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>Geek the Mage first
>Do not buy CGL products
>Never, EVER deal with a dragon

Money Edition

>To PCs
What starting gear do you get depending on your character archetype? Any pet items?

>To GMs
How do you compensate your runners? Does it bother you that RAW you could make better money carjacking for a chop shop than shadowrunning?

Other urls found in this thread:

trogger, first of all you are too early (Page 9 at the earliest)
second: couldn't you change the filenames at least a bit?

>What starting gear do you get depending on your character archetype? Any pet items?
No pet items but I do have a pet quality, neoteny.

I usually have a really high paying high risk high reward run at the middle of the campaign that nets the players enough money to buy what they want, but not enough to retire

my bad, I just saw old thread had reached the bump limit

Why 2 points of stelf and not athletics?

bump limit just means that the thread is not being pushed to page 1 with each post
so post number 309 pushes the thread to page 1 and afterwards it will drift down the pages, depending on the activity of the rest of the board.
Once the thread reaches page 12 (bottom of page 11 and then a bit) it is archived
So usually we make a new thread when the old one reaches page 10, so that a bit of discussion can happen in the old thread before it's archived, but mostly to minimize the period of having two /srg/ alive
And now you know

Because it's better to not be seen than to have to run away

Because you in all likelihood will never use acrobatics or swimming, and if you do you're probably going to fail even with thr points and running being only marginally useful, whereas you will find sneaking (always good to not be seen or heard), disguise (to appear as a simple work crew or something) and palming (hiding shit on your body) consistently useful.

Why are you trying to bring this meme back?

I'm only being honest. When did honesty become a meme?


about the same time neoteny did

>captcha: implants mccall
captcha, we are talking about qualities, not ware

Had some good luck with Smart Firing Platforms.
I also always take a specialization in visual perception.

is that a brozouf center?

Is palming and disguise worth or do you really just want sneak?

Almost certain that is the logo for Bitcoin.

Can we replace all mentions of bitcoins with brozoufs?

I just wanted to tell you guys that of all the generals, yours has the best copy pasted intro art, whatever it is called.


Palming is always handy, primarily for hiding shit from prying eyes and hands. Disguise is the "junk" skill in the set. Not that it's actually bad, but with only a single point it's not doing much.

Why is neoteny a meme? It's the easiest way to play a loli.

what's your archetype?
Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses and areas
Strength: you can hide things on you and get them into places largely undetected, can grab things without being noticed
Weakness: Sensors can't be fooled by this and you still have to show yourself
Areas: Getting things into places without large sensors

Strength: You can disguise yourself as another person, which means that at the least it's harder to determine who you are and that you can try to look like another person.
Weaknesses: Just because you might look like somebody else doesn't mean that you are allowed to enter or take everything with you. SIN checks can still fuck you over ("why is your image in this different from your look?")
Areas: Throwing people off your scent, putting blame on others, using the rights of others. Whenever you have to not be identifiable as yourself.

Strength: You are not visible, so neither will you be checked for gear and ware, nor will your presence be marked in the system.
Weakness: Your presence will not be marked, so if you should be found you will be treated like the intruder you are. Sensors might find you.
Strength: Getting things into places where you would otherwise not be permitted.

>Why is neoteny a meme? It's the easiest way to play a meme

Because playing a loli is the meme.

Wait what, since when has wanting to be the little girl been a meme?

Let Veeky Forums have its say anything vaguely sexual is a meme.

>Wanting to be the little girl isn't a meme.

You baiting, or been under a rock?

is this your first visit to /srg/?
It's a meme since at least 5-6 years

Shit, it's metastized and spread to other game systems too.

Does a guncam do anything a smartgun system doesn't? I was under the impression smartguns already had cameras.

That's literally a meme, though. A classic one, but still.

Sounds wonderful.

It's not a meme because people genuinely want to be the little girl.

chummer, the cancer has not metastasized and spread through the substrate. The cancer IS the substrate

>It's not a meme because people genuinely want to be the little girl.
what you wrote is not a contradiction. people can want it and it can still be a meme

It being true in some cases doesn't make it stop being a meme chummer.

Anyone got that greentext of the wired decker martial artist busting the rest of the crew out of prison?

DC80 escape artist?

Is it unprofessional to be dating your fixer's sister?

Asking, uh... for a friend.

a bit, Adversary. But you of all things won't care anyway.

Depends. Is she under 14 years old? If yes, then no.

Carjack is always going to be based on demand. If I was a johnson and noticed my runners are carjacking I will start getting them in hijacking runs with hot cargo with shitty smuggling departments for the high risk high reward experience.

