EDH/Commander General /edhg/

Waifu Edition 2 Redux: Continuing the Waifu Wars


>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface.

Thread Question: What deck or decks will you be working on once you get Ixalan cards in hand? Has Ixalan contributed anything to old favorites?

Other urls found in this thread:

magiccards.info/query?q=-o:{t} o:: o:put o:+1/+1 o:counters o:~ t:"creature" -c!wg&v=scan&s=cname

That new gaea's cradle card could work in my creature deck

Ashes of the Abhorrent is going to be great in Anafenza's Midrange Hatebears. 1W, shut off Flashback/Yawgwin, shut off NOoze, shut off Blood Artist wins.

I thought about trying to abuse Settle the Wreckage with Land Tax.

>Thread Question: What deck or decks will you be working on once you get Ixalan cards in hand?
Finally gonna start on Edgar Markov.

That's pretty cool but anafenza already shuts down blood artist wins no? Or am I misreading her?

She does, but she's a bit more expensive and vulnerable to creature removal. The point of the deck is to both have redundancies and also to penalize faster decks harder.

Think I'm gonna rebuild my old king macar deck with some vehicles and treasure

Also not all Blood Artist wins. She stops the Karador plan of Saffi/Karmic Guide/Reivillark, but not the Tazri plan.

I have one, the cars made it more funny but hes still shit and I doubt theyll ever put out a card that makes him actually good

She does for opponents' at least. I might consider running it in mine as a second copy of Grafdigger's Cage, though.

Did someone saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay waifu?

I'm putting together Dinosaurs, will add the "tap all creatures" Merfolk Wizard and maybe all 3 type changing enchantments to my Inalla deck (to maybe have a secondary, combo-less build based on "EVERYTHING'S A WIZARD!"), won't get anything new or fancy for my Kaalia Angel Tribal deck from it and might possibly use Vraska and Growing Rites of Itlimoc in my Atraxa deck.

How much would you pay, /edhg/?

'bout tree fiddy.

These aren't real, right? They're painted on the sleeve, right?

Fuck it, I'm posting undebatable best waifu and now we can stop discussing it.

Not 12,000 that's for sure.

>tfw you're a shop owner trying to cash in on a fad and instead end up having severely devaluing product because you misjudged the market, ultimately selling them for less than their previous value and being out the fee for the commissioned art

They're painful to see, but at least that moron got his due.

I want to be disciplined

Nope, they're real. They get posted in every other thread, to forever immortalize some retard's utter failure.

Either you knew this, and here's your (You), or you didn't, you sweet summer child you. At least now you know that no matter how hard you fuck up, there's always someone who's fucked up at least as hard as you did.

Unless you accidentally start a nuclear war or something.

>Braids is banned
>all that she does is make people sacrifice something every time it's their turn
>Sen Triplets isn't banned
>one person at the table can't have a turn, they have to reveal every card in their hand to everyone, and you can cast them as your own

How is this fair, why is faggot WotC always picking on black

Is there a creature in MTG that is not white or green that doesn't have to tap to give itself permanent +1/+1 counters?

>one person at the table can't have a turn

Are you a moron?


>retard that can't read card texts voices his opinion on which cards should be banned
Nothing new here, I see

The most they can do is put down a land faggot nigger

Quite a few, actually.


So that's a "yes" then.

>being this retarded

I was just joking you retards

magiccards.info/query?q=-o:{t} o:: o:put o:+1/+1 o:counters o:~ t:"creature" -c!wg&v=scan&s=cname

There are a few false positives, but this should cover it.

sure you were

You know, next time you can just stop posting. You'll make less of a fool of yourself.

ty, looking at all of those, clockwork dragon is probably what I'm looking for.

>I was only pretending to be retarded

no you werent

If if's an infinite mana thing, Ballista would probably do better.

I have ballista in the deck already. Still grateful for the suggestions.

Is there anything cool I can do with Eight and a Half Tails other then Circle of Protection: White?

Be infuriatingly immortal?

>why is faggot WotC always picking on black
Because we were too dank for them to handle.

We wuz Necropotence 'n shiet.

It's all pretty much going to be variations on the same theme.

There is Gideon's Defeat if your opponents attack a lot. It would be especially spicy on a isochron scepter.


You can do a meme exile permanents and land deck but it's not as good since Painter's Servant is banned in EDH

I run that type of deck in modern my friends hate it,

8.5 demands a boardwipe to get rid of and makes combat of any sort a nightmare, he makes stuff like equipment and auras fall off too.

As long as we're talking isochron targets & combat...

>want to make a deck with a hipster commander
>Tetsu Umezawa is $50

Earnest fellowship is both a super spicy card that doesn't work great with many other commanders, and also has a nice flavorful name that goes well with 8 1/2 tails' flavor



You can get an Italian one for like $30.
Hipsters love foreign garbage.

false dawn

build princess lucrezia then. I'm almost certain noone has attempted to build a deck with her.


EDHrec lists 9.

Are clone decks with Sakashima expensive to build?
How do you feel about them?

