Hey Veeky Forums I am currently DMing a Jojo's themed RP and was needing some help with a story or plot points or some big twist later one as I am not to sure where to take the plot at the moment, any help would be really appreciated
I have made and introduced the main villain to the group but I am unsure of how to make getting the players from point A to B interesting.
Jojo's RP
You gotta tell us a bit more than that.
What's currently going on? What's the villain like? What are the PCs like?
Always remember the most important rule: No one gets a Time Stand unless they're a villain. Or it's the clear end of the campaign and you need a way to being the BBEG timey bullshit.
pc's became stand users
guy who made them gathers them all
turns out he crazy
pcs run
they all decide to kill this crazy guy
main villian is " the man in the mask" his stand lets him move any object and distance but only in moonlight i.e hes terrable in the day
the pcs have been found and somwhat reqruted by "the agency" which is a non-law abiding organisation that hunts rogue stand users but the twist is, they are actually a power hungy faction that are using the pc's and when they meet the man in the mask they will find this out and have to make a choice, as for the panty
well theres a stand who can manipulate matter one how can make dewing needles one thats just crazy daimond (he doesnt watch/read jojo) and an ice themed stand (ice staking ect)
yeah i know unfortunatly one of the pc's doesnt know alot about jojo's and i had to settle for giving him what is basically crazy daimond, however i nerfed it slightly and whats BBEG?
I like the almost vampire thing from the BBE. Make sure to give anything he's involved in a dungeon vibe. He and his goons work in old subways, abandoned buildings, sewers.
Go away.
This is based on a Shonen Anime, BBEG's are kinda necessary.
Villains are, but tvtropish phrases like "big bad evil guy" aren't.
every thread you people shit it up with your >ugh bbeg crap.
A lot of fights in jojo are fights that make the characters travel, or the fights are during travels and the mode of transportation is factored in. Try adding some of this stuff. Examples that come to mind are the bike guy from part 4.. the dude that makes it so you can't descend in altitude from part 5. The fight aboard the train in part 5. The more crazy you get with the stand abilities the easier to make the journey from A to B memorable.
Do you read as well as watch the show? If not you totally should. Stands from part 5 particularly stand (pun intended) out to me as good examples for your predicament.
Manipulates matter how, because that's most of the universe at your fingertips there without limits or specifications.
We /sss/ now?
What is the most dramatic reveal you've made in a Jojo campaign?
This is a bit unrelated and I'm sorry for hijacking the thread for this, but I'd like to ask how this stand and it's ability sounds: It's a viking themed stand that's a close-range fighter like Star Platinum, with the ability to automatically sense and detect valuables. So for an example, it can detect a really full wallet or a silver watch and hone in on it, making it excellent and detecting people wearing valuables. The ability's range is about as big as the stand's manifesting range, so five meters. Pretty basic, but I think it could be used creatively.
It needs to have something it can do with valuables or be able to manipulate the meaning of "valuable", otherwise it's just Star Platinum with a glorified metal detector.
I was thinking it possibly "plunders" the valuable? So if it touches the valuable, it takes something from it as it's own. Like if it touches a silver wristwatch, it becomes as hard as silver, if it touches paper money it becomes paper-y and can fold itself, etc.
「All That Glitters」
>Power - A
>Speed - B
>Range - B
>Durability - B
>Precision - A
>Potential - C
Punchghost-type stand that looks like a bare-chested viking with an unparalleled physique. Can passively detect "valuables" out to a range of about 7 meters. Gold, money, etc. are considered valuables, but the "value" of an item is also determined by the user and those nearby the user resonates with; i.e. those similar to the user or with whom the user shares a bond. Therefore this ability would allow the user to sense a rare MTG card, a thumbdrive with sensitive information, or even an urn filled with a loved one's ashes. This can sense about 5-10 valuables at a time, but extremely valuable items will crowd out others, especially if they're considered valuable by all the user is "resonating" with. The Hope Diamond would crowd out a $5,000 Rolex, for example. This ability doesn't work on animals or people, unless they were made that way by another stand, ala「Golden Experience」.