>Its not my fault you runners nearly died carjacking a truck filled with snack cakes.

>carjacking a truck filled with snack cakes
sign me right the fuck up
Do twinkies even exist anymore?

>Is she under 14 years old?
No, she's a consenting adult. Nice girl, albeit with a bad habit of latching onto troublesome guys she perceives as "misguided" and trying to fix them up. Fixer had us rescue her and off her last boyfriend after he tried to sell her to organleggers to pay off some loansharks.

Our shaman says to go for it - better me than whatever other scumbag she'll latch onto - but our decker thinks it'll complicate our team's working relationship with our fixer. Our street sam just advised "if you don't smash that dwarf pussy you're a fag" and hasn't been much help in the matter

Krime Spree or TMP?

I need a cheap gun that is good for suppressing fire. I guess there's also the Colt M23 or the SBd-44, but they seem a little bulky to be carrying around.


They are now soy. So they taste about the same.

The Streetsam knows what's up.

Why is your taste so shit user?
Afro, Anglo, Asian, or Latina a dwarf is perfect.


>Not bulky

Friend, you a trog?

Conceal +2 vs conceal +6, chummer.

Can you get essence back if you replace a cybernetic with a higher quality piece, or would that just let you get more stuff without as much further loss in the future?

The second one.

The later.

Read up on Essence Holes

>captcha: pommes retorno

Christ. Control Rigs are really expensive then, especially since you can't get anything back and a normal quality rank 3 one takes 3 goddamned essence out of you.

You all laughed at me when I said we were living in an alt-shadowrun canon, but then Donald Trump got elected thanks to meme magick, /pol/ went full Humanis, bitcoin surged and began looking like a reliable currency, and Russia started becoming militarily emboldened. Japan is shifting right militarily thanks to North Korea, and talk of state secession is more prevalent now than it's ever been before.

fuck off we are here to wank to elf girls

Essence is really only valuable to Awakened runners. Mundanes couldn't give a shit about the holes that chrome rip in their soul.

CRISPR will probably give us elf girls somehow.

Doesn't it fuck up your social limit, and losing too much causes bad things to happen?



>Doesn't it fuck up your social limit
Chummer, the worst you get from that is -2 to your limit, which you can just compensate with a nice suit and some Tailored Pheromones

>and losing too much causes bad things to happen?
Depends on what you mean by that
Reaching 0 ESS and below means you die
If you mean stuff like Cyberpsychosis? You need at least 5 ESS worth of ware AND the Antipathy quality. So if you don't act bad enough to deserve that quality you CAN'T get cyberpsychosis
Do you mean Superhuman Psychosis? That doesn't need ware

Not him, but I would love to try out the other editions. My group isn't agreeable to that. Which would you suggest though? If for no other reason than to let me dream.

The difference to your social limit only matters if you're a charisma 1 spud - in which case you weren't relying on charisma anyway.

>Doesn't it fuck up your social limit

Another thing that really only concerned specific archetypes (like Pornomancers) and even then you can still get cyber that gives you bonuses to your social skills that doesn't really eat into your Essence that much.

>losing too much causes bad things to happen?

Fluff-wise sure, but nothing really matters until you lose that last bit of brain stem and become a cyber zombie. At worse, your low-Essence means you are unable to really socialize and chances are your typical Street CHAD-urai was autistic in anything that didn't relate to his chosen method of mass murder.

5e is literally just a downgrade from 4e

So I should be fine starting off with a used quality smart link and datalink then eh, and then picking up some better shit once I get more funds just to make room for more augs?

-1, because it rounds up. To get -2 you would have to actually be dead.

Has the worst parts of 1e fixed, while not being 3e's "Spreadsheet and Granularity" Edition

The matrix rules are badly broken in every edition..

4e has less usable matrix rules than 5e does, but doesn't have the retarded case of $50k hacking ipads.

Fortunately 4e has good editing (the last couple books less so, everything from WAR! that isn't a gear splat is shit), and the matrix is actually playable if you use the Ends of the Matrix houserules which make hacking no more obtuse than the astral.

Super oldfags will recommend 3e, but it's a bit of a clusterfuck due to variable TNs with exploding dice meaning that a TN of 6n+1 is always superior to a TN of 6n or below.

It should also be noted that 3e and 4e differ significantly in flavor with the whole wireless drek.

Pardon my ignorance, what makes 4e the superior choice in this?

Knowing a little about 3rd, that sounds amazing.

