OP Abilities/Weapons that seem weak

Alright, rule lawyers: Let's see some snake-in-the-grass style powers or abilities that can be exploited on an absolutely dramatic scale while appearing comical, or weak. As long as it's not some sort of instakill power, it should be usable. Magic permitted.


A big tripping log you can roll down the hill/stairs

Too situational and unwieldy. I like where this is going though

Depends on how many we're talking about here. Are you saying you can roll them downstairs alone or in pairs?

What game? What kind of character?

No module, mostly freeform shitpost tabletop RP. It's set in an alternate wild west, but the DM was drunk when he came up with the idea so most of it isn't set in stone, yet. The basic systems I screenshotted aren't going to change, though.

Seems weak right?
But very dramatic and comical

The scale is pathetic, though, and the setup is too much of a balancing factor to make it overpowered.

I have a small bag that always has a good handful of powdered/granulated material in it, such as sugar, sand, or flour. It takes an hour for the contents to regenerate, and the material can be changed once a day via shaking the bag and thinking really hard.

That sounds amazing. Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

I can, when under the effect of alcohol, talk with any beast as if it were human.

That's a racial ability, though. My character isn't Welsh or Afghani.

If you are okay with really out there powers, try taking inspiration from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

I'm a huge fan of JoJo. They'd recognize that I'm using a Stand ability, immediately.

Go to the archives and look for /sss/, or just use the tone and style as inspiration

Psychokinetic powers that are only active whilst helplessly dangling from a precious position.

Have a character snap their fingers and a target of their choosing loses their balance. Character may use as many times as they want in combat but must suffer loss of balance/dizziness equal to 1 minute per use of ability. Something like that.

From a precious position? Never heard of that, please enlighten me user.

Lasso of the Lawkeeper.
Can only be used to capture and secure villans.
Trying to use it for anything else results in the user comedically tying themself up, requiring assistance to be freed.

*Precarious. I shouldn't post from mobile.

>an alternate wild west
Minor pyrokinesis is always fun when combined with gunpowder.

I know, I'm just being a shithead. Still that ability would be silly to use. Would it get stronger the more danger you were in from the fall?

Probably it would scale with the sense of danger at hand.

Everything you throw returns to you like a boomerang, but only if it weighs in between 5 and 10 lbs

A mancatcher ignores armor (even magical armor) and basically can make anyone of any level totally helpless by pinning them to the ground by their fucking neck.

The only flaw is that it only works against one target. If the person you have in the mancatcher's spikes has a buddy that can smack you from behind, your advantage disappears.

You have friends everywhere, and they have an uncanny tendency to turn up right when you need them. Once per (I'm partial to narrative time spans for rationing this sort of ability, so I'd personally say per scene, like how scenes would be broken up in a movie or TV episode), you can have a useful ally of some kind show up. They'll stay and help you out as long as narratively plausible, but always temporarily, and you can't call a new ally if you still have one with you. How an ally shows up must be narratively plausible, but doesn't necessarily have to be you actively seeking them out (ie, they could just happen to show up by dumb luck). And they don't need to be human.

Attacked by a cougar in the mountains? Wait, what's that howling? Why, it's your old pet Scruffy, the "stray puppy" you adopted when you were a child but your parents made you get rid of when he grew up and they realized he was actually a wolf! Trapped in some kind of spirit dream quest by an Indian shaman? Well who do you find but there ghost of your dear departed Grampaw!

bag of holding

As long as my eyes are closed, my ears covered, I'm not speaking and I hold my breath, I'm completely invisible and undetectable

Oooh, that's good user.

A cursed lockpick that can only close locks, whatever lock it closes can never be opened again

>The animal understands you as well as a human does.
>No one can understand a drunk Welshman.