The stand has the ability to "plunder" up to two valuables at a time by grabbing them. Since the stand is, well... a stand, it can phase through non-living objects to do so, such as a safe. Once an object is "plundered", it becomes a battle-ax that manifests on the stand's belt. This ax is part of the stand while manifested, and exhibits a property of the plundered valuable, which is no longer present. Owners of the plundered valuable can see the ax regardless of whether or not they are a stand user. While the valuable is "plundered", the stand (and by proxy the user) can also inherit the quality that was "plundered". If the stand plunders two valuables simultaneously, it can combine plundered properties.
The ax(es) extend the stand's reach slightly, but can also be thrown to imbue another object or living thing with the blundered property. This lasts until the ax is removed, or it is dispelled by the user. When an ax is dispelled, it transforms back into the valuable.
Woah, this is really good, thank you! I was considering maybe writing up a fan part and this was the idea I had for the main character's stand. Thank you, this is something great to work with.
Thanks bro, I appreciate it. Any other stand ideas you got? That was a lot of fun.
Also, you might consider a few things:
>Someone aware of the stand (but not necessarily the user) might stuff a particular valuable in a bag filled with dirt and worms/ants, making the valuable un-"plunderable". Speaking of, you should probably decide somewhat early on if plants count as "living things" or not.
>The Crazy Diamond effect is in play here, so even though a loved one is is a living thing, if they suddenly STOP being a living thing, they can be affected by the stand's ability. What happens if the MC's mom, girlfriend, son, etc. goes missing, and a few days later he sees their head stuffed in a suitcase of a man walking past the cafe the gang is meeting at.
>The ax(es) should probably have to be either be held by the stand or user, be embedded in something/one, or be in the process of being thrown in order to manifest as an ax and not as the valuable. You should also probably put a either a size or component cap on the plundered object, lest the MC just "plunder" a Lamborghini.
I've got this one called Don't Stop Me Now. Basically, the stand lets the user go in a perpetual motion: nothing can stop them once they set out to run. They could run through a wall of solid steel while using the stand, and they tire a lot slower than normal. The problem of the stand comes from that it doesn't protect the user: Sure, they can run through a steel wall, but their body will obviously get hurt due to the impact.
「Don't Stop Me Now」
>Power - E
>Speed - None
>Range - A
>Durability - C
>Precision - A
>Potential - E
「Don't Stop Me Now」is a small metal winding key that the user can manifest in their hand, about three inches tall and six inches wide. Once placed on a living thing or an object, the user is innately aware of the target's speed at any time from any distance. At any point the user can activate or deactivate the ability of the stand instantly, or un-manifest the stand so long as its ability is not active. While the stand's ability is active, it spins slowly, much like wind-up toy. People do not feel the stand when it is placed on them, nor can they see it if they are not a stand user. They can, however, hear a faint clicking noise.
When the stand's ability activates, the target maintains their current velocity and trajectory, and cannot be diverted, slowed, or accelerated. the target, even if they are the stand user, is not immune to the consequences of such movement. Note that the stand only preserves the velocity, not the acceleration. For example, you could jump off a building and activate the ability right away, so rather than constantly accelerating to terminal velocity, you'd fall at a relatively leisurely pace of 10 feet per second. Just remember to de-activate the ability or you'll be crushed into the pavement at the leisurely pace of 10 feet per second as well. There is a very soft upper limit on the size of the target, so while you can't just plant the stand into the earth to knock it out of orbit, you could plant it on a car to cause a crash, or to keep it from accelerating during a tense chase. A solid punch could knock the stand off, but since it is a stand, another stand would have to do it, not an impact or person. Of course, if the part the stand is attached to is no longer attached to the full target, then the stand's abilities would no longer affect the full target.