>You need 1 hit for merging, passing, or making a sudden stop in a vehicle.
Only in combat, stunts, or other difficult situations. Regular driving is officially 'no dice' whether it's you or the pilot program running the show. Other times, RAW, unless they're skill rank unaware you politely tell the players to fuck off when they grab their dice.

Mundanes aren't fucked beyond repair, decking/hacking isn't fucked beyond repair, but it is still fucked. All the splats are out, the books are well edited and usable. No retarded arbitrary limits.


It's like they had an idea, then got scared of actually giving it any relevance at all.

Alright, this sounds amazing. I will grab up 2e and 4e and give them a proper look over.
>Ends of the Matrix houserules
I'll google this, if it requires more than a google please let me know, thanks for the tip!

It's not really a big deal unless you have 1s in all your social attributes, in which case your Limit would be trash anyway. >I'll google this, if it requires more than a google please let me know, thanks for the tip!

>Ends of the Matrix houserules
matrix houserules by a former freelancer

Some important questions:
Last session, my character took one for the team and got himself exploded while trying to stop a suicidal contact from blowing herself up with a grenade. We're both in the hospital, and the GM and I are having an important talk about the state of my body after burning that edge to not get gibbed for my troubles. Most importantly, there's no way around the fact my arm is gone now, which is a bit of trouble for a wizard.

One, I don't lose essence until I decide to get that stump replaced with a cyber limb, right? So long as I haven't put anything invasive and technological on my body, the soul still counts and whole even if the body does not, correct?

Two, if I get myself a completely mundane not-cyber-prosthetic, I understand that arm counts as a big fat "0" for averages on physical tests, but slapping some useless metal and plastic over a stump won't hit my essence so long as I'm not putting anything in me, right?

Yes to both counts. Keep in mind that if you've got the dosh for it, you can buy a replacement limb that won't cost you any Essence.

Thank you both!

>Most importantly, there's no way around the fact my arm is gone now, which is a bit of trouble for a wizard.
Yes, that's 80,000¥ for a 0 essence limb you could have spent elsewhere.

>if I get myself a completely mundane not-cyber-prosthetic
... then you have an enforced limit of 1 for hands/arms, or half walking speed / -1 run speed multiplier for legs/feet.

>No, she's a consenting adult
That's gay as fuck mate.

Question. I'm playing a character who, for a variety of reasons, is going to be making a lot of Edge rolls. Is there a mathematical formula somewhere that would tell me at what point it becomes better to spend Edge after the roll to reroll failures versus before the roll to add dice and explode 6's?

I have 6 edge, if it needs to know that.

Low dice pool = pre Edge
High dice pool = post Edge

Some things are hard for characters which have less logic than a dog, though, so keep that in mind.

Right, but I'm autistically hoping to get an exact number. Like, if higher than X use after, if lower than X use before.

There's a chart floating out there.

If 7/9s of your dice pool is greater than your edge, it would be better to reroll misses than push the limit. The additional 1/9 covers the exploding dice.

So in general reroll misses for your core skills and push the limit for your secondary and tertiary skills.
Exceptions would be when you need to remove the limit for a test, like firing a gun with a shitty accuracy.

Like the others have said, if you have the cash saved up you can get a cloned limb that will fix that stump without hurting your mojo, bro

>Suicide with a grenade
Jesus, that's fucking hardcore. What happened?

Also keep in mind that sometimes you want to pre-edge to break the limit on a test. Doesn't matter if you're chucking 21 dice when you can only use 3 hits max.

I won't. Non-sapient Logic != Sapient Logic.

According to...?

Alright, this is good. Although my game is 4e, and this appears to be referencing 5e. So, is there an appreciable difference in the Edge rules between editions? Besides the whole removing limits thing.

>not hauling ass from a horde of security hellhounds let loose after retrieving the data, almost out of ammo with cops on the way, then having to provide cover fire for the drekkhead who didnt put put an athletics spec into short distance sprinting.
>not busting out of the third floor window, making a sweet acrobatics check to minimize injury
>not having to then vault over a chain link fence at high speed as the corp-sec attempt to pick you off from the window with submachine gun fire.

Omae, your not just LARPing, right? You have been on a run before, right?

aside from the limits? not really

>sometimes you want to pre-edge to break the limit on a test
Pre-edge or post-edge bonus dice, both break limits. The latter does not give the rule of six to your base dice pool.

It's the more effective 'reroll all dice that didn't produce a hit' that does not affect limits.

Core rule book, omae. If you don't know that much, lurk more.

Cite it.