Schroedinger from Petals of Reincarnation?
>Aether (Fire Emblem Tellius)
>Blacklight transmission (Prototype)
>Complete Arsenal (Worm)
>Click Faster, Damn You! (Terraria)
>Deck of Many Things, Mordekainen's Disjunction (D&D)
>Four-Way Soul Mutate (Coiling Dragon)
>Gacha, Absorptive Stomach (Generic Isekai)
>Mehrune's Razor, Wabbajack (TES)
>Sacrifice (Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy Wars)
>avoiding critical failure
The Deplorable Word from Narnia.
>Petals of Reincarnation
Sorry, but that jump is inValid.
while that would work, I don't know the word. Do you?
It's Niggerfaggot.
We're brothers, aren't we?
Can someone post petals of reincarnation?
Just use the fucking archive nigga.
>A New Vegas jump
Thank you cool cats, this is going to be fun.
C-Finder item?
+0 Drawback that makes us the Courier?
Fire Emblem Jumps in general have skills to abuse, you forgot to mention Awakening which has a bunch of skills that activate 1/3rd of the time, you could also probably abuse the shit out of Gatcha from Generic Isekai, I think Luna and Sol from Genealogy Of The Holy War also works too.
>isn't any here
Humans are FOOLISH, not stupid.
Stupid is being unintelligent. Foolishness is being unwise. Knowing the difference will save your life.
In fact, humans are too intelligent for their own good. Humans have knowledge, and therefore power, but not the lifespans necessary to develop restraint or properly impart their lessons onto the next generations. They die before they can finish teaching their children.
This is correct, if humans weren't intelligent we wouldn't be able to fuck up on the scale we currently do.
Funny, I'm not dead so I don't think either of those words will do the trick.
>can't decide between Telepath, Teleporter, Clairvoyant, and Electromaster
Kill me.
I've been trying to read up on Coil Dragon, and someone said something about a Light and Darkness Soul Mutate being super special. Is that really a thing? Or would it be better to keep trying to go down the Linley path of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air?
Spin a wheel, flip some coins, put them through a randomizer, and then pick whatever makes it out
I've got a Deplorable Sentence, that should do the trick:
"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."
In which jump?
What exactly is the appeal of telepath? I'm probably missing something.
Raildex Science Side. Whichever of these Esper powers I buy (my actual roll was Meltdowner but Meltdowner is boring) is going to be my first real power.
Any way to give people their own Quirks (BnHA) besides extreme breeding?
Communication saves lives.
Yes as mentioned earlier in this thread.
Yes as mentioned last thread.
I'm not sure, I'm only a couple books into it, myself. But from wiki diving and spoiling what details for myself that I could (the wiki's pretty sparse), I did see that the main villain is a light/darkness mutate using top-tier Sovereign sparks and is overpowered by Linley once he fuses his four standard elemental low-level Sovereign sparks. So I guess Linley's method is stronger?
Telepath and Teleporter are kinda wimpy in the big picture of jumpchain, so i'd scratch those.
Sure, Teleporter gets telefragging, but that's its only redeeming virtue.
Electromaster is very broad in the things it enables you to do, but you can get all the various component abilities easily enough elsewhere, just not in one perk/ability.
Clairvoyant is one of very few powers that provides that scope of precog, so it's definitely worth considering. And the synergy with Premonition Precog is hax.
So from a pure power perspective it's Clairvoyant all the way.
>The chance of some one saying yes to whatever you asked of them.
>When someone asks if you feel lucky punk.
>Seducing jump chan.
Buy some radio headsets.
Yeah, but it could be replaced by a decent radio headset and is probably one of the weaker telepathy options in the chain.
Those can be jammed. Can't jam my brain unless you've also got psychic powers.
That's a good point though.
And paranoia can ruin them, which is going to be a thing if you're a telepath.
Hey Val. Few little things about this. You refer to Nobu and Ushiwakamaru as "he" and "him" a few times, and you mention Tamamo's 9 (instead of 8) siblings at one point?
Also, I was kinda torn between getting Nobu and her cousin, and the army of 40,000 Nobus. But I suppose I could build the former with the supplement... So at what level would I have to buy Nobu's NPs?
Not with Raildex-verse telepathy. That can be jammed technologically, the physics behind it are fairly well-known by Academy City compared with other psionic abilities.