People I've played that stuff against online usually brought out the "no creativity, stop using my OC donut steel deck yourself and beating me with it!" whine.
I already have 4 decks but a Sakashima deck always seemed like the most varied, flexible and ever changing kind of deck possible.

clone decks bring out the most creativity in playstyle over deckbuilding

stealing your opponents infinite cancer, taking using your opponents strategy against them (locust god wheels), or just taking a goodstuff card cuteboy sakashima is a respectable commander
id rather see him being played over something basic and predictable like most of the top generals

sup handsome

Sakashima and ALL THE CLONES comes out inder $250 according to tappedout on mine, but that's pure cloning, no real theft.

I've literally never seen this card. Given how hard monowhite has it when it comes to carddraw, why don't people try this with Sun Titan and similar?

yeah it can get pretty expensive, also depends on what your side game is

I would probably do some ez include blue goodstuff card draw/counterspells + rift and skip out on the reverberate kind of effects and maybe a couple of walkers
im partial to my old waifu tamiyo before she was touched by sjw wizards, and the only jace I respect is architect of thought and twink jace

steal permanent effects could work too but then youre gonna need expensive mana rocks to get those fuckers out so personally I dont care for them

Because it exiles them, it doesn't put them in the graveyard

What should i do to the dragon precon's manabase?
I dont have that much dosh to spend, i'd be willing to spend around 65$ on just the manabase.
Also any cool cards i should add in? I have Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund in my binder

>tfw you guys lied to me and sakashima isnt actually a cuteboy

I mean might aswell just play this.

In a monowhite deck, that card basically gives you a nonland draw, which is usually much better than a simple draw and a 1/2.

Anyone have any advice for a budget Beckett Brass deck?
Focussing on treasures, theft, and a little bit of permanent sacrificing?

I'd rather not go the way of Conspiracy/Graft/Adaptation.

Playing cards for their "flavor" and "lore" is the definition of autistic.

try harder

Goblin War Drums, Fear, Wonder, Filth, Fervor, Hammer of Purphoros.

Playing cards is the definition of autistic.

Fucking this

Wizards stopped caring about lore 15 years ago you autistic literal faggots, build decks to win not for "flavor"

I already have Cover of Darkness and Levitation for evasion.
Could probably add Hammer of Purphoros and/or Anger for Haste.

Do you think I need that much more redundancy?
The deck isn't 100% attempting to use Beckett's ability.
That might itself not be optimal, but I wanted more of a pirate theme.

Question about aetherflux reservoir
>opponent has 70 life, I have 40
>he activates the ability to pay 50 life and deal 50 to me
>in response I activate tree of predition's effect making his life total 13
Does aetherflux kill him or does the ability fizzle due to him not having 50+ life anymore?


He paid 50 life to activate the ability, so that's already done by the time you activate tree. His new life total is 13 regardless of what it was before or after paying 50 life.

Hi there mister.

Can you pop the trunk for me? I need to check your car for jank

Neither, you're dead, his life total goes to 20 when he activates he ability, paying costs occurs instantly when he has priority, the 50 damage doesn't resolve instantly, but responding with the tree will only make him go from 20 to 13

>when you try to pull user over but forget your badge

Huff jank everyday

So what are the ten

I too win every game using labman

I have so many complex emotions about my MTG waifu. I should be disgusted that she's furbait, and I am a little, but... I care about other stuff more.

Is it that she's a ninja? That her title says 'servant'? Her crunch? That smoldering gaze?

I wish I knew the answer...

Blasphemous Act

Cyclonic Rift
Spell Swindle

Swords to Plowshares

Removal goes in every deck, same as ramp, but your ramp options get really wierd depending on your colors.

So something like... Stp, toxic deluge, cyclonic rift, vandalblast, nature's claim.

If you were building a 4 or 5 color deck I wouldn't necessarily pack it with 20+ pieces of removal, but it's a good baseline.

God Ink-Eyes is so fucking sexy

It exiles the lands and colorless stuff, but you recur the guy itself.

Fair point though. I guess it is nice that you don't need a sac outlet, but that's not crazy good. I do like the idea.

I think it's okay but not good enough, needs reveillark or sun Titan to be more than 3 mana draw 1, and if you have sun Titan or reveillark going there's better stuff you could be doing most likely

>quit playing in february
>saved money, having real hobbies
>getting the urge to play again

have any of you quit playing only to come back?

Would this card be decent in a Marchesa the Black Rose deck, it seems like it would fit in pretty well but I didn't see it on

Don't do it this game is an unbalanced mess of over priced retardation.

cyclonic rift
fact or fiction
clever impersonator
frantic search
pull from tomorrow
blue suns zenith
deadeye nav
dig through time
treasure cruise
supreme will
telling time

these go in every blue deck save for deadeye, blue sun/pull, telling time, and supreme will which are easy cuts

You're getting awfully upset over a card game

>tfw me and two other friends take up a bundle of hobbys but im the poor neet who cant really pay for anything

I play with found discs, only plat mtg on cockatrice with them, and can only play a few online games since my computer and internet is so ass, thankfully my friends are still cool with me

you missed stroke of genius.

meh stroke usually doesnt make the cut since this and a few more expensive/multicolored cards already give enough card draw


I mean, I understand not being able to afford magic because it really is a game that takes complete and total advantage of the diehard fanbase that will pay any price for the cards they print, but a DX line disc is like $8